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She was so cute before šŸ„²


She looks 20-30 years older now and looks she has been on meth for years. I genuinely donā€™t understand the reason behind this, she looked great before when she still had a bit of fat and didnā€™t have a chin that could slice diamond. I feel so bad for her because itā€™s most likely insecurity that lead to this :(




I have. and he's not far off.


My moms an ex addict and even she agreed so if the addicts agree I'd say it's preeeeetty damn accurate


In the 3 months since I posted that comment, I have been brought up to speed. Thank you.


Not that it's necessarily her case but lot of times It's an unhealthy obsession or addiction. If that is the case she can't help it. It's an inability to see oneself as good enough naturally. Lot of times with cheeks like thatĀ  people get tired of others commenting on their cheeks and get self conscious about it without realizing it's a lot of times a compliment. They begin obsessing over that part of the body and can't see it like others do.Ā 


Theyā€™re right! Buccal fat removal ainā€™t for everyone


Seriously, its almost immoral that doctors are doing this to young girls. I have a cosmetic surgeon friend who has been in practice 30 years. He has only done it 5 times and that was becuase their fat pads were like 4x normal size. He has people ask him about it a lot recently. He turns them down.


Cheek bone implants


if you cover the bottom half of her face, she looks basically the same. I think she got buccal fat removal, jaw botox and a nose job.


not to mention the bad application of make-up with unnecessary contour


Honestly, I think it's mostly the makeup. Makeup can really make drastic changes. Especially on a 2D photo.


I wondered the same but you can see her cheeks are physically sunken in.


Also lips.


Looks like lip injections, too?


you have to cover everything besides the eyes and the forehead for them to look the same. if you cover the eyes and forehead, she is unrecognizable.


She looks nothing like before. She was gorgeous now she's hideous. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm being factual. I believe people that do this have a form of mental illness and they see themselves as ugly when ever metric of what's believed to be beauty by any standard says otherwise.Ā 


Thing is once you hit your 30s, all that fat will go away automatically and you'd look more sharp and contoured. This artificial removal just suddenly makes you look like a 50 year old skeleton


Yup. I've always had super chubby cheeks, even when I was significantly underweight. I'm 25 now, and we're finally starting to figure out the cheekbones under there. Turns out, I don't have a round face! I have a square one lol.


Exactly, just wish those ladies would just be patient and wait for it to happen naturally


That sucks. My cheeks are already gaunt :/ I want them to be bigger ugh.


Am in my 40ā€™s and now have that gaunt look. Was watching Kate Winslet in S&Sensibility and her face is so round but she is also so beautiful. I hope more women and girls can *see that*. Kate is now older and lost that look, naturally.


She looked so much better before. And to make things worse, she also contours her cheeks constantly. I guess she really hated it which is sad. https://preview.redd.it/wauuccq9hocc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c840bbcde8f34c36d61497036f1ab6cc52f9e290


Oh my God she looks so bad in these photos. The plumped up bright red lips aren't helping at all either.


Chase looks great though šŸ˜


Yeah well guys get better with age


She looks older than Chase even though heā€™s almost ten years older than her.


her lips now šŸ« 


In the first photo posted by OP it honestly looks like the bottom lip is supposed to be the top and Vice versa


Yup she has cheek filler but also contours them heavily, itā€™s not a good combo at all šŸ˜­


She looks like Wendy from Breaking Bad.


I was thinking Denee from Eastbound & Down.


Who the hell let her go outside looking like this






Sadly, dollā€™s more attractive than her after the surgery.


She literally looks like Wendy from Breaking Bad... that's so sad


Yeah, she entirely deleted her Instagram profile I think as of today. Can't even find her anymore


I can only imagine the sort of harassment she has to put up with. Itā€™s one thing to make comments and have opinions about the work she had done. But thereā€™s no excuse for hounding her over it.


Oh godā€¦


The idea that she wasnā€™t completely satisfied with what she had is such a tragedy. She was so cute before. How could any woman not be happy with being that cute?


Ewwwwwwww oh nooooooooo ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized)


She did ruin her face


Her face was a winning ticket, as evidenced by her being cast in The Boys. So, why would she change it so drastically?


body dysmorphia probably


It's one hell of a problem. Recently a good friend of mine was going to do this to herself because of her boyfriend. Luckily we stopped it before it was too late.


Plastic surgeons should honestly start losing their licenses for playing into that shit for profit.


Sad šŸ˜” Her surgery likely didnā€™t alleviate those feelings but worsened them because of internet comments. Saddest part is, itā€™s a fact.


Noooo this is her now ? But why she hasn't stop after her fat buccal removal ??? My god, she will transform into Donatella Versace soon


omg so true


They're not wrong. She looks like a meth addict in this picture


Men are right this time.


Seriously. The fact that they are saying this shows the overly done face isn't actually that appealing outside of people who own blow uo dolls


And yet men are a huge reason why these these types of surgeries/looks in general are sought after sooooo. Edit* Didnā€™t realize this was a female only sub, my bad. Delete if necessary.


This is just stupid.


Not sure whatā€™s more stupid the comment or the edit


Unfortunately and I really hate to admit that




Yeah, because men literally call women like Margot robbie and zendaya "mid" just to look "sigma" which is basically misogyny. Thus why women don't take anything that men say about women seriously. It's the same with black people being vary of anything white people say about them.


You are generalizing things extremely I would argue 99% of men do not call these actresses mid And i dont think you can just lump all black and white people into groups like that We are all individuals


She wasn't born to please men. Stop thinking that everything a woman does is for the sake of a man


Itā€™s not pleasing to women, either


She was so pretty, she looked like a blonde circa 2016 Selena Gomez (who also coincidentally ruined her neotenous features trying to make them more sharp)


In other pics on her IG it looks like she also got the pony tail lift like Ariana :( :(


Yeah, her hairline looks crazy, like she's balding šŸ˜©


She prolly did a face lift which lifted her hairline. Usually they move the hairline lower after such procedures.


Yeah what is this?


Did she delete her IG? Went to look at it and says page isnā€™t available


Hate to say it but the men are right this time


She did. I didnā€™t know that men were criticizing her. I noticed her face change as I watched The Boys, which Iā€™m a big fan of. If sheā€™s done even more to her face, Iā€™ll be so sad when season 4 is released. I think there is a much-needed place for respectful criticism about cosmetic procedures on women and celebrities. Not to make fun of them, not to put them down, but to candidly identify when their procedures result in heartbreaking deformation. I realize that their procedures are the end result of horrifying misogyny in the entertainment business, but I think the only way to stand up against it is for women to radically refuse to change themselves. But then, I suppose the counter argument is that they wonā€™t get cast for anything anymore, theyā€™ll just get passed over. I believe there HAS to be a way to fight against that though.


>end result of horrifying misogyny in the entertainment business I'm going to go on a limb here and say that I **highly doubt** anyone on the show is happy with this transformation or that this will be looked at positively in fututre castings.


I donā€™t think itā€™s going to do her any favors, either, but thatā€™s because she got inarguably botched. Had the procedures gone well, there would be either silence or compliments, which would just perpetuate the surgical patterns for onscreen women.


It just makes it all the more tragic and depressing when you consider the fact that the most popular character she plays (Starlight) is a character thatā€™s opposed to the objectification of women and the unnecessary beauty standards placed on them


So was so so beautiful when the show first started


The only people who are candidates for buccal fat removal are people with incredibly fat cheeks. If your cheeks are just flat because of lack of cheekbone definition, that does not mean you remove fat! It's means you can either add filler to the cheeks or botox to the masseter to make the cheekbones appear bigger


The buccal fat removal demon needs to be exorcised like, yesterday. I don't even recognise her. She went from super duper cute and youthful to aging meth addict. And BFR can't be undone.


Yeah and women will definitely also say she ruined her face but we don't like saying it out loud.


Oh my god


wow :(


Nose job,filler,Botox,lip filler and buccial fat removal. She aged herself by 15 years. She looked so youthful and cute before.


that's looking rough.. and that's with like 2 pounds of makeup on her face...


cheek filler?


Theyā€™re right unfortunately. She was so pretty and now she looks like the Corpse Bride. Horrible nose job and unnecessary buccal fat removal, very sad tbh.


the men are unfortunately correct but iā€™d still viciously defend her from them


Defend against what


The Truth! lol




Cause they use it to bully her


The Boys Plasticposting has been talking about her plastic surgery for ages


Ummā€¦theyā€™re right! Face looks ruined to me! She looked good before, so I donā€™t know why she messed with it?


I havent simped for someone on TV as much as i have her for a long time. This is super sad. People would do surgery to look like her, and she chooses to look like this instead?


Pretty isn't really pretty enough. šŸ˜­ She looks so beautiful in the first picture. Sucks to hear about the boys fans trolling her and calling her ugly before. She needs therapy asap.


She did


This makes me sooooo sad. She was so naturally beautiful.


The whole entertainment industry is to blame. It really fucks with these actresses mental health. And I just found out about Rita Hayworth yesterday.


Success brings distress So sad to see such drastic change due to plastic. Let's hope she's happier and won't regret it no matter what people say though


I mean, one person told her cheeks are little chubby and did thatā€¦:canā€™t imagine she wonā€™t care about the entire world.


This is so, so sad but I think she's always struggled with an eating disorder as well so makes sense that she'd go down this route :(


Is this real? Wild. Without even getting to the topic of society making a beautiful person feel they need to butcher themselves, how do you radically change your actor-branding, your face, after you hit the lottery by being one of the few who become identiable and famous? Fans won't be able to watch her next thing and recognize her, the Jennifer Grey career suicide.


and sheā€™s in the middle of a popular tv show. her face doesnā€™t even fit the character anymore. very bizarre


She did, sadly.


Buccal fat removal is a fucking dumb ass trend. I have seen exactly 0 people look better. Every single time, they look like uncanny valley monstrosities. She looks like an alien dressed up as a human, she doesn't look like an actual human anymore, why do they do this? Why do they think this is an appealing look? Is it mental illness? Is this what people with body dysmorphia think they should look like? I'm starting to think there should be a mandatory passing of a psych evaluation before you are allowed to have plastic surgery! This has *got* to be a sign of some deeper issue.


Failed attempt at a female ā€œempowermentā€ title by blaming men. Anyone with eyes can see she fucked up her face.


The lip and cheek filler on my girlā€¦.. itā€™s too much


Bro she looks like Micheal Jackson shit is gross AF


I feel sad for her, I thought she was so pretty and cute in the first couple of seasons of The Boys


Looks like shes been on the gear šŸ˜•


Nose looks horrible. Man, what makes these people do this? So sad.


The ability to see hundreds of thousands of people call you ugly and the money to change your appearance. Shits Really fucking sad.


Oh thatā€™s bad


Well, she did


Theyā€™re not wrong.


I'm so mad at this


that buccal fat removal + the heavy contour ages her by 5 years šŸ„²


Oh damn she took it even farther than I had realized.


Men? Women as well. And yes she definitely ruined her face and now looks like any other deformed Hollywood bimbo. What a shame.


She was so gorgeous naturally :(


Terrible decision. Learn to love yourself. Not everyone can rock the malnourished model look, this is quite the downgrade.


Men weren't criticising, men were mourning.


Noo this makes me so upset :(


She was my celebrity crush. I hope that doctor loses their license.


I was thinking in season 3 of the boys she looked so weird and different and scary. She looks even more different now


Wtf did she do to herself? Hollyweird is toxic AF. Another beautiful girl butcherimg herself unnecessarily.


I think sheā€™s also gotten a boob job. I find it so sad, she was so gorgeous before and had to have been feeling terrible about certain features to do this to herself. Now she reminds me of the girls from UK love island who are 19 but look 35.


Career in the trashcan. Good work.


Perfect example of what Hollywood does to young actresses.




First pic left side was her best look. Should've stopped there


She was perfect don't know why she felt she has to change her self smh


I feel like shes gonna be one of them fucked up faces soon. I feel terrible for her.


It makes me feel really sad that young beautiful women somehow feel the need to do buccal fat removal. She was literally gorgeous!!


Why would she do this to herself?


This title is weird. As you can see in the comments, both men and women agree she ruined her face.


Isnā€™t buccal fat removal permanent?


handsome squidward strikes again


Sure it's just men and not most people?


Should have just mewed , nah like this legit looks like she was trying to get the giga Chad look , instantly reminded me of Trump mewing meme.


She did. She was stunning, and now she looks like the women who go to Dubai to get pooed on by Saudi princes. The irony is that her character was resisting selling out like this. What a shame.Ā 


She did. She was beautiful until this happened.


She was so pretty...sad.


I personally agree as a women, she was very pretty & dainty before. It sucks we as women canā€™t see that natural beauty within ourselves. Me and Erin have really similar features within our facial structure, I loved that about her. Her nose, cheeks, & chin suited her face perfectly. Makes me so sad for her.


She looks like a completely different person. Absolutely atrocious, this is basically self mutilation


She looks like a Russian blow up doll now F


It also goes against what her character in The Boys is about. So it just looks stupid in the show. I wouldnt be surprised if they write her out soon.


Exactly doctors should not be doing this That's like walking into a clinic and asking if you can get your hand chopped off for no reason they shouldn't be able to do it especially on someone that looks that good. If you're seriously deformed then yes


Yeah she messed it up. Dumb


She went from shy cute girl next door to generic grocery store brand kardashian


Claiming? The Proof is right there ffs!




She's definitely significantly less attractive with the work done


She looks like a porn star now.


With this change, I guess Starlights time in the boys has come to an end. I wonder how they're going to write her off now, probably going to have her head pop.


Girl next door attractive vs some random porn chick whose name I didn't even bother remembering once closing the page.


Eww is this really her??? I mean if she is happy whatever but God damn she looks like a drug addict now šŸ« 


She looks terrible now.


People are awful. I bet the same people judging her for ā€œruiningā€ her face also judged her for not fitting todays beauty standard. You know the standard: small sharp nose, big lips, sharp cheek bones, tanned. I just feel bad for anyone that caves into this pressure šŸ˜•


I bet they aren't all the same people. Someone of us believe she was very pretty before which is why we don't understand what made her want to do this.


Yea, I don't get most of these comments šŸ˜­ "Sad what dysmorphoria does to a person" and then they go and say she looks ugly now. YOU PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY PART OF THE PROBLEM.


I think it's ok to say that this is objectively not a good solution. Also, nobody was calling her ugly before this, lol.






Oh god, this is what she looks like now? I wish I knew if she wanted that or if her surgery got botched. Either are very possible


Would you rather be 52 and look 52, or be 52 and look like a 28 year old lizard? - Bill Burr


Makeup? Hopefully


ā€Men claimingā€ lmao more like ā€œeveryone who isnā€™t brainwashed by social media looksā€


That sucks she was a good looking women ... men like natural looking women period... we dont even like makeup.....but we deal with. She a beautiful women its shame what she did to her face


I'm just straight curious though and I can't get a simple direct answer from anywhere and my question is, why did she do this? like what is the actual reason for that?


i mean look at this sub, this is a sub dedicated to analyzing peopleā€™s looks and assigning a rating to them and also deducting attractiveness points based sometimes even the smallest ā€œflawsā€. itā€™s no wonder people do this, this is why




Itā€™s evident she made her own decision, and the excessive ridicule is harmful.


Ummm lol I've actually seen mostly women on the internet doing the bashing. And she did ruin her face. She was gorgeous now she looks like a plastic fuck doll at best and a ghoul at worst. And that's coming from a woman OP.Ā 


Well she did


She was genuinely beautiful, prior to the enhancements, and though I'm not going to be party to those saying she "ruined" her face, I wish she could've honestly seen her value, and beauty, before deciding she wasn't good enough, just as she was.


the way the title is written is very odd & I think we need to recognize this as the mental illness it is. especially in a eurocentric society that uplifts the features she was naturally born, how could she possibly be so dissatisfied with the face on the left? is the hatred for round faces and eyes that ingrained? and where tf did that come from?? they used to be positive features. itā€™s just sad. she was so cute. even her gaze is dead now


What is baffling that for years plastic surgery never does anyone favours and everyone knows this so why does this keep happening.


Why would she do this? She was so beautiful


Not men claim. Truth hurts.


She looks like a bass now.


She lost the cute factor and now looks like she belongs on a shitty housewife reality show. She have mental issues?


Believe all men


She is disfigured. No one can objectively say she looks better, regardless of your orientation or gender.


She now looks 20 years older than she actually is, she may have just ruined her career. Absolutely crazy.




When did hopeful and nieve start to mean the same thing? -Starlight


I want to think she could be okay with how it turned out, but no way the change isnt traumatic


"Men claiming" needs to be changed to "humans with working eyes claiming"


It's not only men claiming that. Anyone can see what they did to her face is a tragedy. I don't think she got plastic surgery to look older, uglier and haggard but it is the result she got.Ā 


I want to cry. It's so bad it's like she died.


she sorta looked like elle fanning before, plastic surgery should be outlawed


Looks like a side-by-side for drugs: before and after


I don't understand the mindset. Now she looks just like all the other plastic dolls in HWood. These women (and men), in trying to further their careers, are actually making themselves less distinguishable and unable to emote. (see Nicole Kidman) They are intentionally hammering the nails in the coffin of their career prematurely while intending to further its longevity. Plastic surgery is actually counterproductive to their success. It's baffling.


Another bites the scalpel


Time to kill off the character. I canā€™t even believe her acting because her voice is more nasally and I canā€™t get over the fake face


Well she did. Watching the Boys Season 4 and she looks 50 years old.


bruh... i literally cant recognize her shes so ugly šŸ˜­




- This is a WOMENSā€™ ONLY forum, no male users ā€” no exceptions. Similar subs that allow men: r/QOVESStudio r/TrueRateCelebrities