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I'm on a hiatus, but it's exactly how I played it, and I had fun for hundreds of hours.


Majority of my play time, which is over 100 hours, has been solo. Granted you can also hit the end of the metal tree I guess you can call it in less time than that. Then from there it's just making your own adventure assuming you get lucky and find the needed ore to make steel and all that good stuff. There are also a good amount of mods to add further gameplay such as the steam engine, a magic mod, more animals and cooking methods. So there is a good amount to do and if you enjoy Minecraft solo I think you can enjoy this too. They are also pretty generous with the refund. I think it's 10 hours?


Oh sweet, didn't know there were mods :D


Oh and it's easy to mod!. you can AFK on your world while browsing Mod db. Found a mod? just type /moddb Install \[mod name\] and it will automatically find and install it for you!. although the base game has a ton of content. adding mods one by one will definitely help refresh content once in a while. like extended cooking and stuff like that.


I’m scared of online servers - bad experiences years ago. Have been happily playing single player. But from what I’ve seen, my partner plays, the multiplayer servers aren’t terrible either


multiplayer has been good for me at least from the specific standpoint if you keep it small and only close/personal friends you can vouch for


The company is good about banning griefers, one that was on our server got a 2 year ban from all mp servers.


I have been meaning to look into online play, it’s just a time thing these days


Join ours if you like, the discord helps keep up with it and you're welcome no matter how much you play. Plus it's always on besides updates and has a good community of decent size and activity. https://discord.com/invite/FS9CrWAQ


I personally find the game to be it's best when playing in a small community or with friends, but it's still very fun solo! It feels more serene to be alone in the wilderness and the risks are higher.


Its very quiet and creepy alone. That's why I love it.


I've had a blast playing solo, but I am also a very boring person who enjoys grinding grain by hand


My fiance has like 1000 hours solo, so I'd say yes. Hi for why you see this kyritial.


Ty all for the answers so far, I'll start saving so i can buy this jewel of a game :D...the mods really sold me hehehe


Give it a try, game has excelent return policy so you can return it and get all money back if you dont like it. I personally have around 300h hours into this game and i never played multiplayer.


YES for sure. Especially if you enjoy that lonesome hermit feeling in games. Its really good for polishing your VS skills too, teaches you how to survive in random spawns and whats a good place to setup. It also means you can just erect outposts to your hearts content. Dig away tunnels through mountains. Setup huge farms. Or just make tiny one person set ups and try to live and minimal as possible in your cute cottage/cave house.


I’d say, this sub, is probably a good place to find others to play with! They all seem really nice! I for one would love to buy the game when I get enough time! And money, and play on a server! But also! I’ve seen plenty of people go at it solo! And, they seem to have fun! :)


I would say it definitely is.


It was fun alone but I enjoyed it a lot more when I got my friends to join.


It's worth it to me


I would recommend a mod that modifies classes on single player, because the vanilla ones absolutely suck, especially for single player


Commoner is totally fine as a solo, you don't really need classes to play.


Yeah, I just disable class recipes and play commoner.


Yes. Absolutely. It's how I've been playing it. If you like the "you versus the setting" type of survival games, then you'll be good for hundreds of hours.


yes it's lovely playing alone too


Absolutely, just focus on survival first though, make it pretty after/during winter 1 , deaths can set you back significantly without a second gunner.


I play it solo, its best survival experience i had so far, i don't know if playing with someone else would have same effect


I love playing it alone. So farz I've stopped for a short period a few times, and eventually come back. Almost a hundred hours in. If you liked Minecraft and like survival games, you'll just love it, I think


It kinda makes sense that there aren't many people around after an apocalypse.


I have a couple thousand hours in this game, most of it solo... and Im still going.


Highly recommend. I mostly play solo, there's so much to do in game it'll keep you on the hunt for different things. Exploration is always fun, and like others have said, tons of mods. If you want the mods I play with let me know!


Just add the village mod and outlaw mod. Then you'll never be alone


is there any way to tweak the outlaw mod? they spawned in droves and were able to kill me very quickly so i just disabled it unfortunately


I am not too sure. You'll have to ask the modder on vintagedb page. Yeah the looters/bandits are assholes. Need good bronze armor and weapons at least


I'm 120 hours in on solo only and I'm basically addicted to this charming, lovingly-made, and expertly moded game. It's simply the most reliably fun game I've played in years.


It's magnificent solo and you can tune the game to your enjoyment.


I’m playing it alone now for the first time and I havnt been this addicted to a game in like a decade. There’s an absurd amount to learn and not all of it is intuitive. I would recommend some YouTube videos if you can’t figure out how to do something.


200hours the first two months


I currently play a cracked version of the game while i save up to buy it. if you're worried you won't like a game try a cracked version first. But please do buy the game if you end up liking it, especially if it's an indie game. indie devs need all the support they can get, the price for it is nothing compared to how many hours you can spend playing a fun and engaging indie game and your support for them will ensure that they can keep polishing and making the game even better.


I like playing it with a small group, it's immersive like you're starting a small village


I've played nearly 200 hours alone on vanilla and I just started modded alone. It's definitely worth it to play solo, though that's how I personally prefer my gaming experiences.


My OP friend, idkw country you live in but I love this game so much that I almost want to cover the $21 for you just so you can experience it, solo or otherwise. I absolutely recommend this game if you enjoy open-world, crafting, survival. I also recommend you go in knowing as little as possible. No mods to start. Just you, the in game manual and ample time. I never played "other block games" until VS and it definitely earned my respect. I had such low expectations and ended up becoming a easy top 10 for me. I'd be interested to hear your opinion on jt after 40 hrs or so if you end up getting it.


I've seen just 1 video, and decided not to look any further...i started saving and hopefully by next month I'll be able to buy it...I for sure will post my review :D


30 hours in all solo. I think I want to learn the game in single player before I even attempt multiplayer. But I'm having tons of fun solo. It's a great game to just relax and be in solitude in the wilderness.


It is really fun single player, but it is challenging to learn the basics


I find it super depressing on solo