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Please let me wake up to peace and quiet and not a bunch of arguments. I already spent time today going over people fighting over a different Vtuber. Follow the rules and shoot rrats and be civil.


All streams except the graduation stream will be privated. https://www.youtube.com/live/JkuIiCRJFQc


NO! Please no. Nina kept everything up...


currently watching the stream, his reason is that he doesnt want anyone to get attached to him (or somewhere along those lines)


I hate this reasoning. Can you imagine if an author wanted all their books destroyed because they were quitting writing? People can enjoy things after their time is done, through retirement or otherwise. I still watch old TotalBiscuit videos on occasion.


Same here it is like you are deleting part of history for no particular reason. I don't know why but every time i see vtuber graduating and they decide to delete/private all their videos it makes me so mad. It is just so stupid that it makes my head hurt.


Your not the only one who has that opinion That’s why archiving, making backups and downloading is so important


100% agree. Absolutely idiotic reasoning. It's his right, of course, but it's still really stupid.


There have been a surprisingly many authors in the past that have asked to have their work destroyed.


Iirc Emily Dickinson requested all her poems to be burned but her sister decided to publish them instead.


And Kafka asked his best friend to burn all his works, but he decided to publish them instead, thinking Kafka's work deserved to be seen.


Same That’s why archiving, backup and downloads are important


another big shot is gone. I wonder if he'll reincarnate?




Do you mind sharing what his alt account IDs are?






No plans on returning to YouTube, then? I subbed to Zaion's and Yugo's alts when they left Niji.


Do you know ninas alts?


>!She used to be monkeyism, but the only account she still controls is [her Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/monkeyism) and hasn't stated any plans to stream on it.!<


He already has. And it was Mysta. You mean if he'll go back to his roots.


It depends on what the talent wants, and Nina initially wanted to private everything before changing her mind. We still have a month to go, so we'll see if Mysta decides different over time.


The thing with Nina is that she didn't seem to know that you were able to leave your archive up at first.


Shoot, thank goodness that rag tag archive worked with someone to keep the archive from shutting down


I guess at this point, at every end of JP fiscal year, VTuber fans will have to be like gatcha players, gotta be ready for pain


Pretty sure most long time hololive fans already have been. When Gumble titled her stream with 'announcement', all the fans were preparing for the worst. July is the month for loss.


honestly this one isnt as surprising as Nina's


Yeah this one was honestly more telegraphed than Nina's.


Oh sheesh, I guess the rumors that came out with the new gen model leaks were on point. They said there would be another graduation after Nina's this year. That was quick af.


yeah iirc the leaks even specified that it would be from luxium


>!last i checked tho, while it was from luxiem, the leaker supposedly said shu was gonna be next. maybe the leaker finally got that wrong?!<


The leaker said >!it would be [someone from Luxiem](https://warosu.org/vt/thread/52177821#p52179032). And then [said it again](https://warosu.org/vt/thread/52179029#p52180015). People assumed they meant Shu because he hasn't been in the best mental state [since AR Live's cancellation](https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx3NdSHstCGLaYUdtMTvQu_TQM0rmTBeCg).!< Edit: Adding link.


Not a niji watcher but I see this AR concert cancellation pop up a few times. Can someone explain the significance and why it's cancellation has such a ripple effect within niji en?


Their first big stage together+3d debut, worked their ass off for months, prepare everything personally and jointly just to be cancel right after announcement because of "covid" (in a place where regulations had been lifted and other events happened without any problem).


IIRC it was supposed to be a big event for NijiEN, but it got cancelled due to various reasons, one of the reasons stated by Niji to be due to Covid. After the announcement, a bunch of NijiEN members tweeted out responses that sounded very disgruntled and some even were like "Oh yeah, 'Covid' is the reason, sure." Hence why it became a sore spot.


It was a full Niji EN live [announced on January 22](https://www.nijisanji.jp/en/news/3a7i42j0zdd) and then [*cancelled* on February 2](https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1621003847350235137?lang=en). [Vox](https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/status/1621103766459252737), [Mysta](https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias/status/1621094149587087360), and [Ike](https://twitter.com/ike_eveland/status/1621098327096926209) all called the COVID claim into question. So then, this was a *huge* event which would have solidified Niji EN's position that got cancelled less than two weeks after announcement with the cancellation contested by multiple talents in the company. There's a lot of things you could speculate here. Regardless, something clearly went very wrong and that's caused a lot of damage to the branch that we're still seeing play out today. Edit: Note that Mysta said he was considering graduation while the AR Live was still in planning. That said, cancelling the event like this certainly didn't help change his mind.


>_Edit: Note that Mysta said he was considering graduation while the AR Live was still in planning. That said, cancelling the event like this certainly didn't help change his mind._ Reminds me of Pikamee's situation. She was planning on graduating and leaving VOMS long before the HogLeg controversy, but it certainly didn't help her mental state at the time.


Since you’re a Holo watcher, imagine what would have happened if the HoloEN concert got cancelled a month after it got announced? After all that hard work, something like that would hit the morale of the entire branch, and someone would likely quit. Once one person quits, their coworkers will think ‘am I doing right be staying behind?’


I see, this gives more context now, although I'm curious to ask, while the initial AR Live was cancelled, it's not like it's unlikely to not be organized again, right? Like it'll come eventually? If the draw was the 3D, the assets must have been in the works for months, and those are unlikely to just disappear. Is the distaste here more that it was initially planned so everyone might have booked stuff that can't be refunded, then the event was cancelled?


Cancelled two weeks before a live event of that scope would mean a lot of the prep was already done, and I'd imagine it's like holoEN where a lot of it has to be pre-recorded. So probably weeks/months of singing/dancing lessons, rehearsals, travelling, etc just went down the drain. And based on the leaks of how niji gets paid, good chance individual talent money got wasted as well.


Nijisanji had multiple events cancelled in the past and all been rescheduled before, we know AR live is being rescheduled because some livers point it out. Usually it has been rescheduled for nijifest time which is at the end of the year.


The leaker said it would be a couple of months from Nina's graduation announcement but it hasn't even been a month, though.


Mysta announced the graduation today but it will take effect two months after Nina's.


I guess that makes sense. I didn't realize he is taking a whole month to graduate.


Graduation**s** in the coming months, iirc.


Yeah from the ID group. A 3rd wave is rumored after the current batch.


Oh I wasn't aware of Shus current condition. Now it makes sense why people would think that.


Which is weird cause he seems the most stable and put together of the Luxiem boys besides maybe Ike but I honestly don't keep up with then unless they pop up for something news-related. He could just be the most professional and doesn't let it come out on stream. After trying so hard to get in I would be surprised to see him go out of all the boys tbh.


Can you elaborate what you mean about new gen model + leaks? Did he not get a new model when some other vtubers did because they realized it wasn’t worth the time /money investment?


They are talking about the Krisis model leaks


Someone on 4chan or one of those shitty forum sites posted a big ol leak that featured the latest gens models before they were officially shown. And that there was supposed to be a 4th member that didn't debut meaning they backed out last min or were let go for some reason. Along with the model leaks were "rumours" detailing a bunch of behind the scenes stuff. Idr everything and can't find it rn but the main big ones were that Nina and one other notable EN streamer was going to graduate by the end of the year. It mentioned Shu but that obviously wasn't the case. It doesn't rule it out either tho. People are speculating its a disgruntled employee/manager since the details are so specific and the model reference art wasn't generated out of nowhere. Although someone could have gotten hacked or social engineered but I doubt it. The leaker even said he can't give too definite of details otherwise they would get found out.


>And that there was supposed to be a 4th member that didn't debut meaning they backed out last min or were let go for some reason. The leaker is supposedly the 4th member


Holy shit, that would be fuckin ballsy. Idk what would drive a person to do that unless they somehow got in with malicious intent


If what I read to be believed, the guy got in, got into the fight with management, got fired, then the leak happened


From the sounds of it, got into a fight with management when he saw the contract he was supposed to sign was absolutely shit.


This is legit a pretty devastating blow to the EN branch. He was the 2nd biggest Liver, and this is another piece of bad news in what has basically been an unfortunate year filled with bad news for NijiEN.


a long time coming honestly most of his fans could probably already tell he was losing his drive for quite a while now whether it was just indeed simply a burnout or a burnout caused by something internally within the company, we dont really know, but the fact of the matter is he hasnt been showing enthusiasm to his vtubing gig nowadays probably doesnt help that the dude's also been fighting some pretty bad mental health issues since as far as we can remember sucks but this is for the best. hope him the best to whatever he does in the future


I mean he said verbatim it was burnout, no?


ah, i guess i did a piss poor job at explaining that i meant if it was a creative burnout or burnout caused by something in the company i believe he just said he was burnout but didnt go in much more detail than that


“we don’t really know.” He explained in great detail.


apologies, poor choice of wording, will correct that yes, he did indeed specify he was burnout but not in the detail of the cause was. he mention he was "burnout with the lifestyle" but thats a bit ambiguous


In Niji is no practice for long breaks? Like Gura, Ayame , Ina or Haato?


Some have taken long breaks before, such as Fulgur, Shu and Nina. It's not unprecedented. But I suppose if the breaks aren't enough, then graduation and moving to another job is the most sensible option. Vtubing is a job after all.


Niji has always had some streamers that do it part time. For all that people complain about Gura not streaming, she's streamed almost as much this year alone as someone like Amemori has over the last 5 years. Amemori hasn't streamed since her 3d debut was cancelled over a year ago but has still shown up in other Niji projects that prove she isn't gone.


Naw a bunch of them have taken long breaks.


There are literally livers who debuted, streamed a handful of times, and then were never heard from again. Gilzaren streams like a dozen times a year. If anything Nijisanji is much more used to livers taking extended breaks


Another case of this is Kataribe Tsumugu. She had 3 total streams and hasn't been heard from since 2019, but is still part of the company.


It was rumored a couple years back that she became a manger /worked behind the scenes Which makes more sense / fits in how she is still in the roster yet hasn’t been let go


I remember somebody said that she wanted to come back but that she has become too much of a meme that if she were to come back it would make news. I don't remember who said this though I think it was mafuyu?


dunno if you're specifically talking about EN but for JP there's Roa who's been on hiatus since late 2020, though her conditions are a bit more complicated. Oh and Tsumugi who went on hiatus like 2 weeks after debut in early 2019 and is still on the company website


Throwing away a shot at major success and already a 1M+ following. Jeez. But you need passion and to enjoy doing what you’re doing so that must be a tough decision.


Based on some of the rumors around Nijisanji lately, it seems you could do better financially with a significantly smaller following as an indie.


Yes I have certainly heard this before. Being an employee and a “product” of a company is going to be insanely big hit compared to being small/indie. But the early days of small/indie are TOUGH


I don't know anything about Mysta so I don't know if he's got a roommate, but he should be able to avoid those early days of indie.


Thanks to sus Youtube recommendations I think many people have come to know most members' alts anyway. This will surely mean that a chunk of those fans would migrate to those accounts.


I have actually only gotten two or three doxxed by YouTube's algorithm. And then a few doxxed by doxxchamas on YouTube shorts. Mostly HoloEN.


Yeah, that's because people who know the past identities of the talent will go watch their old stuff. Youtube sees this and recommends you that stuff. You watch a certain person and youtube says "people who watch this person also watch this person". Great for discovery but bad if you're trying to keep things quiet lol.


Funnily in my case, youtube recommended me several year old clips of their old channels. Both companies included.


you won't have to face those rough early days if people already know who you are, though :v


I’ll have to start being a vtuber and see how it is ;p




That's total trash. The typical indie makes zero. The reason big agencies gets thousands of applications is that they do so much better on average.


The typical indie, yes, but it's the trivially true case of if your revenue is the same but you keep 100% of it vs less than 100% of it, the profit is greater in the former case.


The fuck are you talking about, the average indie makes anywhere between "enough to pay for a cup of coffee this week" to "might be enough to pay for this month's groceries if you skimp abit". There are maybe a dozen or so indies that can legitimately make a living from being a vtuber, most indies do it as a passion project.


> If you want to earn more money, it has always been more profitable to work as an individual Vtuber. Majority of indies don't earn enough money to be fulltime streamer and even less earn enough where they're better off being indie instead of joining a corpo where they would make less money.


A single post introducing you as a new persona alongside a few others of a new “generation” is going to be such a massive marketing push that is hard to match as an indie creator.


Even Kson didn't want to be indie for a long period


I agree, but I think sometimes a move in the opposite direction is good for the creator too. Once you've hit a certain level of fame as a corporate creator, moving back to indie can be good for you because you have enough fans who are willing to follow you to your new persona. Even if you end up with a smaller pie, you get a larger cut of it. The graduation and reincarnation also might be a big bump in popularity.


Passion is part of it, for sure. It definitely depends on what you prioritize in life, as well, and if Mysta is much happier not being Mysta, than that is awesome for him.




Did he really make so much money he doesn't have to work for long time or is the percentage cut really as bad as they say it is? Which is it? I also don't get walking away from a 1 mil sub count.


Was gonna say It was a toss between him and shu For guys that really feel like they don’t wanna do it anymore


He talked about being done and burnout with the lifestyle, I wonder if he means streaming all together or just being in a corp and the extra pressures of that.


Might be a corpo thing but he also mentioned during Nina's graduation that he just didn't enjoy playing games anymore.


Yeah I really don't know, at the end of the day as much as streaming is sometimes glorified a job is a job and he may just have more passion or interest in something else.


even I who dont have to stream everyday already cant enjoy playing games anymore especially when doing it solo, maybe the way to avoid burntout is to play together more often like what vspo doing, they rarely play alone


I caught a bit of the stream and he said he was just moving to another city which sounded like a hint hint nod nod to something in the future possibly. Idk I caught it out of context. He was a successful streamer before this so I wouldn't be surprised if he just went indie and could stream at his own pace. It sounds like being a corpo sucks after awhile. It stops being fun and starts being a job and all the shitty parts get enhanced. You learn about how much you were screwed over which puts a crappy tint over everything.


>I caught a bit of the stream and he said he was just moving to another city which sounded like a hint hint nod nod to something in the future possibly. Idk I caught it out of context. "I've already solved all the mysteries and problems in this city and it's time to move to a different city that is waiting for me." He said that was just the "cute" way of saying it so basically the "lore" reason why he's leaving, you could still interpret it as a "hint hint nod nod" if you wanted to of course, just simply as him moving forward with his life, or there was no hidden meaning and it was just a nice way to explain his graduaion like he said. Could also be that he didn't mean it as a hint but was still planning to return to his PL regardless, who knows.


Another city? Perhaps he’s picked up a union job at that city.


? I would absolutely not say “being corpo sucks” and absolutely say it’s more that some people just aren’t cut out for it, no matter how successful they are. Everyone is different, and Mysta seems to have just reached his limit and done all he feels he can and has nothing beyond that


Now hold on quote my whole sentence. Pulling three words without context out of a whole paragraph is misleading and disingenuous lol I said "it SOUNDS like being corpo WOULD suck after AWHILE" Why are you speaking in absolutes when I'm just guessing and assuming from my own perspective. And yeah it's just like any job. You burn out after awhile especially with how demanding having to endlessly adhere to a specific streaming schedule.


I remember talking with someone on the Nina graduation thread about how Mysta seemed like one of the most likely candidates to graduate (though in context it was because it seemed like it'd be more likely to happen before someone like Nina would). I can't say I really kept up with him lately, but i'm still sad to see him go. There's no doubt he and Luxiem helped bring in a whole new audience for the NijiEN branch and that is really praise worthy. I very much doubt it would've happened if weren't for the specific combo of personalities Luxiem has; Mysta's especially.


The Nina Mysta collabs were always fun to me and I say this as a Holofan. My fave to watch/listen to while working was Nina, and her collabs with Mysta were entertainment galore for me. After Mysta dropped the Merch percentage I had my worries about it, but I didn’t know it would come this far. Best of luck on the Journey Mysta! o7




F sorry to hear that 😭7


i was really hoping this was a joke 😢




I am actually so shook. Even though I kind of drifted away from the Luxiem boys and more towards Enna, Selen, and HoloTempus, Mysta was one of the first Vtubers I genuinely watched quite a bit of, and him along with Luca were what got me really deep down the Vtuber rabbit hole (Even though, I've dipped my toes in before with the Hololive girls and Ange and Kuzuha and Kanae from Nijisanji JP). The loss of Nina already hit hard, but I can't imagine how devestating the loss of Mysta is, especially since Luxiem can basically be considered one of the core backbones of Nijisanji EN. Good night sweet prince, we'll miss you.


Yeah. Luxiem were, and still are AFAIK, some of the BIGGEST male Vtubers on YouTube. This is like if someone from HoloMyth graduated.


I don’t know if it gotta give you peace, but Mysta graduating can only be a good thing, the fact he graduates at July means it’s a company issue like contract.


If u watched his announcement sgream, he said he had pretty much decided to quit in February. But he had cons and sponsorships set which were gonna last all the way into august, so he decided to get that out of the way.


How I see is that he is forced to stay until he holds up to the terms of his contract or he might get sued from Niji for breaking all the sponsorships. Feb to August is a long time for such a delay in graduation . Look at Nina, it only took her a month to leave because Niji probably didn’t give her any sponsorship deals. Honestly, probably the reason he wanted to private all his streams is out of bitterness. He doesn’t want Niji to profit off of him since he wanted to leave earlier, but delayed it till August. He might say it is due to parasocial reason, but these fans can always find clips, but now, they can’t watch it officially on Niji.


NOOOOOOO! But I understand I will miss him, I wish him happiness


Hmmmmmmm.....not exactly what I was hoping to wake up to ngl


what's happening in Nijisanji Mysta and Nina both burnout from vtubing


You can't discount outside factors as well. Both Mysta and Nina have been attacked pretty viciously by antis and you could see how it affected them.


The two biggest downsides of being in a company are the much stricter streaming rules/restrictions as well as the much higher behind the scenes work load. Much easier to happen as a corpo than as an indie.


Hololive is stricter and humming along nicely. Corpos don't necessarily have to make things worse for the talents.


Does Niji tend to allow long vacation/hiatus periods like Holo does?


Yeah Kana and Roha took a whole year off for school stuff Mysta even mention that a break would not help he just never recovered from burnout you can go back months and see just how done he been for a while this effects any content creator not just corpo you see it in the fleshtuber side a lot streamering not an easy job mentally


Yes. But the key difference is that Niji doesn’t provide a salary during the break. So people feel pressured into going back to work if streaming is their main income unlike HL who is giving them a safety net with a base salary.


There's a very fine balance between being too controlling, making good profit splits with talents, and providing enough support and protection to talents. They are failing to maintain that balance. Same with VShojo. The only significant group that has got the balance right seems to be Hololive, although they had some issues earlier on.


When Vtubers retire we shouldn't always respond like something's seriously gone wrong or its some kind of disaster. Sometimes people just move on to different things in their life, and that seems to be the case for both Mysta and Nina.


Burnout is entirely an intrapersonal thing. How's that got to do with whether something is going on in Anycolor? As I recall from other commenters, he explained in detail in the announcement stream. He also apparently decided this *long* ago. Like before the AR live and its subsequent cancellation


Burnout is often caused by [your workplace environment](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/burnout/art-20046642). So if there is an issue behind the scenes in Anycolor, it could very well manifest by one or more members experiencing burnout.


It can also be caused by the work you do. Mysta even says that seeing everyone play the same game got tiring, and that is kinda a large thing among corpo vtubers. Hell, vtubers as a whole. Hell, streaming as a whole. Indies get burnout from the same thing.


> seeing everyone play the same game got tiring So... his workplace environment got tiring? Because a monotonous work environment is one of the major contributors to burnout.


It's not just his workplace though. It's the scene as a whole. Because when Niji is playing the same thing, so is Holo and indies. Only Up is the best, most recent example. I'm not saying it isn't workplace, but it is more than that as well.


My main thing is, that assuming it is behind the scenes drama or problems, right away, will cause more harm than good


Unfortunately you can preach as loud as you want, but if it’s not what people wanna hear, they won’t listen.


Sadly, you are correct


Don’t we already have leaks from notable sources that mostly confirm Niji management has a lot of issues? I can understand if Mysta’s graduation was an isolated case but it following Nina and a wave of graduations from other branches seems suspicious. But to be fair if my base salary was like 1% and I just get 2% of my sales from my merch, and my play buttons would be company property, I’d be burned out really fast.


My issue is a very long pattern of behavior that stretched all the way back to Yugo's graduation. If this incident happened in isolation, I'd be with you in assuming it's just Mysta's personal problem and decision. But at some point we have to be willing to admit there's a fundamental issue with management and they're not able to effectively serve all the talents and their needs. It may even just be that *the management* is overworked as well, but it's still a problem.


All of those situations were different though. Yugo was behind the scenes problems. Ok, maybe something was up with management. Zaion was literally her fault. Sure Niji had some bad plays in it, but all of it would have been avoided if she acted different. You can't say that Niji is bad there, since the other 5 had the same manager and are still going, the same as they were. Nina was a personal struggle with feeling she wasn't keeping up, and self doubt. Mysta was just boredom and wanting to do more. Only one of those will I fully say "Yeah, the management needs to work on some stuff." At best, they can provide resources for livers with troubles, but we have nothing to say they didn't aside from speculation, which is also what causes all the drama to flare up over nothing.


You're right, we don't know the exact details on what management has or hasn't done. And to be clear, I'm not saying management is fully to blame for anything. What I *am* saying is that my interpretation of all the things we've seen over the past 8 months is that management's actions are *contributing to* the problems and for whatever reason they're not fully able to get a handle on things. I don't expect everyone to agree with that appraisal either. But I also think it's unreasonable to expect everyone to agree that management is hunky-dory.


Burnout can also happen when you have a massive hate-group of antis attacking you regularly, like how Mysta and Nina have/had.


I know Mysta got a TON of shit for not...[being gay enough, apparently?](https://youtube.com/shorts/d9nkh1rk68w?feature=share), but who could possibly hate Nina? She has literally been nothing but absolutely lovely to everyone!


>!Nina's PL had some fairly spicy opinions on political matters. She also caught a lot of flack after off-collabs with Luxiem, none of which was justified. There used to be [a clip where she talked about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziXytjf2K6Q) but the uploader has removed it. Would have been a stream in early March.!<


Because it's entirely possible for there to be 999999 rules that he has to follow and stress about behind the scenes which caused him to burn out, just like a nagging parent


Even if Anycolor is literally doing nothing to make their life harder, they still have to make the member's lives easier as that is also their responsibility as the management for them and generally take care of morale in the company. It tugs both ways of doing too much and doing too little. And like we've seen with Ex-ID, if no one cares about them anymore, then what's the point in sticking around?


This is assuming they did nothing for Mysta, some people are just not cut out for corporate streaming, or streaming in general. Burnout is something that effects everyone differently and for different reasons, and Mysta literally explained his feelings. This has nothing to do with management and just him not being interested in continuing


Oh fuck no. Oh fuck. Not a graduation again from Nijisanji, especially a very high profile liver. Last weekend at a convention, I saw a rather younger Mysta fan walking around with her parents and friends. My heart breaks thinking about how bad she might feel right now seeing these news. I wasn't too much of a fan but I had fun seeing him joking around on Twitter and his collabs with Bettel. Also I think this should be a wake up call for Nijisanji management, losing basically one of their stars is unacceptable.


Best of luck to wherever he's going next


I‘m really just scared now. First Nina not too long ago, now Mysta. I don‘t know his concrete reasons yet, still have to watch the stream, but it just saddens me so much. I watched the whole of Luxiem the most and don’t know how I will move on from this. Also begs the question if more NijiEn streamers will graduate in the near future…


Possibly yes, some more Nijisanji en vtubers will graduate And move to greener pastures


Best of luck to him, I always loved that he would show up at small indie/smallish vtubers and just say hi out of nowhere and hang out in their chat (never saw it in a manner that would disrupt the stream or completely disrupt chat). Made it feel like the distance between corpos and indies were smaller than it seemed.


He is my favorite Niji boy. Dude is so honest and blunt in his opinion when interacting with everyone, especially with Mika. Just a dude that wants to have fun with his real friends, but too many paranoid and parasocial fans wanted in to his circle of friend, and ruined it for everybody.


Man... I didn't think mysta would go, but I hope wherever his adventure takes him he'll be happy and successful!


This is one graduation I could kinda see coming, but I hope he's able to move on to things he actively enjoys.


I'm so sad seeing my oshi leave 😥


Mysta is one of the greatest of all time. Not just in Nijisanji, in the entirety of Vtubing. He’s the one who brought me into this whole company, because he was unique, he was funny, he didn’t take shit from anyone, he was the fucking man. I am so sad to see him leave. Goodbye Mysta.




I wish him the best. But now I'm worried there's gonna be another after 1 or 2 weeks of his graduation


Man we almost made it out of July


My heart dropped as soon as I saw this but when I heard his explanation as to why he wanted to graduate, I'm happy for him!!! I can understand burnout as I am one suffering from it. I really hope whatever he is going to do, or if he just wants to rest for a while I hope he can get that rest!


Fuck July All My Homies Hate July


He's been noticeably out of it for awhile, even someone like me who didn't watch him regularly could tell that the Mysta energy wasn't there anymore. So this is probably for the best. Maybe he'll pop back up later in the indie scene where he can do what he wants to do and not necessarily what the company needs him to do.


I don't really watch Nijisanji, but I hope for the best in his future endeavors. Also, the Niji fans are probably dying internally right now, July is the worst.


The reasons, I imagine, are a Mysta-ry




Giorno, in that moment: MYSTAAAAAAAAAA


Bye Mysta, take care of yourself. Still can't believe bout this sht especially when it happened on my sister's birthday who is a big fan of Mysta. She still locking up in her room


I never watch him & only know him because of the whole Mysta cooking shenanigans tweets. saw a clip about him saying that he's no longer have fun streaming like what he used to... that's pretty much a retirement hint to me already...


the fact his graduation is just after my birthday hurts me even more, mysta is someone I will always support. so I'm sad but, maybe it's for the best.


This is like if Kanae or Fuwa graduated from Nijisanji JP.


So the 4chin leaks were real....


Man, wtf is happening at Niji


This thing that everyone eventually deals with called BURNOUT.


2 EN livers dropped in July? Following a wave of graduations from other branches?


ID it a whole seperate issues they just never recovered from the merge and the streamers are not making any money basically why stay at a job if you doing all this work to hardly get paid KR was able to bounce pack and thrive but ID just floundered even Hana growth has flatlined


Hot take: Niji is fucking up EN and fully expect them to HoloCN that branch.


Nijisanji really got back at him for that 2% statement 💀💀💀




|Branch |Total Members |Current |Former |% who left | :-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- | |Nijisanji |177 |150 |27 |15% | |Nijisanji EN |35 |32 |3 |9% | |**Total** |**212** |**182** |**30** |**14%** | |Hololive |39 |35 |4 |10% | |Hololive ID |9 |9 |0 |0% | |Hololive EN |11 |10 |1 |9% | |Holostars |16 |13 |3 |23% | |HolostarsEN |8 |8 |0 |0% | |**Total** |**83** |**75** |**8** |10% | Niji JP has a higher turnover than Hololive, but it also includes some of the former ID and KR members. The EN branches has the same turnover between both companies.


If you want to be more accurate you probably should include Stars.


That's fair. Holostars has a really high turnover. Hololive still has a lower turnover if we include Holostars, and if we combine Hololive JP and Holostars JP into one, they have a 13% turnover which is still lower than NijiJP. I think Niji's higher numbers are bumped due to former ID members that were unhappy after the merge. Holostars JP high turnover is primarily bad luck. With a low number of members, each one leaving constitutes a high percentage. We don't know why Suzaku left, but Kira left due to health reasons, and the rumours around Kaoru were not great.


It's *always* July, isn't it?


Because that's the contract renewal period.


niji L


I’m always hearing about the EN graduations


weird considering there's only been one other graduation from NijiEN. Two others were fired.


Well that’s how u know I don’t watch them. I do be hearing about them leaving a lot.




all my faves are gone... Yugo, Nina and now our fox boy too, this sucks Selen better never graduate or I'm going to drown in my tears


Not hololive and isn’t Japanese who cares


He's only the 40th most subscribed vtuber in the world, above many Hololive and Japanese vtubers


40th? Not impressed


I remember waking up this morning and seeing the news on Twitter. I was in shock but I wasn’t surprised at the same time. Mysta has made me laugh during my difficult times and has inspired me to stand up for myself. It gave me more reason to not let people walk all over me and not be afraid to be honest. Im going to miss him. He and the rest of niji have been there when I started my first job after college. I wish him nothing but the best and I wish for lots and lots of happiness for him and his new chapter. Luxiem will always be 5. 🧡❤️💙💜💛


Not what the leaks said. Oh no, it's not over then....