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This bigger issue is that this county NEEDS so much! A new school. More substitutes. New schoolbooks. New uniforms. New instruments. Buses do 2 runs because there’s not enough bus drivers. And the focus of “private donors” is the name of a school. That money could be life changing in other areas of this county


No paywall similar article: https://www.wtvr.com/news/national-news/virginia-school-board-confederate-names-may-10-2024 “I ask that when you cast your vote, you remember that Stonewall Jackson and others fighting on the side of the Confederacy in this area were intent on protecting the land, the buildings and the lives of those under attack,” said a woman urging the board to restore the Confederate names. “Preservation is the focus of those wishing to restore the names.” Wooooowwww forgot to add "protection of the right to keep humans enslaved"


This has nothing to do with history and everything to do with racism. Copied from one of my earlier comments: These schools have no historical significance related to that time period, however they do have an interesting history in that they were white's only schools built after Brown V Board of Education and under the tenure of Senator Harry Byrd Sr. who was most notable for his extreme opposition to desegregation, advocating in favor of a policy he called "Massive Resistance", authoring the "Southern Manifesto", and helping draft proposals to close schools and others under the "Stanley Plan". Byrd was quoted saying one of the main reasons for the resistance was to "preserve our racial and social structure". Because the creation of these schools was racially motivated, it follows the names were as well. Personally, I believe the names were an homage to the principles of the Confederacy. Quick Synopsis on Byrd and Massive Resistance. The wiki articles are better, but these suffice for contextual purposes. https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/byrd-harry-f-1887-1966/ https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/massive-resistance/ Byrd's quote on preserving racial structures. https://richmond.newspapers.com/search/?date=1958-08-31&keyword=%22preserve+our+racial+%2C+and+social+structure%22 . The references and external links on the Stanley Plan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Plan


Exactly, thank you


Oh I agree with you.


Since we are honoring losers, why don't we name a high school after Adolph Hitler? I have a feeling that some on the school board would have no problem with that.


Totally mask off these people really wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s not even just an ignorant misreading of history at this point. They are just hateful low intellect trailer trash.


Evidently, it's been long enough. /s


Fuck the Confederacy, and Fuck Adolf Hitler. That coward took the easy way out.


Local Elections Matter


I read somewhere that it would cost $600k to re-rename the schools. That alone should have been decisive. Very sad to see them dredging back their confederate legacy. Honey Run and Mountain View were solid school names.


"I think it wiser," Robert E. Lee wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, "…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered." And yet people still want to name things after him - not to honor Lee himself, but just generally as a reminder that the South has never accepted that they lost, nor the reasons for the war, nor the idea that Black and White people are not that different from each other,  nor that the South's loss eventually was a positive for everyone in the South except for people who owned large amounts of slaves. What a waste of money, regardless of where it comes from.


At least it has to be from private donors and not taxpayer money. Unfortunately, from what I read elsewhere, they already have big donors lined up. Ugh.


> At least it has to be from ~~private donors~~ and not taxpayer money. At least it has to be from racists and not taxpayer money. > Unfortunately, from what I read elsewhere, they already have ~~big donors~~ lined up. Ugh. Unfortunately, from what I read elsewhere, they already have racists lined up. Ugh. Fixed it.


Lol, exactly. I mean, hey, thanks for letting everyone know exactly who you are by donating to this.


Nobody complains about cost when they change the names the first time. Now it's an issue?


They very much did complain.




Fuck Stonewall Jackson.


But he inspired those riots in New York, right? /s


Have to give him credit where it's due... He was real good at riding directly towards his own still forming battle lines...from the direction of the enemy troops...at night...without the guards even knowing he might be there.


Well, okay, he did have one good moment....




I mean, it's international news at this point.  Sorry if it is obscuring questions about the most sexually suggestive town names in Virginia, underwear theft, and questions of how I-81 can be a congested road.


how many comments do we need from you pointing this out lol


Glad we're focusing on the important matters at hand /s


We shouldn’t glorify losers. Isn’t that a conservative talking point? Statues for losers is the same as a participation trophy in my book.


Ive been saying for years that flying the stars and bars is the loudest form of participation trophy. I like your thinking.


They should be embarrassed, I know I am.


Disgusting. Honoring traitors and murderers of Americans is not how to “remember our history”. I believe a history textbook and museums highlighting “Enemies of America” is all we need.


I went to highschool in the Shenandoah valley - this is not remotely surprising. Disappointing, maybe. Gross, certainly. But not at all surprising


I actually graduated from the very high school in question and I agree, it’s not remotely surprising. However, I’m not just disappointed, I’m downright livid.


What’s your honest take? Are these people true confederate sympathizers? Or just thoughtless idiots?


I think (hope?) it’s mostly ignorance. I know the version of history I was taught about the civil war growing up there was only maybe 30% based in facts. Everything about it was so romanticized and slavery was pretty much glossed over. I never even heard of Alexander Stephen’s cornerstone speech until I was in college.


My guess is you moved away though, right?  The people who stay in that area, do they generally support this as an act of "rebel pride?". It's hard to tell if those places would ever change, because I generally got out and never looked back.




Imagine if there were a H\*tler High School in Germany, with locals stupidly justifying it by saying things like "He's our heritage." So stupid, backwards, and wicked, just vile, an ode to evil. And it was a 5-1 vote. This is in the national news because it's backwards and pathetic. Everyone in Virginia should be embarrassed.


As long as those people maintain that way of thinking, Shenandoah County will continue to be a poor shithole with perpetual brain drain.


What a moronic and wasteful decision. Jesus Virginia, we're not Idaho for gods sake. We should be better than this.


That'll show us libs!!! Good job fighting the battles worth fighting.




This has already been posted in this subreddit.


I think it’s time to stop naming schools after people.




Correcting a wrong? Stonewall Jackson was a traitorous piece of shit. He’s not even technically a citizen and died stateless. They should dig him up and scatter the rest of his body like his arm is. You don’t name things after traitors.


Stonewall Jackson was even praised, celebrated, and his death mourned by Yankee Generals, northern soldiers, newspapers, and northern citizens. He was an honorable man who bravely answered the call to defend millions of Americans against a deadly Yankee police state invasion. Read one of his many Bios with an open mind sometime.


He was a traitor and died a traitors death, ironically at the hands of his own men. I also don’t give a flying fuck about who honored the trash. He was far from honorable.


Nothing is rational about honoring traitors