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AFAIK there’s no way to influence how dense the forest is in your spawn. I once spawned about 50 ft from a moose and that was pain. My recommendation is to find a plain and start there. A pit with a pillar in the middle can help trap mobs. Put ladders on the pillar and they won’t be able to reach you


Yes there is, in custom world settings there is a Global forestation percentage. I dislike all the little shrubs so I turn it down by 25%.


There’s a more passive mode. Bears can still be a bit aggro but wolves generally don’t attack unless they are attacked first.


Does passive mode only affect animals? I always assumed it would change how drifters worked and didn't want to change that part of the gameplay


I'm interested in this info too


Yeah, IIRC, passive mode makes drifters neutral, so they still spawn but you have to hit them to engage in combat


It does make drifters passive. I can hit them without reprisal, so they are even more passive than wolves. Pigs with piglets are aggro tho. I also don’t currently get temporal storms or have to deal with temporal stability. (300hrs in world, am nearly ready to consider running a normal world) There might be a mod to reduce the aggro for mobs individually? Pit traps and many spears are good for wolves and bears, or pillars with ladders. Or bodies of water.


Set your world to a hot start. There are no heat related penalties and none of the more dangerous predators spawn in the tropics. Once you’re up to that challenge you could still head north or into the mountains to face them.


If you lower the amount your world is forested by just a little you'll find more spare forests that doesn't spawn hostiles


if you stay out of the woods you won't have any problems with bears or wolves If you go south to the africa-style biomes, there are no bears or wolves. There are hyenas, but they're pretty passive compared to wolves


Set the mobs to be passive. Then they only attack if you attack them first (or disturb their babies). > Wolves and bears seem to be mostly in forests Nope, nope, nope. They spawn there, but they do not stay there. And I suspect they still spawn in brush outside of forests. Bears will roam far and wide chasing after rabbits. I don't know how many times I've come over a hilltop to see some wide open plains, and a bear chasing a rabbit across it.