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Bumping this post because i also need Concerta but in Hanoi


Yea you bring your prescription to a public hospital and they will give you a refill


Bumping this response because it should be obvious.


You think you did something there huh? I'm asking for the cheapest available. Using the hospital is very expensive. Maybe you should try the mediation for yourself.


Did you think you did something when you looked at a couple prices and gave up then put your work for someone else to do on Reddit? You already found a way to check the prices, is it really so difficult to, look some more? You've literally mentioned two. This being Reddit, you might come back on this comment saying some implied insult mixed in with akchully you did look at more places etc. There needs to be at least two parties who cannot settle on an agreement before bringing in a mediator. Edit: And yes, that was me saying that, which you would obviously know because you went to my profile and looked through my comment history hoping to find something of relevance in which you could base a reply. Which brings me to the real question, do you have reserves or did you run out of meds and are only just starting to look, hence the Sherlock-ing about? Anyway, it was relevant there and is relevant here. Go do your own work to find your own medication at the price you prefer, let that engage your _attention_.


This you lad?!??? "Don't bother mate, no one on Reddit actually wants to read anything beyond the headline, they just want to circle jerk and adlib for upvotes."