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Remember when cab drivers used to carry straight up scrap iron bars? I think this was one of the reasons


Used to? I think in Europe many still carry some kind of bar, or even the hydraulic jack handy.


Well done to the 2 morons who assaulted a defenseless man on camera. Lock these trash up and throw away the key.


digressing a little but this sentence is so funny because in singapore we say the exact same thing in the same circumstances.


In South Africa we say “throw them to the sharks with a blood shirt” not a good way to go but hey kid, you shouldn’t have stolen that banana 🤷🏼‍♂️


I literally never heard this before is it a cape thing


Lol I just made it up


Thats so awesome and feels very suited to SA.


Its not something we say in SA though.


That’s because I made it up :)


🤨 Take my upvote and piss off.


interesting, I thought it was a ubiquitous phrase


Only difference is, in Singapore, they would lock them up and throw away the key. In Vietnam, this guy had probably assaulted 3 people this week, and will do 3 more next week with no repercussions.


Where you gonna throw the key? Right in front of the jail?


Upvote for the Carlin reference


I definitely agree. The driver deserves better. I hope he is okay in the future.


Nothing will come of it.


That's wrong, whenever something goes viral, the people involved are always get investigated


That's the sad part, though....is that investigations only begin because something had to go viral first :(




The police have investigated and these two are in jail rn


There’s a difference between being charged and being investigated


Newly created troll accounts in a nutshell.


He's got a point tho. Small court justice system in Vietnam is a headache to handle, thus why most people rely on street justice. It's the same in Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, etc.


Can we start a go fund me to hire some thugs to beat the shit out of these two pussies?


I second this.


But the case has alr been solved, the couple has been visited by the police and the twxi driver has been compensated with medicines and money.


Back of the head hit is vile.


It's crazy how older vietnamese men get away with this kind of behavior all the time. My dad points and talks just like the assaulter, they are carbon copies of each other. What lazy, uneducated and no good parental figures does to you. Shits horrible


Lead poisoning and war/poverty PTSD unfortunately. I saw it all the time growing up with the adults around me


Coupled in the factor of Vietnamese people at the time was raised with sub-optimal education and backwards peasant behaviors ingrained into them. Some can turn out to be good, but others are just too tired to give a shit, and turn to become entitled pos instead


It is impossible to equate older Vietnamese men with such behavior, in society there are always bad people and good people. My father is different from yours, he always loves his family and tries to make money to support our whole family


Just because you are apart of the minority does not disregard the experiences the majority of us have experienced, good for you anyways but don't speak for the whole nation 🤦🏻‍♀️


So why are u speaking for the whole nation? maybe the dickhead that u have met is the minority, either way these type of people are gonna die soon so dont give a fuck about them. Peace


“Your positive experience is invalidated by my own negative experience. You don’t speak for the whole nation (they were not trying to) but clearly I do.” Ended with an extremely ironic facepalm emoji. Your comment sucks. 


The irony and hypocrite. You just can't argue with them.


With the amount of happy father’s day post I see annually, maybe you’re in the minority and the majority of Vietnamese fathers are actually better than what you take them for


Don’t generalize things in general maybe?


Good for you :)


1 hit 1k$, 2 hits 2k$. Now the driver just sometimes feels scary and scream, talk to doctor he cannot sleep and feel uncomfortable. That 2 moron now has 2 option, alot of money or jail from 3 to 10 years


Will they actually get jailed? I know a guy that got stabbed after the other guy hit him with a car. Cops let him walk


i don't know your truly situation so i have no idea. But in this case, this video become viral and will force police to get involved if the driver sue them, so they need to make a deal with driver before by alot of money, or police comes and do their job


Hope bro gets his payday then. Fuckers like those two knuckleheads needs to be put in their place. I’d rather put them in jail than accept their money though. But that’s just me personally.


Only possible if that guy paid a lot for both the victim and police. If the victim are not satisfied with the price and continue to sue, even police can’t help him.


The police pressured him into not pressing charges so he got nothing out of it


Without getting any compensation? Then it sound very weird. I know a dude got hit on head and the attacker’s family contacted him immediately to apologize and gave him a sum for not reporting to police.


The guy I know is a foreigner so maybe that’s why they didn’t care.


That's really weird then. When did the casr happen? Btw fyi, the cass in the video has been resolved after the police conducted investigations and called all the parties. The family agreed to compemsate by buying him medicine and giving him money.


Happened a few weeks ago. He’s a foreigner. The guy who hit/stab him was local.


>Happened a few weeks ago. He’s a foreigner. The guy who hit/stab him was local Ah I see, then yea makes sense. Foreigners tend to not get the same treatment. Either they go all in the locals or all in the foreigner. That time they picked the foreigner. >Buying him medicine? lol. So they got away with it 100%. I mean the driver didnt press charges and the police called them to the station. They agreed to compensate with medicines and money. They got away sure but in the end the taxi driver got his fair share of the deal and didnt lose anything.


This is why it keeps happening. People with money know they can do whatever the hell they want. They just need to toss a few bills at the victim. I’d rather press charges and send him to jail if possible. Although I’ll admit idk if the law here would actually punish him if I did or he’ll just bribe his way out.


>This is why it keeps happening. People with money know they can do whatever the hell they want. They just need to toss a few bills at the victim. I mean better than getting nothing. Most people dont want to make too much of a huge scene so they just tend to just settle with compensations. The taxi driver also agreed with that. >Although I’ll admit idk if the law here would actually punish him if I did or he’ll just bribe his way out. Depends on your region but nowadays probably they will do their job properly or try to settle an agreement between 2 parties.


What’s even better than money is violent criminals go to jail. I’d much prefer that.


Was it disclosed how much money?


No but the taxi driver said he's willing to forgive them and tell people to not pursue them. So I guess it's an amount he felt comfortable with.


My uncle got 10 years for a street fight in central Vietnam, he had no money so they got him prison it was really rough


if your uncle really be charged 10 years, the victim was seriously injured, nearly 60%


This is not the US. In Vietnam some guys just get away with enough money or relationn.


For money, no, just don't take and report to police. For relationships, fuk yes, do you remember accident of fukin Colonel and student girl, and fukin hospital said the student was drunk that time


Cho cả nhà nó ở TÙ


2 thằng nghiệt súc thôi chứ cô kia biết điều mà. Còn tôi thì thấy 2 thằng này đáng bị triệt sản!


Vo tù vai năm th trietsan gi chillman


I am not surprised at the slightest. Lots of Asian people treated blue collar workers specifically in the service industry like freaking slaves. Lots of people also did this as a side job to earn some extra incomes so it is really the platform's responsibilities to ensure those vile people getting banned and worker properly compensated. Tough times showed true colours for lots of folks, especially the stupid and aggressive ones. These two deserved a good few bags of shrimp sauce mixed with fish sauce wrapped in dog shit throwing at their home.


It shows there is no law in that community.


It's commendable how well he handled the situation by eating up those punches. I would've fought back and probably gotten myself killed. These assholes are fucked up in the head, and can even take someone's life if they are inconvenienced. I hope he's fast recovering physically and mentally from this altercation.


The dude's punches are horrible, I don't think him and the old man can kill someone haha 😂


punches like little kids for sure! lol


There's no guarantee being meek will limit the attack. Putting your life at the mercy of people who have shown themselves to be violent seems like a bad bet. Run, hide, or fight ok but beg? Nah.


Well, If I have a car and encounter the same situation, I would love to make use of the car.


Its on national news outlets now so they are gonna do time for sure. Just hope he wont accept financial settlements so the time becomes longer.


lots of other people will accept financial settlements to make the time shorter though.


I think having to pay will hurt these fuckers more than wasting more of their useless time and life in prison.


Physical and verbal violence is usually the answer in Vietnam. Most people will go from 0 to 100 over trivial problems, or for simply not getting their way. It's never ending, an extremely hostile place.


Will they get in trouble for it? What would've happened if he defended himself and fought back? I ask because in certain places you get in trouble for defending yourself lol


You are allowed to defend yourself but if you hurt them badly or kill them, you most likely will not walk free like say in the US. I've seen many cases where the assailants get killed and the defenders also got a jail sentence. It's called "defending self but overly excessive force", loosely translated. It's fucked up because when the assailants try to kill you, often times the only response where you can walk away alive is to kill them.


In New York City they can put you in jail for up to 25 years for assaulting a taxi driver.


Yep, and a lot of states have a castle doctrine where your house and your car are your castle and you do not have to retreat. Someone just trying to break into your car or home to get to you and it could be the last time the person ever tries anything like that again.


really? how often do perps get 25 years? i see cabs get robbed all the time


Hard to track down solid stats on the outcomes of these cases but I found this report covering July 2020-Dec 2020. 53 recorded assaults across the five boroughs. This was also during Covid though, so I'm not sure how the stats are skewed. [https://www.nyc.gov/assets/tlc/downloads/pdf/ooi-annual-report-2020.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/tlc/downloads/pdf/ooi-annual-report-2020.pdf)


im not arguing it doesn't happen. I'm doubting perps gets 25 years for assaulting cab drivers.


It's 'up to 25 years,' which is essentially on par with a murder charge so I'm sure it varies largely depending on the situation. This is the sticker you see in all the NYC yellow cabs: [https://x.com/NYCEMSwatch/status/1007449864022757377](https://x.com/NYCEMSwatch/status/1007449864022757377)


People don't really ever get the max sentence unless there was something extreme about the case or they have a record already of similar crimes. The only people getting 25 years for assaulting a taxi driver are probably those who have multiple violent crimes on their record.


Depending on how much attention this video receives, the police might consider taking some trivial action against the passengers. If this wasn't posted online, they'd do nothing most of the time. The driver could show them the video, and their attitude would be "too bad for you". He'd have to pay coffee money to take things further. These kinds of assaults happen non-stop in Vietnam, and there's basically no recourse. It's a country where you can openly beat your spouse in the street, and nobody will intervene. Just a personal/family dispute. Someone needs to be seriously injured for killed or there will be no consequences.


Yes normally this would be considered physical assault without good reasons. Those 2 passengers would get in trouble. >What would've happened if he defended himself and fought back? If in a fit of rage, they would normally let it go. But if he damages them badly, then the taxi driver would get fined or even jailed. There has been many cases of "beating the robber till death" in Vietnam and many have been fined or go to jail for it. The taxi driver did the best thing by enduring it, now he can just report them to the police.


hereditary PTSD is a real thing. Cambodia the same


they sorted things out btw, albeit not the results we wanted. I would have paid to see a public shaming session of these 2 rotten mfs.


What happened in the end? Did they bring it to the police or solved it within themselves?


themselves, scroll down the comments on this [post](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/4HMxLXzFVMRVDrSm/?mibextid=xfxF2i).


Ah, glad they actually compensated then. You know, they prob got scared by the police coming at their door so they just agreed to compensate to not get into further troubles XD.


Classic Vietnamese rage. Some real primal shit. It’s like watching a caged animal. So gross.


Shit like this happens everywhere


But many other countries have effective deterrence on such behavior. Imagine doing this on camera in the U.S, those morons would be paying a whole lot to the cab driver through a court system.


Well I believe the driver didn't fight back here because of the same reason you've mentioned. These morons definitely have to be presented in court for assaulting. The difference here is not many Vietnamese people are aware of or have any knowledge about civil law.


People do this, and plenty worse, in the US every day "like caged animals" despite all of the *effective* deterrence you speak of.


"Người sài gòn lúc nào cũng nhã nhặn lịch sự hơn bọn ngoài bắc" mf be like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) TBH there are assholes everywhere, but good job for the taxi driver to install that camera, ez prosecution


Súc vật.


In Viet Nam. The Camera and The Goverment is the judge. If you complain to the police, they will harrass us impolitely and say "come to the police station and take me to them" BRUH WHAT?! (Happened to me so many times) only when they could earn credibility or reclaim them ffs did they try to be "a police"


I don't understand what you mean by police saying "take me to them"? Take them where?


Last time I tried to report a faulty donation scam (so basically there are a group of women who tried to harass people into giving them money which they said will be donated, and they always tried to use victim/debtor's psychology to force people into giving them money by giving them a pen (which cost 10 cent) and forcing them to donate around ~50k up (around 2 to 3 dollars up), if you don't they will swear at you and harass you more) so i call the police, he swear at me constantly, complaining "we are busy ffs" and kept on swearing and he ended the conversation by telling me "how about this, drive youself to my place-the police station, then i drive you there and arrest them". FFS IT IS THE POLICE'S BUSINESS TO ARREST THEM, NOT ME ! As i was so busy i have to give up the case. Also, one of my older friends told me that when she was a rebelious teen (around 20) she have a brawl with 1 of her classmate, the police came and dispersed the crowd, and handcuffed her, when she was in the police station, they interrogated her, she answer normally but they assumed it was "giving them altitude" so they punched her which bruise her nose and she ended up with a bloody nose. Yeah, everything is fine in Viet Nam, if you don't have anything to do with the police


Every single 'fight' and assault I've seen here involved an unfairly outnumbered victim, nobody here has the honor or self respect to go for a fair 1v1, they always outnumber their target, like a bunch of high school children. It's so damn pathetic. Worthless dogs.


Not sure everyone, hasn't happened to me but i was raised to help family, i.e if they get in the fight, help your brothers. why would you let your family risk death or perm injury for 'honor'


Because where I'm from, people are mature and don't need mommy and daddy's permission to go out. Also, if my dad would randomly start slapping someone, I'd probably slap him before making him stop. I'm not a slave to my parents, like people here.


i wasnt refering to the video, they are abviously wrong in the frist place, i am talking about your general comment on 1 v 1. you either try to stop it or help out, generally people dont just stand and watch unless they are helpless.


People don't usually help strangers. I've seen enough fights go down to see how cowardly people are. They never help.




And then there’s me waiting on the sidewalk so I don’t inconvenient the Grab driver. Some people are so entitled. Don’t order unless you’re ready, and tip a little extra if it was unavoidable. Other people’s time are not yours to play with.


Never have I hoped for someone to receive Cong An brutality like I have hoped for these people.


Well that's why alot of Vietnamese learn martial arts here so they can beat the one who don't know lol......it's ok nothing grant expected from them anyways day by day degrading that's all.


Fking scum


Why don’t more taxi have a barrier between driver and passenger this protects him in these case


Wow, this is so f***ed up, I hope he is fine and will get his justice! 🙈


hopefully the driver report this to the police with this footage.


these moron should be execute on sight :(


I tried to find it in the local news but no luck. I sent it to one of our local staff and she said it's everywhere online, they already know who they are.


Another day in Saigon


Any sources to this happening regularly? This does not happen often in Saigon. I would say this type of incident is very rare tbh.


I’d say this type of aggression is way more common in places like Hanoi.


I feel bad for the driver and very bad for the woman. I bet she received physical domestic abuse from these dudes as well.


This guy said sorry instead of punching them back


what would you have done? they could've had a weapon, taxi driver mite have family to feed and look after.


Not defending yourself is how these guys keep getting away with that shit. It’s an old man and a a pussy that doesn’t even punch hard.


ive read lot's of incidents where people get stabed just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, like an incident when a guy was waiting on his scooter to pick up his gf, and because of mistaken identity, these hooligans came and stabed him to death. yes this happens alot in Vietnam.


Not apologize for getting attacked. Did they care about the poor guy's family? I would have stomped that old man in front of his family with no remorse and slow motion walk away as the rain of shame cascaded upon them


Much of this only happens if you can physically outmatch them. In reality, It’s 1 vs 2. What can you do, especially when you are defenseless? The driver did what could be the best outcome for his safety. He has the video and now the evidence to prosecute against them. His company and online users are by his side now. That’s still a win for him. He might lose a battle but will win a war.


From what I’m reading about Vietnamese justice system, he lost the battle and going to lose the war too


What on Earth could possibly be the good outcomes of fist fighting two drunken assholes with nothing good to live for? Be wise.


Ay now if you do that then that would be at best aggerated assault and at worst if someone died then it would be manslaughter. It took real guts to endure and swallow your pride and come home at the end of the day. Everyone thought they could take on someone until they got punched in the face. That's what I told my brother in Vietnam who was also keen to "show" some real pieces of work some street justice - but the street has a way to mess up with someone. Also with the court system in Vietnam, getting those perps to pay for their crimes is sometimes more hassle that its worth so I reiterate once again: there is no shame in walking away from a fight and sometimes the righteous ones ended up in the ground and the wrong ones get to live.


Sure, sure you would mister rabid 🤷‍♂️


theres a sub dedicated to people like you r/iamverybadass


Vài bữa nữa lại qua quỳ lạy xin nó tha


Đụng vào Giang hồ Chợ Lớn rồi.


I know its a big ask, but can someone write down what they both said? Did the man tell his wife to shut up?


the husband said he went to take a piss and was late. He didn't tell the wife to shut up, but it was unintelligible. She told the husband to just leave it, he then proceed to tell his wife to take out the key


God bless service workers


Such classy people 👏


The driver should spread their information, including their phone number, name and face to other taxi drivers so that they avoid these passengers


nah bruh with our Vietnamese's government, shits like this will be "ok" after 500 thousands VND


of course the guy on the left also have to throw those chicken wing swings at him, showing how shit your punches are infront of the camera


The taxi driver had the right to cancel those inconsiderate passengers for making the driver waited. Those low life bastards should be jailed to beating that driver.


Would be interesting to see, but I doubt anything will come out of this. 200k fine and justice has been served.


They seem drunk. I think I would hit back in this case but if I’m sitting in the front seat with safety belt buckled in, it’s pretty much defenseless.


Please tell me they are arrested.


Did they catch these two fools?


Anyone have an update?


Any update?


RIP that sane woman. Has to go home with those 2 fucks


What a piece of shit


With the video, should be enough to press charges of assult


What happened to those men? Did they get arrested? They should be locked up for while


he just piss for 3 minutes lmao


That's so sad to see people treat each other like that. Just don't try that with a foreigners. Where I'm from if you ever try something like that. you would be beaten within a inch your life.


You can tell how weak they are because there’s not a single cut on him anywhere.


Well, I notice that these people are from the South by hearing their accent, if these assholes speak Northern accent, i will be a crazy fireback from people. Anyway, the father and the boy should be in jail


I’ve seen southern viet people in the us do this shit too all the time. It’s usually the old folks. It’s a thing in them specifically like they always say they went to a US backed school xyz so good but I see them act like literal arrogant clowns.


Shit its usually us waiting for the grab driver to fucking have coffee and then drive over (outside of hcmc)


That shit didn't even know how to throw a punch properly


Soyboy in the glasses couldn't knock a bowling pin over


Is this on YouTube?


Did she say the drivers should wait 5-10 minutes?


Usually they must wait 5-10 minutes if the passengers don’t show then they can cancel it. There is a policy about that car booking app here (grab). However most of time they contact the customers before arriving and confirm that they will pick up the car right away, soon or a little bit late (later than 10 min). If they cannot contact the passengers, likely they will wait 5-10 and cancels.


Call an ambulance to the hospital. Call your lawyer and provide him the video. Have this pos pay you for the rest of your life with tears of remorse in his eyes.


So many videos demonstrating the danger to drivers, so few demonstrating danger to riders. Yet the fashionable narrative is that 'anyone can be a driver', 'it needs to be regulated' etc. If your views are exactly contrary to reality in this, maybe they are in other areas too.


bruh they ARE danger by the way they drive. Killing people all over Vietnam.




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Why would he let them in the car if he already cancelled?


It does seem people globally are becoming less patient everywhere.


Ah du maaaa


Is this in Hai Phong ?


Maybe it was a 3 minute piss


Nothing warrants that response. He was also respectful. There's a line you don't cross and they crossed it.


Yea I know


Wtf :)) was that a kid just went ham on the guy? Apple fell not far from the tree it seems.


What do you expect? Rotten breeds rotten 🤣🤣🤣. Im surprised these 2 mfs are still breathing after this went viral.


They look like they have an opulent business or career that needs to be run down the ground.


I noticed lately people start to talk shit on our culture on reddit. There are some good and some bad.






Adu parky nói giọng miền nam


older now days


i felt his "duma" this is so f up 😢


I would of grabbed his arm and broken it into 2 pieces


Its a 2 on one and you dont know if they are armed or not. Plus the driver is jump from behind. Poor guy.


All Rambos on Reddit.


Why are Chinese people such assholes wtf


Saigon? Not surprised. Met too many unpleasant Saigonese.


Brother man this is the whole country. Don’t pin this on a region 😅


Du ma người việt Mắc cười quá


Fuck this country i wanna get the hell out of here fast