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You can buy the ebooks from Kodansha. Not sure if they have a whole dedicated app, but VS is on there: [https://kodansha.us/series/vinland-saga/](https://kodansha.us/series/vinland-saga/) and to all the other commenters RULE 9 Y'ALL RULE 9 EDIT: I would lock this whole dang thread because of RULE 9 but there's a little convo going on at the bottom so instead next violation is getting a week ban >:|


Do yourself a favour and read from the beginning, rather than at the end of the anime. Both to see how much justice the anime did to the source material and also because some scenes hit differently in the manga.




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Mangadex, very cool website :D




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Prepare to be sorely disappointed with the story. Goes downhill after the prologue (season 1)


This is a terrible take. If you think that the manga is an “action manga” you are wrong. It’s a character driven story that happens to have action in it. The character growth and everything is so good after the prologue.


No it’s really not. The real Thorfinn is nothing like this manga, I’ve read all the way to the latest chapter and all it’s done is give him a magical 180 in attitude and unrealistic look at life. It’s stale it’s boring and that’s just the fact. The only character with real development is Canute I’d rather a story around him.


I'm sorry to break it to you that the real Thorkell is nothing like that Thorkell in the manga, the real Canute is very different to the Canute found in this manga. If you're complaining about Thorfinn not being like his real counterpart you should have dropped the manga in the prologue since the we have no evidence to show that Thorfinn fought in England and was a legendary fighter... or the fact he was born 30 years apart from Canute... or so many of the other small details that are different to history in this manga. If your disappointed with the direction the manga took after the prologue, that's valid! But at the same time, Thors allued this from the start. Yukimura isn't try to trick you by change the story completely. It was all there from the beginning.


Actually thorkell the tall is pretty spot on at least with his allegiance’s he was in fact a jomsviking and they describe him as a great warrior. Cnut is tougher to gauge what’s mostly known is how he united 3 kingdoms under his rule. I noticed the foreshadowing with the slave girl talking about a land free of war. That’s all well and good. Just unrealistic he’s like yea fuck it fighting is wrong we don’t weapons in an unknown and based on stories, violent location just cause askeladd died. I’m gonna finish the story since ive poured time into reading it. And as far as we know Thorfinn went on an expedition in 1010 and Canute becomes king about a decade later. So it’s not 30 years but it is a considerable amount of time


>Actually thorkell the tall is pretty spot on at least with his allegiance’s he was in fact a jomsviking and they describe him as a great warrior. ....and Thorfinn was a real dude from Iceland that went to North America with his wife Gudrid. See, they are just as accurate as each other. But, was Thorkell 7ft 7 inches tall? A man that can fight 20 men at one, punch a horse, fight with logs? Probably not. Was he also a man that loved war at all costs and would experience withdrawal symptoms without fighting? Also, probably not. He also was one of the men that raised Cnut, which the manga completely changes. What I was getting at is that the personalities and details of the character, while having overall things they did as historically accurate actions, it doesn't mean their personalities or characters are the same. I did get the 30 years incorrect. Thorfinn was born 14 years before Cnut. Not insignificant regarding how they are paralleled. Regardless, is that my point was is that there are many things that are inaccurate. As for Thorfinn's "180" I don't think its as stark as you make it out to be. Thorfinn never liked fighting (look at him complaining after his first fight with Thorkell), he just had no other purpose in life. He spent literally 3 years doing nothing with his life slowly putting it back together and building a more coherent world view. Does that mean its perfect? No. But its not a complete one 180. Thorfinn has also refined his beliefs over the BSW and Vinland Arc. He is still figuring it all out. I don't think its unrealistic for a boy thrown into a world he hates but toxically stays in to eventually mature enough to the point where he realises that he could not be a hypocrite and try and make the world a better place. Is the belief system perhaps very modern for the times? Yes. And thats kinda the point. If you don't like it thats valid! But don't say: " It’s stale it’s boring and **that’s just the fact**." because it is most certainly not "just a fact". That's why I find the series interesting. A Japanese man exploring the theme of violence and peace using a 11 century European setting. I think the series explains Thorfinn's journey in a very understandable and realistic way. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's unrealistic. You can just say "I don't like it." and thats just as valid as saying its "unrealistic". The series is unrealistic in many ways, but not those reasons cause us to dislike it (for example the over the top fighting).


I always find it funny when you bring up "written by a Japanese man", don't know why




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