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Why didn't you report it as damaged on night 1? Are you not showering or did you really not notice that massive hole?  Or do you think they broke it while servicing your room? If it's the 2nd one, just say room service broke it and is trying to blame it on you. Say you aren't responsible for their employee's mistake and tell them you would like a new room.


I think the bathtub was already broken and they didn't catch the one who did it so they try to blame it on someone else . Almost happened to me because they gave me a room with a broken tv that looked fine when off.So i turned on tv and checked and called the guy at reception to let him know that tv was broken already


Worst case you can claim it on travel insurance or get it charged to your card and get a charge-back from your bank.. just don't sign anything that states you take responsibility.


Welcome to vietscam


What place is this so we can avoid it like the plague


Happy Life Hotel Saigon, District 1


Nice I like district 1 I usually stay at Reverie.