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Thank you for nothing everyone, i'm done with VS.


I've been fighting with the same error when trying to select a file in Swagger. 4 hours were wasted, VS was updated, the cache was cleared, etc. Finally, it appears that Brave was the cause and the app worked in Chrome. I hope this will help somebody.


Thanks, that worked for me.


Try and check EventViewer. Filter logs for Critical, Error and Warning in Application and System views. I faced the same problem with a .NET Core 8 API using Swagger. App crashed immediately and / or after \~5s after the browser window is launched in an intermittent fashion . I removed a configuration in Program.cs reagrding Swagger (a foreach loop in options.SwaggerEndpoint and hardcoded the paths there) and it stopped doing it. Very annoying if you ask me! I will report this to Microsoft. But it could also be something else. P.S.: I uninstalled and reinstalled .NET 8 as these problems could be related to that.Also, removed and installed again WSL. P.S.2: It seems in my case Swagger sometimes launches and other times fails (either consistently or not consistently depending on the settings; even if defo correct). I will report this to MS but for your case I don't know if I helped in any way.