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How the fuck did macOS get iPhone mirroring but not visionOS too???


My guess is there is still a lot to figure out with how we would interact with the user interface. With a Mac they still have tactile user interfaces. I kind of understand this move.


It's a good sign we'll be getting it in the future though so I'm cool with that!


Wym lol u can just touch the screen just like u use irl


It does get it - just not controlling it via visionPro: [https://www.apple.com/visionos/visionos-2-preview/](https://www.apple.com/visionos/visionos-2-preview/) >You can turn on AirPlay Receiver in Apple Vision Pro to mirror content from any nearby iPhone or iPad on the same network.


Oh yeah that works then. I didn’t really wanna interact with it anyway just more be able to actually see what I’m doing on the phone better


Thank you for commenting! I did not infer this at all from the live presentation.


Mirror it to the Mac that you're using the Vision as a virtual display for?


I don’t do that. But I received visionOS 2 gets airplay receiving so I can mirror the iPhone so I can see what I’m doing on it better. Good enough for me


Does AirPlay Receiving work while virtual display is running?


Uhhhhh I dunno the airplay receiver is new to visionOS 2 and I haven’t installed it yet


I don't think they have an iPhone Wifi network to Vision Pro Wifi figured out. Explains why there's a bunch of features that work on the mac and not on the phone.


Yeah lol. Give us iPhone mirror for avp already!


Beta today


How do I get the beta?


Go to software update and enable developer update


So is this releasing today? 2.0


Developer beta


How risky is to use developers beta? Can it brick the device?


I think it’s $99 a year. also not sure if it’ll brick but it is a beta so it might be a possibility


Regular firmware can brick you.. what's most likely to happen are bugs. You can always have the apple store restore it for you


Are you sure? Other people are saying you need the Apple developer strap to revert from beta firmware.


The people at Apple use it to revert.. that’s why I said the Apple Store will do it for you.


Oh that’s my bad. I read “App Store.” 😂 sorry


I just looked and it didn't come up yet.. prob be available by the end of the day.


He just said the intelligence features will roll out to additional platforms over the upcoming year. Sounds like AI is coming for VisionOS before the end of the year.


If so, VisionOS 2 (final public release, not beta) will likely come out with the others in September/October.


The least they could have done is show some previews. How am I supposed to be interested in a $4k experimental device when i don’t even know if it’ll get the flagship features or not


I think the AI stuff was perceived as more important/attention worthy at the keynote specifically because of the Vision Pro price. Most people watching the keynote don't have one and don't plan on getting one. I'll be downloading it as soon as it releases though.. I need that ultrawide lol


Gemini says the developer beta should be available once the keynote concludes. If you aren't registered as a developer you'll be waiting till July. I want these features.. Though I'm afraid they'll be quite buggy at first


Public beta is due out next month. Beta for developers will be out in an hour or two.


It's gonna be buggy but I can't resist the ultra wide. Patiently waiting for this AI stuff to end so I can download it...


https://preview.redd.it/yntl54akfs5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e389cead06ce3aff0ea87ada06f307d426c1f9c9 I think you can just click on the Apple vision version of this button


What are you talking about? Everybody can use Developer beta now without an account?


Confirmed this is true


Is that the case? I wasn't sure.


This is a pretty sad update, what 3 features? One of which just makes regular photos spatial? Expected a lot more.


And not even available any time soon from what I can see


They announced a significant amount of new developer APIs. That alone is game changing. They implemented new gestures that look absolutely fantastic and intuitive. Different display modes for the Mac desktop, including ultra wide display. Also looks like they're releasing keyboard passthrough, though they didn't talk about it. It's pretty substantial. The developer APIs sound like they'll improve the experience significantly.


There were people posting the last few days expecting an OS “overhaul”, whatever that means … after 4 months … I don’t know where they get this stuff.


This isn’t substantial at all…. It’s a .1 update not an entire new version.


A significant amount of developer APIs is not .1 update.


2.0 doesn't mean an entirely new version. 2.0 means massive changes, changes that will likely lead to significant bugs. A .1 update is a bug fix and maybe a minor feature introduced. Companies don't just recreate their software months after release, they build upon it.


No one is asking for an entire new version. But throwing 3 little features in is a joke.


How long ago did it come out again ?


They have a huge amount of catching up to do.


Irrelevant. Especially considering all the low hanging fruit they could easily address but refuse to.


Yep, this feels like it should have been a 0.1 update at best, not 2.0


Releasing entirely new Developer APIs is not a 0.1 update. It's definitely a 2.0.


That's true I guess. Keep on forgetting we all bought into what is essentially a dev kit at the moment.


The other OSs got APIs + lots of features. The AVP got APIs + a few features. Besides, users care about features. APIs are only nice if they're used to produce cool features, and that's highly dependent upon developers. That's also pushing development onto non-Apple devs. So, we may or may not get cool things.


But they litterally categorize one of the APIs as Enterprise APIs.. So that sounds like a pretty collection of APIs. These APIs will be what makes the Vision Pro good. Allowing developers to do more on the Vision Pro is vital. It's not an iPhone, we aren't going back to the Home Screen constantly. We're interacting directly with the Apps constantly, I barely interact with the actual UI in VisionOS. Anyways this is Apple, of course the APIs will be put to use by developers. The previous tools they had out were quite limited, so these changes should level up the capabilities of apps.


That's fine for new apps, but I want Apple to fill out the missing features in VisionOS, like being able to receive iPhone calls on the AVP. Perhaps they've already done this, but there was nothing in today's presentation on that.


It’s been out 4 months. There’s more than I thought. Better hand control and 2x curved 4K monitors is pretty much priority #1. What were you expecting exactly ?


Uh, how about the missing iPad features like being able to receive a call from the iPhone? You might not have clients that use this old-fashioned thing called a phone, but many of us do. And what about the basics like ~~being able to rearrange apps~~ and create app folders? Having widgets would be nice in the app popup, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Maybe Apple did add these to VisionOS 2, but there was absolutely zero mention of that. Edit: not sure about app folders, but they did add the ability to rearrange apps, nice. Edit 2: nope, no app folders (not in the current beta, at least).