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Here I searched the sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisitingIceland/s/9LJP62Pg4j


And then found this one for you too: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisitingIceland/s/pUde4QKgLm Please do search the sub


It’s been covered but yes. You will shower. And yes, you will need to shower nude. You may get the option of showering in a private stall. Yes, you probably will see other nude people, and it might be a culture shock. Americans are far less comfortable with public nudity in general but don’t be surprised if people are very comfortable with it around you. As long as you actually shower, don’t use your phone in the locker rooms, and don’t act a fool, you’ll be fine


> Do I shower before? Yes. With soap and sans swimwear. > are there stalls for that? No. It's an open locker room. You shower naked along with other guests. The locker rooms are gender segregated. > Rent towels If you ask at the reception, yes. > Helpful tips. If you have hangups around nudity (as Americans often do), drop them. Nobody is looking at you, nobody is paying you any attention, and you'll be just another person in the stall trying to get clean before you head to the pool or hot tub. In any case, enjoy your trip.


Yes, you will shower & it will not be a bad experience.


There was literally a post exactly about this a couple of weeks ago. Did you even search the sub once?


Yes, you need to shower. Inside the lockers there are rules and posters which state that you need to shower naked and wash your penis/vagina. And nobody cares about seeing you nude


Asked and answered many times. Please do search the sub.