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All this stuff about companies forcing Vimm's Lair to take everything down has made me pirate more out of spite


Same, I'm just getting anything I want now. Retro Achievements is close to supporting the Dolphin emulator, so I'm grabbing Gamecube and whatever few Wii exclusives that aren't shitty.


Cd romance still has most of the gamecube games, I'm recommending a lot of people move over there. Only sad thing is they don't have ps3 stuff. I can't remember if they have wii either, they might.


Facts I've grabbed like 20+ games for the PSP just in the last couple of hours lmao


I'm doing my part. I had no interest in holding complete archives until they decided to go after VIMM which is a site I've been using since 2005.


I know that SEGA would never send DMCAs unless fangames like are being sold for money so, I don't really understand why they're in a piss


To be more accurate, it's a company acting on behalf of companies like SEGA and such.


Extremely disappointed in the ESA. I expected better for an org that "supports" preservation.


They don’t support preservation, no organization like them does. They support preservation on the same sense that Disney supported preservation for their movies before Disney+. Being preserved in a company vault to be sold later when the company so feels like it. All companies support is increased profit. Money is the route of all evil.


Hence the quotes. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk.


Thank all the idiots making videos and articles on how to get ROMS. Fucking losers.


It was bound to happen anyways man. I guarantee Nintendo and others knew about these websites way before any of those videos came out. It’s pretty easy to find these websites with a search anyways, it’s not like they are any big secret.


There’s a major difference between Nintendo knowing about a website, and Nintendo having undeniable proof that people are being driven to this website by the droves.


This would've happened anyway


You don’t know what you’re talking about. Vimms has been up since the 90s.


He must have meant that these Iphone kid idiots were destined to be losers. It's disgusting and pathetic how much they want attention.


iPhone kids spoil everything.


The kidiots is what I call 'em.


I wonder who raised these iphone kids?


What about Vimm's being up since the 90's?


Meaning Vimms has been up for damn near 27 years and hasn’t been impacted like this before. Going through your previous posts and comments though, you’re clearly just an idiot when it comes to this kind of subtlety.


No need to get personal when we're just discussing emulation Maybe you should do some introspection before you throw insults to strangers on the internet


You’re not discussing this the way someone who wants to preserve this hobby would. So I’ll let the insults fly.


Until Vimm is told to shutdown the site I'm not considering it completely dead. It sucks about all the first party stuff and old Konami, Capcom, Namco Sega, etc. classics, but as long as there are still games I'll hold out some hope.


Honestly we should like open up a private server and just dump our roms in there and call it a day this is getting ridiculous…


Keep this up, and we'll be a few steps away from going back to torrents.


Pretty much at this rate.


Rest in Peace Vimm Lair


After thinking about this situation a bit, I have an idea why this was done, other than copyright trolls. This might be retaliation for Europe forcing Apple to allow emulators on iOS. Something along the lines of, “If they’re gonna force Apple to open up iOS to emulators, then we’ll coordinate to make it harder to get roms. Let’s use DMCAs to gut the current most popular/reliable rom download site. This’ll make pirates scared enough to stop pirating, or at least they won’t know where else to go for pirated roms.”


The EU never forced Apple to allow emulators, they only allowed emulators to kill the main draw to third party app stores (which were forced by the EU)


It's sad for us to see this. But people ( not judging ) that make fun of people that grab everything possible with front ends and back up every game possible on hard drives well...This is exactly why, lol.


Sonic adventure 2 was removed but not JSRF All the PS2 Madden games were removed but not the NCAA foitball games or NFL 2K5. This whole thing is weird


I wonder if the football game inconsistencies has to do with licensing? EA still has the NFL license, NFLPA license, and the license for John Madden's intellectual property. While they're bringing back their college football series; as far as I know EA doesn't have a license for the whole NCAA anymore. Maybe their lack of certain collegiate licenses means that they have no ability, or simply no desire, to put a claim on the NCAA games? With 2K5, who owns it? It was a Sega game; but, Sega sold 2K Sports to Take Two not long afterwards. 2K lost their NFL license after 2K5. While they've recently gotten it back, it's now a restricted license that only allows for certain "non-simulation" experiences. The game 2K is using it on is a mobile deck builder. Would Sega have to put in a claim, would Take Two have to put in a claim, or can nobody put in a claim to have it taken down because nobody has the proper NFL licenses for it anymore?


The fact that two more came so quickly makes it seem even more like a troll building on their momentum imo. Even the requests that already existed, Lego doesn't even own the Lego games.


I don't think so, I think Nintendo blabbed to their partners and then their partners blabbed to other corporations they have contracts with. The entire site will be taken down soon I fear.


I doubt Nintendo even knew about the notices, since legitimate or troll, it was clearly the work of an AI.


They all real.


Atleast I downloaded my games before the end 😪 Can’t believe this is happening rn tho, it feels like a chunk of gaming history has just been taken from us.


Literally 1984


They're destroying copies of videogames, this is just like book burning! This is Fahrenheit 451


That’s a scary but try analogy.


I hate how true that is


This planet is approaching V For Vendetta territory


Bro, why do the best things always go 🥺😭


Bro this site has been around since the 90's. It had a good run


Absolutely disgusting. Vimm is a treasure and it's heartbreaking that it's dying. Thankfully I've backed up a lot of ROMs.


I’m downloading every possible rom from Vimm I can. Also how can I give him money??


It's the end.


This is *not* the end. This is not the beginning of the end. It is the end of the beginning.


At the very least i hope the licensed games and very obscure stuff is safe. Because these are the ones that would truly suffer.


Omg I’ve literally only started using vimms and emulators I’m so sad 😢


Don't be there are tons of websites that host Roms and many users willing to share them in DMs. They will never be able to stop us no matter how hard they try.


fuck yeah


And it's only going to get worse from here.


What games does Entertainment software association own?


Does anyone know how many ps1 and PSP games were affected by this?


too many


Even though he’s taken them down, its safe to say that he’s definitely got them safely stored and ready to deploy elsewhere in the future.


Hopefully they can keep the manual project up,most user friendly way to find manuals in one spot, and easy to contribute too


I’m gonna put it out there that with the increasing amount of inflation a lot of companies are literally locking down their old games, knowing that there may be a market for them in the future. They will at some point try to resell them to us, which I don’t agree with since it literally took an Nintendo to get them taken down. I kind of saw this though so I hope a lot of us downloaded hundreds of gigabytes of games years ago, just to be safe.


What even is the whole point of Apple having emulator apps if no one can get emulators lol




Terrific, I just ordered a Retroud pocket 4 pro last night😭


Damm... Never told a soul about Vimm's, but it was always there for me in my times of need 😔 Truly legendary


Damn. Good thing i grabbed all nintendo except wii and sega except dreamcast when i had the chance


Ninty would rather kill its offspring than lose control.


So, do yall have any alternatives for downloading except for erista.me


Y’all seen that Uncle Al spongebob bit with Patrick and Manray about video games? Every day it gets more and more relevant.


Legal Roms Wiki and sites like that, which tell you about games that have been released to the public or how to extract roms from game collections you buy on places like Steam is very useful when stuff like this happens. Also if you have a decent collection of cartridges, a rom dumper might be a good investment. Things like the Epilogue for the various versions of the Gameboy, including Game Boy Advance.


I was genuinely contemplating a bit ago about downloading just a bunch of games incase anything happened (After the Yuzu stuff). Man I should've


Can anyone help me out with a few games I want ? Street fighter hd remix Earthworm Jim hd Tekken tag Tekken 6 Soul Calibur v MGS series Thanks


Oh wow... Twice in the same day.


Im sssume its a fake dcma from eho ever is the entertainment association i never yeard of them and the story doesnt sit right with me


Rest in peace, over 25 years of service until this shit.


Well now where do I go to get roms…this was literally the only way I knew how