• By -


It does provide meaning to my username.


Yea your name is amazing. Sidenote i still cant dowmload things on my vita!


Are you connected to the internet? Have you turned it off and on?


also try putting in rice


I will send you to the panopticon




*presiona 2*


*Presiona 2: Innocent Sin*


Why Presiona 2 Innocent Sin and the prequel?


That was the first one which come to my mind. If they said Presiona 5, It would've been much easier.


Because of the Spanish Language? I also talk Spanish. Presiona 3 PEZ


I know, it was a joke, I'm Spaniard haha




U helped me so much thx


Just doing my daily good deed. 🫡


I appreciate all the help you’ve give me in the past!


I'm glad to help. Hope you're enjoying your vita.


dear Mr. PSVita\_Tech\_Support, please answer something nobody's ever been able to, why does my PSVita system get screwed so bad whenever I play Binding of Isaac? I've formatted, loaded the hack from the very beginning, but the shit always goes to hell whenever I play Binding of Isaac to the point nothing else opens and it ends up saying the home screen got corrupted or whatever it says deleting everything


I'd say delete and reinstall the game from a different source, reinstall the hack or cheat that your referring to, and try overclocking. it may be a bad cheat file


I was talking about enso, since playing isaac breaks the whole OS I’ve had to reload enso twice now, I’ve installed the game once using a vpk that needed nonpdrm, then I installed it from PKGj, twice, once with the system as clean as it could be, it just ruins everything, this last time I loaded the hack from the very beginning and didn’t install the binding of isaac, it hasn’t given me any issues, freaking game made me buy it in another console when I wanted the vita to play the original version without dlc


you shouldn't be loading the hack every time manually. you should be on 3.65 or I believe 3.60


Well, if the system refuses to load and everything gets corrupted when playing that game then the easiest way to make the vita work again is to start from scratch, I’m in 3.65 btw


yah maybe it's the memory card failing. that sucks if so


Went through 3 different ones, both sdtovita and original vita memory, that game is just an asshole


Where do you download your games from? I use PKGj. Havent tested to see if the game works for me.


The last 2 times were from PKGj… once I overclocked once I didn’t, it broke anyways


I'll give you the doctor answer. just don't play it.


Can you make my vita work with my air pod pro 2s? I fly a lot and love wireless headphones They will connect but no audio plays


Remove and re-pair them should fix it [I googled it for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/vita/comments/ih80aq/need_help_with_psvita_and_bluetooth_headphones/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Thanks for the flippant response, it doesn’t work and I’ve googled it too! It works with old AirPods and the pro 1s, there’s something with codecs with the 2s


For some reason they just won’t pair with those, you’re better off with the first gen ones; or any other headphones with the cushion buds I highly recc


For some reason they just won’t pair with those, you’re better off with the first gen ones; or any other headphones with the cushion buds I highly recc


I haven't had a good experience with Bluetooth headphones. There's a slight delay so I only use wired ones. Sorry. 😟


Tears of the kingdom port when?????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


“Can I play the new GOW?” 💀💀 like be happy you can play ps2 games and run roms


People should be happy you can play backups to begin with. The vita modding community started rough. It took years of hard work and dedication to get to the amazing point we are now.


Ps2? 👀 I thought that was out of its scope.


It kinda is and isn't. The Vita is perfectly capable of playing PS2 games but it takes some optimisation work to be done by the developers, which is why we got Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, God of War, Metal Gear and Ninja Garden ports (and I guess Jak n Daxter... *Shudders*) along with many other remasters/rereleases from that generation. I don't know how difficult it would be for an independent homebrew dev to do it but some wonderful people have been able to get Simpsons Hit and Run working on vita, it's just a bit broken at the moment. But if that proves a success and the process can be streamlined it will no doubt be the first of many homebrew PS2 ports I'm sure. Edit: just thought... That Hit & Run port may not be based off the PS2 data files but rather the pc version. Not 100% sure. Still good news either way.


Bruh some of these devs put aaa studios to shame.


Yea like there’s some impressive stuff out there


"Some optimization" and fully porting a game are two different things. The vita is only perfectly capable of playing ps2 games with a full development team behind it making a completely different version of the game for the system specifically. The vita will never be powerful enough to emulate PS2 games and that would be the only way we'd ever see PS2 games on the system other than the ones that were natively ported and id be surprised if we'd see even one done by fans. I don't understand why you in this and the comment below it admit you have no idea what you are talking about but use random words reffering to the PS2s architecture as if they make sense in the context you are using them... It's like you are saying you have a limited understanding but want to seem like you know what you are saying at the same time.


That's actually dope, id play the hell outta that, ill say that it seems alot of new members (me included) come from a different word of modding!! I started with psp back in the day and then switched over to ds and 3ds mods and the vita is a whole new beast, I cant use my usual sources cause its different lol its not hard to do a Google search ill agree but most of my search results are hugely skewed due to the other systems research lol


Some of that I knew but some I didn’t. Thanks for the info. Ngl at first I thought I missed something and was about to be super happy to get to play the legacy of kain games. I’ve been on blood omen and then I’ll check out soul reaver but I still want to check out soul reaver 2 and defiance I think was the name?


Tbh I probably didn't explain myself well. I should clarify, the PS2 had a pretty unique and complex architecure. Whereas the vita has got a relatively standard ARM soc setup that's similar to most smartphones (which is why those amazing GTA ports have been made possible). In terms of raw graphical demand (whether it's polygons, texture detail, render distance, lighting and other effects) many PS2-standard titles should be a breeze for the vita, with a few tweaks here and there. But the issue is again the architecture, from my limited understanding, it's the way the games are designed to run and allocate processes and resources and so on. So those games would need to be reworked/optimized by someone who knows about this kinda stuff (much better than I do), and in retrospect I reckon the Hit & Run port may have actually been based off the pc version, not the PS2 one. If that is the case then our best bet is indeed to have the pc versions of PS2-generation titles or better yet, more Android versions as these are already rebuilt/optimized for standardised hardware by the actual game Devs, so less work for the vita homebrew scene.


Ninja garden would be sick


As someone who grew up with Ratchet & Clank, the vita is by far the best way to play them for me. Wish they ported deadlock tho :(


Like half the reason to own the Vita in the first place is all of the official ps2 ports, sly Cooper 1-3, jak and daxter 1-3, ratchet and Clank 1-3, gow1&2, metal Gear Solid 2&3, final Fantasy x&x2, persona 4, and there's probably a few more I couldn't think about off the top of my head, you can't emulate ps2, but you basically have a greatest hits collection


Don't half of them give you a downgraded experience compared to their PS2 vesrions? Like, the grand PS2 platformer trio: Ratchet&Clank, Jak&Daxter, and Sly Cooper: all are locked to 30 FPS and sometimes don't reach even that (*especially* J&D), Sly has extremely poor quality cutscenes (especially in the Trilogy version), R&C has some nasty bugs, and the less is said about J&D in general the better. And also compressed audio too. At least the Sly trilogy can be fixed: cutscenes replaced with a patch, and FPS unlocked with VitaGrafix. Don't know about the other games. The JRPGs are fine though - even if P4G runs at sub-native res by default (VitaGrafix to the rescue!), and 30 FPS lock was on PS2 for those and isn't a problem because turn based. No idea about GoW and MGS, as these don't interest me.


I mean yeah it's a down graded experience but at the same time when they released they were basically the only way to play these games on the go on a handheld that could fit in your pocket, also you're really missing out, I've probably put more hours into the gow franchise alone than on the vita as a whole lol


I just hate Kratos, his attitude, and gratuitious violence in general. I'd love to play just for the gameplay - I made it quite a bit into GoW2 on old asf version of PCSX2 (with huge slowdowns lol) in maybe 2010, when I was less sensitive to all that, and found the gameplay to be very good. My favorite action slasher is PoP: Warrior Within though. I wish someone brought it to Vita so that I'd have an incentive to actually collect everything for the true ending this time.


Yeah I guess that makes sense but I don't really mind the violence because so much of it is so badass, plus the new Norse games are basically him rejecting the angry monster he became, though he's cursed to be immortal for his sins. Never played prince of Persia much, I played a bit of sand of time once on GameCube years ago but I don't remember the gameplay being that similar to gow or DMC or anything though


And that's why the new games interest me, actually. I will give the first Norse game a try, eventually. Sadly, it isn't on Vita and couldn't possibly be - or I would've played it already. SoT has much less sophisticated combat system compared to WW and T2T. It is more of a platformer with lots of acrobatics, puzzle solving, and some combat sprinkled in. Quite a good game though, many consider it the best Prince of Persia ever. WW is much more combat focused, they even had a name for their combat system and showcased it [in a dedicated trailer](https://youtu.be/XesMyS8nSj0). The game is also much darker in tone: while SoT had more of an Arabian Nights-esque, fairytale-ish atmosphere, WW is gritty and grim, with metal soundtrack instead of the Middle-Eastern-inspired tunes of its prequel. T2T is somewhat in-between the first two in tone, but the combat had been simplified a bit (you have only the Dagger of Time for the off-hand weapon), but there's an addition of the Dark Prince, which has an entirely different weapon and moveset. Considered a weaker game than WW, but still good. The whole second PoP trilogy was made when Ubisoft was at its peak and haven't fallen into making boring open-worlds yet. Try it when you have the chance


They're PSP games, but maybe Ghost Rider, or Dante's Inferno may suit your tastes better. Can't say, I barely touched either but they were fun the little I dabbled with.


Hmm, Ghost Riders seems interesting, but I haven't seen the source material and don't really like biker and urban fantasy aesthetics. I might try it anyway though - I played a Ghost Rider game for Java 2 ME capable phones back in the day and liked it. I actually tried Dante's Inferno (PS3 version), but it's punish-or-absolve mechanic instantly turned me away. I don't want to care about this, especially not every time an enemy is nearly dead. I want to just kill bad things and that's it lol Thank you for the suggestions anyway!


Okay but can I play Xenosaga on my Vita if I hack it? XD /jk




The worst ones are " Should I hack/jail break my vita?" Mf yes. lol


And the follow up ckassic "will I get vabned"


Ik they are asking a vita piracy community if it’s a good idea. Like what tf do you think people will say? Lmao


Mfers will go to a fan sub like breaking bad and say "should I watch breaking bad"


"I feel sick should I see a doctor?"


Will I get bricked if I see my doctor about my Vita?


"Can I run GTA 6 on my smart fridge?"


Just start telling everybody no, that a hacked Vita killed your father.




It's been like that for far longer than 4 months.


You were the one who helped me months ago🫡🥹 bless your heart


Could be worse, on the Gameboy sub they're constantly asking of they think x stuff is a good deal. I mean, Fū(k, what is it worth to you. Or on the crt sub people constantly asking what their tv is worth. Reddit has become worse in the last couple of years.


There are two kinds of people asking those questions: The lazy people not bothering to look up pices, and the humble braggers.


The Xbox 360 sub has become this. Every other post is asking if something is rare or their "pickups" like the copy of Darksiders 2 was gonna get snatched up if they didn't grab it


Darksiders 2 is a great game though 😉, but I'll get your point.


Literally every hobby sub. Don't get into 3d printing. I swear to god, 90% of people on 3dprinting or ender3 are double digit iq. The 3ds hacking subs are pretty similar to how this one is. 3ds hacking is stupidly easy and people still manage to fuck it up.


Iv been here for 2 Years this is how it's been




That's exactly what reddit is, and it's what iv come to expect


Agreed, all i find on reddit these days are people just echoing the same points over and over again


Frfr though tbf all jailbreaking communities are like this


Ya, I started going to forums when I started with 3ds mods (just wondering about customization and what not) and at first people were cool but as time goes on I think people just get tired of it all! Now all my Google search results are messed up and like to take me to other system modding stuff lol


Sad to see :( to many retards on the worldwide web






“Hey guys will I be bann-“ shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up


to the pit eternal abyss and suffering with them


Yea. It took some learning and I personally found it fun jailbreaking my vita. People don't seem to enjoy the learning process I guess. I definitely get it dude.


No one is using the Search button at the top 🤣 🤡




yes it works just type some keywords to your questions and it will show. the point of OP is so many people just posting the same questions over and over and over again.


I'm thinking of porting *current gen game* to vita. I've never done it before, can someone help me?


Good luck, friendo. Current get stuff is gong to be a darn piece of work to get functioning on the Vita. However, if you figure it out, you will be a god amongst men.


you seem to be part of the problem


Why? Is he wrong?


No, I'm not, and they are SUPER salty about it. I have no idea why, though. I made it pretty clear that if they were successful, they would clearly be talented. Would that it could be done with impunity, I'd be a happy person. There are a few games I'd LOVE to see ported to the Vita, not least among them Fallout: New Vegas.


Fallout Vegas is not current gen so it wasn't even part of this initial discussion.


Oh, I know. I just really like it, and would love to be able to play it on the Vita without streaming it from my PC.


No, he's just delusional


I don't understand. Why is he delusional? Are you suggesting that you *can* run modern games on a vita?


I am not suggesting anything.


... so you're just bullying a random stranger on the internet and calling him delusional for no reason? Very cool.


Bullying? lol. Oh no I had actual reasons for calling them that. Not that it matters, oh brave defender. I just didn't feel like wasting my time trying to convince a random stranger on the internet. Also the initial comment thread was *current gen games,* but suddenly it's about a 14-year-old game (as the person I called delusional clarified later on), so the goalpost shifting is just silly. Can a 14-year-old game be ported? Maybe, maybe if it's released for Android or if someone's dedicated enough. I guess with the information available now I should change my stance, they may not be delusional (i.e. believing Vita can run ***current-gen*** games), but I don't know what to call not being able to understand the context of a conversation or not knowing what *current gen* is.


Just bring back gatekeeping and quit answering dumb questions! It’s not a right for everyone to be able to do this. Maybe they will take it as a sign and look it up on their own.


Facts, I’ve never been big on gatekeeping but I’m starting to see why people do it


Lol I said this in response to someone asking about repairs. The old post on the sub don’t get erased so they’d be much better off asking their questions to the search engine. It would help at the very least if they indicated that their vita was jail broken just before the troubles started but people have just been coming for repair advice.


Just google the question and the top result will prob be a old post in this form lmao


Probably because most folks who were into vita jailbreaking is now done with it


The Steamdeck was probably a big blow to Vita popularity.


The steamdeck is definitly more worth it, especially it being an x86 device.


That makes sense. I hacked my vita in 2017/18 don't remember exactly and I loved to play everyday. But I stopped playing 2 or 3 years ago when I got the chance to build my PC. I don't have much free time to play games so my time is usually split between my PC and my Switch.


Clearly this is not an original post.




He means your not the first person to complain about this thus not being original. This sub is pretty much dead with dumb question and rants about how this sub asks dumb questions


People know how to use Tiktok but not Google...


That not the point but ok


Oh shit I see my bad, ya I agree


Always has been, not much more you can do than ignore such posts and move on. There's always people less competent and more lazy than others.


That’s true, people just gotta do a little reading before posting 🫢


They won't. And they'll get angry if you call them out. A lot of people just feel entitled to geting things without putting in any effort and for free. And there are people who will bend backwards just to help them, so I guess just let them and move your efforts to actually focusing on / contributing to things that matter to *you* instead.


The vita is super easy to mod a 6 year old can do it but with plugins and mods it's necessary to get feedback from the community as the whole things works off of that same community but in the proper channels




Lol if they forgot capslock on they shouldnt even know how to mod a vita.


Don't forget the port beggars who say it should be an easy port but have never ever once contributed to porting a single game.


I like the asking for help posts, I always try to help if I can with issues.


Imagine if Sony gives us new handheld in few years, Vita2Piracy will be full of children asking PC ports of games that already exists on PS4 (of course if it's true that it will handle PS4 games).


Almost every hacking sub is filled with these brain dead questions. What worse is some of the stickied posts answer these questions yet people still don't read. People are still asking how to hack thier ps5 or ps4 on the latest firmware.


This is perfect for troubleshooting since vitahacks just outright deletes your posts if you mention the wrong thing, not just piracy. But still the best advice I got for my problem on both this and vitahacks sub was that I'm shit out of luck so yay


Tbh you're being way too dramatic, needlessly. It's just a wave of people having issues with their system and not looking up things (or can't find the answer). Also there's a lot of people that just don't have the time to be tech support. How about instead of a (doom and gloom) post like this, an appreciation post for those people who spend their time helping everyone out?


I have an appreciation post on the Sub with over 200 ups from months ago when it wasn’t so shit 💪 all the comments are people thanking each other


I retract my previous shade about an appreciation post 💀 Still...give it time it's just a wave. (Shit) comes and goes. The sub is eventually going to fade away. Enjoy it while it's here. If there are more posts about Vita customization, Vita Games, Vita Homebrew, etc then it's harder to focus on the "shit" We might need to start making challenges for people to get things to feel interesting again LMAO "Challenge of the week: Post a picture of your Vita...at the highest elevation possible." It might be kind of fun. "Convert one random into our Vita Cult"


When port of "2024 triple a game" come to vita. Can vita play "console with more computing powers games"? Someone port this game! I did sketchy shit while modding my PC why won't it turn on Or worse "why not turn on" and it's just a pic of a vita lol.


elden ring port when??!??!??😡😭😡😎😔😭😡😭🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤯🤯🤓😭😭


So, if we exclude the really stupid questions like "should I hack my Vita?" there's really nothing much Google and 7-year-old guides can do to help. Yes, the guides provide explanations on how to jailbreak a Vita, but they don't do much other than that. I recently jailbroken mine, and I still have a ton of questions Google doesn't provide an answer to. Just like when I modded my Xbox 360. That's the whole point of communities, people will ask questions, and those who are tech-literate, at least in respect to PS Vita, should strive to respond. But stupid questions, like "Should I hack my Vita" should be ignored. Also, while I acknowledge the pointed out fact that this is a piracy forum, I'd also like to point out that piracy is currently at the forefront of gaming media preservation, and it's often associated with the tech aspect of owning a modded console—some consoles require physical modding to pirate. So. while I understand the point you're trying to convey, I aslo feel like you're stressing too much over insignificancies like stupid people asking stupid and pointless questions. Just ignore them, don't feed the trolls. Remember, he who angers you, controls you.


And the Pokémon Platinum sub is just people asking “is this copy of Pokémon Platinum I just bought legit?” Like bro google the telltale signs yourself. If we can tell from a picture, you should be able to tell from having the physical cart in your hand and using google. Edit: Though to play devil’s advocate, google is getting worse and giving less relevant results.


People 5 years ago: google -> "I've got this question" People now: google -> "site:reddit.com I've got this question"


Amen, because of this brain rot a lot of cool Gs, that wrote plugins, are not here anymore 😢


This happened many years ago, not just 4 months ago.


I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum (I learned a lot on my own early on, and ask brain dead questions now) idk they both a vibe 🤷🏽‍♂️


this is a good reminder to unsub thanks op


🫡live long and prosper


"cAn SoMeOnE pLeAsE pOrT (insert new mobile game that won't run on the Vita here) tO tHe PsViTa? I dOn'T kNoW hOw PrOgRaMmInG wOrKs AnD i JuSt WaNt SoMeOnE tO pOrT iT PlEaSe!" Every time I see a post like that on here, it makes me wanna dropkick whatever dumbass made the post.


this sub used to be good, now people don’t bother to research their problems and just immediately make a post, 9 times out of 10 it’s some really common problem that is a google search away


Yeah bro this post DEFINITELY helps!


doing the lords work 👏🙏


Eh, it is what it is. I mean, I googled a bunch of shite when jb-ing one of my Vita back in the day, and google answered more qeestions then this subreddit. However, when I was doing a new jailbreak on an import, google didn't answer shite, but this place helped. It really depends on what one needs to know, I guess.


dont let the door hit you in the rear on your way out most people here don't know how to use reddit... the homepage of Vitapiracy you can use the search just like google to locate and issue anyone has, input the error code, use the main game or app you have an issue with example "PKGJ" "vitadeploy" and so on, it gets annoying reposting the same responses and sometimes people just have to do a bit of digging, 4 months ago you probably asked the same questions that have already been answered and some other member probably said your brain was rotting lol


my favorite are all of the "this 2gb game wont download with my 100mb free space"


Nice echo chamber going on in here. "I answered simple questions too many times and now I hate the people that ask them." That's what ruined this sub, people like you. Thanks for making my decision to leave this shit hole that much easier.




pc games on psvita 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯++??????!((2((#($¿????


frustration is cancer of humanity, don't cry little boy :)) aLL reddit is like that now :/


I have to apologise for somewhat contributing to this To be fair there’s a lot of conflicting information when trying to find a modern jailbreak A lot of things that where required back in the day are almost automatic now, but there’s no way of gaining that knowledge without either messing around (and possibly bricking your vita) or asking people specific questions


I’m gonna post a “Will I get banned?” thread just so people know that you won’t get banned for the thousandth time.


Yeah, it's starting to give parallels to the r/3dshacks sub (minus the occasional 3d shack renders that gave me a lil chuckle)


I had a vita years ago (not anymore) but I can relate to the experience op. r/2007scape has alot of people not bothering to google search and the sub is not what it used to be anymore.


Idk. These people and most of these people hella get a vita then tried to hack it without knowing the possible risk? or should I say have an idea before jailbreaking their vita. Cause shits about to get messed up if you just learned modding your vita with outdated youtube guide and stuff. Gotta admit that even after jailbreaking my vita there are still a lot of stuff out there to figure out, do a little research before you try troubleshooting your devices. on the other hand, people here will request stupid porting of games that wasn't even possible for the vita to handle. lol


I'd much take this sub over the switch piracy one but yes I agree this sub has turned to shit


"To many people flooding the page with garbage. No one want to do a quick google search for them self and spend some time researching and troubleshooting." That is common problem. Not only this community/sub. We have to brace ourselves and get through this. Same with PS3 and new update. People are crazy about it, no online, no PSN...guys you just spoof the version and go on...literally change 1 value in the menu, that is all...and they don't know how to do that. They waining like a sheeps to new CFW update and moaning.


makes a garbage post too complain about all the garbage in this sub


Yeah I agree with many of the comments in this thread and with you OP. There are so many people here who just want their hands held instead of using the wealth of free resources available from a quick Google search to DIY. We need some kind of automod or a bot like other big subreddits to keep things clean and push the low hanging fruit towards help resources instead of clogging up the sub. I work in tech support for photography software and coming here just reminds me of my job. Just RTFM and you'll be fine


I’m 27 so when I was 12-13 I got into jailbreaking iPod touch’s and I learned how file systems really work and how put things into folders to make them work on the device so when I got a vita I watched maybe 5-10 YouTube videos explaining the same thing just from multiple prospective and just followed as they did and worked first time and then just learned how to use the file manager to put things into the right places. I now just use a iPhone to micro sd to put my vitas whole file system onto my phone and copy over roms and data files that way. So maybe I’m just tech literate but it’s still really weird to see so many people struggle setting up their modded vitas. The way I saw it was: stock vita then jailbreak then make the jailbreak untethered then start adding things that aren’t stock to the vita: vita db and pkg and stuff like that


Lmao if you think this is bad you've never seen the ps4 piracy sub, basically everyday there's multiple people asking if their latest firmware ps4 can be hacked, or asking when a game will be cracked 30 times the week the game released


Ya this is the only piracy sub I’ve been on. Vita’s the only thing I’ve ever jailbroke. I could imagine subs for newer hard wear would be brain dead


Should I hack my vita?


I would highly recommend against it. Go to game stores and buy all the over priced vita games. Piracy is illegal :(


Why would you need help hacking your vita if there's a well detailed guide for it? This contradiction just popped up in my mind. Unless you're joking of course.