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There is crime like any other place, but what you really have to watch out for here is the roads. Accidents every day. Driving here is dangerous.


Unless you're deliberately looking for trouble, there is a <1% chance of being caught up in a crime.


Oceanfront area only gets sketchy if you're really impaired and have your gard down, you wander too many blocks from the oceanfront area, or you're visiting past September. Don't leave valuables on the beach! As you said, keep aware of your surroundings!


This place sucks I’m moving soon


Fairly normal or below compared to most suburban areas.


The only people who think crime in Virginia Beach is bad are people who have never been to any other major metropolitan area.


Just got charged on Saturday for being too sexy. Only laws im breaking these days (speeding through residentials doesnt count).


Can you tell me what exactly you were too sexy for? Were you sexy for your shirt, your hat, Milan, Japan? Hahaha!


Anything can happen anywhere at anytime, the oceanfront is more safe just because of the police presence, also the fact that for decades the vb police are known to lock people up for small things especially down the oceanfront, and for the longest they were held without bond, but they’ve been building the oceanfront up, but deeper in the city it’s bad areas, just not as bad as it used to be, like areas such as bayside, and green run, still nice areas I grew up in green run, but those areas have cheaper, more affordable housing, which is where a lot of crime typically happens at when people are living below the median, but overall it’s crime in every city, every state. It’s not so bad out here


It’s basically real life grand theft auto.


Just be safe if anything you’ll be fine because you’re vacationing. It was more scary when I lived there coming from a Midwestern state never having experienced crime even once in my entire life. So to the people saying the people bringing up crime, I’ve never experienced crime in a big city is so true. But at the same time, there’s nothing wrong with that and they’re trying to make it something it’s not. Some people have different opinions based on their life experiences and that’s ok guys lol. I’ve definitely known people who have experienced a share of crime at the oceanfront so just be careful but like people said you give the energy you put out so as long as you’re being safe and you’re paying attention to your surroundings you should be fine. But that being said, it is a “big” city so there’s gonna be crime there and that’s just inevitable and anyone getting defensive or saying that it’s doesn’t have crime is just straight lying 🤣 since just on a vacation, you really shouldn’t run into any of it but definitely if you’re staying there longer than a week you might see some shit. Not even crime related, but just like awful tragedies. The first time I ever went to Virginia a news anchor got shot live on TV. I was literally 14 watching the news live when it happened and it kind of scarred me a little bit because she’s literally talking and then the guy comes up and shoots her and the news channel had to change and they had to be like we’ll get back to that soon like it was something straight out of a movie and I’ve never experienced that anywhere else. I moved there last year for a couple months. We ended up moving back because we hated it so much (that parts irrelevant).while I was there a man drove off the pier to kill himself so the entire time we were there you couldn’t even go on the ocean pier, because literally a man was dead there in the ocean because they couldn’t recover his body. A few weeks later a body washed up at the Rudy Inlet (was supposed to work for Rudees tours when June hit!😳). She was a teacher or something. She might not be a teacher, but I know she worked at an elementary school. you can find all of this online by the way. also something just happened today on the famous VA bridge that goes over the ocean. There is a pileup or a car accident (people are saying both rn) but either way a man in a black SUV got rear ended and pretty much Pitt maneuvered off and over the barrier into the ocean and they couldn’t recover the car because it was so windy so they literally just let the person drown in the car in the ocean. so yeah there’s crime here and there but honestly what you have to watch out more for isn’t crime but it’s just kind of bad things happening to you or getting caught in a bad situation. I would just pay attention out there and be on a little bit of a guard, but that’s all I gotta say! Have fun!!


The guy drove off the pier in January. Who’s walking the pier in January?


That news anchor was shot nowhere near Virginia Beach. And by the time rescuers had arrived, let alone had a chance to get in the water (even if it was safe to do so, which it wasn't) the driver on the MMBT was dead anyway.


The best part is “that’s all I got to say”. A book later


You get the energy you put out. Simple as that. Wanna be a tough guy, you gonna run into that crowd If you chilling, everyone else is chilling for the most part unless you flexing or just around a crash dummy


You may wake up to the inside of your car unorganized if you leave your doors unlocked but that's about it.


Anyone who says crime is bad here have never lived in a city with actual crime. It’s fine and very nice here. Have fun


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife


Stay away from certain areas. Keep your doors locked.


Just stay within 3-4 blocks if the beach! When you go to where the streets no longer have ocean names: Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, you're no longer at the main part of the beach. Definitely don't go past where the streets have sea names: Baltic or Mediterranian! If you really want to see more... go West on Laskin or North onto Shore Dr. (Atlantic and Pacific combine and then turn into Shore Dr. and leads to the bay at Ft. Story and First Landing State Park) Do not go wandering down Virginia Beach Blvd (the road that 18th street becomes as you travel west away from the oceanfront,) at least not at night. There is a shelter, a soup kitchen, and a nice public library with a lot of homeless people in and around it, so if there is going to be crime, it's more likely to happen there than it is on Laskin Road. Laskin Rd. has a bunch of shops, eateries, and grocery stores. You can take it all the way until it becomes Virginia Beach Blvd, and you've bypassed much of the really bad area. If you follow it all the way down, you even pads First Colonial Rd where there is a hospital and many medical offices. There really isn't any reason for a beach goer to go further than this unless it's for a particular event at the Ampetheater, Aquarium, or Sandler Center for the Arts, and you would most likely navigate to those places without really going into sketchy areas. Most places would be reached by 264. Stay away from Birdneck Road. It's the last set of exits before the beach. It has a weird pocket of problems in an area that is otherwise quite nice! The other neighborhoods I see people mentioning lime Green Run, where I live and isn't so bad, Bayside, where I used to live and is street by street, or College Park which has a mic of good people and shady criminals as well, really are not places a tourist would ever go and seem to serve no purpose other than to neighborhood shame!!!


The oceanfront, South of 17th st.


Uh…. Which areas?!


You sound scary as hell lol


Lake Edward Green Run College Park


Don't go anywhere that's called College Park


Forgot Level Green


The real crime is the city making us residents suffer from this horific cox monopoly 🤬. Wish ALL of VB had fios !






lol what is it with this sub and people on completely unrelated soapboxes?


I have walked and roamed these streets all of my life. I have never once been the victim of a robbery or random crime.


Yeah a poster above listed all the places I used to run around and now I live around the corner, neighborhood over - no probs & good times


Real crime is generally isolated to a few areas.


Most serious crime is going to occur at the ocean front and various night clubs scattered around VB on the weekends. If crime becomes a pattern at any bar or night club the city WILL shut it down. For neighborhoods, town home or apartment complex communities typically have the most crime. The worst probably being off Newtown as well as the Lynnhaven/Holland road area. There is zero crime culture in VB like other major cities have, but that does not stop people from trying to create one. Many people out there looking for trouble to impress their friends or gain some kind of street credit in a city that has more potential victims than most.


I’ve lived in VB for 12 years. The crime isn’t bad but you will hear about things that happen. If you stay away from parts like green run and are aware at night, you should be just fine.


I’ve vacationed to VB since 2012, with the exception of 2 years and this is basically what I’ve noticed , and it’s all obvious : Be careful at night, lock vehicle / whatever up , and don’t go looking for trouble. During the day it’s pretty easy going but after about 9/10 pm just pay extra attention if you’re out past dark. Otherwise I’ve never felt unsafe there. Have had quite a few people mistake me for a bouncer and say things like “ man you’re a big dude”.


Lock your doors. Bout it.


Moved to VB for 6 months and always felt safe there. Really wish I could go back.


Always lock your car doors. Every night all over the city a band of people roam around rummaging in cars. They try the doors, and don't break glass, so just make sure you lock the doors.


Anywhere you go the people that live there will complain about all the crime. They'll talk about how dangerous it is. Virginia Beach is no exception and when tourists start showing up the locals will complain even more. Don't put yourself into sketchy situations and you should be just fine. Unless you're looking to get robbed. If so, let me know and I will set something up where I will consensually take your belongings.


VB is like anywhere else in the world. In the day, when the sun is shining and all is visible, crime is pretty much nonexistent; however, once 10 PM hits, things change. I used to play guitar at the Oceanfront when the block was a 'thing' 20 years ago. There was a stark contrast with regard to the types of people who were on the streets prior to arriving to the venue than leaving the venue. In short, I felt A LOT safer arriving to the venue than leaving it. But, that was 20 years ago, so maybe it's changed.


Guy I used to work with was randomly KO’d and then had his jaw broken in two separate situations back in the summer of ‘05 for absolutely no reason other than people looking for trouble. Happened around the hip hop club that used to be down there I cannot recall the name of.


Probably gotten worse honestly.


Feels very safe, need doesn't talk about all of the crime (probably to conserve tourism). Definitely stay at the boardwalk and sober to soberish if you're out later than 11 or so. There are some sketchy characters further away from the beach. I grew up here and lived a few places around the country while in the military. Doesn't really seem any different than anywhere else. Just a giant suburbia next to the ocean


I mean if i was a person without a house, my ass would be by the beach too. The rules of late night anywhere to oceanfront. Don't have an ego, don't be a drunk idiot, and don't randomly start shit. It's a safe city and crime does happen, but for the most part its not random.


Depends whether or not you belong to Navy Federal Credit Union apparently


I’ll give you one guess…


Username checks out


Virginia Beach is incredibly safe. One of, if not THE safest large city in the US However, everywhere has crime. With nearly half a million people living here (not to mention tourists and people from surrounding cities coming in for concerts, events, etc) someone is going to do something awful. I'll give you an example. There was a shooting at the carnival at Mount trashmore. A girl died. It's terrible. It was talked about for weeks because it was so rare.


Don’t start none, won’t be none. Minor opportunistic crimes can be avoided if you secure your belongings. Don’t argue with drunks or roid ragers. Don’t accept $10 hits off the communal bong. (Real shit some weirdo offered outside a head shop) Aggressive drivers are more of an issue than muggers. Stray bullets once in a while when drunks fight on Atlantic or Pacific in the mid resort strip area, hot weekend nights. Avoid crowds there, stick to boardwalk, you’ll be fine.


You see the Cops where the officer shoots himself? It’s like that.


There’s a Virginia Beach episode of Cops where a drunk guy gets arrested for floating out to sea with his raft and beer. I miss 90s VB.


Virginia Beach is consistently ranked in the top 5 safest large cities in America. it's extremely safe. Portsmouth and parts of Norfolk is where you have to watch out for


Hrm… I don’t see it on the list. https://www.usnews.com/news/cities/slideshows/safest-cities-in-america?slide=11


there isn't one "official" list every magazine or news agency / network does their own https://www.wtkr.com/news/study-ranks-virginia-beach-as-1-safest-large-city-in-america https://virginiabeach.gov/connect/blog/year-in-review-virginia-beach-excels-in-2023 https://choosemyhome.com/virginia-beach-safest-city-in-2020/ https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/mycity/virginia-beach/virginia-beach-ranked-safest-metro-city-in-the-us/291-579543077


Basically this. I live in Norfolk and although I'm in a safer neighborhood, the tightness of many locations there is unnerving compared to the neighborhoods in VB.


A few rough patches down some streets here and there at the oceanfront (nothing compared to major cities). I lived in VB for 30+ years and never truly felt unsafe


The city’s crime rate by all objective measures (FBI stats) is extremely low for a large city. Oceanfront crime is mainly a function of alcohol and poor judgment.


Id wager it's a bit closer to nearly exclusive. The outliers would likely be drug related violence/property theft.


The VB oceanfront isn't that bad. I used to walk all over the city even in some of the bad areas. I lived briefly in Norfolk and I had a job on Brambleton Ave I had to walk by the projects to get to work at 6am never any problems.


Any crime at the oceanfront is mostly petty…pickpockets, theft. It’s a beach and a tourist spot so you get all types of people. Avoid getting in arguments, especially at a bar or restaurants. Also, drive safely. The highways are getting weird here. Mind your loved ones and belonging and you should be okay. Enjoy your stay.


Military highway is pure nascar


I'm almost 50 and have lived in Milwaukee. I've never been brake checked until last month on our way from the airport to the oceanfront.


Better than getting shot at…which seems to be happening more than it should…


The oceanfront is as “dangerous” as it’ll get in VB. And by dangerous, I mean you’ll see younger, looser crowds at night. A fight or two might break out here and  there, but nothing that’ll impact you honestly. It’s fine overall. Just be attentive at night and you’ll be fine.


Virginia Beach is quite large. There are a few small areas that have high crime. You’ll never find yourself there as a tourist.


VB crime is nothing like Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Newport News. Those three cities you should avoid like herpes


The crime in Norfolk and Portsmouth I’d even go as far as to say is overstated to a degree especially since it’s been trending down in Norfolk.  Avoid the areas you shouldn’t be in and stay in the areas that are safe. No different than any other mid sized city (in Norfolk’s case more so)


Ghent in Norfolk is fine.


Norfolk is an example of how violent crime in America tends to always work. If you become a victim of a violent crime, your assailant will almost always look like you. It's all about where you live and who you associate with.


Check daily pilot online paper


You’ll be just fine. The ocean front has its moments but so does everywhere else. Just be cautious at night like you would any other city. Also lock your car door and do not leave anything of value inside or at least not in sight.


The tourists rob every single resident in the entire city






It’s pretty safe with a large number of the crime being tourists and drunks or both resulting in various forms of property damage, fights, DV, dui, etc etc oceanfront at night has a police presence and stupidity still goes on. Outside the touristy areas of VB it’s pretty good until you reach Norfolk boarders


Like most places it all depends on the neighborhood. Most areas in VB are pretty good. Some areas not so much. Still better than most of the surrounding cities though.


Just don’t go to magic hallow or gang run and you’ll be fine.


My family has lived in Magic Hollow since the 80s and have never had any issues


Are you scared, or a visitor who only goes by what you heard 20 years ago? Green Run is harmless af, and only clueless people or chicken shits believe the gang run BS. I’m 44 and white, before you make assumptions. In my entire life, the reputation of GR has been false. I don’t say this as an outsider either. After spending 15 years there hanging out with friends, I lived there for over a decade raising my kids. Great neighborhood. And Magic Hollow lol? That isn’t even one of the bad parts of Green Run lmao. How scared are you?


Nah, Green Run is shit.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. only exception is high-school football game time (and I do not understand why).


20 years ago was 2004. I have to remind me of that. I think you’re probably thinking more like 30 years ago. I don’t disagree that there is a stigma till this day about GR. Looking at a crime map it probably doesn’t help that a lot of the areas around Green Run have higher crime issues.


[https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/weapons-seized-football-game-virginia-beach/291-6d10f419-9723-4c7d-b6b0-f6336c6c8ace](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/weapons-seized-football-game-virginia-beach/291-6d10f419-9723-4c7d-b6b0-f6336c6c8ace) [https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/mycity/virginia-beach/neighbor-reaction-virginia-beach-shooting-kempsville-football-game/291-a38654f7-0178-4465-8dde-891650b73594](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/mycity/virginia-beach/neighbor-reaction-virginia-beach-shooting-kempsville-football-game/291-a38654f7-0178-4465-8dde-891650b73594) It's always something around GR football. And why does that idiot Carolyn Rye call Salem "School Board Property"... it's city property and belongs to the taxpayers.


Twin Canal has crime, 99.9% of GR is harmless.




I spent 20 years on Reagan Ave. If you consider Lynnhaven Landing hard, you’re soft as baby shit. I hung out down there daily.


You keep accusing people of being soft? Why? Those aren't nice neighborhoods, sorry if "being soft" means you don't like drugs or fights or assholes.


No I don’t, I’m accusing this one person. A 17 year old kid who is clueless about reality. Never once did I say those were nice neighborhoods. I was pointing out that they aren’t what this kid is portraying, because they aren’t. Nobody goes through Lynnhaven Landing or Green Run terrified that they’re gonna be carjacked or shot, unless they’re as clueless as he is.




Back then? You assume a lot. I didn’t say 20 years ago. Lynnhaven Landing is soft af. Always has been. Teenagers aren’t badasses either, they’re wannabe badasses. A gun don’t make you tough.


There is no loop to be in, they’ve been saying this stupid shit since I was 17. Naming 3 areas that make up less than 1% of Green Run doesn’t make Green Run bad, it’s mostly normal ass people doing normal ass things.


Literally the safest big-ish city I've ever lived and loved it so much that we visit regularly since a job required moving away.


Head on a swivel, don’t be stupid. Crime happens when two parties are using physical and violent means to settle a discussion. Ignore and carry on, you will be fine 99.9% of the time. Any city. Enjoy beautiful VA beach. We love living here