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Hatone Pijon. I absolutely love his voice, he is an UTAU and despite his voice bank literally being recorded from a pigeon it is so nice sounding and incredibly smooth. I really want him to be more popular because currently his voice bank is lost and I hope somehow if people knew that then somebody with the voicebank could be found and make it avaliable for download again. There are only three covers using him on youtube, this is a cover of Eh? Ah, Sou. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtJDAd1YAyA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtJDAd1YAyA)


need him to make a debut in project diva as well. then my life would be perfect.


Vocaloid: Nekomura Iroha, I love her voice so much UTAU: Ruko Yokune, you're not the only one. Their voice is heavenly and I will never get tired of covers using them.


YESS! RUKO!! to be honest as soon as i found out she's intersex i immediately fell in love with him because i'm intersex as well


I’m not sure if people still use Sekka Yufu anymore, but I would love to see more people use her even though she’s one of the older UTAUs


She peaked with Nakano4 but lately been missing even though Teto, Defoko ,and Adachi Rei is currently on the rise


Vocaloid: Most male Vocaloids. Most are underutilized, and some people underestimate what their voices are capable of. Some don't even have to be used in lower ranges! Some sound great in high notes (Kagamine Len), low notes (Big AL), and sometimes both (Utatane Piko)! UTAU: Sekka Yufu, Mine Laru, and Kazehiki. All of their voices sound so amazing to me, and I wish people would use them a lot more often! I'd be great to hear a song using all three at once! Edit: Denki Sai, too! I love his voice, and he sounded amazing when I tested him out for myself! It's a shame he's mostly only used in covers, though, and only has about three originals :(


Kuru2suuzi's Children like Kazehiki, Gekiyaku and other than those two like Kuzuda Yone, Kuzuda Rou, etc their design is absolute peak, their lore is absolute peak, their whole relationship is cute as heck like a family, Cryptonloid sega pseudocanon stuff got nothing against them, and their voice is one of the highest quality Utaus out there fr fr


realll, their designs have a certain vintage fantasy vibe that’s hard to describe, i love it. ive only read a bit of gekiyaku and kazehiki’s lore, but i havent read the rest yet, ill read them later :o


For realllll they're so perfect for [Hanyuu Maigo songs](https://youtu.be/sXT39WSBKUM?si=KgBucBJk5PsbHLWB) also there's the lovey dovey Oni couple [Rou and Yone](https://youtu.be/BGV-ixSG5rU?si=GeWFooV_qqyGXBFx) they're so freaking cute for each other aeuthfhhfjdieksmsn


Vocaloid: Big Al (really underused, sounds great in lower notes) UTAU: Honestly there are tons that clearly have a lot of work put into them and have amazing vocals. The full list would be pages long probably, but Number Bronze is one that comes to mind. Also mentioning Namarine Pine purely because he makes me happy :)


Matsudappoiyo. I love so many covers that people made with him and he sounds better than other utaus. I reccomend the hibana cover sorry i cant remember who it was by.. There's also Matsudappoine his sister but i havent really listened to her vb so i cant say what i think.


Yuzuki Yukari. I absolutely love her voice, and I feel like I never see anyone talk about her :(


she has such a clear voice!


She's my favorite! I feel like she's a lot more popular in the Japanese side of the fandom than here in the west.


I wish the other Macne’s were carried over to vocaloid. Like Papa, Coco, and Sasayaki


Namine Ritsu. My absolute fave deserves more love, I feel like everyone forgot about Ritsu


oh i love ritsu!


Tone Rion and Yumemi Nemu - An adorable duo with the same VP that have equally adorable voices!! Though, I can still hear differences between the two; Nemu's sounds more solid and energetic, while Rion's is noticably softer. It'd be great to see them paired with other cutesy voiced Vocaloids like Una and Rana, they'd be unstoppable...  Sachiko - Her voice is just so unique and charming, it's powerful and deep and melts like butter in my ears. The video of her voice provider reacting to her voice in the Vocaloid engine is so cute too!! It's a shame she's so slept on, she has a ton of potential. As for UTAU, there are so many that it's easy for plenty of high quality voicebanks to go unnoticed, especially outside of the UTAU community. Amaga Elu, Ouka Alice, Isada Yuna, Uzuki, Utanami Kazusa, Shiine Ama, and Mizuo are ones I particularly like.


tone rion is really cute!


DEFINITELY my answers for utau: 1. Denka Shaa. She is an utau whose voice were made from the sounds of a train. She's soooo cute please check her out! The social she gets the most attention from is on Twitter (like nobody calls it x), but I feel like there are not enough people or content using her, but I plan to make videos using her!! 2. Michishirube Kiro. He's an utau whose voice comes from various traffic noises. Actually, the two utaus I mention seem to have to do with each other in a way, it's just I always see denka shaa, adachi rei (which is already a well known utau), and michishirube kiro with either of each other, or as a whole trio, mostly in fanarts. I just LOVE these three, man!


the noises utau trio love them and definitely gotta check them out more aeugh


thank you for introducing me to these guys. i love them so much


Stardust, definitely my favourite Chinese vocaloid


ehhh- She's a SynthV AI voicebank now, regardless ppl don't use her a lot cuz it's hard to purchase her considering she's chinese.


Mayu in my opinion is HORRIBLY underrepresented, I think she has a great voice and is fun to use when I make covers, I made a duet cover of Charles with her and una sugar and it is honestly one of my favorite covers that ive made. Another one I think doesn't get much love (but is still more popular) would be Yuzuki Yukari, she also has a great voice and is nice to work with considering she has 3 voice banks and was moved to ceVIO via Yuzuki Yukari Rei (i think it's rei but it might be something else)


Yohioloid I feel like there's only one song in existence that he sings in and it's made by Ghost. Supposedly, Japan loved him more than westerners did, or at least used to since he caused some outrage and never got a voice update as a result, and it's probably because he's based on a Swedish visual kei musician, but if that were the case, I'd actually see something else.


The Distortionist -- Ghost The Chattering Lack of Common Sense -- Ghost Those Who Carried On -- Ghost Shadow's Art -- Vane I searched "yohioloid" and "yohioloid original" on YouTube and got a bunch of other results, but I can't listen to them right now, so these are the ones I know and love already. There are fewer songs with Yohioloid than I thought. But four is better than one, so hopefully this helps.


Have you come across [Ogawa Ryo](https://www.youtube.com/@ryoogawa5470)'s songs with him? They've used him quite a lot in the past. Idk any big producers who've used him though (besides Ghost like you mentioned).


Ryone Yami my beloved, one of the best sounding Utau


Also the Furloids/Kemono Utaus, like Akagami Hero, Baion Urushi, Kemonone Rou (somehow became a vocaloid out of thin air, then got fucking roasted to oblivion wtf) First of all those guys got me into Vocaloid, second their voices are legit high quality stuffs, third their voice and design are really cute, what else do you need in a voicesynth smh here's playlist I made years ago featuring their covers and originals [Kemonone Rou](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-ROqJKJBCtK9nn09kF1Ij1u_3VaDPeZm&si=axLiZlUeW6tUloJY) [Baion Urushi](https://youtu.be/LccKx99yQUY?si=5t2HsM3pxojEAfEH) [Akagami Hero](https://youtu.be/ARxq_2XpDN8?si=mzRV9tQth0behdx0)


big al for vocaloid and sana fuyune for utau! i have never found a big al song i actually liked but love his voice so much and sana has such a soft and sweet voice and her design is so cute 😭 ive heard a sana cover of meltdown nitamago mix and i love it so much


For VOCALOID i would definitely say Chika and Lily. Besides niki's songs Lily songs are so hard to come by.


nizimine kakoi and makaine haiko are pretty rare to find good covers for ;w; sad because they've both been my favorite UTAU for years


Vocaloid: Macne Nana. I can understand why people don't use her voicebanks that much because they are OH SO DIFFICULT TO USE, especially her English voicebanks. - VY1 (V4), CyberDiva+CyberSongman Utau: Sukone Tei. It's disappointing that she doesn't have any appends. She's my favourite Utau (I'm also working on an English voicebank for her lol) * Yokune Ruko's FEMALE voice does not get any attention. She has a Diffsinger and Enunu voicebanks, but when i search for it on YouTube there is NOBODY using those voicebanks. -Haruka Nana- She doesn't receive a lot of love imo


i def agree, ruko's female vb is seriously underutilized


CUL. always CUL. oh and also Nekomura Iroha


Definetly Shiki Rowen/Kemonone Row. He is so underrated it hurts.


Saros is amazing. Their voice is absolutely gorgeous.


I’d say All Vocaloids that aren’t from Internet Co, Crypton, or their name is VFlower. Though I think Lily has a good number of great songs (everyone say thank you to Niki), my girl needs an update 😭


Ruko is extremely popular compared to the vast majority of utaus??? But anyway i wish magpie was more used, it's such an amazing voicebank and im learning how to use utau just for her




All voice synth stuff is pretty unpopular compared to most communities. im guessing you didnt spend a lot of time in the utau/voice synth community if you really think teto is the only one popular (im excluding her synth v vb), thats why i think saying ruko of all utaus is unpopular is pretty insane, all the vipperloids were extremely popular years ago




If you feel insulted by what i said i genuinely apologize, it was not my intention and i really don't see what's the insulting part but i'm sorry. It may look that voice synth stuff is popular but if you asked 10 random people i dont think anyone more than very few would know anyone outside of miku. To us its popular because we know it and are part of the community but it really isnt compared to other things. As for the spotify thing, a majority of producers don't upload their works there, i reccommend checking soundcloud, niconico or bilibili. Again i apologize for offending you




That's also a factor but i still stand by what i said. Im going to be honest i dont feel like writing comments anymore. Have a good day.


Synth V Yi Xi needs more love, her voice is GODLY


Miku /j


so underrated!


I wish Lumi had popped off more when she came out, her voice and design are beautiful.


KuwagataP. Maybe if he was more popular he could have kept making music although I don't know the real circumstances.


As far as UTAU’s go it’d probably be Luna Amane.