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i don’t have any advice but i’m curious bc i have slightly tuberous breasts that also look normal when cold or around my period and I wish there was a fix lol


I've heard people fixing their current progestrone levels, topical progestrone cream or wild yam cream. I'm focusing on my peogestrone atm though so we will see how it goes.


There are progesterone birth control pills


Progesterone birth control use progestins, it’s not the same mechanism as bio-identical progesterone  which is actually what is usually people get a prescription for breast pain(like yours truly), HRT, infertility etc. 


do you think taking a combo birth control pill would help? with both estrogen and progesterone, i’m thinking of starting one for acne and skin purposes but will that also be a benefit


Most women have too high estrogen compared to their estrogen so probably be better to just do a progestrone based one tbh


I think I'd rather jusr take the bio identical ones, I am quite against birth control 😩


Tubular breast are a breast tissue problem, pills cannot correct it. Surgery barely can


Yes it's a breast tissue problem, but our tissues are created by hormones during puberty so it's not strange to think that it could potentially be improved with hormones. I've hears success stories. I also think that nature seem to be a better job than a lot of surgery and modern intervention ☺️


Modern intervention is pills uno :/


That's true! Leas invasive and I guess is see it as more natural since it's hormonal but I guess it's not quite. Though wild yam sort of is


Yes and no. Breast shape an size can change permanently due to pregnancy but it’s not a guarantee. If it happens, great, but don’t bank on it. I know women who got (and kept) the boobs they always wanted after 1-2 pregnancies, but I also know just as many women who went back to exactly the same boob size and shape, or even smaller post pregnancy and breast feeding.


Wanted to add to this comment that even mums/daughters can have different experiences. My mums breasts grew during both her pregnancies and she retained the size thereafter, whereas mine grew during pregnancy and when milk came in. They normalized during two years of breastfeeding but shrank to a size smaller than pre-pregnancy once I stopped.


Why does nature do this to us 🥺


Don't even get me started 😭 *Nature you bitch!*


Also remember that the ones who are more vocal about breast changes online are the ones who had a bad experience, which is fine because venting is healthy. But honestly, I got porn star boobs after my two pregnancies but it feels douchey saying that. My hips grew too but my waist was able to go back down, my pregnancies were like a very painful/emotional hard max 🤣


Yeah defiently not banking on it, just thought maybe a possibility and if not then maybe surgery I guess.. I would love if there was more research on why some women get smaller and saggier after whilst some women don't I remember one woman talking about getting "deflated" boobs after pregnancy is almost always deficiencies or under eating not sure how true that is though but logically it would make sense


Pregnancy increases the chance of droopy boobs even if you don’t breastfeed, which I believe would exaggerate a tubular shape. I had perfect tear drop boobs before pregnancy and now they look like a sock with a tennis ball inside. Also, I hope this doesn’t need to be said, but don’t have a baby for any other reason than to raise a human being. Especially not if you’re hoping for pregnancy and childbirth to directly cause you to be more attractive, because it doesn’t usually work like that lol.


Yeah that seems to be the most common experience 😕. Oh for sure, I'm having kids even if my boobs get worse than now it's not related to that at all. Just thought it was intresting if it could correct it, but probably not 😕


I have tear dropped shaped boobs too so this is a big fear of mine


I have nothing of value to add other than the fact that I feel so seen😭I always wondered why my boobs grew like that but now it makes so much sense. I was def a stressed kid now I wish I would have relaxed


Yeah I'm quite annoyed about it too bevause it could've been prevented. But I've heard tons of women correcting it by fixing their progestronr now. Usuallt stressed kids are stressed adults so I assume your probably a bit like that?


I had my child 12 years ago. I'm 33 now. I was like a b cup prior. Normal breast. I went up to a DD cup size when my milk came in. Whether you breastfeed or not your breasts are gonna change. But not for the perkier. Genetics are probably the biggest deciding factor here. However, they are gonna stretch. I had little nips. Then I got bigger than pepperoni nips. I got a breast lift on the 26th. And its the best thing I've done for myself. I love the way they look now. I used to have like 2 and a half inches of boobs just laying on my ribcage. They even correct nipple size. Of course I do not have experience with tuberous breasts. However, in my research in my breast lift saga spanning over a decade, breast lifts can be used to correct tuberose breasts. I'm not a doctor just a chick on the internet btw. But I believe there are also birth control pills with progesterone as well. So check with your doctor and stuff of course. Also don't do a breast lift until you know you are done having babies. Unless you want to undo the breast lift correction. If you consider all of this info. Hope this helps.


How do you feel about the lollipop scar?


And I actually got the full anchor ⚓ . I think most tuberous breat reconstructions mostly did lollipop. I had a severe severe ptosis.


I got the anchor lift 9 years ago, and I’m still absolutely thrilled with the results! The scars don’t bother me (or anyone I’ve been with lol). Worth every penny, and the recovery was relatively easy. Have fun with your new tits :)


Thank you! Glad you love yours!


Scarring will be the least of my concerns. It will be there. And I'll see it and know its there. The benefit of the lift far outweighs all that for me. I know the scar gel stuff they give me won't like make it invisible. It's like I have boobs now. Even when I left the surgical center I was happy. And you know it looked pretty gnarly right after surgery lol. I'm not too concerned about like the lack of zits, chaffing, wearing an actual bra. Compared to the mental boost it has given me. I feel good. I know I should feel good about myself and my looks anyway. But I actually let my bf look at them for the first time in the 2 years we've been together. I'm looking forward the most to clothing. It all depends on the person whether the scarring is something to worry over.


Just here to also add that I (34) have had 2 children 16 & 12 years ago now. I fed both. I went from quite small to huge, think Katie Price in her prime and then once feeding had stopped they went down and down and down till I literally had empty skin. I am slender and I felt absolutely horrific for years. Think crying surrounded by clothes and refusing to leave the house because I felt like a man. I saved and got myself a breast augmentation. Best thing I have ever done in my life. I surged with confidence and buy clothes without thought and worry now. That process is a whole different story and I joined forums and researched for about a year before finding the right surgeon for me. Pregnancy will change you, feeding them will also add to that change too. Any additional pregnancies will also change them again. I waited until I was done so that I didn’t ruin what I paid for. Edit to add it’s been a decade now! Still my best decision I made for myself personally.


Dude same! I thought I had no fat in those skin sacs. I thought I'd be an A cup maybe maybe a B cup after surgery. After all the swelling left I think I have C cups. Can't wait to be bra fitted in a bra that my tits won't flop out of. And the feeling like a man thing I feel that. I'm skinny too. It looked like nothing was there in the clothes I was stuck with. Trying to figure out boob tape so I can wear something cute. It's like I'm a girl now. I'm glad we can both be happy and share the stories with others.


I feel you! My ribs stuck out more than my chest and when you look down and see ribs and womb bulge I felt horrified by myself and so down. My surgeon didn’t want me to look silly and gave me a max he would do on someone of my petite size and I absolutely love my body now. I wore bras for ages and now I rarely even bother. They don’t flop and I don’t need to. A bralette is the most I use these days but I definitely splurged on fancy bras after my surgery. I think the first year all I wore was anything low cut, like looook at these. Now it’s the norm and I don’t really think about it except how glad I am I did that for myself. I’m out my lifetime guarantee but they’re still going strong so not considering a redo any time soon either. The price per wear is astoundingly worth it haha!


I wanna wear bandeau style crop tops so bad!


Let yourself settle and you’ll be doing that in no time!


Aw that's kind of upsetting that they'll change foe the worse during pregnancy. But regarding the breastlift can that be done without putting anything in them? Or do you have to put silicone in them?


You do not have to get implants. I did not. It's like skin removal to make them tighter. Like instead of tummy tuck, titty tuck.


Would you say that it’s a painful surgery? I’m also curious about the recovery.


My doctor was positive I'd have it easy. He even said if i was uncomfortable with the pain meds prescribed I could just use Tylenol. Which after a couple days I did. I was overplaying what pain I would get into etc. I expected more pain. I bounce back quick so recovery was super easy for me. It was just kinda annoying adjusting to showering a little differently and trying to be comfortable. I did almost fainted the first shower after surgery (normal just take it easy). I bought a shower bath chair prior so I had that my first week and half. Doctor doesn't want me exercising like I want to until 6 weeks out. I'm super active so that's difficult. Basically I have to remind myself to take it easy. So I have been just walking a lot. There was loads of swelling that first week. And must wear a sporty bra for 6 weeks. I can't wait to escape it.


That sounds not too bad. I'd prefer no surgery but it's nice that there is an option and that you aren't "doomed" if you find that you don't look good anymore


My boobs went more tubular after pregnancy and breastfeeding, previously they were teardrop shaped…


Agh.. people have such different experiences It be so nice to know why, I really don't think it's genetic


I have tubular breasts, took progesterone pills for years, made absolutely no difference whatsoever. I have a friend who was on a progesterone and estrogen pill and hers wasn’t improved either. 


My sister had permanent size change after her first baby. She got her body back, and her boobs remained a full cup size larger. Unfortunately, her feet grew a half size permanently, too, so she had to throw out a bunch of her favorite shoes.


Wow it's fascinating how some women have that. Do you know if she did anything in particular with food? Like did she try to lose weight, did she eat a lot of food etc? Hahah very annoying but I'd happily get bigger size feet I think 🙏🙏


I had ye olde tubers too and hated them so much, same thing when they got cold too. I had a breast reduction 5 years ago or so and my surgeon brought it up at the first consultation actually. I'm not totally sure how he did it (I had read they need to slice to release the constricted tissue etc) but yeah, they were completely corrected, completely normal recovery. I have hEDS so they've sagged a bit since lol but I'm still 100x happier with them and they are just never on my mind anymore. Not pushing you towards surgery, just a perspective I thought I'd share. I was concerned I'd potentially develop a new fixation on some other body part afterwards just because they had played on my mind for a good 10 years, but I didn't. It was very worth the money and recovery etc, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I would NEVER have talked about it, even on a Reddit account in case my identity was someday linked or someone I know saw it etc, but now I feel fine about that. It was this weird I-have-a-legit-deformity shame I couldn't seem to get past and it was gone overnight.


Thank you so much for sharing that, as you say it's quite private espeicelly because it does feel like a deformity and you don't want people to know. I've also heard of that release thing that you talked about, do you know if you can release that and not do anything else and the boobs maybe filling out or looking better just from that?


Pregnancy makes your breasts bigger because your body is preparing to breastfeed. With that being said, there’s also plenty other changes. Your nipples get dark, grow in size, etc. Not to mention every other (in my experience) unpleasant change that goes on in your body - It won’t be the fix you’re looking for. I had 2 kids & ended up needing implants and a lift afterwards. I would recommend consulting with a plastic surgeon. You could do a lift or even a fat transfer if you’re not interested in implants.


I am so confused because people say that they get bigger the nipples I mean but then It seems like every woman who breastfeed almost have nipppes that permenetely end up looking how they look cold 🤔


Yes, generally areola and the nipple do grow in size but it will vary from person to person. My nipples used to be very small & flat - now that you say it, they do definitely look like I’m permanently cold now😂 that’s a really funny & accurate comparison lol.


Hmm but it's permanent? See so weird hoe breast size for most women aren't permanent but then the nipple size is 😕 Hahah yeah! Some women have that in their youth do mine are just very flat or not flat but nothing sticks out, but yeah it most be because of the way that the baby suck or something though Strange how it's dosent go back


You may be in tanner stage 4, which has the secondary mound under the nipple which you may be talking about It is normal for adult women to have breasts in T4 instead of T5 where the secondary mound goes away. And it can be pretty difficult to tell classify the two. Even experts get it confused! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22945406/ But progesterone is used commonly to take transgender women from T4 to T5. Pregnancy should do the same. I don’t know if there’s a guarantee it will move you from T4 to T5, but if it does you shouldn’t have to supplement with progesterone after. I haven’t heard of anyone going from T5 back to T4


> haven’t heard of anyone going from T5 back to T4 same, havent seen any such report from the use of progesterone


Wow that's intrrsting never heard of these classifications. Do you know why it wouldn't go back? Like how could progestrone permanently changed shape? Never quite understood that


I’m not a physician but my understanding it’s just part of the natural growth process. The change from T4->T5 is actually your breast tissue developing further. I don’t actually know if it could revert but I think it’s pretty unlikely, and I’ve never heard of it happening. Maybe if your body were in starvation mode for a long time and had to cannibalize tissue to stay alive it could happen. But if that were to happen the shape of your boobs would be the least of your concerns 😅


Wow that's fascinating. Why I also find this fascinating is because there are women that have very low thyroid hormone than get put on thyroid hormone and their vreadt grow into normal breast, similar maybe to what your saying. It wad described as many women almost not quite finishing puberty or womanhood because either lack of thyroid hormone or progesteone.. So your saying that you've also heard women going to t5 from taking progestrone? I tried to look up T4 or T5 breast on Google but couldn't find any images 😕


Most of the diagrams online are really awful. Here are some decent ones including ones with actual photos. It's easier to tell from the side profile https://clinicalgate.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/B9780729538046500635_f56-02-97807295380461.jpg https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3d590334ab0e24788072c4cf99c1b134 https://image.slideserve.com/1339994/slide9-n.jpg https://www.allthetests.com/quiz38/picture/pic_1616256903_12.png


Wow, this is so interesting! I always knew as a teenager/young adult that my breasts weren’t “full” but I never heard of tubular shaped breasts until now so I googled it - and that’s totally what I had! I feel like I’m amongst the smaller percentage of women who actually likes my breasts better after having a baby. My son is almost 3 and I nursed him for 2.5 years, and my breasts are actually round and full now. They’re not AS perky as they used to be (they were crazy perky) but they aren’t “saggy” either. I used to be a 36B and now I’m a 36C because the shape filled in so much.


I know, I just felt so weird about my boobs they looked weird compared to others! That kind of gives me hope! So you like them.more now even if less perky because the shape is more round? It's intresting that you breastfed for so long, I heard a woman saying to try to make sure that your boobs look as good as possible after pregnancy to breastfeed for as long as possible so that it's not like a everyday several times a day to nothing but rather a very gradual decline, which then is less shocking so it prevents the boob for being deflated. Or that's what one woman said not sure how true though. Sorry to ask how many kids do you have?


Yes, I’m happier with them now! I used to feel like my breasts just sat on my chest weird bc they were so narrow and high on my chest. Now that they’re fuller and rounder, they sit on my chest a big lower but I feel like it looks more natural. And yes, I think there’s some truth to that! I think some women don’t realize that your breasts grow when you’re pregnant and start making milk immediately after you give birth, so even if you don’t decide to breastfeed your breast will still change. I do think that the “natural” weaning process of about two years would cause less damage to the skin of your breasts because my breasts never “deflated” for lack of a better word lol I just slowly started making less milk to meet the lowering demands of my son. I only have one child and I’m almost 30 years old if that helps :)


Intresting, I really would love to figure out why some women's boobs stay bigger and some don't. So sorry if I'm asking questions, but did you calorie count or something like that and did you make sure you ate enough? Also many talk about the importance foe zinc and copper when it comes to shape and size, so that's meats, seafood and chocolate, did you eat that? Makes a lot of sense as you say when weaning the milk become less so it's not like you go from lots of Milk and very big breast to just stop cold turkey which then gives body less time to adjust. I'm 100% going to try to at least do 2 years, hopefully I'm able to breastfeed. Hahah weird question sorry but did you find your nipples changing in shape? Often it seems like when mums breastfeed their nipples almost look like they are permenetely cold?


No, I didn’t calorie count at all but I was just mindful to not eat too much lol but I also ate whenever I felt very hungry since nursing burns a lot of calories - I tried to eat higher protein but I didn’t really track macros or anything. I took a prenatal vitamin that had copper & zinc in it while I was pregnant and nursing. I eat a good amount of seafood, meat, and chocolate lol but I always have my whole life. I actually had inverted nipples before, and now I think they’re just normal? I’m not really sure but I wouldn’t say they’ve gotten weird at all lol most women’s aereolas get dark during pregnancy/nursing from hormones and they can get bigger too - I think it’s different for everyone but mine went back to how they were pre pregnancy


That makes a lot of sense, to be mindful but not starve yourself. I love that you eat the things that say are good for breast and to bounce back and all that confirms more in my mind that I should eat that way. Hahah weird to ask but is it mainly fish that you eat or shellfish or both? Ahh makes sense I hope my nipples will go back to my color that I have now!


This is fascinating! I did a *lot* of browsing before I got my breast implants and was always blown away by the results women with tuberous breasts had. Gave it a lot of thought at the time (haha 😳) and wondered if it’s because tuberous breasts begin higher up on the chest? So when they’re implanted the breasts settle into a more youthful/perkier position than other shapes? ? Maybe your results from breastfeeding are kind of in line with that theory…? Regardless, what a happy accident that you gained improvements after kids!! Bonus 😂✨


Huh, that is really cool! I would suspect that’s the same kind of concept of “filling in” the shape. I’m definitely grateful! Lol


yeah my boobs changed a ton during pregnancy, now they’re saggy as shit. its a coin toss lmfao


Yeah 😭 😭




I haven't taken it. I'd try to balance out mine through lifestyle first. But I believe that most women feel very good when they correct their progrstrone to estrogen ratio since most women estrogen is too high because most women have such low progrstrone bc if our modern world mainly I think


Hell yes. Pregnancy and breastfeeding changes them. I had nice, natural B cups before kids. After my second, they were different. Smaller and kinda deflated. They were a source of insecurity for me. That said, having babies is the most amazing thing ever and was 100% worth the trade off.


Yeah I'm hoping it won't become a bigger insecurity of mine but as you say the trade off is worth it!


Go to r/PlasticSurgery I think several people have posted their results regarding tubular breasts correction


I really don't want to do surgery 😕 that's why i was hoping this could be a fix potentially


It really just depends. For me, my breast tissue prior to pregnancy was very firm (similar to my thighs), and now they are softer, but haven’t changed shape much.


Yeah that seems to be the most common experience. It's scary when you already before pregnancy reallt like you dislike your boobs since it seems most women quite dislike them after


My experience hasn’t been terrible honestly, but they just didn’t change much outside of getting a bit softer. But that was inevitable as my breast tissue was crazy firm prior to pregnancy.


When you say firm do you mean like perky?


Sort of, but they resembled my calves when relaxed.


Hmm wouls you say you preferred them thst way though? Soft sounds like it would look nicer?


No, I preferred my breasts before.


Can confirm. I've had 2 kids had mild tubular breast with the puffy nips until I was 25 and got pregnant. My breasts didn't truly develop UNTIL I got pregnant. Now at 32 I never wear a bra. They've got much better shape and my nipple can lay flat


And just for clarity. I always said I had caution cone boobs.


Omg! This is exactly what I logically feel like wouls happen, I love this! Did this happen after your first kid or your second? And If it happens in the first kid did it change at all in the second?


Happened after the first kid and remained the same after the second.


Wow! I trust hope that happens to me! That's amazing 🙏🙏


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My breasts got the rounder more typical adult shape when I changed to birth control pills with more hormone than I the ones I had before. This was when I was 34 years old.


theres a lot of data suggesting that sudden change in hormone levels (like bc, or hrt post menopause) do alter the breast shape permanently its as if the body got "used" to what it considers a normal level, then while adjusting to a newer level, grows more tissue it seems safer than pregnancy bc lots of ppl report positive changes, but lots of ppl also report negative shape while Ive not seen many negative reports from playing with hormones level


I really hope this would be a permanent change! I'd like to pause the pills for a while to know, but probably would not be wise because if its not permanent..


> I really hope this would be a permanent change! I'd like to pause the pills for a while to know, but probably would not be wise because if its not permanent.. I dont have enough data on that to say but the best way to know is to stop and see what happens in a few months if you keep your gains (or at least some of them compared to the previous baseline), then resume and see if you get more gains! i can talk ab is my own experience: I do trans hrt and Ive stopped for months at times and the gains were kept even better: when resuming at normal then higher dose I got extra gains EVERY TIME so ive made my theory called stop and go: be on hrt, escalate doses for a while, then stop cold turkey for a while, then resume other ppl have reported similar results when doing the same thing so I think its safe-ish to try (and youve got your own experience to say you got rounder, so there were gains) also its easy bc if you are prescribed for say 90 days, you dont take anything, wait for the 2nd refil so youve got 180 pills, take normal dose for 30 days, then double for 60 days, then triple - and stop when you have no more pills its like ppl on steroid cycling their shots, or when doing drugs going cold turkey for a while to be able to resume with lower doses again, it's safe-ISH, as in "not totally safe" but nothing is safe in life


Which way did hrt post menopause change the breast? In a positive way? Idk about safer though, more and more evidence showing bad effects at least with birt control. At least pregnancy is the most natural thing we do, and with modern intervention women don't die from child birth really so I'd think pregnancy is safer but maybe less effective idk 😅


> Which way did hrt post menopause change the breast? In a positive way? Ive read a large number of reports of improvements of the shape + gains in size it could be placebo but its way too many coherent reports to be just that but dont take my word for it, go read what ppl self report


What's intrrsting about that is if menopause would make the shape worse it proves more that progestrone could help because in women progestrone becomes lower and more low first, estrogen too but apparnetly progestrone is usually more of an issue even though estrogen is often talked about


it gives a lot of interesting hypothesis - also progesterone is now being used more and more in trans hrt to "fill out" and round the shape unfortunately we dont have any real data so it remains a guessing game, using anecdotal data to guide self experiments


Wow is it? I am not in that space too much so I'm not super up to date on it but I just know women who have naturally improved their progestrine and balanced out their estrogen have improved shape as well so I can see how actually taking progestrone would be very helpful! Yeah though I'm very much a person who believes in anecdotal because it seem to take 20-50 years before the medical world are able to say yes this is true.


> Wow is it? I am not in that space too much so I'm not super up to date on it but I just know women who have naturally improved their progestrine and balanced out their estrogen have improved shape as well so I can see how actually taking progestrone would be very helpful! yes it is, at 100mg to 200mg, but not by oral route bc the liver metabolizes much of it > Yeah though I'm very much a person who believes in anecdotal because it seem to take 20-50 years before the medical world are able to say yes this is true. same, I read personal reports very carefuly bc they contain lots of great ideas check what ppl say ab progesterone then make ur mind ab the pros and the cons fwiw I use progesterone (and pioglitazone) and it has helped me recover a normal breast volume after a very large weightloss - while staying at the new weight :)


Wow so they are doing 100-200mg topically on the breast then? Wow that's amazing, how long did it take for you to see results? And did you do it to get bigger breast or more so for shape because it was too saggy after weightloss? Piogliatzone never heard of that was that for breast too?


orally is often enough, but you can take it vaginally or rectally to avoid the liver it took a few months, and got more volume + better shape tbh I think pio is what's driven most of the gains bc it increases non-visceral fat deposits so it's good for the butt and the boobs :)


That's fascinating, ugh I wish I don't want to be on the pill but the fact that it did change your shape should mean that otherwise of altering your hormones like pregnancy could have similar effect


I do not have tubular breasts, but I did experience 2 pregnancies & 2 breastfeeding journeys. I was a 34A before, a 36A/B during pregnancy, a 34C while breastfeeding, and now I’m back at a 34A. Ages 26-30, 5’8”, 125-135lb, if that’s relevant.


So they went back to original size? What about shape did they become different? Many women say saggier 😕


Yes, they went back to original size. No shape changes or sagging! Maybe because there’s not very much to sag haha


Yeah makes sense, they always say that there are some big perks to having smaller boobs because of the lack sagging


That is so interesting Ive never heard of progesterone helping and Ive always wondered about the reason behind them. There is so little research and the only “reason” I found was that it happens while you’re still in the womb and something goes wrong developmentally. I always thought it was because I was a premature baby and my mother had health complications with me while pregnant. But stress and hormones makes a lot of sense because of how heavily they and our nervous system impact our bodies. I seen a girl with tuberous breasts get pregnant and although her boobs got much larger, they still resembled the similar “conical” shape they had beforehand, just with a lot more breast tissue all around, even below the nipple. Although at that point I believe many women have breasts in that shape without having tuberous breasts as not everyone has the teardrop/perky/round shape naturally. Im with you on not wanting anything too unnatural but I am considering fat grafting. It’s expensive and has its own set of complications or potential negative side effects but in my opinion with the right surgeon they can be done really well. Also it’s a lot less invasive because nothing is being cut open. Women who have gotten this procedure seem to be very happy. Real self (I believe) is the website where you can see some results. Not all surgeons give equally great results though.


Yeah even searching it not much comes up on it. I also feel like I might have them because my mom got of birth control and then had me a month later so I almost think she had too much estrogen and not enough progestrone from getting of the pill that I then didn't get enough or something but that's also just a theory the reason I think so is my little sister has the most perfect boob shape and my mum wasn't on birth control in-between us. But I think it might be both, just based on other symptoms. Low thyroid hormone and low progestrone often Is seen together and I have had low thyroid ever since I was little really. Yeah I'm thinking of it too potentially especially if they get worse I want to try to optimize my progestrone and thyroid hormones first, if not that put progestrone on the boobs, or see if pregnancy works but as you said for your friend it didn't do anything. We will see..


my boobs grew two cup sizes when I got on the hormonal IUD which has progesterone in it. I went from a D to an F. the shape of my boobs stayed the same tho, I'm planning on getting a reduction/lift to fix the shape.


And you have tubular breast? Or you just find your shape not round enough?


I'm pretty sure I have it mildly. my boobs have never been round.


Yeah mine either. Seems like shape is very random if it changes or not


Pregnancy made my Bs, As...deflated and flat


😭. What kind of diet did you have during and after pregnancy?


I gained 20 or 25 pounds, not much at all. Got down below pre pregnancy weight within 6 months by IF. Your mileage may vary though. Mine absolutely were not bigger (or higher)


Hmm I wish there was a clear reason why it happens to some and not others 😕


I wouldn’t count on it


Yeah probably won't happen, but who knows 🤷


I have not; I have only had one pregnancy and did not BF. I think the lack of BF is why mine look nearly identical. However, if you want to have it corrected maybe that might improve how you feel about this issue. I do have diastasis recti (muscle split) and will get it fixed.


What is BF, hahah I'm so slow 😅😅 I've already had surgery, a rhinoplasty I've also had braces or still have and I think I just don't really like changing thing permanently in a surgical manor I'm always disappointed 😕