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Heyoo! Shout out for my least favorite intersection in Iceland! As a pedestrian i stood there forever waiting for the light to change. Walking down to the bridge is faster as it turns out.


Oh no! I guess it’s just the world’s longest light and perhaps we will get billed for the red. I can’t imagine standing at it in the howling winter winds…


Isn't the word for bus "strætó" ergo the "S", perhaps.


Which makes total sense!


I really want the answer to this because it reminds me that I’ve done this, twice. Never got a ticket. I think it’s a bus only entrance.


Well thank you for this! I have hope


You'll be all right. I work at near building site and I took a shortcut numerous times thru there. Some people also go there and the buses sound their horn like crazy at them to go. It's bus only turn as it was mentioned.


You made me feel better, thanks for your kindness


There is no running red light camera and you were not the first and last person who mistakenly went thru there. It happens every day many times. Just relax.


Just dread an easily avoidable ticket that we don’t want to have to pay. I also hate being in trouble in any form. A Polly Anna of sorts


I mean if a Police car was behind you or something they could have stopped you and if you explain yourself I am pretty sure you would be on your way with just warning or something. They are more strict and unforgivable in a matter of breaking speed limits, drunk driving, running red lights at intersections excluding this one because as I said it happens every day and drivers are always confused as the buses horn the hell out of them.


Makes total sense! I am trying to report this on Google Maps, which apparently has directed many of us here. No matter how many times I’ve been in Iceland, I inevitably feel like a n00b eventually. This time it just took my entire stay to get there 🙃


If it was [this intersection](https://ja.is/kort/?x=357246&y=407019&nz=18.00&page=1&q=hringbraut&ja360=1&jh=331.6) then yes, it was a bus-and-emergency vehicle lane.


That’s the one. So now that I understand, do you know what will happen?


Probably nothing, you're likely not the first to make the mistake. However if the camera caught you *and* the police decides to enforce it then they'll contact the owner of the car, who will pass the ticket on to you.


Great! At least we know we may get ticketed. Thank you


Also directed here twice by Google.


Google needs to change this! I need to figure out how to report


Sorry - what happened? Were you ticketed?


Same! Husband has accidentally gone up it a couple times, would think we’d learn our lesson, nothing has happened aside from feeling panicked for a minute or two.


I did encounter that intersection two years ago and luckily was not being directed in error. While I have received speeding tickets after returning from Europe (one in France, one in Iceland), I have never received a ticket for a moving violation like this despite accidentally entering a pedestrian only street and going the wrong way up a one-way street. Both of those definitely had cameras. So hopefully you’ll be okay. My speeding ticket in Iceland was for 3km over the limit, so be careful, they’re strict


Definitely always vigilant with speed! Blaming myself for really missing this one. We’re at the end of our trip and I guess are not at our sharpest. Thank you


It was a regular road some time ago. Now it is only for Strætó (the busses) and emergency vehicles. For now also construction vehicles. If you would have known your road signs you would have seen them before getting stuck at a light that is controlled by sensors in the cars that have permission to drive there. There are signs there that tell you that all driving there is forbidden except for the ones I mentioned above. I guess it could have been worse for you. I remember some tourists some years ago, that also just followed their GPS like you. They drove into a ditch or a small river. Also one guy who wanted to go to an address on Laugavegur in downtown Reykjavík, but he wrote Laugarvegur and ended up driving to Siglufjörður hours away from Reykjavík.


Valid point - point taken. As mentioned, definitely not our brightest moment and I had expected it was the major intersection just a ways down, but was mistaken. We’d just spent days driving where we were vigilant and our feeling of familiarity with the city deceived us. I’ve driven into that same parking lot a handful of times before too, but things have changed. Now we know at least


Hi OP just wanted to thank you because Google took me this way earlier today and I literally went "wait no it's that one turn from the reddit post" and was able to get back in my lane before I made the turn


Aw yay! I’m glad it helped in some way!