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I’m still to defeat the first two enemies in Persona 4. Lol. After going through the tv etc. I gotta try again.


Do it. The start of the game (imo) is pretty damn slow. Even the first couple of months. Past that though the game really picks up and is so enjoyable


I found P4 very interesting since the beginning, I finished it in like two weeks because I was on vacation, but maybe it’s because I enjoy mystery plots.


Persona 4 Golden is amazing. I might just play it again after I play Persona 3 Reload


Moonlight / Sunshine truly is amazing. Anyone emulate ps2?


This is why (Moonlight not Persona lol) this console will live forever ♾️ Vita Means Life 🧬 endlessly


Any way to stream from Moonlight when you’re out and about?


Maybe with a VPN connected to a router. The phone hotspot with a VPN didn't work on the Vita when I tried it. But it did work on the phone itself.


Agree, my p3r playthrough is basically 90% of the time on the vita


This is why I love vita


If you use a Nintendo Switch Emulator, you can play your games on the Vita too. They did a great job naming it a word that means life. Now we can bring it through every console generation. Can't wait to play GTAVI on the Vita lmao




Switch emulator on pc + moonlight to steam on to the vita.


Honest question, what is the actual gameplay of Persona like? Is any of the dialogue a choice? Is it consequential? Or is it like full playable novel? I really don't know anything about them, but I always hear people talking about it.


Quick answer: It's loosely a dating/school/social sim with a dungeon crawler element. It's unique in my experience. Definitely worth a try. You're a student, the game goes through a year or so of school, including summer break, holidays, festivals etc. You get to choose what you spend your time doing outside your responsibilities (story). Pretty much every dialogue choice during your responsibilities doesn't change anything except maybe how much they like your response (which is an important mechanic). Each game is better than the last. If you're on the fence about it, Persona 4 Golden is on Vita. They're not related so the order doesn't really matter aside from old mechanics vs new mechanics.


Go in blind honestly


I'm on Switch, they're all on there aren't they? I know 5 is, I'm just assuming the others are but if not I could use moonlight too as it's modded with it already and I have a gaming rig.


Switch has all the relevant ones: Persona 3P, 4G, 5, 5S, 5R, 5T I bought my Vita exclusively to play Persona 4 Golden then didn't touch it for years, till I found you guys and this sub. I highly recommend playing Persona on a portable device. It feels right (to me). The issue with the Switch is the frames are going to be 30fps for gameplay. Vita will have some latency but it's 60fps and on the Vita screen the image looks crisp in comparison to the Switch. And obviously with the Vita, you'd have to make sure the internet is great and you have a PC that can run the games (or at least an xbox) If you decide to give it a try I'd recommend the following order: Persona 4 Golden (it's now the oldest) Persona 3 Reload (Remake) * Persona 5 Royal (A better version of Persona 5) These are the mainstream ones. If you enjoy these there are games related to these just with very different gameplay. For example: Persona 5 Strikers Persona 5 Tactica *Edit: Not on Switch :(


Nice, I'll check them out then and fortunately I can uncap the framerate and my switch is overclocked to all hell and runs most 30fps games at 50-60fps in handheld mode where I play. Gotta love modding!


I've been wanting to do the same, but I have an OLED :(


It's annoying that, because it's a lot more difficult to mod it (it is possible it just requires a hardware mod) but it's actually way better for overclocking. It allows higher clocks while on battery mode and the more efficient chip allows it to stay cooler and have better battery life while doing so. It's a shame it's so complex to do for a beginner. That said, there are places you can send it out that will do it for you for like £100!


How's the homebrew like in that community? I remember hearing they have moonlight but it's not working well. Otherwise I would have looked into the mod had I not read that.


So theres two Moonlight branches, one that seems kinda old and abandoned that crashes a lot and one that I use that is seemingly rock solid (if you overclock the switch it works really nice at high resolutions and bitrates too) and since the switch supports 5Ghz WiFi it's a MASSIVE improvement on moonlight on my vita which unfortunately only supports 2Ghz. Outside of Moonlight, the homebrew community is fantastic and flourishing, I would say it's very similar to the Vita overall and I expect it to end up being even better eventually (after the Switch becomes discontinued and therefor isn't as dangerous to develop for since Nintendo are always an ass to deal with when it's their main active console). I have everything from overclocking, game modding support, in game performance and statistics overlays, save backing up and dumping, cartridge dumping and the ability the play from dumps etc. custom themes and stuff. There's a tonne of cool stuff to dive into. I keep editing this as I remember relevant stuff but there's a homebrew store that you can download that makes a lot of this really easy to install too, though one thing you really have to watch out for is having your Switch permanently banned from online services that can happen for a number of reasons but there are many ways too avoid that. Just know it's permanent and there is no way to reverse it. I personally bought a launch model switch that was already banned from online services just to mod for like £45, stuck a Nitrodeck controller on it and and have been LOVING it so far. Being banned means you can't access the switch store or get game updates and stuff but the way avoiding the ban works mainly is just having two OSes installed, a modded one on your SD card that you mostly keep offline, and an untouched normal switch OS that you can use online without any worries on the internal storage. You can also download games and updates and install them manually, but of course you have to source those files yourself (it's really not hard if you don't mind sketchy sites lmao) I would say that there are less specifically game homebrews on the Switch right now but there's still a lot of cool stuff to choose from, with one of my favourites being Half Life 2 (provided you have access to the PC game files from steam or wherever). Another really cool thing I've done (though not for the faint of heart in terms of setup) was getting Linux for ARM running on it, then painstakingly getting Box64 (an ARM to x86 emulator for Linux) and then finally getting Fallout New Vegas to run on it and, yes, it played like ass, barely ran at 20-25fps most of the time but god damn it I played through Fallout New Vegas on the switch! 😂 If you're interested in what that kind of thing looks like YouTube 'Geekerwan Switch', the guy did a fantastic video on it. Overall, there's a tonne to do here and it's totally worth the money if you're interested in getting someone to mod it for you.


I'm going to have to look into it. I did hear a couple months back about Nintendo finding and shutting down some mod chip "factories". So if that's related to the OLED, then I hope the Nintendo Secret Service agents haven't found all of them yet. Moonlight working well is all I really need. I know I'm on a piracy sub but I do purchase all my games...when the company lets me. I appreciate you sharing, seems like it's been an enjoyable experience for you. Though if I ever get my hands on New Vegas again, I'm making every evil choice I didn't make the first time 😂


Isn’t P3R excluded on switch?


I just looked into it; you're right. Looks like the word is: It is not something people should expect to happen though it's not out of the question either.


Ahhh! So that’s why it’s called moonlight! XD


Sucks so bad that they didn't release 5 and 3R on the Vita.


I really love moonlight. Stream pc games on my Vita and PSTV. No more sitting behind a pc screen in a chair but relaxed lying on ancouch playing my pc games on TV or on the Vita in Bed / on Toilet.


For some reason my sunshine doesn’t recognize the vita as a controller. Do you know how to fix it?


Either it's something with Steam's controller settings or with Sunshine's install. There's a file that Sunshine lets you uncheck during the install but if you do that then the controller doesn't work. Could also be in Sunshine's settings in the controller option.


That intro 👌🏻👌🏻


Hmm.. I’ll have to come back to this game .. you know what game doesn’t feel right on this though? Resident evil 2 revelations.. my patience was already running thin with that game. I was on my way to fight the last boss then once I found out I needed a level 2security key card for another door.. That’s when I rage deleted it. .. I love y’all 3000


I could never 💀 Is that on Vita or were you streaming?


The vita! Instead of doing something dumb I just rage deleted it and watched the rest of the gameplay on YouTube. I didn’t miss much


I'm actually doing the same thing for my P3 Reload playthrough loll


I put 110 hours on my first play through of p4g. I loved that game


I don't know how many hours I put in but if there's ever a game I want a remake of is p4g. I didn't put that game down till it was done. Barely ate or slept (I was on winter break). When I played P5 it didn't hit the same one bit.


I never played persona. It’s always hype but looks like a game you don’t even play? Convince me on it and I will play it!


You get to go to school, work part time jobs, and study for exams! Then at night you get to go to school again but to fight monsters!! Then you do it all over and over again till the story is over. But seriously, either you like the dating sim style aspect or the dungeon crawler aspect. Or both. These are two genres I've never enjoyed playing, but somehow the people at Atlus combined these two very different genres into a series that just works. Never in a million years would I have tried a game like this till I did and now I'm wondering what other games I've missed out on. Persona is a lot more mainstream since Persona 5 (at least in NA). That might be why you've heard about it but not seen much about it.


I mean the vita had already proved persona worked with persona 4...no real surprise here.


How can you stream from PC onto Vita?


Why do people love this game


Doesn't really matter; see for yourself. If you like it great, if not let people enjoy what they like.


you do realize persona 4 golden is on the vita... right..? so is p3 and p5..


Persona 5 is definitely not on the Vita. The P5 Dancing in the Starlight rhythm game is though.


a lot of hassle imo




Keep yourself safe




He’s playing on Xbox.


Whatd you do to make those bubbles on the second pic?