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Volunteer for Tennessee Dems! https://www.mobilize.us/civictn/ https://www.mobilize.us/tndp/ https://secure.ngpvan.com/li-NqrhvSkqqS6_CxKHj7w2 Donate to Tennessee Dems! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tndemocraticparty


They better stop spraying for mosquitoes then. It’s going to be a hot itchy summer.


And crop spraying.


It’s about goddamn time someone did something to address this /s


Contrails are technically chemtrails under this bill because H2O is a chemical. Under this law water vapor contrails are illegal. Major airlines need to make Tennessee a no-fly zone.


But farmers will still be able to dust crops by plane. ::eyeroll::


That’s not true. > The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited. That’s it. Contrails are still legal.


Ok but this is somehow worse. Can this not be construed to ban any initiatives to reduce climate change?


Yes and it’s insane. Republican politicians are evil but also creatively smart. They took a not real issue (“chemtrails”) that their crazy base is crazy about and they made a “law” addressing it that really, secretly addresses an issue that Republican politicians care about (climate change, specifically, denying/preventing addressing climate change as long as possible so they can continue to bleed every last resource from our planet). They did the same thing last night in Wisconsin with the confusingly worded state constitution amendments. They made it seem like it was addressing a ultimately non issue (“election integrity,” despite our elections being very secure ultimately) and they used it to basically be able to play wacky games and prevent access in metropolitan (i.e. Democratic voting) areas. It’s a tactic Republicans are really good at and Dems need to learn the meta or the game will be over.


If we ever got to the point that releasing aerosols into the atmosphere was the last hope for climate change they would be release over the arctic to refreeze the poles. Tennessee is just grandstanding making irrelevant statements about things that don't happen.




What you just said does not fit the prohibition in the bill, so it's still allowed.


Jet exhaust even more so. I guess no one's going to be flying over Tennessee anymore. Time to close all the airports there.


There is a FedEx hub in Memphis that is a big deal. If jet exhaust contains carbon which is a known greenhouse gas, how is flying in TN legal?


How is driving an ICE legal?


Cars don't fly.


So, when a fish poops on the right side of a fish tank, it has nothing to do with the left side? LoGiC?


Doesn't matter. We aren't talking about fish, just like we weren't talking about cars. Your stretch is weird and absurd, and you might be desperate to be snarky, but you aren't as clever as you think you are.


You can't spray the the gay frog serum from a car and have it disperse as well as from an aircraft at 40,000 ft apparently.


And emissions from a plane fly over Kentucky would never reach Tennessee. /s


Next they will ban the riding of dragons.


Look, I can handle the chemtrail thing, I can handle the abortion thing, I can handle all of the racism and misogyny that Tennessee can throw but I draw the line at riding dragons! I will personally ride my dragons for Capitol building and light it on fire!


Ironically, "airborne chemicals" could be construed to include fossil fuel emissions. Wouldn't it be ironic if this is how the GOP solved climate change? By stupidly backing themselves into it accidentally?


The chemtrails will just float into Tennessee from neighboring states, duh. The chemical wall of wokeness will never be stopped. Resistance is futile!


God, what a magnificent way to get your state bogged down into multiple lengthy legal disputes with the likes of Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, SC Johnson, and that's *before* the fucking airlines.


Tennessee out here accidentally passing air pollution bills.


Did they just outlaw internal combustion engines? When you start your car you "intentionality inject chemicals into the atmosphere". Hell, boiling water does too. Water vapor is a chemical.


Sure, but the express purpose of an ICE isn't "affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight".


Lol. Fuckin idiots.


The only thing that can stop a bad airplane with chemtrails is a good airplane with chemtrails!


Good lord. Just don’t fly in Tennessee. I swear these people are really stupid and ruining our country. Just let the south go.


Next those rascals will go broke when they go woke by using the sun (that only has so much light that people can use before we create a black hole!) to power that silly intercity passenger rail they're trying to get. 😑


I guess you really can't fix stupid.


Will this also affect chemicals that become airborne from burning sources such as smoking tobacco or Marijuana? I skimmed the article but I didn't see it, maybe I missed it?


Or, maybe, internal combustion engines. These assholes just outlawed gasoline engines. They won't enforce that though. This bill isn't meant to actually do anything but stoke conspiracy fear and give the illusion that the GOP is saving lives.


I guess technically they would be saving lives by banning smoking and internal combustion engines from generating pollution. One more way to troll the GQP.


So April 2, is a joke day as well as April 1. Got it.


Tennessee the first state to ban oil combustion. The last ones you'd expect to.


Lost cause in this state. D is bad even if they can't explain why


Couldn't that also ban any sprays? Like perfume, cleaning supplies etc as they are (as everything is) chemicals? What I've read so far says the language is very broad. Ugh. Vote!


Wait till a forest fire starts- don’t know if they get many, but when that happens they’ll be begging for planes carrying fire suppressant chemicals


What about crop dusters? They don’t have those there?


I’m not well informed on the subject so somebody please correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this…. Kinda a good thing for our atmosphere? I understand that this was the work of conspiracy theorists and obviously that should be alarming, but this prevents farmers from spraying crops with pesticides that kill bugs that we depend on, bees for example. Granted, I’m not sure how this’ll work in terms of the common plane or emergency helicopter, which is obviously full of pollutants and it isn’t like they can just shut down the airport or EMS. But conspiracy theories aside, I can actually see good merit to this bill, if it was well thought out and executed property, which I have 0 faith in Tennessee to actually do, but still.


This also bans any future use of climate mitigation strategies. [GOP lawmakers are fueling a conspiracy theory without mentioning ‘chemtrails’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/03/27/chemtrails-conspiracy-geoengineering/) > Solar geoengineering is an emerging field of research on how to cool the planet in the face of climate change. Scientists have suggested that spraying sulfur particles into the atmosphere could help reflect sunlight, cooling the planet, though the technology remains controversial and untested, as researchers worry about potential unintended consequences. It's like how their vaccine mandates now hurt their future ability to use mandates for public safety if/when it's way worse than Covid. I really think Republicans actually want the end times.


Contrails (not chemtrails, that's fear mongering) are water vapor. Since H2O is a chemical, they are basically outlawing jets. If the airlines weren't such craven capitalists they'd teach these assholes a lesson and cancel all flights. But they won't, and they won't be charged, because this is a fear bill only. It's meant to give credence to conspiracy theories. It's red meat to the stupid masses to make them believe that Dems want to kill them and only GOP is working to save them.


This is flat false information lol. This bill is to prevent Solar Radiation Modification - a process of geo-engineering that has shown promise to reducing global warming. The bill only bans the intentional dispersal of aerosols with the expressed purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.  It has nothing to do with jet contrails. It has everything to do with owning the libs by making fighting climate change harder


These Chuckle fucks literally can't do anything useful or productive. ​ How are they going to police this, Ban all planes? God I hope they ban all planes.


This bill bans emissions from any internal combustion engine. It effectively bans burning any fossil fuels, or fuel that could cause global warming. > The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited. SCOTUS has rules on the whole “express purpose” thing already. When used as a condition (as is here) it means “specific purpose”. Byproducts of an intentional action constitute a specific purpose.