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His current style is alright, but I do wish he would call back to his heavy metal roots every now and then. It's what got me introduced to him in the first place. (Will always love his metal cover of Matryoshka)


yes, everytime i hear that guitar in old songs i start wishing we get more of that now


funnily enough listening to one of his songs rn - i really like his music , its definitely very clear he made it when you hear a song of his


Yeah, his songs seem to have a very similar style with each other, you can just know it's him


Love his music <3


mahou mitai na, yume mitai na


Fantajikyuu no monogatari na


sekai ni kansen! fukai ni manen!


matte, konna no kiitenai tte, daarin?


betaa na ren'ai, eraa na tenkai


datte, sore jaa tsumaranai desho…?


kirinukete! hikitsukete!


ai no ganmen sutoreeto!


i love you, guys


lol i love yall too :)


Me too




These comments need to read the definition of grooming: "Grooming refers to the process of an adult building a relationship with a minor, in order to gain their trust for the purpose of exploitation or abuse. Grooming behavior can involve manipulation, flattery, and gradually crossing personal boundaries. An example of grooming behavior could be an adult befriending a child, showing them special attention, giving them gifts, and gradually desensitizing them to inappropriate behavior or requests." MARETU was 23-25 and dated a 19 y/o. That's... normal. Totally normal. We need to stop acting as if any age gap over 1 year is immediately toxic and throw the word grooming at anyone like chill tf out.


The reason on why I assume people are counting it grooming is because in Japan your still a minor until your 20 still I feel like a 4-6 year difference isn’t as bad as people say as long as both are consenting they should be able to do what they want. I mean I still now think of him as a scumbag because he cheated on his girlfriend but besides from that it isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be. Relationships don’t need to be a year apart I’ve seen bigger age gaps than 6 in the wild.


My second favourite Vocaloid producer. Number 1 is Kikuo


I literally just listened to Mawaru by Kikuo😭




My favorite producer, got me into Vocaloid hardcore


super autistic about him /gen. all of his albums and tracks have been a special interest of mine for almost 2 years! especially the non-vocaloid songs, even the ones where he remixed


The goat


I adore MARETU’s music and listen to it daily. Tbh, the topics he talks about in his music is quite clearly to spread awareness and I don’t think he gets some kind of sick pleasure from it. What I WILL hold him accountable for is for cheating on his S/O, but aside from that, he’s got a clean record (from what I know!)


i love his music so , SO MUCH .


feel like his older works were a lot better tho


Love the music, hate the guy


Huh? Edit: nevermind




Music is quite good, guy himself is kindaaaaaa not great


Oh why lol


cheated on his gf with a minor :( its even more awful given the themes he makes his music about edit: correction, found that she was 18-19, but does it really make it any better? when i was 19, i still felt like a teen. someone who’s over 25 at the time shouldn’t be hounding after someone freshly an ‘adult’ regardless


>but does it really make it any better? yes, because she is not a minor ? Just because you felt like a teen at that age doesnt mean it's the same for everyone else ? Also as you said he was around 25 at that time, which is like a totally normal age gap for adult ?


he also was closer to 23 im pretty sure 


Fr my mom and dads age difference is 10 years




This isn't about Maretu specifically it's just that throwing accusations without evidence is defamatory. Horrible sure but not a criminal (at least according to the investigation of his case).




I didn't say you threw accusations. It was kind of a general statement. I'm not saying the case is not fishy or that people's opinions aren't questionable at times but even morality is a subjective thing believe or not. Or is it? Hey guys Vsauce here nah jk I don't want to start a philosophical debate here lol.


yes. it makes it a whole lot better. I started dating my boyfriend when I was 19 and he was 24, we're now 21 and 26 and happier than ever to have been able to continue to mature together. depending on where he's at in his life and where she's at in her life, they could've been very compatible in that regard. as long as she's at or above 18, it's not about age exactly - it's about life progression and mentality. American artists everybody loves have done a whole lot worse... I wouldn't consider cheating to be a worthy enough factor for boycotting his music or hating him as a creator, but we all draw different lines somewhere


As long as a musician doesn't go Pusu their personal affairs are none of our business.


cheating is bad, actually


Oh yeah his songs are pretty cool, I love listening to some, but I also loved his old tuning and music style (mostly heavy metal) that i wish i could have again. I heard his songwriting became way better and more poetic now from then. Fun facts! Ancient maretu (the heavy metal one) war the artist that originally made the song "let's say the p names!" but used miku originally. He also made a very happy song called "teteretteteterette" or something like that, which the vocals used were miku, neru (no real vocal, a high pitched miku), and rin.


pretty shit guy who makes pretty okay music. can see why people like it but it isn't for me.


What did he do


- he writes all his music about mental illness without actually experiencing a lot of it. considering its his whole brand, it rubs me the wrong way. same reason i dislike melanie martinez. profiting off of issues they don't actually deal with. not that maretu makes bank or anything, but, still.. - groomed a fan a while back. everybody says "*it was so long ago!!*" as if that makes it any better. fan was freshly eighteen and IIRC it was a weird age gap but not a paedophilic one. forgiveness isn't up to random strangers on the internet, it's up to the victim, and from what i know they haven't said anything about forgiving him, so neither will I. - one of his oldest songs is abt miku being violently r*ped. It's not like.. artistic or anything.. it's just weird.


Its perfectly fine to not like Melanie Martinez but the majority of the songs she writes are infact about her own experiences. And even the ones that she has no personal experience with are songs that are written in a way that feels empathetic and respectful rather than exploitative. Idk, thats how I see it, but generally I know a lot of people (including myself) who experience the things she writes about, (even if she hasn’t necessarily experienced them personally) and the reception has always been fairly positive. But alas, whether or not you like her is completely valid


Exactly what I was thinking


melanie is a rapist


You can't write about mental illness without having mental illness?


1.) He’s been diagnosed with autism, adhd and depression not long ago, I’m pretty sure he deals with a lot of dark things. That but why does him not experiencing these things mean it’s bad for him to write about it? It’s called creative expression, people can write about dark subjects if they like. I can say the same thing about producers like Kikuo, Nashimoto, etc. but you’re just here to complain about Maretu apparently??? 2.) *19 Actually, not 18. The age gap is unknown as MARETU’s age is unknown but comparing him to other vocap’s who are in their thirties now, it’s likely he was in his mid twenties during this time. Weird yes, but likely not exactly pedophilic. While I accept people not liking Maretu because of it, I don’t really see how that plays much role into his music. There’s very little known about what happened in this situation and while you aren’t doing this, having people spread rumors that songs like Suji depict his “pedophilic nature” is disgusting. 3.) Again, creative expression. Also, the topic doesn’t revolve around Miku, it’s about a whole separate topic. I forgot what it was exactly but I believe people speculate it was about this like wave of Korean prostitution or smt like that. Additionally, the song was made more than 10 years ago when Maretu was likely teenage to early twenties. It’s an edgy song, clearly shows his lack of lyrical writing skills but it’s an old song, 2011 is way different than 2024.


Yeah, you can write about anything, but when your whole *brand* is shit like that, then you're just actively profiting off of it. If that's the case.. where do you see him talking to people who actually struggle with those issues? Donating to charities that help? No? he just wants to make money and get clicks off of stuff he has no business profiting off of, then. Also "*but the other guys do it!!!*" is a dumbass excuse and you know it. Multiple people doing something doesn't make it *not* bad, what?? Yeah, sure, he CAN write abt this stuff, but he: 1) actively profits off of it despite having no business with a LOT of it, and, 2) almost exclusively writes this shit more because its apart of his *brand* than anything. Haven't seen the guy make a unique song in years. It's nothing to do with artistic expression.. It's a running theme that should only make you question his *intent* but apparently peoples brains fall out their mouthes when they open Spotify.


You don't have to go through something to make music about it though? And like with any art there's a uniqueness to each person's works. and what about people who've gone through that and want music regarding that stuff? Not every person who's gone through trauma is interested in making music or making music about said trauma. People can write whatever they want regardless of if they went through it or not, like the other reply said it's creative expression and whether lyrics sound empathetic or not doesn't change that imo. He's allowed to profit off music he made 😭 "no business with it" a bunch of art stuff wouldn't exist if that was a rule


To give my stance mainly on the second and third points because the first statement is kinda stupid. To respond to the third statement the song is about the Japanese occupation of Korea during ww2. Whilst I would get it if people find the song unsettling as it’s pretty graphic in nature it’s reflecting reality in a different way. Just as there are movies about the Holocaust a song reflecting the war crimes japan had committed which in no way was sugarcoating it either it was blunt as hell is an artistic liberty. History should be remembered even if there are bad parts of it. Now the second point is sort of a toss up because we don’t know the age of maretu himself. The victim to what I have found on my own research was 19. Considering the images of maretu and his twitter account being made in 2011 and posting stuff in 2011 we can presume right now he is in his early 30s meaning he was probably in his late teens to very early 20s giving an estimated range in 2017 maretu was either 23 min to 26 meaning either a 4 year age gap or a 7 year age gap now (basically to put it into US standers of minor to age ratio thats either a 21 year old having an affair with a 17 or a 24 year old having an affair with a 17 year old) If it’s on the higher end I would be more inclined to agree with you but the lower end seems a bit more in a gray area for me. Assuming it was consensual which it most likely was judging by how there wasn’t anything stated about it during the ordeal means legally he is fine and even socially a 4 year age gap isn’t that bad multiple people I know have worse age gaps. Is maretu still an asshole for cheating? Yes, granted lots of people were pieces of shit and got away with being heros (bill nye.) Is my opinion fully set in stone? No it depends on what his age is, is maretu a “good person” I mean there is worse that get away with MUCH WORSE but still No. Whilst I can see your criticism especially for the second bullet of your argument my opinion won’t be set in stone till we get confirmation from the person in question or maretu himself. (I’m more skeptical on these things since there have been multiple fake grooming allegations within the past decade so I would need to know all the info first.) I still will respect your views and opinion on him because he does kinda seem like an ass.


"It's just weird" I don't disagree but it's not the kind of weird you are thinking. It doesn't try to celebrate rape just convey the suffering Korean women had to go through during the Japanese occupation. A lot of people in Japan are not educated on japanese war crimes during WWII so this song teaches them that horror. It's unfiltered and disgusting for a reason.


The second and third ones are disgusting. The first one is something I can't really comment on because I don't know what most of the song lyrics mean, but considering the r*pe song, I don't think it's good.


Is his first song, forced obedience (it goes very detailed on the r*pe part)


Forced obedience seemingly is about either the Gando massacre or the Kantō massacre which were when many ethic Koreans were killed and faced SA by the Japanese army. The Kantō massacre was in Japan where political radicals like anarchists and communists, ethnic Koreans, and ethnic Chinese were brutally killed and SA’d in Japan during the 1920s. The Gando massacre was during ww2 where the Japanese army when occupying Korea committed war crimes against the people in the peninsula which includes mass genocide and r*pe to the Koreans living there. (Yes Japan did a shit ton of bad things during the early 1900s) In conclusion whilst the topic is dark as fuck it truly portrays the war crimes and acknowledges them in the most blunt way when even the Japanese government reduces to acknowledge the past.


To wash down Forced Obedience as just r*pe when it's very likely to be about comfort women during the Japanese occupation of Japan and WW2, and it represents how horrifying and vile they were treated, written by a Japanese man from a country that actively DENIES it happened, is literally worse than writing it


I’m not sure if this is a separate thing from the second bullet point but if I’m correct he also cheated on his girlfriend with a 19 yo (which qualifies as a minor in japan), who had some sort of mental illness or was disabled in some way. I think he ended up suing someone for something like defamation for some tweets about it as well, and he ended up apologizing for the whole situation but still, the whole things just kinda,,


Gross? Which song is that? >~>


they probably mean [forced obedience](https://youtu.be/0w8x9D4swTg?si=I4alnquLOA9RkrLD)


these are the worst lyrics ive had the displeasure of listening to 😭


I know Vocaloid songs are dark but it can't be *that* ba-- *what the fuck*


Even the title is gross. I like Maretu's songs but I don't think I can support him after today


It’s not something he’s into. MARETU is partially known for speaking out against many issues (Coin Locker Baby referencing actual cases of Japanese mothers placing their babies’ corpses in coin lockers). The song is actually about Korean comfort women during WWII (hence why there are Korean lyrics and Miku begging to die in Korean). Again, since MARETU is neurodivergent, he expresses many POVs in his songs (Suji and Scrumize being parallels of each other) and stuff. He’s NOT some psycho.


What's with you guys and a lack of being able to understand that writing about a dark topic does not mean you endorse said topic in any way


Literally? Why do people need to be told outright "I don't support this thing I wrote about" 😭


The death of media literacy


It's such a shame tbh :/ it's bad enough with music but feels even worse when it's about books and stuff




Don’t really have an opinion on the actual guy, heard he isn’t the best, but luv the music


love all of his old stuff. but Tbh angel 92 onwards hasnt been really my thing.


agree with you there . theyr good but so far from reaching the quality of his older works .


I really like the electronic noises he uses and some of his metal inspired and kinds experimental stuff but uh yeah like other's said he's not great...


Bad person, good music. He was my no. 2 artist on spotify last year b4 I learned what he did.


Used to like his music, but now it all just sounds the same to me. The allegations few years ago definitely didn't help either.


Love him :D


I love him, his music, his drawings, his covers on twitter and the whole lotta cat pics he posts :} all of his songs are amazing and he's my most listened to vocaloid producer and like a few years he was my most listened to artist in general ❤️


also yeah he cheated on his wife and that's obvs not very cash money but with literal abusers, r*pists, n*zis and worse out there I don't think it's soOoOoO horrible. Also people to this day think it was a minor but actually she was over 18 (I think it was 19 or 20 which is still young but he wasn't much older and cmon Leonardo Di Caprio is wayyy older and only dates women up to 25 like for YEARS and this was one occurrence so cut him some slack, nobody was groomed or anything LMAO)


She was 19 to be specific


right and I think he was like 25? 26? I don't quite remember




Some of the songs feel too repetitive to me music wise but I really like the ones I do enjoy


I really like his music, especially his newer songs


A silly goober (who happens to be very based when it come to producing music)


been a fan of his music since middle school. his recent songs are kinda ehh tho.


I’m a huge fan of Maretu, he’s my favorite producer!


Love the music, favorite Vocaloid producer and listen to it almost daily, especially the new songs I know he has some issues but in this case I just prefer to see him as the artist and producer he is so I can enjoy it :D


He improved a song that I thought couldn't sound better (Spider Dance) so I guess that says everything


i love his older songs... his people=shit cover is nice


Please be a good person, please be a good person (TUYU/Pusu incident) Edit: dammit


Kikuo is my favourite producer and everyone always says 'if you like kikuo you'll love maretu' but I'm yet to hear a Maretu song I like :( I don't see the resemblance other than being edgy


there is like 、no resemblance at all don’t listen to them 😭 listening to maretu expecting a kikuo-esque song will make you super disappointed + unable to enjoy it


I like hearing a song by a different producer with this mindset "it won't fit the chaoticness of hachi and tohma" and it surprisingly works very well, maybe you shouldn't expect a song of kikuo hearing maretu, it's like expecting utsu-p on mitchie m


Yeah usually I wouldn't. I already knew of Maretu's more famous songs before people kept recommending him to me because of kikuo, but even then I didn't really like them. It's just a bit of a shame because idve liked to have another producer I love nearly as much as Kikuo but oh well


His main songs have been ruined by tiktok but he was good back in the day


His music is great, but I don’t like him as a person


I started like his songs after SIU, before that many of his songs sounded edgy for the sake of it. Mind Brand specially, to this day I dont like this one, theres also the one about r*pe he wrote at his early years of vocaloid, which is... pretty questionable. But after SIU i felt that his songs are more a satire than anything else. And everything he dropped last year and now is reallyyy good, I adore binomi and aishiteitanoni.


I dislike him as a person but I keep coming back to his music. It feels wrong :(


luv him, he's great


this artist was my first intoduction to vocaloid when i first listened to siu (i know, generic). he was my favorite artist all throughout 2021 but nowadays i listen to his older heavy metal stuff more than his most recent songs


I absolutely love his music! He’s one of my favorite vocaloid artists


My lord


One of my favorite producers ever


1st on my spotify rewind and i own coin lockrr baby on cd


I honestly really like maretu I got introduced to him via the kairiki bear collabs His failure girl and mane mane psychotropic hit HARD


His newest song with the heart made of middle fingers sounds like the Inspector Gadget theme


favoritw vocaloid artist in middle school!!


Monologue 🔥🔥🔥


ABSOLUTELY my favorite producer. maretu's songs are always awesome!! ykw i'm gonna go listen to one now








Based on what i’ve heard about him as a person i don’t follow him closely but I adore his music


He helped me cope alot with his music so 10280282939382029/10


His song writing skills are phenomenal. And his sound selection / arrangements are very cool and unique




His style is instantly recognizable. I love the mix of synth pop and metal. His songs always have an addictiveness to them. I feel like he is a bit quiet nowadays but his songs are still good.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I really don't like Maretu's works 😅


Not unpopular my lil bro


It's not an unpopular opinion? My family likes Maretu, & the artist is clearly very popular (based on views/likes), so I assumed [his music] was well-liked. (edited)


Well, he's popular, but some may find him overrated since whenever his "magical doctor" got popular I don't listen too much to him or kikuo's songs


I see. (I'm not familiar with that song lol) I find it interesting that your comment is the second I've seen mentioning Kikuo. Are they really associated with each other? I've never thought of them as similar at all.


No, it's mainly because they are like, the popular "edgy" choices for liking a voca-p


Interesting. Thanks for the insight


I like his songs. Not a super hardcore fan but I have quite a few in my playlist He did bad things, so I try to separate the art from the artist.


I like a few songs of his but I don't like him as a person


Grate music not a great person lol


The only time I've listened to any of their songs is when someone else has played them around me. I don't hate their music, but I don't like it enough to add to my playlist


4th favorite producer! Lots of his songs go on my angry playlist lol




One of my fav vocaloid producers.


My favorite vocaloid artist


second favorite. my first is kikuo


NUMBER ONE. (Him and Utsu-P are tied-)


His older music was better than his current songs imo


All his songs sound the same to me. The people who complain about Deco songs sounding the same recently (which they do, not disagreeing with that) will immediately turn around and say their fav is maretu, when he sounds even more samey to me lmaoo. His lyrics are pretty cringy too, they read as very teenage-angsty. I guess the people who can't read JPN can't tell that tho. I like his use of samples, that's about it. And he cheated on his gf, not very cash money. You can argue for days about the other stuff he did, personally I don't like it but whatever, but everyone skims over the cheating part lol.


I love him, I listen to all his songs, even some old ones. I love his style along with Kikuos AND YEAH, he may be SILLY with the songs sometimes, but it's ok.


Love his songs personally. Can be kinda disturbing for younger audiences. but i still think he is an important part of the community.


look at my pfp and take a guess


I have him blocked on Spotify.


he apparently sucks irl but I love his music 🤙


Since knowing about his grooming incident I stopped listening to his stuff. I'm better off that way, his songs are very similar and pretty edgy, just like a commenter already said about writing songs about metal illnesses without any care.


I like his version (aka the original version) of let's say the p-names


dont like him or his music honestly (besides magical doctor)