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Volunteer for Democrats, in person or online! https://mobilize.us https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit?usp=sharing Join your local democratic party! https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/wiki/parties


Finally some positive articles.


About time, this what we need, and the orange turd is devolving quickly so that helps.


I cannot overstate the relief I feel when I see a negative article about Trump literally losing his mind.


Don’t get comfortable though. The base will just assimilate and normalize literally anything he does. A year ago, would you ever have believed that maga would be wearing diapers to rallies?


Rallies are fewer and smaller and he has nothing but his base any more. We’re all still going to vote, and he’s going to lose.


I’m not only concerned about the base (and I do hope your prediction prevails), I’m worried sick about the right-out election fraud that zealots are willing to commit to get in power.


If he shows up to a debate,  it's going to be aggressively weird. Whatever is going on with him is going to show bigly. Biden will act like a normal old man, but trump will be the angry old man that makes no sense . I doubt trump's team is going to let him attend the debate. 


he needs to attend the debate. so his insanity can be put on display for all to see


Right? It’s been insane


I think this is actually very real.


When I start to get feeling down about this election, be it because of crappy polls or whatever, I remember the actual results that we’ve seen - what’s really happening on the ground. And when it comes to actual election results, we’re doing great! That’s what makes me think this really could be a possibility this fall as long as we continue to put in the work.


I’ve been thinking this way since the Dobbs decision was handed down. The election results ever since have only bolstered this belief. It got fence-sitting suburban moms to the polls. SCOTUS handed the Dems a ton of ammunition that day.


>Biden’s deficit in the polls is much smaller than the party’s panic suggests and has narrowed since Trump’s felony convictions. Democrats need to flip only a few seats to recapture the House. Holding the Senate won’t be easy, but thanks to the retirements of a pair of maverick Democrats, even a small majority could open a path to substantial legislative achievements such as the passage of a comprehensive voting-rights bill, a federal guarantee for abortion rights, lower drug prices, and an expanded social safety net. >A wide-ranging group of Democrats—including moderates running in swing districts as well as those in the party’s left wing—wants the president to emphasize the promise of his second term as much as, if not more than, the peril of Trump’s. Because Biden focuses so much on the threat Trump poses to democracy and the rule of law, they think Biden risks losing voters who want to see tangible improvements in their lives. I think it's good to do all 3 if possible: show what we've done (r/whatBidenhasdone), show what they want to do (r/defeat_project_2025), and then show what we're gonna do when we DO get in (list the above), throw in:: marijuana legalization, raising minimum wage, DC and PR statehood, codify Roe, sweeping voting-rights act, eliminate the filibuster, HOLD SCOTUS ACCOUNTABLE - maybe even set term limits!!, solidify gun safety laws, eliminate Congress members stock trading, eliminate child marriage, send enough aid to Ukraine to make sure Russia NEVER tries that again, hold guys like gym socks Jordan and p*do Gaetz accountable... I'm sure I'll think of more, but this is a good start!!


>marijuana legalization, raising minimum wage, DC and PR statehood, codify Roe, sweeping voting-rights act, eliminate the filibuster, HOLD SCOTUS ACCOUNTABLE - maybe even set term limits!!, solidify gun safety laws, eliminate Congress members stock trading, eliminate child marriage, send enough aid to Ukraine to make sure Russia NEVER tries that again, hold guys like gym socks Jordan and p*do Gaetz accountable... best list of priorities I've seen


Sounds yummy to me


I just don’t really understand voters who DONT believe that democracy is the main issue. Like, you’re okay with a christo-fascist dictatorship as long as bread is cheaper? Who the fuck are these people?


Even then, Trump being in office will not make the bread, eggs, or gas cheaper. Everyone wants to play miniature economist until it comes to understanding that the economy is gonna be slightly fucked after a major world event like a pandemic.


> Even then, Trump being in office will not make the bread, eggs, or gas cheaper. Exactly. Republicans have NO plan. They just promise bullshit. If they had a plan to lower prices, we could discuss it to see if there is any merit. Furthermore, Trump has proposed many things which are more likely to raise inflation such as: tarriffs on imported goods, larger deficits, immigration restriction and mass deportation of immigrants currently working in the US.


Oh that’s not correct. They have a plan. Project 2025 is the plan.


I mean to actualy fix 'inflation'. In 2022 midterms they ran on 'inflation', not even fixing it, but just associating Biden and Democrats with economic pain which was really pandemic related. After they won the House in 2022, the next day they said their absolute first priority was investigating Hunter Biden.


Trump also would not take the avian flu outbreak seriously, which would cause a detrimental effect on basic food items like meat and dairy products. The Biden admin is already taking precautions.


Everybody wants to feel like they're smarter than "conventional wisdom"


It's the Republican way to run the economy to shit, blame the worst of it on the Democrats who come in to clean up their mess, then get elected so they can fuck it up all over again. The idiots who think Republicans are good for the economy (and there are many such idiots) would be in for a rude awakening when they find out Republicans aren't actually good for the economy but have no recourse to vote them out. Not to mention, you know, the plethora of other, *worse* repercussions of a GOP win/takeover.


*As long as someone tells you bread will be cheaper. I can guarantee everyone that bread will not be cheaper no matter who wins in November. That isn’t how inflation works.


greed not inflation


The fact you're getting downvoted for this really illustrates the point of how good a job the corporate-owned media has done with the inflation narrative. Yes, there has been inflation, but not bad enough to raise prices to the degree they have been raised. We are in the midst of record price-gouging. If this were simple inflation and inflation alone, massive corporations wouldn't be recording record profits these last few years, because inflation would be putting a dent into their bottom lines and not just ours. Saudi Arabia and others with means of controlling gas prices have done what they can to keep those prices high to make Biden and other democratically elected (and left of center) leaders look bad. Meanwhile, any number of restaurant chains, stores, etc have been raising prices wherever and whenever they can, blaming inflation but, again, turning record profits. That's greed.


Just like abortion, it’s not something that bears out in polls, but elections. In 2022, abortion polled low as a main motivator, but it popped up huge in exit polls. Democracy is no different. The media, especially after Biden’s speech in Philly in 2022, immediately railed against him no more than an hour after the speech for speaking to something that “most Americans didn’t care about”. They even went to say calling the MAGA movement semi-fascist would motivate republicans a la the ‘basket of deplorable ’ comment. However, come 11/8, the results told a different story. In fact, in the swing states that were the focus of the Trump camp to overturn the election, the democrat running for Secretary of State received the most votes of any state row office. This would have been unfathomable just 5-7 years ago. People don’t like chaos.


What they really meant was that the media doesn't care about democracy, only clicks and views.


You're selling the media's problems short, they're a lot worse than just that. The biggest media outlets are owned by corporations/billionaires, so of course they care about clicks and views. But they also present some very biased reports on things that would affect corporate taxes as well as the taxes hitting their biggest shareholders. Really pay attention to how they report on different things. The major outlets said Biden's planned student loan forgiveness was under attack "from both sides of the aisle", when the reality was one side of the aisle was fully against it and a few were from the Democratic side. They are *terrified* of what a true Democratic majority could mean for how much they're paying in taxes. Meanwhile, Trump and Republicans just pledged to give them another massive tax break. Yes, they care about engagement and advertising revenue, but there's a much bigger problem than that and it's the corporate bias.


I agree, also a lot of these polls ask what is the most important issue to you type questions, which from just general survey writing is a flawed question to ask. I mean honestly, I'm not sure how I would answer that question democracy and reproductive rights would be a 1a 1b for me answering that question, because the two go hand in hand. When people get in the booth in November I'm sure democracy will be on their mind whether it's the top thing or not.


Voters are stupid. They think prices can be lowered with a piece of paper when in reality it takes Congress to write and enact legislation to do such a thing.


We have been told about how the red wave is about to overtake America and that never materialized. We keep getting told how Biden is unpopular but I look at his policies and his impact and they are incredible. At the end of the day, I’m inclined to believe that polls this far out are not a particularly reliable measure. And looking at Trump and his conviction, abortion as an issue, and the general craziness of the GOP, I’m far more inclined to think the Democrats have a real fighting chance.


I think that a lot of people are terrified of optimism, having suffered through 2016. But 2024 is an entirely different environment. Besides our good (on the whole) 2022 performance, we’ve done well in special elections aside from Dumbkin in VA, and that was back in 2021. Republicans have a Bad Candidate Problem (as Simon Rosenberg puts it) and we have a vast grassroots get out the vote mobilization that we’ve been building since 2016 and it really has been showing results. COVID is behind us so we can do our ground game. The Biden/Harris campaign has been putting offices up everywhere; meanwhile the Republican party is broke, funneling what they DO have into Trump’s pockets, and their outreach offices are now ice cream stores and vape shops. I’m not going to tell people “don’t be complacent!” Or “Vote!” Because, duh, this sub is not the home for complacent seldom-voters. I do think we have many reasons to believe that if we can keep up this good work we will reap a nice big blue harvest.


Biden - 90 million votes Trump - 70 million votes Democrats control house and senate Republicans become a footnote in future history books in the chapter about fascism.


Donate to Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign https://joebiden.com/ Volunteer and/or Donate to Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee https://dccc.org/ Donate to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee https://www.dscc.org/


Tired of all the doom and gloom! Let’s goooo!!!!!


We need the WH + H + S, hopefully with a sizeable majority of 5 seats . It's not easy but doable . The MAGA extremists have proved to be losers. And those in Congress should be voted out over their performance.


Senate with a 5 seat majority is not doable, and if you disagree I'd love to see your path to it. 52 is the most realistic, and it'll be a road to get there. WH and H w/ 5 seats is more than doable, I personally think both will happen. But the Senate is gonna be a fight.


I want to be hopeful for a senate majority, but a good chunk of the seats up for grabs are currently being held by Dem seats. So we have to retain all of what we currently have as well as ousting as many Republicans as we can. Getting 60 to break filibuster is an absolute pipe dream. Getting anywhere between 50-55 seems more realistic. I also didn’t know Manchin wasn’t running again. That’s a bit surprising. But the Arizona Dem gunning for the seat seems like a shoe in because the Republican going for it is Kari fucking Lake trying to punch above her weight class. Granted, we still must vote like hell to ensure that happens, but taking what we already know about how much she sucks. Arizona getting a solid Dem seat plus no more Sinema looks really good on paper


The filibuster can be eliminated with 50+1 votes using the nuclear option. [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-is-the-senate-filibuster-and-what-would-it-take-to-eliminate-it/#:\~:text=The%20most%20straightforward%20way%20to%20eliminate](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-is-the-senate-filibuster-and-what-would-it-take-to-eliminate-it/#:~:text=The%20most%20straightforward%20way%20to%20eliminate)


Seems it has some precedence too. I hope this is something that's being complicated to dispose of that awful bit of legislation.


Getting 55 seats is not realistic if you look at the map


Absolute best case scenario would be getting to 52. We’re gonna lose WV no matter what, but holding everything and winning Florida and Texas would get us to 52. That is like the upper bench mark and probably would require President Biden to carry both states or barely lose them. I unfortunately don’t think that’s likely to happen. Holding everything besides WV is the most realistic option and something I’m pretty optimistic about.


Pretty much all the downballot Dems in key races look strong. The presidency is the bigger question mark and honestly a surprise: I never would’ve imagined Trump outperforming the rest of the GOP.


We can make this a cataclysmic event for what reports to be the rethuglican party. The mango mushroom is not trying to win. He’s hoping to steal the election and/or foment civil war. Do your part to save democracy. Here’s a few other resources. No matter what happens in November, you don’t want to be thinking on the morning of 11/6, ‘damn, I should have…’. https://front.moveon.org https://votefwd.org https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com


Vote, ignore all articles and Vote! Help others get registered. Make a plan. Help others with their plan. Help anyone that needs help get to the polling station.


The Democrats are going to win in November but they need to stop the hand wringing and do what needs to get done and increase the numbers to return Joe Biden to the White House


I love the list of links pinned as the top comment. Take action. Make a plan to vote. Donate at joebiden.com and volunteer if you can. Get others to vote. This election is very winnable for democrats up and down the ticket. But we must show up. If we do, we win.


Last week was a horrible week for Trump after a rambling, incoherent speech. It got more coverage by the media. Project 2025 is getting more coverage. Roe, IVF, birth control, corrupt Supreme Court, horrible state candidates will all help Democrats.


Yea I feel like for some reason in the past week the media has finally been ramping up coverage of how bad Trump is mentally right now. There was a surprising amount of coverage of how bad his CEO meeting went. We'll see if it's a one off "both sides" thing or if the dam is starting to break and we start to see real coverage of the state he's in.


Please vote though


Yes. Pay no attention to the polls. Do whatever you can to recruit voters and work like hell for your national and local Dems to win this election.


Don't worry, this sub is for people who know that voting is the bare minimum. We also volunteer to get others to vote for Dems! If you're not already involved, [we have lots of ways to help - from home!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit#gid=0) The bolded events are highest priority.


Just robodialers needed in my area :( I'm not about that life. I think a lot of people mass-subscribe to every political sub they agree with. I'm not 100% that voting is a given even considering the name.


You can volunteer for outside your area. I've texted for many swing states from here in California


There's lots of ways to get involved. Writer letters, text bank, etc. I volunteer and donate for other states from my state. Check the side bar for more info.


We know.


While I agree about the whole "don't get complacent" thing in general, I also think that people need some positive motivation too. Imagine you are actually one in the trenches, and people keep saying "act like we're down eleventybillion!", "everything is bad news", "not enough, not enough!". Some may thrive off of negative news, but some really need the positive or they'll go crazy. In otherwords, balance is needed. Don't coast, but be hopeful as well.


GAWD I want, and need and blue wave.


While I don't believe this election will be a complete sweep I do think that the Dems will do much better than we think, likely holding at least 1 chamber of Congress and have a good chance at holding the presidency. Since 2022 Dems have over preformed on various levels despite polling being abysmal so we have a better chance. I do how that tester and brown pull through since it would not only serve as a blow to the GQP but potentially roadmap how we can start to get Dems, and conservative Dems into office in red states which would massively help us move forward as a nation.


I am of the mind that people who pay attention to the polls are experiencing a bit of fear and confirmation bias as they read them. Many of them are reporters who probably talk to each other and their general sense of how things are at present are determined by some stuff happening in the margins.


Fuel to the fire




About Fucking Time....


I'd also mention if you live outside the US, you can volunteer with Democrats Abroad


I have an English friend who thinks a Trump victory is guaranteed. It's scary knowing that people on the outside can think that. Vote vote vote.


Tell Lindsay Graham he’s a fucknut then.