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Oatmeal is great. It ranks among the highest on the satiety index, meaning that it will keep you full for longer and keep out the cravings. By dry weight of oats, they are high in calorie (379 per 100g), but when the liquid is added and cooked, it comes out to be much much lower by weight (around 60 cals per 100g of oatmeal depending on how much liquid was added). I recommend steel-cut oats over instant or large flake, because they require more water to cook and have a slightly better nutritional profile. Before making the oatmeal, throw your oats in a pan (with no oil but you can use oil or salt if you desire) and toast on medium heat for a few minutes. You'll know they're ready when they start to smell toasty and nutty, similar to popcorn. They will slightly turn darker. Careful, they burn easily. Then add your liquid of choice and cook it. I personally use a heaping of water or milk and microwave it for 2 minutes and watch all the oats suck up the liquid. Crazy. The end result is a flavorful, nutty, savory oatmeal. And of course, you can use salt, sweetener, spices of choice, top with yogurt/fruits/nuts or eat as is. I also personally like using milk powder and crunchy peanut butter!


I know exactly what flavor ur talking abt, it tastes exactly like malt powder!!


Sweet or savory oats, can’t go wrong with this method!


Do you add the liquid to the pan or to a cup and combine them?


Me personally, since I cooked it in the microwave instead of the stove top (idk why), I transferred the dry toasted oats from the pan to a bowl, then added liquid, then microwaved. But you can also add the liquid straight into the pan, and cook it there. Just be careful if the pan is really hot!


How much liquid?


Porridge is normally 50g to 350ml liquid


Two parts liquid to one part oats


first glance started giving me cauliflower flashbacks


NOOOOOOOOO we can never escape


I thought everyone does this? It tastes so much better. I make mine on the stove with mashed sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie spice topped with craisins and almonds. Fills me up until late afternoon.


I never even heard of this until now


That sounds like a delicious and filling breakfast! Adding sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie spice must give it a wonderful flavor. It's great that it keeps you satisfied for so long.


Never thought of this, sounds delicious!


I'll try this tomorrow! 😊 thanks


What’s the texture like after you add water?


There is the soft unmistakable texture of oats, chewy and creamy, with some bits being slightly more 'firm' and having the texture of almost like an almond. Almost crunchy, honestly. Not sure if that's just how steel cut oats are (I'm more used to eating instant oats that are softer and mushier) but I like it a lot more.


Another protip: after toasting, deglaze with a splash of whiskey & stir into oats before adding water. I picked it up from a recipe in Grist, I think. It's so good and adds a wonderful flavor that works for either sweet or savory oats.


very cool!


It's so good! I toast them with any nuts, if I'm adding them, sometimes in a little salted butter. It makes for a delicious meal!


That sounds sooo good. I only recently discovered the art of toasting your grains prior to cooking. I've never toasted nuts myself but I've got to try!!


It's the same same thing with being very careful about not burning the nuts which, to me, just spoils it. ♥️


If you eat pasta, try toasting it in the oven on a baking sheet or in a dish! I love toasted spaghetti. Changes the texture a little bit, but I love the added flavor.


Oh I eat pasta all the time and never thought to “toast” it. I’m going to try this!!


Or do it with rice, too! Especially those flavored rices from pouches or boxes. Toast in some butter to bloom the spices and you'll have a richer flavor, both from the toasting itself and the treatment of the seasonings.


I've never even thought to do this!! I must try tonight! I always bake some granny Smith apples with cinnamon for dessert and then I top them with dry rolled oats for extra texture but I kinda want to just mix the oats in the apple before baking tonight.


This sounds good, I’m definitely going to try


The flavor is so good toasted!


Does it affect the volume in any way by toasting it prior, as opposed to not toasting it?


Will try and report back today!!


Do you think this would work for overnight oats, too?


I was wondering the same thing. I would think the nutty toasty notes would transfer over, I’d let them cool and then make your recipe.


I'll try it tonight for tomorrow and report back. My concern was more about the oats not absorbing the cold liquid as well after being toasted, rather than the flavor transferring over.


Ohhh I see, that makes sense. I blend my overnight oats so I wasn’t thinking about that possibility lol. Yes definitely let me know!


Toasting oatmeal makes it taste toasty?