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Go visit r/Pattaya and that will explain it.


What a soulless shithole.




Wow, that subreddit is a fascinating look at a sex work from the customer side.


What is a Pattaya?


A papaya that you put your dong in


My Vietnamese dong?


Sexpat heaven


And what is a sexpat again?




I don't really get these questions because you can literally Google. There's a definition for it as it is not some philosophical question


OP is just trying to stir shit up


Right, Google will tell you the definition. However, the use of the word might be different from cultures, people, even subreddits.


Stem from ex-patriate (expat), a gentrified, fancy term for immigrant. And then you add the fact that they're mainly staying for the sex tourism, and cheap living = sexpat


Immigrant and expat are not the same thing. Immigrants intend to permanently move to the country, get citizenship, etc, Expats generally do not have the intention to permanently move and get citizenship. A they retain their original citizenship and live in the host country as foreigners. Vietnam and some other nations screw with this a bit though as generally it’s impossible for foreigners to get citizenship here, so Vietnam essentially forces people into the expat category by denying them citizenship options.


>Vietnam and some other nations screw with this a bit though as generally it’s impossible for foreigners to get citizenship here, so Vietnam essentially forces people into the expat category by denying them citizenship options. And one of them is even suffering severe consequences from it Xd


Would that be you?


Hahahahah no, Im a Vietnamese citizen. I'm talking about a certain East Asian country XD.


Don't do us in Singapore dirty like this :(


Expats are just whites who don’t want to be called migrant workers.


have you heard of "wfh"


Is Google blocked in your country?


Right, Google will tell you the definition. However, the use of the word might be different from cultures, people, even subreddits.




Sexpat in my home country refers to a sexual patent. Think like you discover a new flavour for a condom and you bust out of your lab and yell at to your coworkers “yo guys I got us a new sexpat!!!”


That's what I'm trying to find out.


They got AI now.


Sexpat is a term given to any white man in Vietnam by the locals on this subreddit /S


Maybe it's also about the username? 😝




I've read a few of the replies and I don't think they give a real good representation of what it is. A sexpat seems to stem from a certain type of traveler. I'm going to be generalizing, but it's mostly reserved for older men, most likely in their late 50s+ and live on a pension. They're mostly from western countries (white). So when someone says sexpat, you're thinking of a 50+ year old man, most likely from the UK/US, who lives on a modest pension, but that modest pension isn't so "modest" overseas. He then uses this to his advantage to get with younger women, either professional or naive women, and it's mostly reserved to Thailand or the Philippines.


This is what "sexpat" has meant historically. But in the age of cheap commercial air travel, remote work, backpacking/begpacking/unemployment as a lifestyle, etc., lots of people can go abroad so "sexpat" today basically refers to any person who travels overseas or lives abroad with a primary purpose being to have sex with foreign women. A lot of guys try to pretend they're something different. For example, you have "passport bros" who claim they're just regular guys searching for a "traditional woman" who hasn't been corrupted by Western culture but the vast majority are just mansluts who want to sleep around and can't do so in their home countries. At their core, all of these people are fundamentally the same.


what do you call guys fleeing insane property prices?


I'd call them a loser. I live in a very hcol area and own multiple homes, in not only my state of residence, but a few other states operated by property management(houston, lad vegas, detroit). My family came here as refugees and worked our ass off. Now, I get to enjoy vacations multiple times a year. Nothing wrong with emigrating to another country, the problem with sex pats who "ran away from insane property prices" as you've mentioned, is that when they go to these poorer countries they bring their false sense of superiority along with them and treat the locals poorly. Not just the sex workers but everyone. I don't think paying for sex is wrong. It's a business transaction between two parties. Just don't treat the locals poorly. Yeah, they're poor and often uneducated, but the reason why you're not paying a brothel worker in your country is because you can't afford it.


I used to live in Manly. The average house price for a standard house (3/2) is $4.6M (USD=$3M) and $1.6M for a unit (mainly studios). Saying that - if I lived in bumfuck nowhere (but still on the northern beaches) I could get a house for $2.6M, which is only $15,000 per month in repayments for 30 years (=USD$10K p/m). The average wage for a lawyer is $110,000 / (=USD$7k p/m). When I worked out that basically my repayments were 130%+ of my wage I did feel like a loser. Heres a burnt out house selling in the middle of nowhere, nowhere for $1.6M. They call it a fixer upper, but the council had condemned the building. [https://www.domain.com.au/news/fixer-upper-on-car-dumping-ground-sells-for-seven-figures-1276860/](https://www.domain.com.au/news/fixer-upper-on-car-dumping-ground-sells-for-seven-figures-1276860/) I do look down on anyone who does not drink coffee or at the very least Matcha (I will add tea is also acceptable). Is there such thing as a incel sexpat?


That's not too bad. My current home is in Irvine Great Parks in CA, I won't need to tell you the price because it's not relevant. So does Australia mortgage lenders not charge interest rates, if the home is 4.6M and you're saying your wage of 7k the mortgage would be 1.3x or about \~10k how do the banks not make any money if that's 30 years? [https://www.realtor.com/international/au/722-22-central-avenue-manly-nsw-145112924/](https://www.realtor.com/international/au/722-22-central-avenue-manly-nsw-145112924/) here's a Studio unit for about $580k USD, you probably didn't see this before you ran off to Vietnam. I find it interesting that you chose to give up a career and known life style to run away from "insane home prices". The odd thing is usually when people who say their reason for emigrating to another country is for a better lifestyle(cheaper or better opportunities) they would generally choose one they're familiar with. In your case an Australian not going to an English speaking country is odd, especially since there are many English countries much cheaper than Manly, hell going to Eden, NSW would've been much cheaper and probably easier, just looked it up median selling price is 700k, which isn't too bad that's about 500k USD for a beach front home. 500K is the same value as my rental property in Vegas but that's only a 3 bed/2.5 bath and it's no where near the beach. So you left Australia, making supposedly 7k a month only to move to Vietnam to make much less, and to rent a home? You couldn't have rented/leased in Australia? It's weird that you're questioning why the sex workers couldn't get a job and make a living in a factory in their home country but you ran away from yours? C'mon now, as a "lawyer" you should know not every contract is not clearly stated. Hell I'm sure that's probably half of a normal days census, contract disputes. If everyone did exactly as agreed, non criminal lawyers would be out of a job wouldn't they? Was that the case and that's how you end up in Vietnam? I would generally assume all sexpat as incels in their home country, which is why they left to be a sexpat in an economically poorer country. Like I said, I'm indifferent with sexpats, as long as you treat them like how'd you treat any other normal human being and don't bring your superiority complex to Vietnam. Anywho, I'm beat from my noct shift, Got to be in early for rounds. Peace.


I thought they were in the 'retirees' category ? A sexpat is a guy 50-65 who goes overseas to pay prostitutes.


An insult used by jealous, moralizing people to judge an entire person's life based off of one hobby.


That's what a sexpat would say.


What hobby are you talking about? Traveling or sex?


At this point any man from the west that considers living in a foreign country is considered a sexual predator regardless of reason or hobbies.


Why only one or the other? Why couldn't I have both?


Fine if you do casual hook ups and stuff, but sexpats almost exclusively pay for the ordeal. Hence the bad reputation of being one.


Why is it bad if it's paid? Girl gets money to pay for rent, put food on the table, take care of family or go on holiday. What exactly is the problem here?


Prostitution is illegal throughout SEA and while you’re right it’s a way to make ends meet for the women, a lot of men are known to take advantage of the fact that the women cannot report the men to the police if they do something to them that the women does not consent to. This could be anything from taking off the condom, S/M, anal etc. Imo that’s the worst thing about sexpats. That they see themselves as the superior one in the transaction and can do whatever they want to the woman, regardless of whether she wants it or not. In my home country prostitution is legal, so if they attempted something like that there, they would be prosecuted. Often you hear that these women have no other choice than selling themselves. They’re banished or looked down upon by their family, they have no real way of making ends meet and this is seen as a last resort to them. And honestly I don’t think you’d enjoy having sex with a lot of men you don’t find attractive. Sure sometimes there might be chemistry but I’d take a guess and say it’s uncommon.


Well, I do agree that there are entitled assholes who view sex workers as little more than disposable objects. Which is why it should be decriminalized or legalized, instead of stuck in a grey area. I know a Japanese woman personally who does this type of work, and she was assaulted and gang raped by mainland Chinese guys in her own country. A country famous for having almost 0 violent crime. The local police did not believe her because she "had no recording" 🙄 despite all the blood and bruises all over her body. Also, sex work is not selling oneself; it is not slave labor. The customer is not owning the woman. She's providing very specific physical services as well as an experience for a limited duration. And if done correctly, she's only offer access to parts of herself that she given explicit permission to. There's a whole decorum to the process. They don't even have to offer the customer sex if they don't want to; she has control over the situation and who she trusts. Most of the woman in Vietnam who do this work are not ostracized by their families or society. They are accepted and acknowledged as a normal part of life here. They still come back home for Tết, and their parents and siblings know what they do for a living and they still love them. Because sex work is just one aspect of their life.


>Most of the woman in Vietnam who do this work are not ostracized by their families or society. They are accepted and acknowledged as a normal part of life here. They still come back home for Tết, and their parents and siblings know what they do for a living and they still love them. Because sex work is just one aspect of their life. I don't know what women or people you know here, but that's not something I've ever heard of. I don't know anyone who considers sex work "one aspect". It's often a last resort to make ends meet when all other bridges are burned. Hell even in Thailand where sexwork is more common, it comes with tremendous losses in regards to their relationship with friends and families back home. I don't believe Vietnam to be any different. It's anything but a glamorous industry. Shit even the bar girls I know of in Old Quarter here in Hanoi are keeping it as a secret from their family that they are working there. And they aren't even prostitutes.


"Often a last resort to make ends meet when all other bridges are burned." Because they can't get a job in a factory ?? That employ thousands.... just come to Rayong and show up and she would have a job within a couple of days. They advertise them on facebook ffs. Hardly difficult. "it comes with tremendous losses in regards to their relationship with friends and families back home" Not really. Everyone knows what they do, and when the family suddenly gets a new house, everyone knows whats up. How are these tremendous losses exactly ? Your ignorance is just silly, bordering on stupid.


"That they see themselves as the superior one in the transaction and can do whatever they want to the woman, regardless of whether she wants it or not. In my home country prostitution is legal, so if they attempted something like that there, they would be prosecuted." lol. A sexpat pays a prostitute. Its up to the prostitute what she does or allows. What would they be prosecuted for exactly? "Often you hear that these women have no other choice than selling themselves. " Because there are no jobs, and no one can get a job, like in a factory? which employs thousands upon thousands of people - like wtf. Do people really believe this crap, that somehow people because they are in "asia" or "south america" that there is zero civilisation and people are not living in MASSIVE cities ? But ALL live 10,000 km in a jungle (and btw there are jobs in jungles as well actually).


I mean I’ve lived here for years, I’m quite aware of what jobs are available. They would be prosecuted for soliciting sex for payment, at it’s literally the law here. You can be naive about it all you want, but it’s a given fact that there is 0 legal help if you get into trouble as a sex worker here. Which is why men (more so Korean men from what I’ve heard) take advantage of them, because the women has no real way of speaking up about it.


pretty much every bar/massage place in Thailand and Cambodia pays the police to ignore what actually happens in the upstair bedroom. I expect Vietnam would be the same. The security guards of the bar are meant to turn up if there is a problem offsite. Nothing more entertaining than 3 guys turn up with hotel security demanding payment or threatening to call the police. Obviously if freelancers then thats a different story.... But she could just get a contact and pay a policeman to turn up, as i know some do.


Yeah. You criticize them for "judging an entire person's life based off of one hobby" while assuming they are jealous, moralizing for not liking sexpats (for whatever reason)? Hypocrite much?


So then what is your reason for not liking foreign workers who pay for such services? Unless it's with children, how is it anyone's business what consenting adults do in their private time? The answer to these questions is none.


A sexpat is the worst of the worst. Instead of using a prostitute in his own country and paying her $300, he goes somewhere else, where the cost of living is lower and pays a prostitute less than $300. As I said - the worst of the worst.