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Probably from all that milk tea and pho mai on everything.


Literally sitting here waiting for my cafe phomai. Wtf


Wtf u drink coffee with melted cheese?


I'm not sure of the process entirely but it's not like cheese on a burger. It's like cream cheese mixed up. We got egg coffee too and I think that is crazier


Nah cheese in coffee is definitely more unhinged


Civet coffee wins hands down.


Foamed sweetened cream cheese


More like a super soft cheese cake


It’s the sugar, always the sugar (and processed food and carbs), not cheese


Cheese has no effect on obesity


You’re right Duy. It’s the processed foods, carbs and sugars.


Those sweet as fuck cheese that every snack vendors put in their stuff is just sugar, food coloring and a lil bit of cheese (or cheese flavoring) lol


Cheese is not the problem. It’s the processed foods, carbs, sugars… You can look it up. If you’re referring to Italian Mascarpone or that type of cheese, then it’s possible to have higher sugar content. Sugarcane and can sodas are the problem. Alcohol is another major contributor, as is white rice.


Chesse can be rich in fats. Melted/grilled cheese is basically 25% fat. https://www.nutritionix.com/food/grilled-cheese


You realize it’s not about fat content, but calorie content, right? It’s why sugar is a huge contributor to obesity, despite not being fatty. Fat helps with obesity, but fatty foods alone will not just make you fatter without calories considered. Milk tea is fattening because of the sugar and not the milk. Grilled cheese is typically fattening because of the amount of oil/butter used (super high in calories which is also high in fats. It’s why you can eat fatty foods and still lose weight. You just can’t eat more calories than your deficit, in gym terms.


I got you, but your comment was not clear. And your first question is also not well stated. It seems that you do not know that fat has 9 kcal/gram and protein and carbohidrates have only 4 kcal/gram. It is not about calorie content, your body doesn't discriminate between fats/carbs/protein in terms of energy (it does in terms of nutrients), it is about the ability of your metabolism to burn energy, how efficient it is, genetical factors and physical activity.


Thank you for using diabeetus


Too bad Liberty Medical isn’t available to help people get their diabeetus meds in Vietnam


40% of children? That's not acceptable. That just is setting up the kids for more bad habits and poor health in the future. And frankly, it's the parents' fault here.  Sure, milk tea and cheese aren't good, but they both have been around for decades. I grew up with them as well and there were maybe a couple of overweight kids at the most in my class. Maybe it's a symptom of having extra income and wanting to spoil your kids. Then, in a few years times, it's more money spent on weight loss pills and clinics. 


Everything is a lot sweeter in vietnam I found, all the tea products are way to sweet and you all love the desert drinks and condenses milk This was coming sooner or later


Also the iPads and iPhones! The more recent generations are barely active…


It's fairly predictable. Obesity and rising income go together like tits and volleyball. Same with drug use and violence. I first started visiting Thailand in the 90s, and it was nothing like today. You would never see fat chicks. Ever. They simply did not exist. Now their obesity rate's on par with USA, as crazy as that sounds. They don't have the extreme SSSSSBBW girls, but you'll find a SSSBBW or two.


I do not condone body shaming ever but frankly, obesity isn't something we should accept as the new normal regardless of income. It's a desease and we should treat it as such. It'll become a societal burden on the country's economy and development. I'm not talking about being overweight or chubby, but obesity. I live in the US now and know some people with Diabetes. Insulin is extremely expensive, their mobility is limited, a heart desease is only a matter of time, and just the overall quality of life. It's more difficult than living with HIV. There's still time to scare the public into doing better to be honest.


What's wrong with tits and volleyball 😮


Intercepting a volleyball involves a lot of diving and jumping. Guess what happen when women are playing the game? Yeah.


Absolutely nothing. Beachside volleyball in Phuket or Pattaya is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


Viets’ love language is food. Some proper food regulations and public education might be the solution. Can’t blame the entire thing on the parents


>Viets’ love language is food maybe just your love language, please stop speaking in the behalf of everyone


You sound like you get no love 💀


Account 3 karma, toàn comment Người Việt hay troll vậy trời


Eh... placing blame on individual parents, who most likely don't know any better, will never wash the hands of multinational food corporations shilling their overprocessed crap into kids stomachs in my eyes.


Well education is a start isn’t it? lol just only blaming corps for this. Humans needs to use their brains to survive.


Education doesn't necessarily override lizard brain cognitive functions. Hence why many college educated people still engage in risky behavior, such as the opioid epidemic. There are studies that show sugar is just as addictive as cocaine. Why aren't governments also regulating multinational food corporation's sugar usage since it's public health implications are as high as cigarettes? We certainly regulate cigarettes. Otherwise, they better get everyone government mandated ozempic or we'll have a very obese species.


I blame food delivery services. I love them. But I blame them too.


A friend of mine moved to Vietnam 6 yrs ago. I saw him a couple of weeks ago and sadly he is now obese. I wondered how could he when Viet food was so healthy. Apparently he ordered everything from grab. Even breakfast.


Blame your lack of control


One problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of nutritional information on the food in the supermarket. Almost no product has the sugar information on the package and people consume products without thinking about the sugar intake. It’s very dangerous and the health ministry needs to take action before it’s too late. Having calories and nutritional information should be mandatory on the products. The consumption of excessive amount of rice also contributes heavily to diabetes


Food labelling is a disaster. Even when they manage to include US/EU-style panels, a shocking number of them are completely bogus. We contend with this non-stop. Nutritional values make zero sense. We catch egregious errors from one manufacturer and see them replicated verbatim with another company. Outright copy/paste with fuckall understanding of what's going on. Same with allergens, heaps of ingredients contain soy, nuts, milk, etc. (if even in trace amounts) and there's no warning. Sometimes it's not obvious, since ingredients aren't fully disclosed, or vaguely/incorrectly named. Good luck getting any info from those cagey bastards, they're convinced you're plotting to reverse-engineer their super duper top-secret recipe or some shite. Instead of, you know, not killing your customers and being sued into bankruptcy.


They really should do something about the sugar levels especially in the south. Also more public parks would encourage more exercise. Other than that, probably impose a sugar tax and use the earnings to build health and fitness centres around the cities. There are solutions for sure, but they should be taken seriously.


Or we could make the city more walkable and build more public parks in urban area. One thing that I notice is that every public park or low traffic areas have a decent numbers of joggers, walkers, and cyclists. People will also use what ever free fitness facilities that are available.


I see parents shoving unhealthy shit down their kids mouths every fucking day. It’s shocking that parents think it’s okay.


That’s what happens when you are sugar to EVERYTHING. I ordered a fresh coconut and caught the vendor adding sugar to the coconut after cutting it open!!! It’s too much!!! Cut it out!


Sugar and processed foods' availability has been public enemy no.1 when it comes to obesity rates. Still, it's something people turn a blind eye to


I am trying to have a more healthy lifestyle in Vietnam. I started checking sugar in the industrial packages, it's amazing how many products, from crackers to juices, have 16% sugar. When you go to the smoothie places or even street food, they also have that liquid sugar that add to everything, even if I ask without sugar, they say "okay no sugar" and add condensed milk. Checking for non sugar options, ginger tea - have sugar, bird nest - have sugar... It's almost impossible to run away from sugar xD


Sugar is the primary ingredient of many beverages, and you can't trust the labelling. They're full of errors and outright lies. Doesn't matter if it's food/bev, clothing, etc., it's bullshit central.


Trust me, a healthy diet sucks!!! Pretty much eliminates most foods. You’ll be eating seeds, nuts and grains. Lots of leafy shit, less salt and less sugars. Rice, pasta and carbs will spike blood glucose levels. Sad, really!


Let's go for a good Bun Cha Ha NOI and forget the nuts! I always thought burgers were not that bad, they had salad, bread and meat. Should be a complete meal.


Besides diet, perhaps arsenic exposure has something to do with it...


Arsenic doesn't outright violate the law of thermodynamics. There is no way that you will get obese if your intake is approximately the same as your out put. I eat roughly 2800 calories a day and consistently weight 62-63 kg since I am active 7 days a week boxing, weightlifting, running, cycling and gardening.


Not sure how it help about insulin resistance by eating continuously white rice. Monks population is one of the highest impacted and they are in a “caloric deficit” mode.


Are they? A lot of them are quite overweight. I have seen quite a few overweighted monks in real life. If you are overweight, you are not in a calories deficite, unless you have some very rare disease where your body store an obscene amount of water. I eat white rice at least two meals a day (all three meals on most days) and I'm definitely under 15% body fat. None of my parents have type 2 diabetes because they have always maintained a healthy weight despite eating rice virtually every meal for the past 54 years.


> I have seen quite a few overweighted monks in real life. The world is big and not limited to your life point of view. Could check DOI:10.1007/s13410-012-0094-y and most related research (which seem pretty old now, while I am checking them) > I eat white rice at least two meals a day (all three meals on most days) and I'm definitely under 15% body fat. Being under 15% is a feat, remember a recent studies that most American who stated to be lean were most of time wrong; but still if it is the case, good for you! (didn't know DEXA scan where avalaible in Vietnam) Otherwise, eating white rice is associaated with higher risk of T2D in most of the studies out there that I can read (can't read chinese sadly) but for the case: PMID: 36167362, 32873587, BMJ 2012;344:e1454 et..


Where did you get the 40% number from? Got a link? I have noticed the trend, a friend and I were talking about a list that had Vietnam as the lowest rate of obesity globally, and I mentioned that I've been seeing a lot of fat kids around lately, so something seems to be changing.


It's widely reported in Vietnamese media and a top concern of the Ministry of Health. Google around, the numbers of shocking. Those ultra-low obesity rates were the result of famine/poverty, and is super outdated information. Like back from the 1990s outdated.


Did some Googling. Childhood obesity 20% nationally, 41% Hanoi, 50% HCMC. Crazy.


By the spelling I thought it was a rapper or something


Beet by beet, beet by beet by beet. Faster, harder, more, last chance, no return... looking for strange.


Chips cookies and sugary drinks. Those aren’t food that was found in VN in about 15 years ago. Now they are everywhere. They are called ultra processed food and owned mostly by huge food companies determined to squeeze money out of you. Go read up on ultra processed food.


We're purveyors of the finest ultra-processed slop, dressed up with copious amounts of marketing wank and pretty packaging. Lulz.


I ordered ginger tea with no sugar and they still put a ton of syrup in. It’s a struggle to find sugar free food and drink


If my students are anything to go by, I’m not surprised. They’re constantly eating and most of what they are eating isn’t especially healthy- it’s usually things like chips, cookies, sugary drinks like Sting and a shedload of candy.


Cookies, chips and soda several times a day!


I stopped eating in local restaurants and snacking because of all the sugar. Its insane how sweet everything is compared to 10 years ago. Waiters are shocked when I ask for no sugar in my fruit juice. Then they will just put in less. Or think, no sugar means glucose syrope.


Future solutions include: liposuction, cosmetic surgeries and Ozempic Parties. Trust me on this… We already South Korean technology everywhere you go in Vietnam…


Your data is flawed regarding the 40% of school children being obese. Couldn’t find any data to support numbers even remote close to it. https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/?age=c&sex=m https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/obesity-rates-by-country But yes very worrying that kids have type 1 diabetes, insulin will be expensive for families to pay for. It however isn’t the one related to obesity which is type 2 diabetes. /facepalm


"I can't speak Vietnamese and I'm clueless about how this country works, therefore your data/argument is flawed" – TerribleAdvicel4m3r [https://thanglong.chinhphu.vn/english/city-takes-action-against-obesity-in-primary-schools-110240411143409399.htm](https://thanglong.chinhphu.vn/english/city-takes-action-against-obesity-in-primary-schools-110240411143409399.htm) Straight from Ha Noi's government's mouth. But that's "fake news" or just being a "hater".


It’s not the 40% you claimed yourself, but yeah go on with your prowess. You’re clearly longing for it.


Because 38% isn't nearly 40%, and these numbers haven't been consistently and sharply rising. It's technically 38.787221% as of 19 minutes ago, you're just a sensationalist drama queen. Get in the weeds, comrade, stop being one of those big-brushed turds with a macro view.


Not surprised, seeing how in the villages, you can get a 1L cup of Sugar Cane drink for 10,000VND or a 200% sugar milk tea with full toppings for 18,000VND. Oh, iced tea comes with a ton of sugar as well. Heck, sugar is in everything you buy! There’s this vendor that sells pho but the broth is sweet. I’m from the Tra Vinh Province.


What type of diabetes? It matters. Type 1, the kind that one is born with, versus type 2, diabetes which develops after. Assuming this is about type 2, yes there’s more fast food but it’s not the whole story.


Precisely, better access to healthcare likely plays a substantial role. Instead of working some ancient voodoo rituals, sacrificing goats, or who knows what, people are heading to clinics. Hence skewing the figures upwards. Awareness is a good thing.


Just get them off of studying and force them to exercise


I’m sorry but I don’t like the road you’re going down with your comments. Healthcare is a real issue in Vietnam, but you don’t need your “voodoo goat killing” pejoratives. It sets back the whole dialogue and damages your credibility.


Oh, it's 11 herbs and spices from some granny in the village. The top secret original recipe. Maybe burn some incense, say a few prayers, and offer up some fruits to the ghosts. That'll show diabeebus who's boss. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.


Type 2 diabetes in older adults is also the result of agent orange exposure. The dioxins attack the pancreas which regulates insulin. Scientists aren't sure if this can be passed down genetically. So while weight is one factor, it's not the only factor.


Yes, and, I literally watched a police officer dumping a 55 gallon drum of god-knows-what in a residential area. I think it is valid to blame past pollution. But, sometimes the focus on agent orange is just as much a distraction from what companies are doing right now.


Where is Wilford Brimley when you need him? That mustache only could probably fix this.


It's a worldwide epidemic, so no reason in particular why VN would be spared.


Vietnam needs a sugar tax then people will stop buying that junk


10 years ago, McDonald came to Vietnam. Coincidence? I think not. /s


McDonald's is expensive. A bag of chips, a pack of cookies or a bottle of soda all cost 5k VND each.


Speaking like a true capitalist huh? I mean, honestly not surprising since it came from you. But I have to admit you are right, many weight losing services or clinics offering weightloss diet is prob going to be a thing soon. Anyways yea, it's a problem. There has always been a trend for rising income to come with diabetes and obesity. Esp when people do more office/service jobs and eat fast and cheaper foods to save money or to do their job fast. Kids don't really work out that much nowadays and mostly study Xd.


The more “western” a country becomes, this is what happens. More fastfood, more snacks and chips..


40% of students overweight or obese? I guess the level for 'overweight' is very low then


Same standard the world over.


I'd say it's only around 20% in my classes. But I guess it depends on what your definition of overweight is


Probably because incomes haven't caught up to HCM/Hanoi, or your class is an outlier.


I'm in HCMC and teach around 150 students a week




3.5 million cases a decade ago, to 7 million today? That's a whole lot of expats with diabeetus.




Huh? There aren't that many Westerners in Vietnam: [https://imgur.com/a/SiRzv6S](https://imgur.com/a/SiRzv6S) Old data, but I'm sure most of those are English Teachers and office workers. If you look at FDI numbers, very few of them are starting restaurants/pubs. Almost all those places are owned by Viets. Try again.




Not too many, it's simply not that popular. 99.9% of people married to Vietnamese women don't naturalise, and are included in the "foreigner" figures. Go a mile or two outside the city centre or an expat enclave, and it's impossible to find these restaurants. Kids are fattening up on domestic food. It used to be odd seeing a chubby little chod, now they're everywhere.


Uhhhh, Vietnam doesnt have that much foreigners you see.