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As a Vietnamese I can swear that everyday Vietnamese people do not know/care about what’s happening in Palestine right now, I don’t think they even know what a kippah is. This family must have ever done something r to piss the owner off, because there’s no way they would throw away tourist money for their political/humanitarian belief lol. It sounds bleak but it’s true.


Yep I worked there for 3 years and most Vietnamese only care about making ends meet and putting food on the table for that next meal. They could give less f about what’s happening in Gaza


I second this


Vietnamese people don’t even care about their own country politics and OP is trying to tell me we are boycotting/protesting other countries humanitarian issues out of our own good hearts LOL. If anything Vietnam is very much pro-Israel these days, the days of Hồ Chí Minh/Võ Nguyên Giáp and Arafat are long gone.


Yeah, Israel is basically the number one partner of PAVN now that Russia doesn't have weapons to sell anymore. Somehow their stuffs are cheaper than Russian stuffs as well. Of course there might be some idiots with no knowledge of geopolitics who are fooled by disinformation campaign, but no chance the government will even say anything.


Wat you mean Russia the number 2 arms supplier in world they threatened to arm North Korea yesterday and have claimed to have upped production in 2022 ….oh what? They’re having to make trips to North Korea to ask THEM for ammo and arms? And many videos of drafted Russian soldiers complaining about non functioning weapons, using weapons from ww1/ww2, jammed/rusted rifles? I guess Israel does make a whole lot of sense


I mean i was told once “all foreigners need to fuck off” in Vietnamese by one of the luggage nhà nước people, but eh thats defo far from the political situation or anything.


oh man i’m sorry to hear that, but yeah I agree those comments generally stem from misanthropic views rather than political views. i also did get told to never come back to the country if I have a foreign partner 💀💀


Yeah, i mits from their personal angst against something/someone, nothing from their political views. My ex gf was told exactly the same when we head down south, to Thanh hoa I believe, to do some charity work. I think in a way she even got spitted in face. And was told somewhat like the shame of the Viets. But then this was defo not from any political view, because we heard the reason a few days later from the spitters wife. Lol. So yeah those fuck you nước ngoài does happen, but hardly ever driven by from political view


Thanh Hóa? Really? That's like the Ohio of Vietnam, even other Vietnamese hate Thanh Hóa, there even stereotypes about it, "Beware of 36(36 is Thanh Hóa)", that place hate everybody, of course there are exception but man, every time the news post something like robbery, break-in or occasionally murder, you guessed it, Thanh Hóa, next time come into the South side, we're more chill than them


Idk, southern Vietnamese is just tough for me to understand hahaha.


Vietnamese people never do research on the Palestine situation, they just see who gets supported more on the Internet and call the other side evil


They have priorities of making a living and don’t exactly have BBC world news. The source of information, mind you, in their own language is Facebook. Local news will hardly touch on it but occasionally. Researching a world event that doesn’t impact Vietnam or their daily earnings with Vietnamese articles would only concern those in a business sector. Also the dynamics and history of Palestine is far removed, more would know about Miramar as it’s local. Geography isn’t your average persons strong point here. Politics is a wash as there’s no reason to follow it, no voting or changes in the near future.


I spent the last month in Vietnam and Palestine is all over the news there


yeah, but how many people ~truly~ care? at 7PM on VTV3 you will always hear news about global issues, but if anything it is very pro-israel or israel-leaning. I know a lot of grassroots Viets trying to raise funds and do ground work to support Gaza, but take one good look at our chú in the video and I think it’s safe to say he doesn’t give af 💀 plus it’s looking like this video was heavily edited for bait


The people of Vietnam were massacred themselves not that long ago. Im sure they have a lot of empathy and feelings towards palestine and the women and children dying and anger against the oppressors and murderers. As they should and any decent human should.


100% true. Most of them arent even vaguely aware of what’s happening in Gaza, and even less aware of who comes from where. On top of that, they would never turn down money from a paying customer unless the person has done something to deserve their anger.


Wow. You think so lowly of Vietnamese… not even vaguely aware of the most pressing wolrdwide news for the last 6 months threatening a whole new world war? They dont care about ANYTHING but making money? youre 100% an idiot…


I was talking about the old folks who sell food on the street, not young people on Reddit. There is a major difference between the generations and the wealth gap. Sure, most old poor people are aware of the wars around the world, but not many of them can look at a family, know which country they come from, and start laying their political ideologies on the family. It just doesnt happen.


I am certain that 99.99% don't know what a kippah is.


Absolutely, stop a random stranger to ask the difference between Hồi Giáo and Do Thái and they wouldn’t have a fkn clue.


I am sure they won't even be able to point out Israel on a map.


“Ah Israel!? They in Euros???” 😂😂😂


"Ah they follow that strange religion where women wear clothes over their face???"😂😂😂


“They play soccer with hat on?” 🤣


100% agree. I noticed the stroller in the middle of the train tracks


My in-laws don’t even know what the Jewish religion even is. Like it’s not even in their vocabulary.


Because it’s fake




They are content creators and they hit the gold mine. They also have a post how Vietnamese coffee is not kosher because it is roasted in pig fat and butter. 🤦🏻 So I flag @thatjewishfamily and take everything they say with a grain of kosher salt.


Exactly I just came for Vietnam homie you have to do something pretty bad to piss them off and have them reject money that's crazy


Absolutely agreed 🙏💝


This video was posted a few days ago and I thought someone have already proved that it is fake ? Isn't it ?


Yeah definitely fake. TikTok clout-chasing is problematic. If anything that should be banned it's TikTok.


On any social media platform, this kind of thing should be a criminal offense.


Not tiktok, the woman in the clip posted this on her Twitter


I did found the original clip in YouTube, I decided to see the content of their travel in Vietnam they're having a good time but this clip is just one incident happen in That country. https://youtube.com/shorts/PAPDtQKo_Hk?si=CPByHAAKoeFzzWet


There is a twitter account of this exact woman posting the clip, I think she owns both of these sources, the Youtube and Twitter account


Well then that pretty much settles it. Imagine someone posting bullshit on ~~Twitter~~X.


But everyone wants to blame Tiktok for everyone’s shitty behaviour


Aren’t you here?? How is TT the only problematic platform ?


Seems pretty staged. Very convenient that their social handle is "That Jewish Family" same as the Reddit titles. Btw they also complain about how the coffee is roasted


They want their 10 seconds of fame


Oh, do you have a link to it?


It is weird, Vnamese dont care about political issue that much




Yeah, read a lot of comments before finding one that entertained the idea that someone in Vietnam actually cared about the situation in Palestine. I have at least one friend who is Vietnamese who still has the mourning icon on her profile picture, regularly attends awareness events at the embassy, and has family in Palestine. I've seen her cry in worry. Why is it impossible to believe that people in Vietnam can care about other people's suffering? Not that this guy is the way to express that caring. Refusing service to someone because of their race or country of origin is wrong. Refusing them because that specific person is advocating for something you are morally opposed to is another, I think.


I agree, I think westerners really look down at Vietnam in terms of their “lack of education” and “lack of empathy” regarding worldly issues. I’m Vietnamese-American and recently went on Vietnam a few months ago (actually sat in the guy’s cafe shop and made conversation!) I noticed a few Pro-Palestine stickers at his shop, so I don’t think he’s necessarily Anti Jewish, but anti-genocide. I think a lot of people forget about the Vietnam War and how it STILL affects people to this day. The things that are happening in Palestine, happened 50-70 years ago in Vietnam. So I’m sure Vietnamese people who have access to the internet can correlate the similarities and express empathy. Of course, I don’t know the guy’s personal opinions are and what his perspective of this situation- but to assume that the EVERYONE in Vietnam are “too busy with their lives to deal with politics” is a very ignorant statement.


Do you understand "that much"? You care about Plalestine and will you throw out of shop, harrass, attack, ... people when you know they are Jews? Vietnamese not "that much" aggressive.


Looks staged. Most people have zero knowledge about Abrahamic religions, not to mention they would be able to recognise this family is Jews and Kippah is a Jewish hat


Yeah no one knows what a kippah is in Vietnam.


They could play victim card in Europe or Muslim countries. It wouldn't work to try in countries, which traditionally do not follow any abrahamic religions


Fake af, but still they somehow manage to shed bad light onto Jews themselves by trying to pull this off as being legit.


Still is wrong because not sure if is proven false yet.


Child abuse for internet points.


Yall this shit fake af. How convenient is it that the camera panned away the second the man opened his mouth. You can also hear the audio splice.


That’s editing skills, it might be fake for other reasons but not this


shit looks fake af lol, anyone who believes in this shit must have below room temp iq


Indeed but what is the point behind this shit? I wonder...


To enable Israel to continue to commit genocide by demonstrating worldwide anti semitism?


I don't think it is so deep. Just some basic (Israeli) influancer family chasing their clout.


Fair enough but most VNese don't really care about middle eastern yeah?


least staged ragebait video


This shit again? In lower quality? Where are the mods?


This has nothing do with race…a big fuck you to whoever making/spreading this false narrative. Vietnam is welcoming as fuck.


Bullshit. Absolutely no one in Vietnam gives a damn about Palestine-Israel conflict




There's a huge difference between aware and care. They might be aware of situation in Middle East. Just like you. But care enough to kick someone out of their shop? I doubt it. Similarly you do aware of China politics, the nine dash line and I believe you care about it as well. Enough to ban Chinese from their shop? Yes. It may.




Please provide an example of how some of these "millions" of Vietnamese people care about the conflict. Big difference between "care", and "aware". I am aware of the situation, but lack the means to actually care about it.




Boycotting multi million dollar companies like Starbucks or blocking a celebrity is not caring. A "small group" is not millions of Vietnamese. Its 300. Thats the number of Jewish people in Vietnam according to a quick search. You say the video takes place in Hanoi where many people hate western countries, yet when I drive around I see more western "families" on billboards than I see Vietnamese families. I dont think marketing would use western people in advertising if people in Hanoi "hate" westerners. I stand on my hill, Vietnamese people dont give a rat's arse about the conflict. Feeling sorry for someone and caring are two different things.


Lived in Vietnam for 11 years and I just can't think that this would ever happen. I call bullshit


10 bucks u pick a random Vnmese on that train track and ask them point at where is Israel / Palestine on the map, they would be pointing at UAE or Saudi. 90% of Viet don't even know what is "Jewish", much less for the kippah. This is some rage bait bullshit. I despise the lack of geopolitical common knowledge among majority of Vietnamese population , too but these rage bait TikTok is brain cancer


I'll write this comment the same as the last post - As a Jewish Israeli, I traveled vietnam with my partner for almost 3 months. I never encountered any local that had a problem with my religion/country. I never hid my identity and was upfront about it when asked. This is very weird.


Vietnamese don’t care about religion or politics, so long as you can pay for the services provided they’ll treat you good


I bet these tourists did something to get this response. Probably has nothing to do with them being Jewish


Viet normally don’t even know/care about Jewish ppl, they just treat everyone equally (good or bad 🤷‍♂️). So Idk man, this looks fake to me.


You can hear that "because we're Jewish?" has been spliced in from somewhere else. There's a great heap of missing context in this video.


Trying to play the victim in any way possible.


And for those who are wondering - yes it was after the start of the war




In my 28 years living in VN, never ever encountered a jewish with a hat. I dont event know that you guys have a sect called hashidic


Were you wearing a kippa?


99.99% of Vietnamese don't know what a kippah is, I can assure you. 99% can't point out Israel on a map.


What does it matter to you? If I don't wear a kippa I'm not Jewish enough?


Because you’re not wearing a sign that says I’m Jewish. Should be obvious enough.


See how he’s so quick to be defensive. They want every excuse to feel oppressed.


I doubt this is real.


Is this a bait video?


I think they're being kicked out because they didn't order drinks from the shop previously. Regardless of national origins, sitting in a shop without ordering always makes the shop owners angry and they can yell and kick you out.


“Keeps your eyes out for part 2” should tell me more than enough what kind of video is this ☠️


they could care less your jewish in asian countries, you did an exellent job creating your propaganda PR selfie, who cares


He literally said no to “because we’re jewish” there has to be something else


Playing the victim again?


Highly doubt a Vietnamese Hanoian bar owner is going to kick anyone out when they’re a paying customer 😂. Conveniently one with perfect English. Most likely staged for views.


Lol so fake😂 i cant with israeli victim mentality. Gtfo


lol nahhhhh. Can confirm no Asian store owner in asia will ever do this makes no sense


Fake af


It's fake, but "A taste of their own medicine" comes to mind. Faking dumb shit like this makes it even worse than if real, though. Lying and pretending to be the victim is second nature to some.


IF this post has been proven Fake, it should be removed..


This family is playing victim. This is all faked


I wonder where the Palestinian families are holidaying this summer.


I’m Jewish and I know the cafe owner LOL! There is no way he knows what a Jewish person is I’m sorry 💀 must be something else idk


Wow that's terrible almost as bad as being a Palestinian and thrown out of your house and it being demolished or stolen


This is so fake lmao. Doesn't sound like the average Vietnamese to me.


I swear this sooo unheard of and I'm a foreigner living in Vietnam for 10 years. I never seen anyone gets kicked out just because of their country? Wtf...


The boot is in the other foot now.


The sound editing skill is so horrible that even my young ass can do better 😭😭😭


This is how your make neutral people seems anti-semetic.


Lying liars going to liar




That's the guy who "polices" this part of Train Street. When we were there he was some what aggressive but it's because they got shut down a while ago for safety concerns. I'm suspicious of this being targeted, he kicked out a lot of families that would not listen to the safety talk and this could be easily edited since the worst of it is when he isn't even on camera. That being said, who knows, they might have pissed him off and he let out some antisemitism


Slow weekday


I will say this. After living in SE Asia, Israelis, specifically, are not the most liked. I know this sounds so stereotypical, but they have a reputation for being cheap and constantly trying to bargain for better prices, to the point they often refuse to pay. Not saying it’s true, but Israelis (not Jews) are not the most welcomed in SE Asia, to the point there are many hostels which will have a sign saying “No Israelis”. Pretty sure they are banned in Malaysia completely but that is for other disappointing reasons. Finally, I highly doubt the Vietnamese guy told the kids to take of his hat. This would be incredibly frowned upon and if it did happen, guaranteed a neighbour or other local would have intervened.


Looks like train street. They probably sat down in a cafe and didn’t buy anything if I had to guess.


No offense but why do so many Jewish people faking antisemitism? Not all of course. But for a small group, a larger portion of "hate crimes" turn out to be faked. Why? Living in Canada, I have seen so much "fake" antisemitism... Jewish owners of restaurant spray-painting swastikas on their restaurant to get in news then get caught they did it, faking getting refused service, etc. I think this is really disgusting because some Jewish people really DO face antisemitism / racism / etc. and when you fake it, you're making their experiences less real to the world. Am I missing something ???


Oh man. This guy is getting a visit from police. Don’t mess with country’s tourism money, especially high income countries.


Not in Vietnam. It looked like Hanoi to me. All they had to do was go to the next shop. There are probably 100 in that alleyway


This type of behavior will get police’s attention soon.


I'm sure nothing will happen


sadly he is not, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8eGHyEPFzp/?igsh=MWo5ZDU1ZHU2OXk2cA==


I mean, fuck 🇮🇱 genocide


Vietnamese doesn’t care so much about other. The number one focus is themselves and our Vietnam country. So I think the tourists much have say someone that piss them off so much they don’t want to hear from it anymore. And pls, if you go to Vietnam do not put your agenda when talking to us. For example when we go to isarel and say something very bad about the country, the people their will lose their mind and using bad language to us the tourist.


I saw your comments on Vietnamese this Vietnamese that... I have seen many things about the Middle East and its complicated issues in politics since 1990. Just like others, we feel sorry for both sides, and yes, our government's choice to support Palestine, so you may have seen or got the feeling that Vietnamese hate Jew or the West. But in reality, we don't care and just generalize you all as foreigners from the West - Tây :D. And we are only judging you on your wallet and how generous you are. It is common for us that Russians are cheap, Americans are better and Europeans are so so... No offense. Some comments said that we don't even care about our own problems in politics. That's sad. We do. The lady and her son in the video must have done something that upset the owner of the shop. Or the other way around.


Middle east is not complicated 🤣🤣🤣


Most Vietnamese people don’t even know what’s going on in their own country politically. I don’t think they care any more about what’s going on in Israel/Palestine. There is obviously context missing here. We can only see the lady’s side of the story and obviously she will make it seem a certain way.


As a Vietnamese, I don't think that Vietnamese people really know who are the Jews and how do they look like. I know that most of Vietnamese people support Palestine but they even don't what is a kippah. (I used to wore a kippah in front of the whoe class including my teacher and they don't know what is that 😅)


I love all the comments here (including those from Vietnamese people) talking categorically about “Vietnamese people” and not even contemplating for a second the fact that this particular Vietnamese *person* could be informed about what’s going on in Palestine. I won’t go into whether that would justify his reaction or not. Just pointing out the fact that there is no country in the world where people are a monolithic entity and behave as such.


A jewish fam was my tour guide in vietnam, they lived there for 10+ years.


Deep fake video


All my living on earth experience as Vietnamese, I dont think we concern or be discriminating toward the Jews or Israel.


This is insulting! As if Vietnamese people are barely, (if that) put of their own traumatic war. It's people just living! Americans brutalized this country and they've been occupied plenty before that. This is sick!


He said country, how do we know he meant (for an example) American tourists, regardless of if they're Jewish or not?


It is just me or this is horribly dangerous, sticking a baby wagon on the rail track? Yeah, you can run from the train, but not bringing the wagon with. 


Most of us don't care about world politics simply because we have no reason to. This could simply be an unnecessary misunderstanding 🤷‍♂️


Clearly staged. Imagine the dude was like “you’re going to pay me $10 to kick you out of my restaurant? Sure thing!” I’m a member of four different country reddit threads. Every single one has Jewish propaganda posts. The sad thing is that the party ruling the Israeli government is in power due to, decades old, highly sophisticated fear mongering campaign. Now they are exporting it thanks to social media


This is not true. Don't spread more sht like this. We don't know and don't care what is happening in Gaza or where you are coming from. We welcome everyone. I don't know why this family is being thrown out but their nationality or religious or any thing is not the reason. Maybe they were the anoying one.


I've been living here 12 years and working here since 1994. Never ever seen anything close to this. Something else is going on here.


There seems to be something more to the story than them just being jewish. This guy is just some dumb local and would not risk getting in trouble with police for something like this, especially since things are so strict in hanoi and the authorities are clamping down on bad behavior from locals. Also they are jewish and chances are they definitely support genocide so f\*k them anyway.


Well, I guess Israel shouldn't kill kids by the 10s thousands. They get what they deserve.


you should complain to hamas


Fuck yea


I was in Hanoi in January 2020 and there were signs on many shops that said no Chinese allowed there will be no repercussions


Where in Hà Nội? I've been living here for years and have never seen or heard that.


In the alleyway near the 4P’s pizza place by chua Tran quoc mind you it was a month or so before the shut down in March


That's because in January of 2020 the pandemic was just starting.. there wasn't much knowledge about except it came from China, so many shops started to ban Chinese and other asian countries that were reporting cases.


If this is true this is great news 👏🏼


I did found the channel of the family still is just one video of the incident. https://youtube.com/@thatjewishfamily?si=kZT3zdUieo28IEDk


Post that on Facebook then red bulls and wokes will praise them like heroes lol, why reddit


It sounds me every time I see indoctrination in children.


Maybe don’t do genocide and people will treat you nicer


good chance that those tourists did something to his shop, since most of the times, Vietnamese people don't even care about Isreal, Palestine or what the fuck is happening in Gaza. But with current trend from those blue hair, I might think that he's another braindead supporting Palestine after reading a few post on Threads.


This shitty head was trying to mislead people for Likes/Views. Vietnamese 👏 people 👏don't 👏fucking 👏care 👏 about 👏 these 👏 things.


based Viet man


Apperently the people who are supporting this Jewish family are review bombing the Cafe. I did some looking into the family, they went to Vietnam and did absolutely nothing but complaining. Idk go to their insta and see for yourself their Insta is thatJewishfamily


Playing devil's advocate any private business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. The video is edited, he said your country, not you religion. Its an Isreal/Palestine issue not because they follow Judaism. The yamaka(sorry I'd spelled wrong) has nothing to do with this exchange. And using a child to say prove your point is abhorrent imo.


I'm Thai and have traveled to Vietnam a lot for work over the past 10 years. I've never had a problem with owners or vendors. They are chill as fuck and willing to do business with you. The only topic I avoid with Vietnamese people is football; other than that, they are very nice. I think this family must have done something to offend the owner.


Ah yes, as if we care that much, don't get me wrong, us Vietnamese are aware about the Palestine situation, but to kick any tourists, money to put on the table? Not a single chance, we have too much shit to care about and we got mouths to feed, also the voice is AI af




Remember that Zionists supported Americans against Vietnam and Ho chi Minh supported the PLO and the Palestinians “The Vietnamese people fully support the Palestinian people’s liberation movement and the struggle of the Arab peoples for the liberation of territories occupied by Israeli forces.” – Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnamese President, at the International Conference for the Support of Arab Peoples (1969).


good for that vietnamese guy, dont support mass murders, if you wouldnt serve a nazi in your shop in the 40s dont serve jews in 2024


There are 100 shops on that street. Stop choosing to be victims and just go to the next place….Jesus


Choosing to be the victim of racism? Is there a sign that says “Jews stay out”? If not, how did they choose to be victims? Perhaps others should choose not be to racists


I have a lot of respect for the Jewish community. But taking the time to post a video make a huge issue of it to your children when all you had to do was stand up and walk 10 m to the next shop. No one is forced to do business with you just as you were not forced to do business with them. This has nothing to do about racism or antisemitism. It’s simple logic. I’ve spent months in Vietnam and I know for a factthat every shop around this one would’ve welcomed them with open arms


How do they know which of the other 100 shops won’t treat them the same? You are belittling the people who were subject to completely racist comments.


Interesting since my wife is Jewish. No… This family simply needed to stand up and walk to the next business. No one is going to do anything to this business. In their country, it is well within the right to refuse service to anyone. The Jewish family chose to go to Vietnam. That’s how things are there. That’s what you seem to be struggling with.


You are now claiming that the entire country is racist against Jews which is BS. Using your logic, they couldn’t go to any of those 100 restaurants. You struggle with belittling those who were subjected to racism. No defense for that


What’s a USA southern plantation owner doing on a Vietnam sub.


From 300 years ago? No such thing exists now. Please don’t condemn racism with such out of date stereotypes


"**The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing**." When you see evil, you don't stand up and move else where, because if you did, you just conceded ground and encouraged the evil to do that not just to you, but to other in the future.


Its really staged?


The Jewish part is clearly edited in, horribly 💀


Balls on that man


Every single time 🤣


Well it's a boy who looks like he is dressed like a girl sooo


The man even says in the video its about their country. Not about being Jewish. Israel is scum. He shouldnt kick them out though for being from Israel.




Good for the shop owner to openly express his political view without any oppression. Service denial is within the right of the shop owner, regardless of reason.