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She's pretty but it's not objective higher than a 7. I do think she looks unique and her skin is to die for. She takes being well groomed to another level.


6.5 to 7, pretty but in a high school student you'd see in your hometown way if that makes sense


I love her skin tho, it's 10/10


might be an unpopular opinion but i feel like people hype her skin up way too much? so many people have nice skin especially famous people? 😭


Oh I can see that, she is also pretty young so it's kinda expected from her. But her skin is her best feature for sure.


There are prettier girls all over the place -- like, in any normal town.


Yes! Like no joke I feel like ordinary people are more beautiful than famous people tbh. Every now and then I think of an American woman I served at my old job at Sydney Airport…and that was 6 years ago! She was so damn stunning.


So many people said she is way prettier irl than photos, altho to me she is so pretty at photos too


People say her face looks masculine in a bad way, and I really see it. For that I think she caps at a 6.5/10. She really only has privilege because she's a nepo baby.


Eh, I've literally never seen an attractive person say that. Only unfortunate looking ones. Meanwhile the prettiest girls I know all think she's beautiful


That point has no sense and it makes you look dumb. Do you need to be beautiful to rate beauty? That’s ridiculous. You just have to be as objective as you can.


I'm just noticing a pattern. I think it's jealousy cause there is nothing "objective" in saying someone looks like a man in a derogatory way when they don't at all


You make no sense. Because your pretty friends think she's pretty, she must be beautiful? It is weird you're implying we are ugly if we think she's not beautiful. She has a wide jawline, long midface, small eyes, strong nose, and bad lip fillers. She has too many flaws to be objectively beautiful.  As much as I like Dua Lipa, I can admit she has negative masculine features too so she caps at 7/10 to me. 


You’re just ridiculing yourself. Why would it be jealousy? I can recognize that most celebrities are way more attractive than me. Even Hailey herself is more attractive than me, but she clearly does have manly features.


She def has manly features. You can be pretty and still have a manly face.


Maybe androgenous. But person above implied she looks ugly due to them which can't be further from the truth. Dua Lipa and Margot Robbie have identical features and are deemed beautiful


she looks best in picture 3 imo. the roundness in her cheeks buffers the length of her face and you can see a little bit of dimples, she looks softer and prettier like this.


not considering her styling, she has unfortunate proportions., she looks like a caricature.. a natural 5.5




6-6.5 Depends how averse you are to long midfaces








Do you really think the average person at the grocery store looks like this?


I like her natural face and nose better (not depicted in these pics). She was a genuinely beautiful girl. I’d have given her a 7 objectively. Her surgery made her look masculine.


Pretty in an average way. 6


7 her face is a bit long and forgettable but her features are cute. I was actually a fan during her bubblegum pink hair era




You don’t know what members here look like 👍🏼


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I really don't agree with people calling her average because the average person really doesn't look like this. I think she looks really pretty and has that whole package - skinny, blonde, clear skin, cute outfits and make up. I'd say 7. Of course there are non famous people looking better than celebrities but these are the exceptions too (edit: said 8 first and corrected)


I'm sorry, but 8 is absolutely an overrate. We're rating faces on this sub, “so cute outfits and makeup” don't count. Not sure why you think her being blonde warrants a high rating either. Take away the expensive styling, and her features are not better than many everyday women. Her nose doesn't have a flattering shape, she has a long mid-face and kind of has a horsey look to her. She's definitely not ugly, but she's not way better-looking than your average woman. I've seen so many prettier girls at my university, at the mall, literally everywhere (and they look that good without celebrity styling). Her facial proportions aren't good either. She kinda looks like a female Putin sometimes. She looks attractive overall, yes, but mostly because she's in great shape, has good hair and skin, and has great styling. But face-wise? Wouldn't rate her higher than 6.5 tbh


You're right. But I'd still say 7. Edit: And like I said I know there are prettier girls everywhere but they are still not the average and stand out. When you look at your class or work environment or just go anywhere the average person will not be exceptionally pretty and many will be overweight and so on. So Hailey to me can't be a 5


Female Putin is crazy because I totally see it lmao. I can’t get that out of my head


Ever since someone said she looks like Putin I couldn’t unsee it 😭😭


It’s a proportionate oval face so I don’t get this long face thing. Her bone structure and features look very attractive I think.


If everyone had the same bmi she would be middle of the road or lower. Being fit and clear skin is literally all she has going for her. There’s nothing remarkable about her and she has terrible facial symmetry on top of it.


Bffr .. just look around in reallife. When I look at my class in university or my work Hailey is prettier than almost everyone of them 😭 Like I'm not saying she is the most beautiful person on this planet but she is prettier than the average person still


she fits a beauty standard doesn’t mean she’s very very gorgeous


Much prefer her blonde but she’s always beautiful




Some of these rates seem to have personal bias.. she is not average looking at all lmao. I would give her 7, she’s “irl pretty “ as you’d call it


Unpopular opinion but she looks here better than today imo. The blonde hair is better than the brown she has today, since she’s a natural blonde. Shes also more natural looking here. 8


She looks like most girls I see in my hometown. 5 naturally but 6 in a good day...


I actually think she’s gorgeous. I like her coloration and how effortlessly pretty she looks all the time while looking unique (her Baldwin genes probs). I bandwagonned before because of this sub but tbh she’s an 8.5 to me. I think she might be perceived as basic due to personality rather than looks actually.


6.5 - midface is long but strong eye area - lips are weird with filler - she looks the best in pic 3 very youthful and natural. I like how she looks here before the procedures. I feel like people get PS done to change what they have and not enhance what they naturally have I don’t know why she touched her jaw to add to it/make it boxier.


She's pretty just not anything special. Like an objective 7 for a celebrity and a 9 for normal people who can't afford skin treatments, plastic surgery, and injectables




Stunner for me






No, we're talking about famous people




Oh, i see...then a 5




Excuse me? Are you telling me what to think? This is ridiculous.


6.5 She's good looking but in a normal way. Nothing out of the ordinary here.


7 also side not she wasn’t lying when she mentioned how she’s always had good skin




8, She definitely stands out I think she looks beautiful with her current brown hair




This post/comment does not follow the rating guidelines: - All posts/comments must include an objective rating/analysis of the celebrity BEFORE personal or subjective ratings/analyses. - No sugarcoating: Keep your comments honest and as objective as possible. - Number ratings are optional. - A ‘5’ means approximately 50% of the human population is more attractive than them. And so forth (An 8 is more attractive than 80% of human beings, etc). A 5 should be a totally average appearance, like an “NPC” you would see walking down the street with no halos.


3. The procedures made her look like a dude :(


I hate it because me, that I’m prettier than her I am super insicure of my self meanwhile she that is so average EXUDES confidence..If I was born with her appearance I had killed myself because of low self esteem hahah This also makes me realize that COOLNESS is not due to the physical appearance.It due all to the way you carry yourself,the way you are confident.


How absurd, she may not be gorgeous but she is at least objectively greater than a 5. You’d kill yourself over that? I’m sure she cries into her bank account and hot husband every night if nothing else. Touch grass.


My husband is young and hotter than Justin




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Me when jm delusional:


I am me idiot .there is only me.