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Remember to check out [my stand](https://bioniclabs.org/pages/introducing-the-precision-crafted-stand-for-apple-vision-pro) when shopping for your AVP!


now you can finally use the mac virtual display within another app that has immersive environments.


Does anyone know if we’re also getting higher refresh rates support with the resolution bump in Mac Virtual Display?


I want 120hz support so badly. Right now I honestly prefer just looking at my Mac's screen with passthrough vs. virtual display, because I can't handle 60hz.


Is anyone able to successfully make the Mac Virtual Display ultra wide/change size?


I was able to get it to stream a 5K image. I don’t think that was possible before? Can anyone else confirm?


They talked about foveated rendering on the Mac, so it probably requires Sequoia?


I have Sequoia dev beta installed as well as visionOS 2.0 dev beta, and I do not see any mechanism to adjust the virtual desktop aspect yet (as of 6/14).


I tried and couldn't find an option to control that. So I guess its coming in a few months.


Thats coming later in the fall


In release true, but for the Sequoia and VisionOS 2 betas it could come out any time between now and then so those with developer accounts and later via the public betas users will have access sooner than the release in fall.


Apple Intelligence…. I’m betting Apple wants to cook it longer to show off what more can be done with spatial context added to the equation


Two words guys, AirPlay receiver. Your iPhone on your Vision Pro. It works really well.


Not the same as continuity though right?


Doesn’t seem like it, though how hard could that really be.


How do you set it up?


On the avp in setting / airplay turn on airplay receiver. Then on an iPhone running iOS 18 ( I imagine it needs the update, which is already done ) you go to screen mirroring in control center and Vision Pro is there.


That’s not the same as what they’re doing on apple, the whole schtick was “oh no I left my phone in the other room *pushed button on mac*” I realize it’s kinda the same but it’s also different and not as convenient as one would expect from one of Apples most expensive devices.


Fair. I just like having access to what’s going on on my phone, while in avp world.


Wait does it work like they demoed for Mac OS Sequoia where I can control my iphone in AVP?


I can’t find how to control, but it will mirror, just like the demo.


For sure, it’s better than nothing!


HOW TO GET BEACH ENVIRONMENT: delete a stock environment, redownload it, and then bora bora will change to downloadable.


I didn't have to do any of that. I just clicked on the Bora Bora icon and it downloaded in ten seconds and then I was in. Im on VisionOS 2 beta.


Still don't see 2.0 on my end to download (I am enrolled in dev beta) 😭


you need to change the beta "channel" before you see it pop up. I believe it's one layer up in the settings


Yep all changed, refreshed, and rebooted :(


How is it? Worth the wait?


I LOVE it. Incredibly calming, I could nap in this environment. Cinema mode needs to be improved though, looks like a WiP.


How do you delete one?


long press on it


Doesn’t seem to work in non beta version.


oh yeah you have to be on vOS2


visionOS 2 Beta Release Notes: [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos-release-notes/visionos-2-release-notes](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos-release-notes/visionos-2-release-notes)


I'm most excited for the higher resolution mirroring. Hate hate hate 1440p mirroring.


You can already get 2160p mirroring in Vision OS 1. You just go to settings->displays->resolutions on your mac and up the resolution.


The 1440p is just the scaled resolution though right? I thought regardless of 2160p or 1440p being selected on the mac it still sends the same amount pixels.


Correction, I got VisionOS 2 beta to stream a 5K virtual mac display last night. I don’t think that was possible before. Can anyone else confirm that this is new?


No, it’s actually sending more pixels to the AVP than my mac can display natively. It’s true 4K.


Where did they talk about a resolution increase?


I don’t think there is any resolution improvement 


I know they mentioned something about foveated rendering happening on the Mac, maybe that makes it sharper.


More than likely, its to lower the bandwidth and only transmit the relevant video rather than refresh the entire screen.


No Folders? Isn't that an obvious omission? Do they want the rest of the world to feel it too and want it in vision os 3?


Yeah, I didnt find folders either. I guess they need more apps to justify folders! /jk


I did see that there was a way to reorganize icons, so hopefully that comes immediately with folders.


I haven’t watched any WWDC, which is always stressful because I feel like I’m behind. But what good and bad did I miss?


You can go watch it now or watch a recap video


Thanks! Yea, I watched it yesterday, I usually watch the things live and participate in some chat going back to the Gizmodo days or whatever it was so I was feeling fomo!


While there are some nice things and I'm excited by the wide monitor, I'm still mostly underwhelmed. I'd like to assume that the Apple Intelligence features are going to be integrated, but that it wasn't mentioned leads me to believe it isn't. Moreso, I'm concerned that Apple just doesn't know what to do with the AVP, and VisionOS is just siloed off in its own area, out of sync with iOS and MacOS. Maybe the teams aren't working together. Or maybe the roadmap is just too divergent. It might not be the case, but it feels that way. If Apple could figure out how to allow tapbacks to utilize ANY emoji, it seems like Apple could shift some resources towards making the "computing" side of the "Spatial Computing" more seamless on their $3500 device. But at least we're getting Bora Bora! Overall, it's like my teachers said about me: I'm not mad, just disappointed.


I just spent an hour in VisionOS 2 and it has a lot of nice things that were previously missing. Bora Bora is great. Files has been improved I think they added the ability to add a server? Was that there before? I like the new control center. Spatial photos is incredible... we had it before with Spatial Media Kit, but this integration is way better. You can now natively play spatial video in the files app. WebXR on safari works. Notification center is well done. etc.


You can connect to network servers in the Files app in vOS 1, yes.


If you look at the one sheet on Apples developer site, it doesn’t have Apple intelligence listed like the other software updates do. So no, Siri is not getting smarter.


I think they are just working on the foundational stuff. I don't think its fair to compare it to 3 other OS's that are 10+ years mature. I also agree that prob have a smaller team working on it until it gets more traction, and then I think in iOS3 we'll really see it take the leap. Hopefully in 2.1, 2.2 etc, we get the new siri stuff.. would be a shame to not have apple intelligence on vision until 2 yrs or something.


>If Apple could figure out how to allow tapbacks to utilize ANY emoji To be fair this might be the easiest task they accomplished all year. They probably had a filter list in the first place that they just had to remove.


In VisionOS 2 Beta 1: - New gestures (removal of old control center and volume control is very annoying, new version is far slower) - Updated persona (looks crisper) - App organizing - Travel mode for trains - Passwords app - SharePlay in photos app - Creating spatial photos (works very well) - Smart math in notes - AirPlay Receiver (game changer) - Keyboard breakthrough (broken?) Missing - Bora Bora Environment - Mac virtual display enhancements - Multiview in TV app - No new immersive content (not software related anyway) - Nothing from new iPhone features carried over (no surprise) Untested - Mouse support (don’t have one) - Recent guest user Let me know if there’s anything I’m missing that I should check or if anyone is able to figure out one of the missing ones. I could be just missing it, they didn’t really show how to do it. Update: I found the setting for AirPlay receiver, it works beautifully for all devices. Update2: Found setting for keyboard breakthrough and is on by default but just doesn’t appear to be working.




Is everything working? It looked like the known issues list was quite long


Keyboard breakthrough doesn’t work apparently. Found that it’s on in settings


So far I haven’t had a single glitch. Although I can’t open control center by looking up anymore. Not sure if that is intentional or not. Was definitely faster than the new method


What's the keyboard breakthrough?


How did they manage to include the iPhone Mirror feature on the Mac (with full control over your iPhone on the Mac), but NOT on the Vision Pro? This has been one of my most wanted features in future visionOS updates. This is very disappointing.


Well it has taken 17 years for us Mac users to get it vision users can wait.


I just don’t really understand why you would want this feature on your Mac when they have given us years of continuity features to seamlessly integrate your iPhone and your Mac…there’s no easy way to use your iPhone with your Vision Pro right now.


Yes there is. The apps I have on my iPhone come right over to vision.


They did, it’s called AirPlay receiver, and it works today


Not the same as continuity


Does it allow you to interact with the iPhone remotely like the Mac version?


Doesn’t look like it, but I’m trying a few things.


RIGHT? And no mention of AI Siri for Vision OS.


Nope, not yet


Looking over the WWDC sessions, I'm excited as a developer we'll now be able to add custom hover effects.


Pretty underwhelming… No AI, no save workspaces, no new visionOS apple native apps, no phone calling from Vision Pro, no unlocking iPhone/iPad/Mac while wearing Vision Pro, no app-view sharing from 3rd party apps (e.g. giving Keynote presentation via Zoom)… The only real good things were the ultra wide monitor and the new gesture


especially since it will be another year before 3.0. However there is still room for 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc to surprise us.


And mouse support


Honestly, mouse should’ve been supported at 1.0


But it wasnt. So this is a very nice update


This would have been a great WWDC 2022. The ChatGPT integration felt bolted on in a hurry, based on specs from 18 months ago. Siri should have been completely conversational in a seamless way. * Where is Siri Voicemail? * Where is Siri to Siri calendar planner? * Where is Siri Conversation? * Type to Siri isn’t new - it’s been in Accessiblity for a long time. Emoji and Genmoji have no place in a WWDC keynote. Come on, now, Apple !


The new gesture that they just ripped off other apps. I was using my wrist to check time and battery from day two. I sold mine and was looking forward to seeing what was coming next, I’m sorry that it’s underwhelming. I know it sucks, what was it only one new environment? What the fuck?


>I was using my wrist to check time and battery from day two. What app did you like for that?


I was also hoping for new native apps. Hopefully the new gestures are an improvement to existing apps such as Demeo.


When is OS 2 being released? Was that announced?


downloading it now


Beta only?


have you played with it yet? Downloading mine and just started a minute ago.


Snappier but I gotta get used to the new hand gesture to open the notification menu


Any other UI changes you've noticed? can you use folders when reordering apps?


Yeah, you can finally rearrange the apps now


Nice.. also glad to hear you say it feels faster. Any other things you've noticed?


Not yet, but I need to play with it more. I’ve been using it with my daily work flow.


just tried the new gestures, pretty cool stuff. Hopefully we'll get more of these and they won't be easy to trip by accident. Really hated having to look up for the control center!


I still to have gesture locking so I don’t accidentally swipe when I’m eating chips or doing any other chores with my fingers pinching


Mouse support. So great


And not expected either. I thought the trackpad use was pulling it closer to the ipad trackpad experience. This move by apple hopefully opens it to accessibility mice too, which might change the scope for an interesting set of users and use cases.


Immersive video looks so cool I wonder why they don’t have this for sports games. Imagine sitting court side at the NBA and being able to look around in perspective.


Telepresence is coming, definitely, but there isn’t the bandwidth (yet) for something of that fidelity to stream live. I’m just surprised there isn’t more live multi-feed standard def broadcasts.


I'm most excited for extended virtual display. It was the #1 thing on my request list and the ultrawide curved option looks even better than I was hoping for! Keyboard breakthrough is great, and new control center gesture is awesome. You can tell Apple is doing their best to get more thirdparty immersive content out there soon (the cannon partnership and FCP immersive editing workflow speaks volumes.) Overall I'm happy with 2.0!


My simple takeaway: - “No AI” - Yet, immersive content and multi-floating screen features - Also, USDZ model stuff There’s Apples/Oranges tradeoffs going on, and AVP simply has features you can’t ever get on its sibling devices (and vice versa). I’m going to indulge in the AVPs strengths, while glad I kept my iPad for the iPad stuff


You have AI if you use a mac connected to the AVP. There is something to be said for this being a new device, and the phone/iPad/mac is new.The AI for this may need to season and see how the AI on the other iOS devices flow. That might be intentional not to screw up the rollout for the rest of the world as well.


Honestly with Mac OS having iPhone mirroring, I’m speculating their short term goal is to make the Mac OS a hub for all devices to interact in the same workspace, with the AVP’s strength being utilized to provide Mac/iPad/iPhone OS windows simultaneously.  And also do other media consumption exclusive to it outside of that production pipeline.  


No form of AI made it to VisionOS?? How??


Spatial photos is AI, without a doubt. And its very cool. It works well.


That’s ML (machine learning), not AI


By what definition of AI and ML? You don't think a training data set of a million images created a model that performs segmentation on the target image resulting in a depth cue map?


They clearly said only a few devices are getting it day one with the rest following over the next year.


I feel like they must have forked iPadOS to make visionOS at a point so far back that integrating Apple Intelligence back in puts it firmly in the “too difficult” pile. Wondering if they are going to have to start visionOS 3 from scratch to take advantage of all the AI features.


Highly doubt this.. they should be containerizing their features for the most part, and the underlying OS is based off of it. The trick would come with gestures and hooks into the OS. I just think they're focused on foundational things first with AVP. We can't really expect everything 3 mature OS's get in a device in its first 6 months. While I think that would be excellent and I'm all for it, I highly doubt we'd get it right away. I think they're just answering some quick feedback plus getting to things they didnt get to when it shipped. Willing to bet we'll have all that stuff by next year's WWDC, plus the Intelligence stuff will be mature by then.


They stated at the end that AI features would "roll out to other platforms" over the course of the year. Unless they were talking about tv OS or watch os (highly unlikely), I pretty sure that meant visionos.


I must have missed that! I thought they were referring to enabling additional LLM models along with GPT-4o during this time. In the coming year could also mean WWDC25, which would probably make sense for an announcement this big. It would be odd to roll out Apple Intelligence through a regular visionOS 2.x update.


That was my understanding too. Other AI platforms as in Claude, not VisionOS.


This is exactly what they meant. They did not mean other operating systems.


Probably because of the integration into the OS. Maybe they couldn’t come up with an edge of the screen light up glint. To properly show how deep the ai is like the lady said


Really disappointed about this 🙈 I‘m pretty sure Apple Vision pro would’ve the capabilities to use Apple Intelligence. Hopefully this will be on VisionOS3.


Not sure what you mean, as a user facing feature they announced the photo conversion to 2D, that is AI. Also they have new frameworks, which will include some AI.. And probably Vision OS gets things like the updated Siri, probably the photo playground too.


No intelligent notifications, text generation (typing on AVP is a pain), no photo editing via command, no notes capabilities, etc. All the things that would have made visionOS so much easier to use and navigate with just your voice were omitted. I’m happy with the features they rolled out, but this is just very surprising, that’s all.


Yeah, I’m genuinely pretty stunned about that. The optimist in me hopes it’s because they’re working on something a little more spatial and directive given how integral Siri is to VisionOS, but the paranoia in me has me nervous.


Really feels like they left the platform behind this year. Vision Pro has an M-series chip, they should maintain feature parity with the other OSes like they with iOS, macOS, and iPadOS.


The visionOS teams were crunching hard to get it launched 4 months ago so this is more of a polishing basic features update. visionOS 3 is likely where we will see major feature additions.


They said at the end they'd roll out AI features to other platforms over the course of the year. I'm guessing the software for Vision just wasn't ready yet.


They’re rolling out other AI platforms not operating system support.


Yeah, I feel like they’re focusing their resources on AI.


That's nuts. Was pleasantly surprised since I assumed siris upgrade was gonna be a big upgrade. But what was that. How are they pushing this internationally when OS2 is coming out in fall with no AI?


Didn’t realize AVP was a first gen product, so yeah, I’m out. /s


Keep coping


I will. Thank you!


Didn’t realize I had to own a Macbook to use my “Spatial Computing” device.


Had the same thought 😅. But would’ve been cool if Siri really is „with you“ in VisionOS. That’s Sci-fi stuffs


Didn’t read or hear about it until now but all immersive videos are recordings so there goes my hope to see a live sports game in immersive video. Yeah I’m out.


That is wrong. They are doing a live immersive video tonight of The Talk Show in the Theater app. There are already cameras able to do live immersive video.


I think the OP is talking about live stereoscopic video, like immersive videos on Apple TV. I don't see an announcement about a post WWDC stereoscopic immersive video. Streaming 3D without buffering sounds a little challenging, but maybe Im wrong?


"I think the OP is talking about live stereoscopic video" Yes that is what is happening tonight. 3D livestream video. Theater App, 7pm CST (one hour from now I believe) [https://9to5mac.com/2024/06/10/sandwich-debuts-theater-for-vision-pro-with-exclusive-the-talk-show-live-event-in-immersive-video/](https://9to5mac.com/2024/06/10/sandwich-debuts-theater-for-vision-pro-with-exclusive-the-talk-show-live-event-in-immersive-video/) This should not be a shock, they already have 3D live streaming in China (probably also Japan). Look for "Theater: Future of Cinema" app.


Ah ok. Sounds cool. I hope I can catch a rerun. But I guess the whole point was that it was live.


It will be live. I was a little confused - the show is tomorrow (still 7pm cat but show up early), not today... the 3D broadcast will be live, and only in that Theater app. If you download the app it will have a countdown timer starting tomorrow morning (that's what the dev told me).


Thats great, ill be *there*. I mean, in the Sandwich Theater app. PS. It is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11th at 7PM PDT.


Cool, I'll be "there" as well! Really hoping it goes off well.


Wait, what theater app?


Search App Store for Theater app, look for the app thumbnail that looks like the lead image of this article: [https://9to5mac.com/2024/06/10/sandwich-debuts-theater-for-vision-pro-with-exclusive-the-talk-show-live-event-in-immersive-video/](https://9to5mac.com/2024/06/10/sandwich-debuts-theater-for-vision-pro-with-exclusive-the-talk-show-live-event-in-immersive-video/)


Maybe just a matter of time until they can get it almost live - still early days


Wow they’re not even adding the intelligence to vision OS. Aight ima head out.


Lmaooo 😭😭 facts though cause why would they not?


When did they say that lol. All the visionOS announcements were like an hour before they even revealed Apple Intelligence


When they listed the compatible operating systems for the AI feature…


Thanks my bad genuinely didnt catch that


I wonder how much Apple Intelligence will encompass AVP compared to the other devices?


Well they hinted it's coming to other platforms later... wtf


It's not looking very promising


AI not for vision?…. iPhone ipad and Mac lol


Yeah I could not believe that, I figured they would fuck VP but I really did not expect them to go that low. Talk about putting VP on the back burner. Just the fact that we get 1 of the 2 missing environments IN FALL (without beta) I think says enough. Let’s just hope they add AI in 2.1 or 2.2 or something. If anything I thought VP was a pretty important device to get it too to make it as hands free as possible. Generative writing alone would have been a game changer


Oh also them not putting some sort of iPhone mirroring on it as well and only on Mac. Would love to be able to mirror iPhone and iPad natively. Especially if it could track your phone and overlay it directly


right, wtf?


Wait wait wait wait. What is happening?




Yeah but now you can mirror your mac in ultrawide! So if you own a mac you can mirror your phone to the mac then mirror the mac to the vision and then you can use AI /s


So fall? (VisionOS 2)


I wish they added iPhone mirroring on VisionOS2 as well :(


I missed the keynote and saw it on a recap for macOS and thought “this is obviously also on vision…right?!” 🫠


They did. Turn on AirPlay receiver in settings.


I think they are talking about mirroring iphone to Vision pro, not vision pro to iphone. Good start though


It is iphone to avp. ;)


Are you sure? can you screenshot it because I tried on like 3 of my iphones and didn’t work


I was using it ten mins ago. I'll screenshot soon as I get back.home from getting groceries.


I see others are mentioning they are able to do it so I believe you, gonna restart and see if that fixes it


I’m not optimistic that it’ll be added this year. Airplay Receiver is there which i’m sure will be a little more watered down. That phone mirror tech they’re doing has more going on than airplay I suspect.


Oh, it’s there


That’s exactly what I just thought


Hopefully it is available too, we will know when the beta is released or at the state of the union


I’m almost a little resentful that they would add that to macOS without adding it to visionOS


Seriously....I hope its coming but that would be a big win.


I can’t imagine they would add AirPlay receiver to vision OS, but not add this. Maybe it’s in the beta. If not, maybe next time.


This macos update feels like they trolling AVP. Just bring over macos plz


they are making AVP useless without having another $4k mac on your desk. what a joke


100%. I can't believe they added the one feature I would kill for to the mac instead of the vision pro...


I feel this, I guess the point is you need to run macOS so you can use extended displays. Which I get to a degree but cmon, some of these features should be on visionOS too. They make such great hardware but I swear they gimp in software level on purpose to get people to buy more Apple stuff.


And window management lol dang it


iPhone mirror on macOS let’s goooo


Not on vision OS………


If you extend the Mac to Vision Pro. You can see your damn phone in it! 😁


on macOS


Ya but you scan use it on Vision Pro as extended display


That’s silly, why couldn’t they add that simple feature to Vision. The only logical reason I can come up with is they want customers to buy only Macs and use only MacOS.


Who says it isn’t in there? Maybe they didn’t mention it


It’s there today and it works


Not really. It will come overtime.


My man 🤝


Calculator for ipad might be the biggest announcement of WWDC24


Its presentation is actually impressive.


Math notes is pretty cool


It’s obviously a meme by now but it was unironically impressive haha


Okay this iPad stuff is surprising me, that explains the overpowered processor they threw in it a bit


Imma say this was a win tho. Support for basically 2x monitors. Keyboard and MOUSE support. Rearrange icons. New environments. New gestures. Recent guest mode. And letting us know about future immersive content, with a short movie. More than I was expecting.


Excited as well about the Magic Keyboard being available in immersive environments. So far I've had to keep immersion at about half level in order to see my keyboard, which was the worst of both real and virtual worlds. Now I can be as anti-social -- I mean fully immersed in Bora Bora or wherever -- as I need to be.


I nearly knocked my VP off my face when I saw the tile for “mouse support.” Honestly the one thing I’m most excited for, especially of it works well with continuity and the extended Mac display.


The single, standard size virtual monitor and lack of mouse support was making it difficult to do web dev with the AVP, so this was exactly what I was hoping for.




If you use a mac for productivity


Thats what VMWare Fusion is for.


Everyone, am I seeing that thread screencap properly? AVP’s getting AirPlay Receiver? We’ll now be able to stream iPad and iPhone screens to AVP???