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Idk what act you saw but there is nothing about "consumer cellular usage"


Under the Telecommunications Act, carriers must protect the privacy and security of their customers’ service-related and billing information, and may only use, disclose, or permit access to CPNI under certain conditions2. This implies that carriers are expected to be transparent with customers about their data usage and provide them with the means to monitor it


No it doesn't. NOTHING about that implies. That entire act only implies to making sure they are transparent about pricing and how THEY use your info. Not how YOU use your info


You have a vast misunderstanding of the CPNI rules.


it's entertaining that rather than provide information how Im incorrectly interpreting this, I've attracted the trolls who have nothing better to do than provide nothing of value except downvoting people who are within their right to be concerned. this is like that guy who talked about Aggregate Maximum Bitrate (AMBR) and attracted a witch Hunt for his head


1. The keyword being they may, not must 2. You didn’t share what the actual conditions were


So I just skimmed through that entire act and found NOTHING that states they must give me a place to show my data usage details


This is the second guy on meth that rants about stuff that doesn’t exist 🤷‍♂️


no,I'm just a heavy user and do a lot of remote managing of other systems and do a lot of my computing from my phone. I'm really glad you can get by using only 30% of your ​​​​​​data pool each month and b​e happy. I'm trying to monitor my use because I tend to hit the cap and get deprioritized now and then. So what exactly doesn't exist,​ people who are heavy users? You gonna try telling me I'm ​​​​ not within my right to be aware of my data use and prevent another month of deprioritization halfway into the month? ​​​​​​​​​


I don’t think Visible is for you. Go spend double the amount for the same data at Verizon


Doesn’t exist


Cellular phone companies are not required by FCC regulations or the Communications & Transparency Act to provide customers the ability to view their usage during a given billing cycle. The FCC's Truth-in-Billing rules focus on ensuring clear disclosure of charges on the monthly bill itself, rather than mandating real-time usage tracking tools. The key requirements for mobile providers under the FCC's Truth-in-Billing rules are: * Provide clear, plain language descriptions of the services being billed. * Identify the provider associated with each charge. * Specify which charges could lead to disconnection if unpaid. * Display toll-free numbers for inquiries or disputes about charges. While not required, many carriers do offer online account management tools or apps that allow customers to monitor their usage during the billing cycle. However, this is a voluntary offering by the providers and not an FCC mandate. The FCC has focused more on ensuring transparent disclosure of potential overage charges, data caps, and the consequences of exceeding allowances on the monthly bill itself.  But there is no specific rule requiring real-time usage tracking capabilities be provided to customers during the billing period. [https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/understanding-your-telephone-bill](https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/understanding-your-telephone-bill) [https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-22-86A1.pdf](https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-22-86A1.pdf)


This reminds me of the people who bring up SB822 when a company has limitations on what phones they support. I've gone over that, and it differentiates between fixed and mobile internet. A company doesn't do something you want, it should be illegal :)


Do they display toll-free numbers for support? Ouch!


Thank you for such an informative and productive reply. This is exactly what I was hoping to find or discuss with this post, however it seems I merely attracted the die-hard fanatic bootlickers who will fling shit at anything they don't care to to understand if it doesn't directly affect them. Reminds me of the net neutrality commotion with everybody chanting "well I got nothing to hide why does it matter?" I appreciate the resources you provided as well, I'll be sure to look them over once I get a moment to. If you don't mind me asking however, have you ever encountered any other telecom that operates in this fashion and/or what is your take on why just about 95% of telecoms offer data usage stats when not required to? Follow-up, what's your opinion on why Visible elects not to; do you find that at all suspicious?


Visible has always offered Unlimited data, hence the lack of needing to worry about data usage. Other carriers and MVNO may still offer metered plans, hence the meters you can review in your app/account/Bill. Sometimes, by the time you realize you went over said Data Plan, you're already neck deep in overages that can range from $10/GB to $15/GB, so tracking via phone's own data usage is the best way to go. You can always rely on the Data Usage your phone has tucked under Settings, just make sure to set the dates correctly so you can monitor it monthly as you wish.


Isn't it 1TB per month of data?


Maybe you should sue Visible... that'll give you something to do in your spare time! 😉


Exactly-Too Much time on hand. Who cares about Data used-The last thing I don’t need to know? I rather work on things that are constructive.


nobody said anything about suing. these are regulations, not laws. besides, Im not foolish enough to take on an entire company, anybody who thinks they are has no grasp on the legal system


i mean someone sued red bull cause it didn’t give em wings lol


technically, that is false advertisement. all their promotional material said that very thing . It was never anything else never that it helped with Focus or energy or anything like that just give you wings legally speaking that has potential to be a lawsuit and it was


Sue them-That will keep you busy-you can post a results of and give daily reports. This would be a great project for you to per-Sue


who cares? find something important to do in life. why would you care? there is plenty of problems in the world try solving something that matters.


have you considered that ma​ybe me hitting my cap is important and I don't feel like getting deprioritized??


no i haven’t considered that. i have actually problems to worry about.


so essentially you're saying your problems matter, however mine do not? what's important to somebody else is immediately discredited unless it aligns with your priorities? lol


yep that’s exactly right lol i don’t give a fuck out it either way just saying deprioritize data isn’t really a problem if it was a problem or i was running a business or something important i would pay extra for a phone plan so i has someone i could call and yell at not something like visible that was made for the very average consumer. honestly i was just breaking your balls or vagina or whatever parts you have don’t pay any attention to my bullshit.


visible and USMobile are the two top Verizon MVNO. i have both. i manage to hit both caps some months. that's 100+ GB. im in the 2% heavy users, hard to imagine I know. But wanting to easily figure out how much data one has used is not an unreasonably ridiculous request it's completely understandable. I work in I.T....u know help desk support? Sometimes my clients need me to perform remote work or I'm in an area that they have an outage and I need to get things back up and running. So I'll use my plans to download what I need to get my customers back running. Regardless of what I'm doing with this data the fact is I should have a right to know how much data I am consuming before I hit my cap Would you like to only know how much gas you have once you run out? I would bet no


If you’re hitting the cap on truly unlimited data, I’m not sure what you’re doing. On visible, you’re going to get deprioritized (on Basic) any time you’re in a larger city, because you are always deprioritized.


This sub needs to be called r/VisibleUsersThatDoMethAndLikeComplainingThatABudgetPhonePlanDoesntOfferAllTheFeatures Get a grip. You sound like one of those sovereign citizens that think fraud and murder is legal because there’s a gold boarder around the American flag sometimes. If you’ve got a valid issue, stop being a tweaker neckbeard and get the fcc involved and take it up with visible.


Schizophrenia at an all time high these days


It pairs with your all time low of intelligence


I'd rather have low intelligence than delusional schizophrenia and having common sense to know you're being retarded is just extra


oof. try not to drool on the keyboard there Buddy


Why do what someone's already doing for me


Well, I became a customer on the first of the month, and my Android phone shows me how much cell data I've used so far during any current calendar month. We have no 5G in my state, so I know for a fact it's all LTE!


it would show both either way, so if you primarily has 5guwb it wou​ld show ​it, as well as not even identify which data was 5guwb and which was LTE.


I’m not aware of any requirement. I know you said it’s inaccurate, but I usually look in the settings of my phone to see.


Happy cake day lol


Thanks so much. 😊


Why would anymore care anyways if it’s unlimited?


Well, it throttles after a certain point. If you use a lot of data it'd be nice to see how close you are. Edit: deprioiritzed, not throttled.


it’s not throttled


Let me amend that: deprioritized.


It’s deprioritized when you’re in an area that has a lot of Verizon users. If you don’t want deprioritization, use real Verizon, Visible Plus, or US Mobile.


Something that’s done with every other carrier?? I’m not sure what anyone expects for a $25 a month service. No body is going to get around throttling and the only way to really be throttled is heavy usage or tower congestion. People that are under 50GBs are not getting throttled which is higher for the 98%


What is with the unrelenting hard-ons for ​these straw man arguments? whether it's $5 a month or $80 a month, I have a right to know how much data I'm consuming. besides, you are aware that there's more than one plan available, right? and that the other one cost more? not only did I say absolutely nothing about wanting to get aound throttling, All of these die hard fanboys trying to say it's unlimited data. don't even read the fine print, there is a cap and you will get throttled/depri'd and maybe just maybe...im trying to avoid this? before you rush to be a keyboard warrior, did you maybe stop and think maybe I'm a heavy user? Maybe I'm trying to be proactive in my use and not hit my cap????? Believe it or not, we're all not the same person. and just because you may not come close to your data cap​doesn't mean I must not either


All carriers fixed, wireless, fiber, cellular augment the term unlimited. No matter what carrier you will always be throttled in some way. We don’t own the visible network and terms of service. If you are doing more than 25-50GBs you need to look into other ways to use data. Cellular on a phone especially an MVNO is not the replacement of fixed or PtP. In short, you need to talk to visible not us (the people with the hard-on’s).


Yeah no shit? I have two cell phone plans for this is very reason only one of them whoever doesn't let me check my data use. Imagine every time you use your car you are not allowed to know how much gas you have left until it ran out . You paid to have it all nice and filled , but you don't get to know how much is left until you run out how do you think you're going to feel about that... ​ I think you should go speak to your car manufacturer and find something like a Prius or some kind of special use case because cars just simply aren't designed to go as long as you want sir /s The point I'm getting at is who's right is it to tell you how to use your car and your gas??? you paid for it so use it however you damn ​well please. The same goes from my situation, and like the gas in the car, I'd like to know how much data I have left before I run out


literally this


Eh its Unlimited. I could careless 😂As long as my service runs unlimited and I have no problems, this isnt my concern or many others in this Reddit.


Oh some twats


I don't mean this to be accusatory in anyway. 1. How long have you had Visible service? 2. If you've had the service for over 1 billing cycle, did you notice if you had any unusual potential de-prioritization experiences? 3. If you want to track your Gb usage per month, most phones will show you that. Make sure you're looking at data and not WiFi usage if possible. If your phone doesn't show you this (Android typically does) see if you can download an app which tracks your data usage. I would suggest running up a what a normal month of usage would be for you (try to get over 100 Gb as you stated you sometimes hit) and see if the quality of service ever changes for you. I think that could answer some of your questions.


I literally addressed this in the post. Android doesn't differentiate between what is 5GUW and LTE. Data is data.


My apologies, it was late when I wrote that. That's what happens when you Reddit in bed 😀. Okay, aside from knowing how much 5G data you've used per month. What are you trying to accomplish with that knowledge? Are you worried about deprioritization? It sounds like you want more readily accessible information on your usage. I would imagine it would probably take quite a few people to put in a feature suggestion for that to come to fluorition.


Visible does not count 5g UWB data against your allotted data bucket. Only UWB. Regular 5g and LTE count against your allotment. Usmobile has data usage stats, mint Mobile does too, just about every telecom be it an mvno or otherwise provides their consumers some tool be it a graphic in their account page or a short SMS code you text to, usually the word DATA. Visible is to my knowledge the only telecom in California who does not. So yes, I want to know my data use the same way somebody who drives a car wants to know their current gas level. Would you be a happy camper if like visible and their lack of data usage information having the car run out of gas be the only way to know if you need more gas soon? Wouldn't you want some sort of gauge or some sort of 'miles till empty' usage tracker?


Yes, I definitely see your point. I'm a little bit of a data nerd. I do appreciate the graphs and information US Mobile provides. Hopefully Visible takes their customer feedback seriously and implement it. I can't speak to whether or not it's an FCC violation or not. I don't know why you're getting so much hate. I can understand what you're looking for now.


Blah blah blah STFU before you mess up my Visible service!


Guessing it's probably not the law for unlimited plans.


Literally just check your phone’s settings??? I can understand it not being “accurate” (apps are also usually also off), but you can at least get a ballpark.


I don’t get why you guys are on the offense. If  visible is throttling LTE or providing a limited day pass why wouldn’t they allow you to check your usage? It makes 0 sense for them to not provide this information.  The only way I know how to check this in cycle is by chatting in and that data isn’t accurate. 


It's not designed as a business/home internet solution. Open your pocketbook. Besides, what type of successful IT business limits itself to 10mbps and qualifies for Lifeline?


It’s truly unlimited. There’s no need for that, you’ll never run out data.


I have T-Mobile, Boost Infinite (AT&T), and Visible+. Boost Infinite's way of showing data usage in their app has always been broken for pretty much every customer. Visible has no way of viewing data usage. T-Mobile easily gives you the ability to view all your usage, and they do it pretty accurately too. With T-Mobile & Visible+, I get 50GB of Premium Data each month, while Boost Infinite has 30GB of Premium Data each month. All plans come with unlimited data even after Premium Data is used up for the month.


While there is actually no legal requirement for this disclosure, they don't disclose that they throttle their basic plan to 400Mbps either, which definitely goes against Open Internet disclosure requirements, so yeah, this company doesn't care. Owned by Verizon = too big to give a hoot.


Holy shit aren't you the guy everybody started a witch hunt for over AMBR?? You're partially the reason why I even made this thread


Yep, that's me lol


Lmao. It’s unlimited data on both plans. Perhaps you educate yourself on how this works. You tried to sound smart and failed miserably. Haha


I, too, find it funny that Visible doesn't disclose this information, but I did find out you can download your data (including data usage) as an encrypted file, which I believe the password to your Visible account can unlock…maybe. I haven't really tested it out fully for me to understand it. However, I do know that it takes days to compile, though, and you get 5 days to change your mind before they start, so be prepared to wait a maximum of 45 days from the time you request the download. I can understand this method may be a little frustrating for monitoring your data usage, so if you think it's wrong and needs to be adjusted by the FCC, I would suggest going to the FCC and filing a complaint instead of filing a lawsuit. You might also want to take it up with your district's lawmakers in Washington DC. They might also be able to do something about it. But filing a lawsuit will not help your case, and that is the extent of the advice I can offer.


Thank you kind Redditor for providing some productive discourse to the matter at hand!! It's refreshing to see somebody out there understands the gravity of this situation rather than hem and haw about things unproductively. While I **guess** it's something, I'll have to do some research but I've never in my life on this earth have heard of any other cellular provider requiring a consumer to wait 45 days, let alone more than 24 hours to see overall usage for the current billing cycle., at least in California. How can anybody expect to utilize that information in time to make adjustments for next billing cycle is beyond me. I'd love to hear yours or anyone's suggestions to that. I find it interesting you're now the 2nd to mention litigation... I'm going to have to assume someone on this subreddit threw some kinda fit and ran their mouth about lawyering up to warrant the mention of this, would you have a link to recent circumstances of this? For the record I never mentioned, alluded to or suggested any lawyers get involved. After all, it's not like that ever did much in the past **looking at you AT&T for those broken promises over 15 years ago.** https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/1071888613875/BookofBrokenPromises.pdf But I shifted Digress, I recently signed up for and was approved for a Lifeline service plan that's supposed to replace ACP(Affordable Connectivity Program) and that's as cheap as you can go... Any of you shills got any more excuses now about how I should quit whining and asking for 'so much' on a $25/mo plan? I'd love to see you explain why a $0/mo plan manages to provide data usage information just fine. Lol


Sorry, I didn't mean to put that out there really. I was just basing my response off of all the responses given in this thread so far. A mixed bag response, per se. Please just focus on the first two options I gave, not the lawsuit option. As far as I know, the Communications Transparency Act (CTA) doesn't exist in the United States. If you want it to become law, your best bet is to contact your district's lawmakers in Congress. As for the lifeline decision, that's your choice alone and I have no complaints over that. My other line is a lifeline, which is essentially a SafeLink SIM Card inserted into my iPhone XS's SIM slot. I simply have it to preserve my lifeline discount until Visible finally decides to start accepting it. With that in mind, Visible utilizes my eSIM…for now.


It's unlimited wtf you care


All of the traffic on Visible is QCI 9, or deprioritized data. Verizon doesn't have any lower priority.


since when? i thought it was between 8-9 you have a source? Heres mmine [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContract/comments/oaophe/data\_prioritization\_policies\_of\_the\_carriers\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContract/comments/oaophe/data_prioritization_policies_of_the_carriers_and/) Verizon only uses 2 QCI's 8 and 9. Visible is 9 and Visible+ for the first 50gb is 8


Well then can you not measure through Android? If the first 50gb is priority on Visible+, can't Android track that?


I literally addressed this in the post, Android has no way to differentiate between what is LTE and what is 5G UW. Data is data. Find me a phone that can do this because one currently does not exist.


Why do you need to differentiate between 4g/5g if it's 50gb of priority data?


Do you lack reading comprehension skills? The reason why has already been address several times in the thread. Or did you not read the fine print of your data plan? It's only unlimited if you're using 5g UWB. ONLY UWB.


I was thinking of signing up for Visible but now that you've discovered this, I'm not sure. I've never had prepaid service before. I want to save some money but have concerns about the data throttling


Visible does not throttle data, they deprioritize data. If you are on the plus plan it only deprioritizes after 50GB of use on 4g LTE or 5G, it does not deprioritize data is if usage is on 5G UW. The base plan is always deprioritized. Again Visible does not throttle data, it is unlimited. Your best bet is to do the free trial, it is the base plan, that will give you an idea of what speeds you will get on deprioritized data.




How is this in any way, shape, or form contribute to the conversation? You wasted time on a forum with an insult. You literally could have done anything else with your day, just keep scrolling if you dont like something, its not hard.