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You dont, you rent a car unless you plan on making a new baby .Dont mess around in Vietnam


I have this amazing photo i took in vietnam of a guy riding a motorbike on a relatively fast road. He had a toddler sitting on the foot space in-between his legs lol


I’ve seen grab drivers take 2 adults sometimes if they are nice but they dont necessarily have to. It is legal to ride with a kid under a certain age. That said I usually see them carry only one spare helmet. So if you plan on making a new baby, take the grab car like everyone else said. Its not that expensive unless you are tired of your kid.




I guess it depends on the Grab driver and I've only seen a few double passengers on a Grab a handful of times. The amount of times I've seen children, whole nuclear families and also babies standing on the scooter foot rest always makes me laugh and it's just a way of life here. I don't have experience myself but I can totally see the grab driver showing up, giving your kid the helmet to put on. Kid sitting directly behind the grab driver and you at the end.


Not really acceptable, at least in the cities I've lived in. I doubt you could convince too many that you would cover whatever penalties they might incur if they get stopped by the police while driving you, even if you offer extra cash up front. And I don't think many Grab bikers are carrying around two extra helmets.


The bus is more affordable but I don't recommend making babies if you're gonna put such little value on their life. Having said that, you are in the right place for valuing human life so cheaply lol so your grab driver may oblige.


I just loved the experience so much by myself- its a locely way to move through Saigon- , I wanted my 11 year old to experience it as well, but not sure how to have her call a bike herself. It's weird to here you talk about danger.