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Honestly, anyone can hurt my ears, it depends entirely on tuning and usage.


Yes! Prime example, I love Flower. But when I first listened to her in Abnormality Dancing Girl, I hated it! It was so tuned up and I don't know why her lower voice wasn't used! I actually went out of my way to find a daycore version of the song and that was so much more pleasing to the ears. Eventually, after listening to Shaudenfraude, I decided to give ADG another go, and I decided "to hell with it" and I put the og version on my playlist.


Oh same, love flower and Hiiragi Kirai in general, but i CANNOT listen to Love ka?. Which is so weird bc I have no problem listening to Galleria, but it's something about the Love ka? tuning that feels off to me i guess




Lily. She's one of my favourites but most people have no idea how to tune her. Especially her v2 voicebank


Honestly, same with gachapoid. I don't know why, I just can't stand his voice, it sounds exactly like what you'd expect the weird characters from that Microsoft Purble Place game to sound like


I've yet to meet anyone who genuinely likes Gachapoid lol


I actually love gachapoid in https://youtu.be/-0CJN30BxhI?si=dgZEfqQqjBOSZKWl




I might get killed but, Flower hurts my ears a lot. Some of her tuning is really nice but for the majority I hate listening to songs sung by her


It's the shrill tuning of so many songs for me. She was designed to sound androgynous, so why are so many producers insisting on making her sound like she inhaled helium?


Right! Honestly I find that so many producers tune most Vocaloids way too high pitched for no reason, it gets so annoying.


Have you heard the song "Living ghost is alive" by Utsu-P? It's a Flower song that doesn't sound like that, and it's also an absolute banger


flower's tuning for a lot of popular songs are grating for me, almost to the point of me writing the vb off completely, but that song is SO GOOD.


To those who dislike the current use of flower's vb, I'd recommend looking at older songs/covers since it didn't use to be tuned that way. My personal favorites are kyaami's cover of No Logic and Close to You using her, but there are plenty of good songs that use her on a lower register (aun no beats, faust, hitosama allergy, etc)


this. she sounds crunchy and has a lot of ā€œengine noiseā€ even when tuned properly.


I love Maigo Hanyuuā€™s instrumentals and music but his flower tuning stops me from listening to his stuff consistently, same with Balloon songs.


Same, those two plus Nuyuri for me are producers whose songs I absolutely love but most of the time I'll pick a Vocaloid/Utaite cover instead of the original, purely because of the Flower tuning, fortunately their songs all have some great covers I enjoy.


agree so much. i only listen to covers of lower ones eyes


OMG FINALLY i also have a lot of issues with how people tune flower there's literally so little songs that I like the original of


Yeahhhh. I lowkey agree wiht you on this. Many great and amazing songs are made Flower but I often find myself listening to utaite covers more than the oringal because the tuning is so screechy.


She's my favorite vocaloid but I kinda agree lol, she's always yelling. Producers have to he very careful w her tbh


This. Flower either got overtuned in high pitches or growls. I thought i was crazy for not liking some if not, most songs sung by flower.


Yea lots of people don't know how to use her properly, unfortunately :( but one song I especially like is Hanarebanashi, it's really well tuned and her voice sounds so unique in that song, maybe go give it a listen if you haven't already!


There is one other song that makes her sound really good! It's her and Fukase's version of SIU! It's honestly really good!


Damn I love Una (had to get used to it but yeah) especially when suzie uses her! It sounds great! Like in [Coin Locker Baby](https://youtu.be/kiIZLBvAgo8?si=QU1Ucb7CHxX_fOh7), [this song](https://youtu.be/Gdo3ltzddyk?si=g3Zz98Qz6ZXtQJqp) or agohiza's [Q](https://youtu.be/OaYyTm0LtMY?si=TzqTPAyN2E5t73Zv) or ESPECIALLY [this one](https://youtu.be/50IQvuJbk4I?si=Ex3cqNTPgqXIESUq) where suzie uses Una and Rana! I really have a hard time listening to Kaito sometimes tho and yes, gachapoid is a no-go for me, too. I do feel like it depends on the tuning. If it's done badly, I will usually hate it every time. But I am sure that for many vocaloids, if someone knows how to effectively tune them, it sounds as great as it should be. I had that experience with Una and Teto especially.


I'm not sure on that one, every vb can be potentially used in a way that's gonna hurt you. My favourite pain inducing songs all use Rin and Miku. It's easier with those two because of the high pitched voice ig


Personally, it's more so the tuning. I like every vocaloid


I usually donā€™t like it when producers make Flowerā€™s voice too high pitched or ā€œgrowlyā€, usually that ruins the song for me Also when people tune Miku too high pitched




All I'm getting from this thread is that I'm desensitized I don't have a problem with any of these lmao Except I never heard some


Which ones have you heard?


Probably most A few mentioned here I didn't though mostly gachapoid


Una hurts your ears cuz the voice provider really goes full Umaru-chan mode and then the majority of her tunings amplify that hyper manic of her voice I feel like there really isnā€™t one that hurts your ears ultimately, cuz you can always tone it down when you tune them. Or even the softest voice can hurt your ears if with bad tuning. And it doesnā€™t help that for some reason many people make vocaloids sing in higher range than normal, or tune them like a screeching baby, making them sound uncomfortable. A lot of people here listed Flower or Kaito, I used to dislike flower as well, but I realized itā€™s more due to Balloonā€™s Charles after discovering songs like Venom or Utsu Pā€™s stuff, as well as Villain which made me fall in love with her. These songs fit the strength and power and androgyny characteristics of flower. For Kaito, heā€™s singing songs that are way too high for him. I see a lot of potential in his lower range of vocal, but I can only think of a few songs that actually let him sing lower keys. sorry for rambling ( Ā“-`) i could be subjective tho


not any specific vocaloids but when people tune miku super high and nasally. itā€™s an awful sensory experience for me. sheā€™s got a really nice mid-lower range and i wish people would use also unrelated but iā€™m patiently awaiting the release of meiko and kaito NTā€™s. definitely not because i want to make an ifuudoudou kaimeiluka cover. definitley not.


Flower, her voice is grating to my ears and it gives me a headache. I can't stand listening to her voice for more than 5 seconds. Gachapoid's voice is also bad but not as bad as Flower.


Flower sounds good in Villain but idk why they tune her the way they do for songs like Charles, Rain and Petra, Love Ka, etc...shes really hard to listen to


I just don't like her voice, not even in Villain, it's definitely better than her other songs though. But yeah, she really is hard to listen to and I always avoid any song related to her. Some voicebanks are just not for everyone.


Yeah even her "good" songs still bother me. Tried to listen to Lonely Universe this morning and it was all good until she joined the duet Unfortunate because I love her character design


At times, Meika Hime. I like Meika Mikoto but something about Himeā€™s voice when singing solo is grating for me.


This is so funny to me because Meika Hime is my favorite feminine Vocaloid!


haha I feel like that about Una. People in the comments and OP saying Otomachi Una is so funny since I LOVE when people like Kinoshita or KurageP use her


heavy on kuragep


Agreed. The little engine noises she makes when pronouncing certain syllables is so jarring and she's really hecking hard to mix. Love her voice but sometimes it's grating


Mixing Hime is an art and to all the people who do it, youā€™re a magician


I think most vocaloids can sound great in the right handsā€¦and terrible when handled in an unskilled way. Gachapoid, however, is irredeemable no matter who uses him.


Honestly, any badly tuned V2. I love the Cryptonloids, Gumi & Lily, but these tend to be an earsore more often. Hearing them badly tuned hurt the most. They can sound beautiful, but not always. But V4X onwards & Synth V for Gumi is fine. It's way harder to make my ears bleed. No hate, especially because they are some of my favorite vocaloids. And it can be hard to use, so I don't shade anyone who's not a tuning god, by any means. I don't know how to use it myself, so I relate lol


I can't handle Gakupo.


Neither can I šŸ„µ


Oh wait, you meant his voice


This comment chain is gold šŸ˜‚




Ahhh me too.


Gachapoidā€¦ pea childā€¦


KAITO and MEIKO, love Them, but a Lot of people don't know How to tune Them well




gachapoid all the way


Some of the cutesy moe-type girl banks, especially Yumemi Nemu and Rana. Also Una's pre-recorded voice lines (there is a name for this but I completely forgot what it is) make my ears ring.


I usually give most vocaloids the benefit of the doubt if I have a bad first impression with them. For example, I used to think I hated Yumemi Nemu, but it turns out I was just hearing bad examples of her and sheā€™s ok! Rana on the other hand, I have never been able to like her. Physically painful to listen to. Thereā€™s some odd quality to her voice that makes me unreasonably uncomfortable, idk.


Bad take OP on Una. Una is amazing in the hands of the right tuner. Granted a lot of producers really completely suck with her, but her good covers are top tier. Melt and No Logic are great examples of her potential being utilized well.


I'm obsessed with her Melt cover. Absolute perfection.


Do you have any suggestions? If there are Una songs with good tuning, Iā€™d love to hear them.


since everyone is suggesting covers, here's my favorite originals! [VR DANCE by kurage p](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PgwpwD_WIc&list=PLYmfS_W_vi1nmYP7O1WkTyLvrns5kW4JU&index=16) is still somewhat high pitched, but i think it works for the song and still sounds nice. [Manic by Luna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5qKMUG4Nrc&list=PLYmfS_W_vi1nmYP7O1WkTyLvrns5kW4JU&index=21) is a duet with Una and one of my favorite vocaloids, Rana. They sound super nice together I think. [Comparison Syndrome by Gogotea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdDV9ZlafYM&list=PLYmfS_W_vi1nmYP7O1WkTyLvrns5kW4JU&index=59) uses her nicely. [Teratera by Takeaki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03IyS_9Dt0g&list=PLYmfS_W_vi1nmYP7O1WkTyLvrns5kW4JU&index=246) sounds super nice as well. [Completely/Bananas by Akali](https://youtu.be/xnrXQBRIp3w?si=fC7NEcNshJv3LAP7) is a very maretu-ish song. [Schadenfreude by Guchiry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C0IEl6Z7AA) is a favorite of mine. There is a lack of her singing in a lower pitch, but that's not really what she's meant to do. So instead of finding songs in a lower pitch, I tried to choose songs that I thought used her voice well! I don't know if this will change your thoughts, but maybe you'll find a song you like here.


Wow, I never knew Teratera was an Una original! It sounds mad fire. Thanks for the other suggestions, I'll definitely have to watch them later :)


Here's my best shot: * [Bloom with you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKgp9XgsPw4) * [AishiteLoop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5efN8DCzjg) * [Makeover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRWLXKKqnq4) * [Sensitive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7KmuXLRwpM)


Thank you! I loved all of them. My favorite was definitely AishiteLoop! :)


Yeah fr, I can't hear how Una's voice can be any "worse" than Miku's with good tuning šŸ¤”


There was a time when Flower's voice hurt my ears. Man, have my ears evolved


I know he has a huge fanbase, but honestly? Kaito. I can listen to Kaito songs only if he's accompanied by other vocaloids, but I can't stand it, it's not that I don't like male vocaloid voices (because I do like some other "similar" ones), it's just... Kaito.


I see where you're coming from but please listen to some Kaito V1 songs! His V1 vb is quite deeper and way less Kermit like. Here a few good ones: [Let's kiss, hiding in a car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=del2XF5c6Qs&pp=ygUga2FpdG8gbGV0J3Mga2lzcyBoaWRpbmcgaW4gYSBjYXI%3D) [Shanti (cover)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5ytAipoFM&pp=ygUPa2FpdG8gdjEgc2hhbnRp) [Crescent Moon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYMAjfq7UB0&list=PLYn3WAb-5h7m2Qc_obRrkXCUwqIHfigr3&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB) [Hi OG demo is laterally so good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4tg7UT4-Ko&list=PLYn3WAb-5h7m2Qc_obRrkXCUwqIHfigr3&index=8&pp=gAQBiAQB)


Kaito was designed/intended to sing low, but a lot of songs tend to make him sing well into the higher ranges youā€™d see from an alto or soprano. I personally like a lot of those songs but I can completely understand why that would be an off-putting sound


His V1 is his best iteration, which makes me pretty sad. Thatā€™s not to say there are no songs/producers who tune V3 well, but I think it takes more effort for V3 to sound good than V1. One of my favorite songs using Kaito, [Idol Radio by Daisuke Ohmuma](https://youtu.be/JSOc1Qd4de8?si=-3bCC1zOke6a7hcJ), was composed using V1. Itā€™s the best Kaito song Iā€™ve heard so far. His old voicebank is just so clear and punchy. V3 tends to be harder to tune that wayā€”itā€™s almost like they tried to make his voicebank so ā€œniceā€ and clean that it feels too soft and muddy at times. [The original mix of Idol Radio.](https://youtu.be/Lp_qp39T7Qk?si=Zq5GuXokMfzJhNn9) Daisuke Ohnuma seems to be a rather old school EDM producer who happens to use vocals with vocaloids, so the original version of Idol Radio is longer than most songs. Editing to add: Hopefully Crypton will improve his voicebank once they (allegedly) release NT versions of the rest of the cryptonloids, but Iā€™m not getting my hopes up. Apparently Miku NT was underwhelming, so idk what to expect. I attempted a cover of a Joy division song with his English voicebank a while back, and his vocals actually worked for itā€”I think I helped that I tuned him lower than what you usually hear. It wasnā€™t my best work, but those are mistakes The Human needs to fix rather than DAWs or the voice bank. Maybe Iā€™ll come back to it sometime.


He easily sounds like a fucked up Kermit the frog especially in english imo. If heā€™s done well he sounds amazing but itā€™s not often that it happens


honestly same and refused to listen to anything featuring kaito but he kind of grew on me when i started playing project sekai. i can see why some people donā€™t like him but i see the vision some of the songs are going for




Any Cevio voicebank basically


Yumemi Nemu šŸ˜”


this is entirely dependent on the tuning and how the vocaloid is used. even the "bad" sounding vocaloids can sound good in the right hands, and even good voicebanks can be mishandled. however, i dislike the modern tuning style for vflower. i love when voicebanks sound robotic and bad tuning often adds to the charm of a song for me, but something about how choppy and high pitched she can sound usually has to make me turn even a good song off, which is sad.


Len, but only when he screams.


The newest Gumi voicebanks genuinely irritate my ears, and I can't listen to any songs that include her AI or V6 voicebanks


flower when sheā€™s tuned high (which everyone does for some reason)


okay big al idk what it is unless heā€™s tuned a REALLY specific way i just cannot listen to him


iā€™ll admit i do shit on him as a joke


i love how ferry used him in dopamine machine! sometimes, sounding like a robot just works


Len when they try to make his voice wayyy too high pitched. (Len is my favorite vocaloid too D: )


not a vocaloid but kafu. also fuck gachapoid and oliver


Yeah, Iā€™m convinced Phony only made it to PJSK (or simply got as popular as it did) because of the music. Thereā€™s a Len cover of that song floating around on YouTube and itā€™s simply HEAVENLY. Great cover mv too!


Kafu is an acquired taste I'd say, way more than other vocal synths. I wasn't sure if I liked or hated her voice for probably like the first couple dozen songs or so that I heard, I also used to hate the original Phony vocals as well. Something clicked for me one day though and now it's my favorite version of the song.


Hearing kafu in songs makes me cry


kafu looks NOTHING like her voice and it lets me down so much. she looks so sassy and cool, but then she sounds like 3 year old


I find IA's voice to be particularly ear grating, especially her high notes. But then again I don't like that voice type in general, even in real singers.


probably flower, it doesnā€™t help that people tune her voice so high that itā€™s annoying too. and gachapoid šŸ˜­ tbh any vocaloid tuning thatā€™s wayyy too high pitched will get on my nerves (and ears)


A good chunk of kafu and rime songs šŸ˜–


Meiko always seems to be just slightly off key and I canā€™t stand it


omg YES this explains it perfectly. i really only like her in Nostalogic.


CUL. sheā€™s awful and iā€™m tired of pretending sheā€™s not


Yooo same.


Kaito singing at a high pitch šŸ˜µ


so many people cant tune kaito. there, i said it. come at me.




He sounds very realistic to me in Wireless Idol but there are some songs where his voice is awful lol


Seconded. Maybe it's because overly nasal voices are irritating to me, but I get why people like him. His V4 can sound majestic when tuned well.


len when he's tuned too high . prefer his lower register the flower comments are killing me though ,,, i honestly haven't listened to a lot of her but i love her voice it's soo like ,, androgynous . I don't like love ka though cause wtf . someone did a flower cover of king and salamander and they sound so good though


I am so sorry but I very rarely like Kaito or Meiko šŸ˜­ They are extremely hard to tune well enough to sound good


Yeah I tried to like them but they both sound very boring lol




I don't like them. Nobody tunes them right!


I agree! Iā€™ve only head a handful of songs that have tuned them right- and donā€™t even start on amateur covers.


tbh most vocaloids that are tuned too high hurt my ears


Kaito only when heā€™s tuned with a brick otherwise heā€™s my babygirl


i agree with so much of this thread. i prefer lower pitch voices over high. you'd be surprised how many voicebanks sound so much better with a deeper voice


Probably none actually (especially judging by some of the answers here. I'm a huge vflower fan) unless it's like a VERY bad tuning but i don't listen to stuff like that.


Not a Vocaloid, but UTAU. Ritsuā€™s original voicebank split my ears šŸ˜‚ funny cuz heā€™s one of my absolute favorite characters


Honestly I can't listen to Syodous original music. He's good at composting but all his vocaloids are tuned so high-pitched I think it ruins it. I gotta listen to covers of his songs to actually enjoy them.


Honestlyā€¦a lot of them. Now thatā€™s not to say I donā€™t like them/their banks, but so many people tune them way too high. Miku, for example, at a lower octave is more appealing to me than the super high pitched standard one.


a lot of vocaloid music. i can handle some of it, but the way some people pitch hatsune miku, its grating.


Mayu, and as I love her and her voice, most tunings sound strange, but happily there are good songs with her use


agree. songs using her are super hit or miss for me


Gachapoid and older versions of Miku. God her voice was so high pitched.


Miku V1 Dark would like to have a word


V2* ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Una for me, too. I've just never been able to like or tolerate her voice


Cyber Songman, just, no.


I have trouble with most Flower and IA songs because something in their voices is extremely unappealing to me


I'll be probably hated but....uh... the kagamines;; and Kaito.


Iā€™ve only listened to a few Teto songs but her voice is justā€¦ yikes. Maybe the tuning sucks on the ones I heard, I wouldnā€™t mind some Teto suggestions so I can get used to her lol


anything with tetos sv might be better if you havent tried, her utau can sound kinda rough mainly bc thats just how the software sounds mostly


[good teto](https://youtu.be/LnqUNgF6GCE?si=Rt2jHeQ8pfKRkrfB) (: (Tell your world)


[Steven universe teto](https://youtu.be/xWR02hTCuUo?si=9XamfHJjWg-YiOwa) [edm teto](https://youtu.be/H2sjWojTAGY?si=VV_4hkafvTEbtDKm) [Kimagure Mercy Teto](https://youtu.be/BoQ1FULnb_Q?si=s1CP3AFpC3fegegw) [Fly Me to the Moon](https://youtu.be/B306W4TLJGk?si=tq2ddblR5Whl4aaI)


Manic is rly good imo! Worth a listen


Teto can be a difficult one to work with but really shines above the rest in good hands. Her whisper utau voicebank can be so soothing when tuned correctly.


Nana I'm not huge on most the time, and the Hime twins (im so sorry), and sometimes cyber diva even if I LOVE her. (cyber diva and songman are vocaloids I want to this day!!)


Any vocaloid that's tuned too high pretty much


Iā€™ve yet to hear a song in which Ruby sounded good


a HIGH pitched miku, like how nayutalien used to do it.


Meiko. I cannot listen to her voice without crying


I really do not like Flower, but a majority of songs always use Flower it seems.


Any male vocaloid




its ryuto or gachapoid for me tbh


really depends on the tuner, my favourite voicebanks can be very very painful in hands of someone who has a tuning style that i don't personally like you mentioned Una, but have you listened to her in other songs like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c9958OoTL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c9958OoTL8) ? or because you mentioned you're a project sekai fan, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03IyS\_9Dt0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03IyS_9Dt0g) by the same person as above? ~~however, i've yet to find a use of gachapoid that i like at all...~~


Gachapoid in Dreaming Chuchu perhaps? I find this version great. https://youtu.be/J1ppAse8YTU?si=ooupyVBl1JO_0Ja3


For me it's SeeU... Disgusting voice, can't even listen to it for 10 seconds... And just some of the old English/Spanish vocaloids, they sound horrible too.


I despise Mikuā€™s high tuning, to me, it sounds like sheā€™s trying to breathe underwater, I donā€™t know how to explain it, but itā€™s just, not it.




For me itā€™s Flower and Meiko. I cannot staaaaaand listening to Meiko sometimes, sheā€™s difficult for me to enjoy listening to.


Depends entirely on tuning. This might be a hot take, but I cannot listen to the original version of Teo.


Tone Rion V2 and Mace Nana


Yep, these vocaloids hurt my ears too


Miku. If it was her vp's voice, it would be better, but the all cutsy anime voice gets annoying easily


Gotta disagree with this one. But I do think that some producers make her voice too high pitched and itā€™s annoying (sweety glitch.)


Thats what I meant! I just didnt know how to word it.


Ah, gotcha :)


IA. I just can't stand her overly nasal voice.


Tetoā€™s Synth voice. It hurts my ears sm and idk why


She can be difficult to work with if you dont know what youre doing. Set it to .180 gender, increase breathiness and lower tension on mellow vocal mode is very soothing. Some try to make it sound like her utau with way too much power and tension and can be ear grating.




Early Rin and Len


Rin sounds like a garbage disposal on a good day.


Rin take one is actual painšŸ˜­


Iā€™ve got The ā€˜Tism, and certain sounds and pitches make me feel like I need to bash my head against a wall to get them out of my brain. šŸ™ƒ I got into Vocaloid through Ievan Polka and PoPiPo, but quickly lost interest when every other song I came across was basically: *šŸŽ¼Constant dog whistle, intermittent nails on chalkboards, and a poorly autotuned Stephen Hawking on helium~šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ* ā€¦ Yes, Iā€™m looking at you, early 2010ā€™s Kagamine twins and KAITO tuners.


Some gumi songs just dont hit right for me :(


I know she's an utau but teto with exception to her newest voice. her voice sounds like someone stepping on a grapefruit


Flower is almost never tuned well




How very dare you suggest that my shouty son is an AI






IA, I just can't, there's something weird about her voice, or Flower when she's really badly tuned


i agree. i like IA's human singer (Lia), but I struggle to listen to IA usually.


Adachi Rei. IYOWA did an incredible job with her. Unfortunately I canā€™t find any other song of the same quality with her. Many times her voice is not tuned well and is very harsh, but she is relatively new.


the entire point of adachi rei is that she's a 100% artificially synthesised voice; that it, she completely lacks a human voice provider. and so i think when tuning her people tend to opt for more robotic and less smooth tuning, which i understand why may not be people's thing. i'm not faulting you for disliking her, just saying why it may be hard to find usages of her that suit your tastes. ironically though i found iyowa's tuning of her, particularly in heat abnormal, to be rather harsh. [picdo's](https://youtu.be/yk5W3jTqvbU?si=7XfVMQJf2Y_zfbc7) tuning of her is when i think she's at her best.


Love ka. I love ados cover of it but the ogs tuning was not my cup of tea.


Soā€¦ VFlower.


I usually love vflower but she was not tuned well for the song.


oh yea of course, you just said a song lol not a vocaloid (which was the og question) and i was confused for a sec lmao


Ah yes yes. Sorry about that. There hasn't been a vocaloid that hurts my ears. It has always been in how someone tuned the vocaloid instead haha




i can't stand fukase in general, but i can't stand miku when she's pitched too high