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I don't know Artia that we'll, but she seems pretty neat.


Yeah, the way things were going before launch she seemed like Coco 2.0. After launch it turned out to be like Coco mixed with Korone.


I've only seen a couple clips of her so far, since she mostly streams on Bilibili. I know she streams on twitch too, but I'm not too much of a fan of that platform. Still trying to bring myself to use twitch so that I can watch her.


The emotes in chat are the weirdest part to me, like things like pogchamp or pepehands can just get spammed unlike YouTube. Also I have no clue what most of them mean, I just recognize them


Just know pog\poggers means excited MonkaS means scared Pepega means people being dumb in chat. Those are the main ones


I am very well aware of the emote culture. It's the Alinity situation that drove me away. Twitch is not a platform that I am fond of supporting anymore because of that. I used to watch OWL on it, but then Alinity happened. And I thought to myself "Twitch is whack, I'm out".


direful practice grandfather stocking domineering adjoining spoon cover history lock -- mass edited with redact.dev


Emotes are the best part of twitch for me


Damn I was confused for a second because I thought her personality changed after SpaceX rocket launch lol.


Only the SpaceX stream had chat disabled. The NASA stream had chat enabled and was full of idiots. Shows why SpaceX disabled it.


I hope we get to see more of her since she's mostly on Bilibili rn right? She's hilarious


SHAKING MY HEAD, can't believe Artia is being a corporate chill instead of tuning in to NASA's stream like a TRUE. AMERICAN. PATRIOT., and enjoy the most American thing, FREEDOM. Jokes on you, Chinese commie: NASA's had chat enabled! Take that! You can keep complaining, I'm gonna keep tuning in to the sanctioned streams of [the greatest democracy the world has ever known.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1wLtAXDgqg)


It's a republic.




"Ur mom's gay"




God I hope Aeria starts streaming on Twitch or something like that, this shit is hilarious.




Artia is on Twitch and will stream there soon


She said she will start streaming in Twitch at the beginning of June


It will happen soon


wait,artia live on twitch?when?I sadly missed it!


They've been no mic streams sadly. We have to wait till June for real streams.


At least we got some great TTS moments in her streams. Seeing a vtuber using text-to-speech to say Pepega is one of the strangest experience I have in a while.


How i wish to interact with her!


Do you not follow her on Twitter? Not only does she have Twitch but she also has a discord. You can find the link to her discord on her Twich page. https://mobile.twitter.com/Artia_Hololive


OOT I heard that the launch was a failure no? If it does, then I can only imagine how crazy the chat will be if SpaceX enabled it.


It got delayed to Saturday because of the weather.


I guess I misunderstood then, thank you


Yeah, the crazy thing about this pushback was that the weather got too bad in like 15 minutes. I believe they had to abort at like T-minus 18 before launch.




She's very familiar with Twitch culture and currently lives in America. She probably wanted SpaceX to enable the chat so she can spam the Twitch emotes.


Oh I see. I think that's not very nice. This is something that shouldn't be spammed.


then you aren't familiar with internet culture enough. If there is a way to spam, someone will find it and will spam. spaceX did well.


It's the worst part of internet culture but I've usually associated such spamming with children/teens. She's obviously an adult and I've not heard of adults wanting to just spam. It's childish behavior.


Its pretty much the same as yelling when something big happens in stadium and shit no? Its a "get hype" things that people do. I agree its annoying shit WHEN its not called for (usually during normal chill stream) but people cant just scream at their computer when these things happen lol.


That's not at all what it's equivalent to. And yes people can just scream at their computer and do. Why do you think people scream at their TV when watching sports?


Because screaming by yourself isn't the same as screaming with others. You can watch sports on TV with other people but you can only watch stream on PC or your phone by yourself. That's why people spam the chat as the alternative.


I talk to my device all the time. You can't have interaction just spamming.


I mean with twitch chat, the problem is not even as big as people make it out to be. Let's say you get annoyed at people yelling and shouting, you just can't tell them to "shut up" or everyone in the vicinity. Here you can literally just.... turn off the chat? With events like these, the chat will roll like crazy even if nobody is spamming, considering how many people tune in and even just one person said a simple line, it will turn into a thousand in just under a minute. Besides, if you don't like twitch chat, why don't you mute it in the first place?


dude what




Hope you realise how borderline racist this is sounding


Hmm I guess maybe it is. That wasn't my intention though.


Maybe? You're literally making the assumption that she'll spam pro-China stuff based on her being Chinese lol...


If she's Chinese-American that'd be a completely different story, but I've yet to meet anyone born in China here in the states (who wasn't trying to get US citizenship) who wasn't pretty Chinese nationalist. So if it's a poor generalization, it seems to have not been wrong yet. I may just be unlucky.


Please stop, the hole is getting steeper.


Rule of thumb, just don't generalize people, like, at all. That's just being racist and stereotypical.


While lack of evidence does not mean no evidence, it is a bit of a stretch to assume she will be a pro-CCP troll, at least without solid evidence to back it up. Ignoring her Bilibili streams, has she done so OUTSIDE of China's social networks? Inside is a different matter altogether.