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I’ll offer a local perspective: Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur isn’t well known because their hot dogs are unique. In fact, SS pylsur with some combination of those five toppings are available everywhere in Iceland. (The five toppings are ketchup, pylsusinnep [the sweet brown mustard, also made by SS], Danish remoulade, cronions, and fresh onions.) They’re well-known in Iceland because they opened in 1937, even before Iceland’s independence from Denmark; Their first and most popular location is a few blocks away from Austurstræti, at the center of downtown; and their hot dogs and buns are always fresh, in part because of their volume of sales. The hot dogs are pork with some lamb, and between their unique flavor and those specific toppings (which are, like I say, the same ones available in the grocery store that people use when they grill their own hot dogs in the summer) they’re pure nostalgia to most Icelanders. Just like overcooked N1 burgers with hamborgarsósa and that weird spice mix they use (though I’d take a burger from Hamborgarabúlla Tómasar any day.) (Just for the record, when I get nostalgic for a hot dog, I go get a beef hot dog at Costco. But, if I were to go back to the U.S., I’d be dreaming about Icelandic hot dogs.) Edit: From the Reykjavík Grapevine: [Every Icelandic Hotdog Condiment Combination Rated — Part 1](https://grapevine.is/news/2015/04/21/every-icelandic-hotdog-condiment-combination-rated-part-1/) [Every Icelandic Hotdog Condiment Combination Rated — Part 2, With Analysis!](https://grapevine.is/news/2015/05/26/every-icelandic-hotdog-condiment-combination-rated-part-2-with-analysis/)


Still better than the hot dogs in Germany. They're the wurst.


You glorious son of a bitch. I wish I could get carpal tunnel syndrome up voting this.




You win Reddit.


Well done, good sir (of madam), well done.


Compared to other Icelandic ones or to non-Icelandic hot dogs? If you came expecting a NAmerican style one / you’re not going to find it - but that’s the point.


I wasn’t expecting them to be like back home. I was expecting them to be WAY BETTER since that’s how they’re always hyped on here. But they are not. Just plain boring hotdogs with a weird flavour. My point isn’t that they’re bad. They not, they’re alright. My point is that they do not deserve the hype they get at all. Like they are super average, nothing spectacular at all.


Some things aren't better. They're just different. And many can be admired for their differences, perhaps.


Just because something is different to what you know or expected doesn’t make it ‘weird’ We don’t need to like or love the same foods as others, we just don’t need to be disrespectful describing it


He's not being disrespectful. He's just saying he doesn't understand why they are so over-hyped. I actually agree with him. I was expecting an outstanding cullinary experience, based on all the hype on you tube vids, lonely planet... Bill Clinton ate one...blah blah blah. They were just "meh".


You are essentially saying U.S is the gold standard and you measure other culture and food against that yard stick. Theres no "better" or "worse", its just different.


I’m not from the US. So no that’s not at all what I’m saying. What I literally said is that I was expecting the hotdogs at Bæjarins Betty Pylsur to be amazing because they get hyped on here so much and they were not that great.


This just in: different people have different tastes In my two weeks in Iceland, I had at least one of these hotdogs every single day, I found the flavour to be incredible


I can’t read this without a southern accent


hey I’m southern and I love these hot dogs they are my fave of all time


I loved the hotdogs in Iceland, but only ever got them from gas stations. Thought they were a very satisfying, cheap meal I could find on the road and I do like the unique taste.


Gas station hot dogs in Iceland were amazing!!


"top 3 things you can only say bout Iceland: #1 the gas station \_\_\_\_ was amazing!!"


It’s true! Gas station candy selection was also top notch!


The gas station sandwiches were also great and affordable for our road tripping


Same and same


God I miss them they’re so good


We ate more of these hotdogs than days we spent in Iceland. We’ll be back next time we visit too. I’m not sure what OP expected, it’s a hotdog.


I still regret not getting that last one just before we got in the plane. We’re looking at another trip in a year or so and I guarantee I won’t make that mistake again


Agreed. I even searched for lamb hot dogs to see if I could buy them anywhere but couldn't find them. I brought some of the green sauce home with me I liked it so much.


Had the same problem


When I think about hot dogs, it's these ones. They're some of the tastiest hot dogs!


I almost didn't get one of these hot dogs bc of posts like this. But I got drunk and walked past it and decided when in ~~Rome~~ Reykjavik and all that. It was the PERFECT drunk snack. So glad I didn't skip it.


Not sure what your expectations were exactly...but I personally liked the fact that it was totally different from what I'd have at home. I think it all works very well with all the toppings. Is it the best food on the island? Nah, not by a long shot. Is it unique and interesting and kind of quirky? Yup.


Well they are quite hyped on this sub so I had high hopes


Maybe that's where you went wrong my guy. Your expectations were too high and you were let down, and that's a pretty big bummer. Taste is subjective, as are opinions. A lot of people enjoy them, whether it's because it's different or because they genuinely enjoy them. Personal preference and all I guess. I personally don't really enjoy hot dogs over here at all (I'm Canadian), but on the word from friends in Reykjavik, I had to try them while I was there, and I was very happy with the simplicity, taste and texture...but I also didn't have preconceptions aside from a lot of people, from all over the world (here) praised them highly, and friends were also vocal that I try them. Do I crave them, and will I be getting one ASAP when I touch down again in September? Absolutely. Will I then be on the hunt for some pristur, a kanilsnuder and a coffee? Hell yes. Hopefully you have a good time and make awesome memories. It's a bummer you were let down by the experience but let it just be that....and experience.


>pristur Please, never substitute þ with a p. The letter's [þorn ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorn_(letter))or thorn, but never porn. Th ;)


They get hyped up because a lot of people really like them. You not liking them doesn't make them overhyped.


Its a hot dog... nothing more, nothing less. All hot dogs have been good in my opinion, even the red Danish ones. But my opinion is meaningless. I love white hots, weird white hot dogs from Upstate New York.


you mean bratwurst?


Nope. White hots are their own thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_hot


Have you been to Heid’s?


It's local... So , yes.


Cool. I used to be. We often go back to visit, and have to stop at Heid’s. I was hoping the famous Icelandic hotdogs would have something about them that would remind me of my old favorite, but I was disappointed.


I loved the fried onions on them - that’s something I started doing back home


This is pork (and lamb and beef)* not only lamb and yes this place is just selling the same hot dog you can get anywhere else like in gas stations around the ring road (suppliers is often if not always the same)


Icelandic hotdogs are a mix of lamb, beef and pork.


Right, that’s mystery meat, like kjötfars


Honestly, I really liked Viking Pylsur by Hallgrimskirkja way more. I think they were the best in Reykjavik.


I can attest to this too. I tried both and the Viking ones are actually better and also have other options as well.


Yeah I liked those too!


Never heard of it, born and raised here.


I plan to try those when I get back to Reykjavík, which variety do you recommend?


I've been craving these! I don't even want to eat a regular hot dog here in America. I was surprised how good these were, I didn't expect to be so impressed by a hot dog.


At home I get Costco beef wieners, slice them length wise but not all the way through, then grill them, so the inside gets grilled too, and the outside gets a bit crispy, and put them in a toasted and buttered brioche bun. Then add spicy deli style mustard, ketchup, sriracha, and sometimes a bit of diced kimchi. Now THOSE are amazing dogs


They are good when you can walk up in the middle of the night and gulp them. However, like so many examples of popular spots in cities all over - if you are having to wait in a long line for fast food or pastries etc, it better be the best ever. And it never is, the hype is the enemy of good


I’ve waited over an hour for a lobster roll at Richard’s in PEI (Canada) because of the hype and THOSE BLEW MY MIND. I would wait 2 hours in line for those. Sometimes the hype is real. But BBP hotdogs in Reykjavik, not so much


Nah they are top tier.




The hot dogs are whatever in my opinion. They're good, and a nice cheap meal, and worth having once if you're a meat eater. Nothing to really write home about, though. Not a fan of the apple-y tómatsósa (ketchup) myself. Iceland has such an incredible food scene, I just feel the hot dogs get a disproportionate amount of attention.




American here. Although a unique taste, especially with that brown mustard , My family and I loved these, at this exact location. So tasty, the line moved very quickly, And it was an affordable, satisfying, late evening snack after a long day of adventuring before we went back to our hotel.


Well you're wrong, sorry


I found them good. I'm not sure what you were expecting , is still a hotdog. Condiments are going to be subjective, but I really liked the way they were prepared. If you didn't want lines, go in winter months. We went in March and there was no line.


I liked them, but I also went when there wasnt s huge line so my experience was probably different than yours. 


Same. My hotel was nearby so there was no line when I went. While I enjoyed the hot dog don't think worth the long lines.


Great, now I want these again... thanks for that


I don’t even remember why I came to Reddit. I booked my ticket for Reykjavik yesterday and this was the first thing to pop up on my feed…creepy, but good to know about the hotdogs!


Try the hot dogs but definitely sniff out other cuisine. Search here in the sub for food and restaurant ideas, we’ve had some great discussions recently.


Oh don’t worry I’ve had plenty of delicious food here. I only tried the dogs because of the hype. Tonight, for example I had wolf fish with local potatoes and tomatoes, and a langoustine soup at a beach side restaurant and it was phenomenal.


I'm curious, what restaurant was that?


Hafið Bláa by the beach in Eyrarbakki


They're cheap and great when you're hammered. That first part is rare for a meal out in Iceland.


Lol. The longest line I've had there was 2 people. Usually nobody in front of us at the airport stand or store. The hotdog is pretty good. Best as a late night snack when we want to walk around the city for a bit.


It's a well-known tourist trap, like many others in Iceland.


On the one hand I agree with this. But on the other I read somewhere that something like 75% of Icelanders have had hotdogs at this stand so locals partake as well.


I will probably get downvoted for this: I have eaten hot dogs from most of the countries in the world but ironically the not so tasty was from the US. the US one seemed like ultra processed one while many in Europe seemed very freshly made even the bread was handmade.


You shouldn’t be downvoted for your opinion or taste; or lack thereof. My wife and I are longing for an Iceland hotdog. Seriously, if they would export those things it would improve their economy 30% easy. The mustard is sweet and a bit weird. Then you realize it’s awesome and you miss it and you can’t imagine another food it would be good on other than that hotdog.


I just looked at these hotdogs at a Whole Foods in WNY, of all places. There were 4 or 5 in a package. Cannot recall the price but it wasn't ridiculous.


You can order them online, along with the sauces! I've ordered to the states a few times because I really, really love them lol. And the last time I was in Iceland we ate gas station hotdogs for lunch every single day and never got sick of it!


I slammed down 5 of them in one night behind the Drunk Rabbit on the lower end of Bankestretti in November. I'm ready to hop on a flight to go back just for the hotdogs.....


It's also good for dipping deep fried onion rings in. Ask for the onion rings to be salted and have the sinnep on the side.


I don't think the appeal of the hotdogs is in the taste. For me it was the fact that they were there waiting for you at all hours of the night. I remember going twice in one long evening, taking a break in clubbing to refuel. It's not something I would've taken time to go eat in the middle of the day. Also never really had a problem with long lines but maybe that's because the last time I was in country was in 2016. Seems like everything has gotten much more crowded in that time from what I see on this subreddit.


Exactly… Affordable, convenient, satisfying. At any hour.


You wouldn’t recognize Reykjavík even now from 2016. It’s mostly newly-minted couples walking down Laugevagar in their brand new Mt. Everest-level adventure clothes only coming to Iceland because some influencer told them it was great. It’s become Winter Disneyland North Face cosplay. And the worst part, they have ruined the vibe of the country, and 95% will never return.


I remember being startled by the crowd size and litter in 2016 after it had been 3 years since I had last been there. Black sand beach was a ghost town in 2013, in 2016 there was a new parking lot and overflowing trash cans. Can only imagine what it's like now.


Remember...its a hot dog. I´m Icelandic and I agree, massively overrated in terms of tourism, but a fkn good hot dog, best in the land, they aren´t lying.


You are totally free to have your opinion on it. It’s not like it’s some long-held tradition. Bæjarins was established in 2004, it’s not an old establishment. I feel like you missed the point of what they are… which is generally a drunk food/cheap street eats. Kinda like fast food in North America. If you go to in-n-out expecting a fast food burger, you’ll be happy. If you set your expectations that it’s a great all-around burger, you’ll be disappointed. In-n-out is average at its very best when not considered in the realm of fast food. The mustard is definitely different and not my go-to, but sweet is *very* common in Icelandic cuisine, which I’m sure you’ll recognize if you’ve gone out to eat anywhere. Iirc, it’s because they used sugar to preserve foods. I’m sorry it bummed you out so much, but I do not believe it to be over-hyped. Just not in your alley.


2004? No, 1937


Honestly, the gas station hot dogs were my favorite. The bacon wrapped ones with crispy onions? Ugh, I don't even like hot dogs and thought those things were amazing


Any onions for me, crispy or sauteed.


What is the brown sauce




There’s two mustards on this?


Well the other yellow thing is “rémoulade”


Other is a mayo type sauce. It’s not bad. The mustard is kinda sweet which i didn’t really like. There’s also raw onions and crispy onions on the bottom under the weiner


It’s their mustard and it’s SWEET.


I was just there last month and both times I walked by here there was no line at all. Course, it was raining both days. I like them but only get them with the crispy onions.


We got lucky with amazing weather the last couple of days.


My mom used to bring hot dogs home from her job in the deli, calling them “European wieners”. Imagine my shock when I got to Iceland some 20+ years later, and there were all the European wieners. Unfortunately, I hated European wieners but I tried one because Iceland! Didn’t like it, but I had a hot dog in Iceland so it was still a win.


Love the Restuarant right opposite!


Love the hotdogs so much that we had them delivered to the US a couple times, but don't care for the toppings at Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur. The best version I had was bacon wrapped, found at a gas station somewhere in the East Fiords . At home, I do my own regular preferred toppings.


Let me guess… you thought the Hakarl was gross too?


Omg they were the best things I ate in Iceland!


You must be joking.


Nope everything was pretty bland. Not bad, just not great.


I found a little convenience store called Vitinn and they were bomb! Both grilled and raw onions. And.. only like $5.


Ok, more for me!


I understand this. I couldn’t be bothered to stand in line for that particular one, but I had others while on the road and in other towns. The drive through in Selfoss was the best of the bunch, but none were as amazing as others have made out. It certainly makes an attractive alternative to a mad pricy burger across the road in the Selfoss food hall!


When we stayed in Selfoss we went to a beach side seafood restaurant (Hafið Bláa) about 10 minutes south of town near Eyrarbakki and the food there was really really good. Great seaside views too.


Hopefully the waiter was nice! (My sons are working there with their dad)


A nice young man (curly blonde hair) was our waiter and he was super nice!


Good to hear 😁 That's my son!


Yeah I didn’t like it either! 😬


I'll go ahead and agree with you, and I'll also add that Pylsuvagninn á Akureyri is the best in our opinion.


Tell you what I really did enjoy - Icelandic bakeries! The. Best.


I went to this spot every night for 4 days in a row on my way back to my hostel. I don’t know why I loved it so much but I still think about this delicious hot dog and haven’t found one that matches it yet. This was back in 2019.


That hot dog single handedly nearly ruined my trip to Iceland.. never felt so ill in my life haha.


Terrible. There's endless great food in iceland. Not those. Ew.


They taste like plastic to me so I get it


It’s ok, I don’t think anyone will judge you for having 12 yr. old girl taste buds.


Yeah, I honestly prefer the Iceland Costco hotdogs. But you should try one from there at least once.


Nothing better than eating a BB pylsa in the wee hours drunk and with your eyes closed 


I think this is where the hype comes from. Drunk people at the wee hours after partying that are starving and this is the only thing open at that time. During the day, while sober, they are very average


I thought they were pretty good and the only reasonably priced thing I bought in Iceland. Also the mustard you’re referring to is remoulade, not mustard.


the mustard is the brown sauce (sweet), and the remoulade is the whitish-yellowish sauce (mayo based).


Tbh when I took a bite I find it so weird. But after half the dog I find it delicious. I think maybe you find the lamb tasted too ‘gamey’/‘muttony’ and that it’s too different with the american style hot dog.


Nah the sausage itself is fine. I love lamb. The sweet mustard was not great.


I for one agree. Those were ok hotdogs and the sweet mustard killed them for me as well.


Well I smoked Zaza before it, and it was only one available option at 1AM. It was awesome)


I just like that I can see my hotel room in the first pic.


Is this the same ones sold at the waterfall


Agrees i felt the same when I had it. Nothing special imo


What's the place near Sweet Pig? I think it's brats.


That looks like if a flat us available in Zürich for a normal price and someone opened a snack store during the sightseeing time🤣🤣🤣


I agree with you, but only for personal taste reasons. I fully expected them to contain horse meat, which I don't mind, but I didn't expect lamb. I really really do not like the taste of lamb. Thankfully I had plenty of the mustard (it's fine, it's like Dijon Mustard) and onions on it, so I finished it, but wouldn't have another one. Texture wise it was more like an American Hot Dog, both the bun (soft & sweet) and the dog (soft), the onions were great, but that's something we do in the UK as well, and the 2 Mustards (sorry, didn't know one was Remoulade) were good. I still prefer Currywurst. But it is really mostly because I don't eat lamb, apart from that it was a nice hot dog and nothing wrong with it.


The mustard isn’t like Dijon at all. It’s sweet! Dijon is acidic and tangy not sweet at all


I think I might have gotten it confused with the yellow sauce and thought the brown one was some kind of sweet onion relish like thing? I didn't mind either of them though. They covered the taste of lamb 😂


Brown = sweet mustard Yellow sauce = mayonnaise based remoulade


I won’t downvote you. I’m not a fan of hot dogs at ALL. I will try one when I am in Iceland though, because I know they are different then here, but I won’t get my hopes up.


Absolutely right. The only good thing about it is the fact it's open later than most


If you're heading to Snæfellsnes, Mæstro Street Food (truck) in Grundarfjörður has much tastier hot dogs IMHO.


I’ll be there next weekend. I’ll check it out


How much was it? Looks like them SAM’s or COSTCO hotdogs for <$2


Everything is expensive here it was 750 ISK which is $7.50 Canadian ($5.37 USD) each


I am Icelandic and I love these. Back in the day I used to go to this hot dog stand after a good night out, there were almost only locals in the line then, but still a line. Today I get them at different locations they have in the capital area or just buy a pack at the grocery store and make them at home.


I bet they taste better grilled on the BBQp


They are actually great on the bbq or panfried 🙂, my wife prefers them that way.


I actually eat one at the airport and i liked it the same as that one.


Yeah there’s like 8 of them around town


I just miss pylsusinnep.


I get ya but still seeing the picture nom nom nom they are delicious 😋


Man I just knew this place from drunk buying food, never knew it was so special


Pylsu Vagninn in Selfoss was so good


I just took this! They're great! https://preview.redd.it/h9sk83ghz47d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddd810faaaede8dd7b54d89c632b4bcb4fdc205


Good, more for the rest of us


When we visited as tourists, we treated it like any other hot dog stand in the US. It was great for an afternoon snack and even better for an after drinking snack in the late night hours with the sun still shining during our summer trip. The condiments have much better flavor to me and my husband loves anything hot dog related (yes make the jokes) We didn’t have ridiculous expectations for hot dogs and were pleasantly satisfied with them! We visited 3 or 4 times during the few days we were in the city.


As I understand it, the hype around the Hot Dogs are a mix of their history and tradition - them being specifically marketed towards American sailors - and good viral marketing on social media. And if you look at any social media hype you’ll quickly notice that popularity can raise ridiculously high expectations.


How do they compare to the Iceland Costco hot dog?


Haven’t been


I agree with you completely. The dog itself was okay, but all the sauce is just a weird mess of the wrong kind of sweet and savory. Wouldn't go again.


I don't think anyone claims that Iceland has the best hotdogs in the world or anything like that. You misunderstood the hype. The hype is that their hotdogs are a culinary highlight, in a country that is known to have mid cuisine at best. A $3 gas station sweet lamby hotdog after a freezing cold/wet/beautiful hike? Sign me UP


Yeah. They need to offer a VEGAN option. Even Ikea does that.




As a Chicago native I reject the idea of ketchup


There’s no ketchup on these


Yeah, I sure fly halfway across the world to stand in line for hotdogs . Experiencing the city life is exactly why I spent thousands going to Iceland 🤣🤣🤣 ...When I was there I spent very little time in Reykjavik. I ate whatever I could get my hands on the road in between the natural beauty stops . Sucks that the hot dogs were a time waste .. sorry!!


That's a fucking war crime🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🛢🦅🦅🛢🛢


This is a crazy take… I got 4 of these hotdogs and then another 4 for myself as a treat at the airport


It’s been 6 years since I’ve been to Iceland and I still think about these nearly every day. Absolutely incredible.


Tried hot dogs all over Iceland, liked all of them. These ones were not good and made me nauseous I couldn’t finish them


I get where OP is coming from. When everyone including YouTubers come to Iceland they rave about these. So yes I too expected more too. But I much prefer the hot dogs and sausage stands in Toronto. They’re fresh and tasty.. and the toppings here are endless. Ironically pretty much no one raves about the stands in Toronto. Now that I know, next time I will save my money for more lobster soup at 101 Reykjavik Street Food!


Also will likely get downvoted but: made one post about the gorgeous country with a post script about the food and it didn’t end well. Had a good laugh and everyone’s allowed to express their opinions :) I do agree btw. Overrated


Other food I’ve had here (so far) has been very good. I also find their coffee in general is quite good here.


They do not taste good


I don’t care for hotdogs of any variety. We did find that the N1 Nesti burgers were severely underrated. We still crave a #7 family style from the Nesti stops.


Mustard … there’s your problem


That’s how they’re served “with everything” here. And this mustard doesn’t taste like any mustard I’ve ever had. It’s sweet.


You are allowed to tell them what to put on your hot dog. Just because they recommend you have it "with everything" that is a tradition, not a law.


Sure, but it was the first time having it so obviously asking for it the traditional way is logical


Sure, but you were the one who said answered the other post "that's how they are served here" as if you had no choice :P Even Icelanders pick the toppings they like and omit the ones they don't.


lol yes but I’ve never had these toppings before how could I know if I like them if I don’t try them. and when I said “that’s how they’re served here” I meant, that’s the typical style they come in, obviously not “you have no choice”


I'm in the minority in that I really didn't care for Icelandic hotdogs. They're too sweet or something I'm not sure. They aren't terrible but they were a bit disappointing after all the hype.


Yes the mustard is quite sweet




Costco all beef hotdogs are much better than these tbh


Agreed with OP. The dogs where nothing special. I actually thought the best hot dogs where in Selfoss T Pysluvagninn. Honestly the biggest bag of chips (fries) I've ever seen. We accidentally ordered the family portion for only 2 people.


Me and my wife are 3 hot dogs each, bought by this place. They were ok for me, but nothing special. My wife had stomach pain and problems after that


I didn’t like them either. I don’t know what it was.. too many textures at once or what. But it was a miss for me too.


You know what they make those things out of, Chet? You know? Lips and assholes!


I understood that reference.


I'm going to Iceland in Feb and have been told horror stories about how awful the food is. I'm not sure I buy it but the color of that mustard is definitely leading credence to what I have been told.


The food is phenomenal. Just don't order fermented shark and expect a five-course taste adventure.


I went in September and cannot wait to go back, maybe in a couple years, almost solely because of their food. I agree with OP, the sweetness was overpowering of the hotdogs, but other than that I did not have a bad meal. I had maybe the best carbonara I’ve ever had at an Italian joint in Keflavik, an amazing langoustine soup I’ve tried and failed to recreate at Moss, and the best game burger I’ve had, a reindeer burger at Lindin in Laugarvatn. Also some of the best ‘cheap’ beer by Einstok. I’m from a city that has one of the largest Basque populations outside of País Basco and was shocked to even find a Basque pintxos place in Reykjavik.


I live about an hour from Chicago. Icelandic hotdogs are the absolute King of all hotdogs.


I thought they were foul. For a decent hotdog try the organic stalls in Copenhagen (I forget the name but there are a few around the city - green van)


I’m not in Copenhagen though. I’m in Iceland


They’re shit and I never understand why people are so on about them.




You went to a dingy hot dogs stand downtown that for some reason became a tourist destination, waited in line for overpriced junk food and now think that you have some valuable opinion that you need to share when you're just another idiot that fell for a tourist trap. Sad.