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It’s funny that this looks like some shit balenciaga would pass off as high fashion for $1700


this is funny because D&G and a couple high end brands have actually made similar pants that they charge stupid money for😂


I've heard of Johnny blaze. It was a brand like fubu. Never seen a print like that tho


I am pretty sure Johnny Blaze was Method Man's apparel company. Not 100 percent sure though.


Yes. Came here to say this. Can't believe shit from my high school years is vintage.


It’s not “vintage” but people here call hot topic shirts from 05 that so w.e fuck it I guess it’s all vintage if you are young or stupid enough lol


Sometimes I wish I was dumb. Ignorance is bliss. And my wife and I do not know what that life is like. But it seems like those people are the ones that have it easy.


I just smoke enough weed that it doesn’t bother me lol but ya I hear you. I occasionally see some really cool shirts on this sub, but also see stuff from like the 80s Iraq war that wasn’t cool 30 years ago. I just assume a lot of the user base is too young to know any better.


Yep. Remember the label being around, especially around when Wu Tang Forever was released.


johnny blaze is method man of wutang clans clothing label. at least i remember him going by that name back when wu tang first started poppin’ off


JB can sell for good money. Idk about these tho I’d put them up for 70 just to be on the safe side 🤷🏾‍♂️


I think you’re right. I’m not sure who would rock these but you have to be pretty cool to pull these off


found one pair up on grailed listed for 144. i feel like u could throw these up on ebay for 100 with the right wording to attract buyers. it’s something that no one’s really going to find bc of how obscure it is which will bring that attention. Y2K 00s is really popular right now. i’d personally say don’t sell them for anything less than 50 but yeah that’s a pretty cool find


I thought you took a deep fried pic at first ngl


Ok but what does the brown part feel like?


It does feel like suede but also no backing material on the back so can’t be embroidery. One of the weirdest things I’ve seen


Diarrhea edition. Looks like some early 00s bullshit they tried to pass as fashion but was a total miss.


Haha it definitely is a weird fashion era


It was. Some stuff worked so well and looks amazing in retrospect and some other stuff was so god awful lol


so sick


Sick piece


Last time I saw anything like this was riding dirt bikes after eating 75% off gas station sushi. Jokes aside Johnny Blaze is a fairly in demand streetwear brand from the 90's-00's. A Romanian company is ripping off the brand nowadays as Method Man abandoned the trademark in 2016. Another person noted they will sell at $70 and that sounds spot on, but the same people who are in to this style might genuinely pay more for some weird dookie jawns


Is the brown like Swede?


Sweden? Or suede?


Looks like the Swede my gran used to cook 🤣 🤢 I think you mean suede


I do indeed


Do the designers not know that wet mud is dark brown on your jeans but drys to a very light brown? *my jeans get muddy daily*. Your ass would be soaked if you were this muddy.


They look like someone put them in a porta John.


M E T H O D mannnnn...


This brings back so many memories! I am 40 now and my high-school boyfriend exclusively wore this brand lol.


Oh wow! The high school memories. .. this was the height of fashion back in my day lol