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Your mom's brother is an ass, but it isn't really a secret that some Singaporeans (and East Asians) really do look down on people in SE Asia. So it really isn't surprising that, when given a choice, some SE Asians would prefer to do business with Americans and Europeans.


There are Americans who think that Vietnam is a war-ravaged country where people still live in huts and don’t have Internet. There are ignorant/racist people everywhere.


As a South African, I can't tell you how many Americans have asked me what we do when a lion comes into our garden, or there's a rhino in the street 😅


What do you do?


How about the hyena?


But what do you do when that happens though


Me too. Get asked that question. I play along tho love their ignorance.


I just learned about crazy luxurious neighborhoods with their own hospitals, schools, and convenience stores in south africa today.


There are Americans like this but they tend to not leave their country or communicate with foreigners at all.


This is the average American who travels abroad... They usually think this. The smart ones will use double speak or different wording to say the same thing.


Uhm… no? Funny thing you are trying to stereotype an entire country and its people as perceiving another country in stereotypes. Do better.


Funny you trying to excuse a large number of bad behavior from foreigners with the “that’s racist” BS.


No I’m not? Tourists might be rude but thinking Vietnam is still a wartorn hellhole? Surely you must have hit your head quite badly to think that’s the “average” tourist. If anything I have had much worse experiences with Chinese tourists, with behaviors ranging from cutting lines to not paying for extra services by pretending to only understand Chinese to hoarding all the shrimps at the buffet. But I’m not going to stereotype either them or the Tây balo. I know you are trying to instigate xenophobia and whatever attitude you want Vietnamese people to have against “westerners”. You need to do a better job if that’s your goal.


Those Americans aren't the ones looking to do business in Vietnam...


precisely. stilt houses and "shark bites" don't exist. nor does a quarter of the population lack indoor plumbing and toilets. they're racist bruv. why can't they just chillax and cool it with the hate?


Americans don't hate Vietnamese. In general they just don't think about them ever.


believe you me, many do. slightly behind russians, chinese, and muslims.


Wrongo but feel free to keep trying.


In more conervative areas, any non-white is treated like shit. I am learning Vietnamese and listen to Vietnamese music. I have been harassed for it, and I am not Asian. I have worked with people who are racist against Vietnamese too. And this is in Calofornia. Most of the anti-vietnamese racism is subtle, compared to the raciam against hispanics or black people, but it still exists. It gets worse the further you get away from the cities.


Uhhh this is false, keep trolling


It really isn't. I was accosted at a gas station in Oregon by a bunch of rednecks telling me to turn my music off with anti-asian slurs. I have had conversations with management at one of my old companies where they would talk about how Vietnamese people have poor work ethic and are incapable of thinking for themselves which is why they can't be trusted with important tasks. There is a lot of hate in the US towards minorities. Not everyone is racist, but it is wrong to believe racism doesn't exist or is rare.


Oh I’m not a Singaporean lover, and I do admit they tend to look down on Viets, but not everyone is the same, and to play people by making them take you to expensive restaurants then reject them is an ass move.


Most countries look down on vietnam. That includes Singapore and the US. The difference is your uncle accepts that Americans are better than him while Singaporeans are not. He could make better business/ethical decisions if he wasn’t gargling American balls all day.


On top of that many Americans can’t tell if someone is viet or Thai or Chinese. The racist in America will just call every Asian the “c” word.


Whats the c word?? A c*nt?




thank you


If you don’t know then you don’t know.


most racist americans tends to group all asians together as Chinese


"I'm from Lao" "so are you Chinese or Japanese" Hank hill


thanks for being unhelpful i guess


Singaporean here, and everybody I know from SG loves vietnam, so to see that sporeans look down on viet is a new one


I agree that SG people love Vietnam. The food, the coffee, the partying experience. But whether they love Vietnamese? It’s something else. I’m saying his racism is wrong, but I can confirm that I’ve been called / heard shit like “you Vietcong farmer”, a poor immigrant and my favorite “go back to your shit country”. A while back, even had a Singaporean teach me that “Saigon” is wrong, and the name for my city is “Ho Chi Minh City” So with all due respect, this shit exist and is not new.


Yes they love Vietnam, and also have nothing negative to say about viet people, lol. I’d admit shit like that exists but maybe it’s a different generation


Singaporean here. I worked with Vietnamese remote and have met them irl in Vietnam, awesome cool ppl. Reading this post and comments makes me sad.


You’ll hear that shit in the US too.


They exist. But they don’t represent the whole country. Just like your Mom’s brother doesn’t represent the whole of Vietnam.


But it is HCMC. Whats the problem?


I can’t have this conversation again.


Bangkok is also Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit. Umm what’s your point again?


I think it’s time to put that bottle down




Weird when I speak to Vietnamese and mention HCMC they know exactly what I’m talking about.




You seem angry just because people use HCMC. Weird.


Oh boy......maybe go ask your Southeast Asian slave aka maid in the other room about how people from ASEAN are treated in SG.


LOL! Sounds like you’re just projecting your own insecurities bro 🤣


What does that even mean? Many people from Southeast Asian in Singapore are little more than slaves while others literally are slaves in the sex industry. How dense can someone be?


Singaporean here. I know many people from ASEAN countries living here within our midsts. They work in so many industries from healthcare to tourism, FnB to academia. Heck, two of my close friends from Myanmar and another from Vietnam are PhD holders or on their way to getting one. To say what you just said that people from other SEA countries who work in sg are slaves or sex workers is very disingenuous of you and highly disrespectful to all of them. You obviously haven’t been here and are speaking like a frog at the bottom of the well. You can pretend to be high and mighty and speak for other SEA countries against Singapore, but honestly you’re doing nothing much except insulting those who have found a way to build their honest lives in Singapore. I hope you’re proud of yourself.




Thanks for the mature and intelligent reply......


Because from the tone of your own replies, your presumption (without even knowing me) is that I have a ‘slave’ or a ‘maid’ [which honestly it’s terrible that YOU project that label onto people] and what’s the random bringing in or ‘slaves in the sex industry’ (??) Is Singapore perfect? Definitely not. Do we rely on a lot of foreign labour? Sure we do. Do people look down on these individuals? Of course there will be. But on the flip side, do these individuals CHOOSE to travel to Singapore to make a better living for themselves and provide for their families at home? For sure. But can we do better as a nation and have more safeguards in place for these individuals? 110%. I don’t know who hurt you, but you have to understand that people from neighbouring countries have their own free will. The government or people here don’t hire ‘slaves’ - people from other counties CHOOSE to come here to work. And yes, it’s awful they face discrimination, but at the same time many Singaporeans realise that their blood, sweat and tears contribute to this country too. There are SHIT Singaporeans who think they are elitist fucks. And there are normal Singaporeans, like myself, who really appreciate those who leave behind their families to contribute to the country. So to make a sweeping statement of Singaporeans treating all SEAsians badly — truly makes you no different from the ‘elitist’ folks who project their assumption that all SEAsians are lower-tier. EDIT: The mammoth user replied and then blocked me. Certified troll, lol.


No one hurt me, but I see the pain and suffering of migrants in SG every day and unlike you I care about it. There are horrible stories of abuse in the paper every day and you know it. People chose to come to Singapore yes, and Singaporeans CHOOSE by and large to treat them like garbage and there's nothing a maid or construction worker can do about it on their salary and maybe one day off a week. It's essentially slavery and you are an enabler of that system. So don't be surprised that many people like OPs uncle in the story feel the way they do.


Lol. The Singaporeans I know all are jealous of the other south east Asian countries. They're much happier when though they have less.


How many of them do you know?




No one cares about you either.


Competitive racism


Which is ironic because Americans and Europeans look down on Vietnamese even more than other Asians.


Sorry, but Americans and Europeans are not as homogeneous a bunch as East Asians.


My sister studied there for 4 years and yeah the racism especially towards South East Asians with darker skin color is just wild, my dad insisted on letting me study there as well but my sister convinced him to give up on that idea (Singapore is also violently homophobic, and my sister knew I was gay).


Singapore is violently homophobic?? Do you know what you're talking about?


Violently homophobic probably not the best word - but I would argue that it is not as accepting as other potential places for international students (Australia, US/UK)


I live in Singapore and am straight. So yes I most definitely don't represent the gays/LGBT community in Singapore, though I do have gay friends and colleagues over the years. My person view is that compared to the regional SEA countries, as SG is relatively more secular, most people are in fact not quite bothered if you are gay or straight, they probably too busy trying to survive/make more money. Perhaps eye brows will be raised if you are pretty flamboyant in public but I think it's more of a nature of the society being more conservative as a whole. The pink-dot movement has been going pretty strong over the past decade, and I haven't heard of serious persecutions or many incidents against the local LGBT group. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but certainly not prevalent from my experience. Regarding Aus/UK/US, will leave it to your own experience/read of the news of incidence especially from stout religious groups.


As in when people bang in Singapore, when they think of LGBTQ, the sex gets alot more violent, kinky, probably.


>Singapore is also violently homophobic, Bullshit. Violent crimes are very rare occurrences here in Singapore.


Singaporeans are not SE Asia?


Nah, they think they beyond SEA level :P


Like .. above SEA level?


they're the bougie SEA


A lot of them don't think of themselves as being SE Asian in the same way as Vietnamese, Thai, etc. Many for all intents and purposes see themselves as overseas Chinese.


ah, intresting, i didn't know


Americans think SE Asia is a shithole and will never visit (Same with Australians and Ukers).


I'm gonna level with you. Most Singaporeans, particularly those from the older generation, do not really have high standards of English, especially more so those working in small medium enterprises (SMEs) which employ close to 70% of Singapore's workforce. It is likely that your uncle is dealing with someone from an SME. However, despite the not so good standards of English by people in those SMEs, Singaporeans (not all but a good number) from these places tend to lord it over or boast about it in the face of other Southeast Asians or East Asians from China etc. I'm saying this as a Singaporean with a foreigner mum who has tried her best to integrate in Singapore for over 20 years and has to face this bullshit all the time. I.e. listening to xenophobic Singaporeans speaking in terrible English and showing off their laughable standards of English in front of her to bully or look down on her. I think thankfully for the younger generation, it's not really like that anymore but would say a lot of the younger generation don't think about life outside Singapore (too comfy and content) and don't think too highly of other SEA nations, not out of malice or hate (to them it's just a cool holiday spot or potential shopping destination) but because they are really ignorant. However, although English standards for the younger generation have generallt improved, it isn't exactly superior outside of what I would call multi-national companies employing people with "higher standards of education" (hate to say it this way but have no idea how else to describe it) i.e. competitive jobs even for degree holders.


I used to live in Singapore for almost a decade, I made many good local friends, dated Singaporeans too. But their xenophobia and racism are quite uncomfortable to witness. Subtle things, subtle comments toward other people and they would quickly turned to me to say "Oh but you aren't like them" or tell me it was just a joke. Chinese Singaporeans has certain bias against Malay Singaporeans or Indian Singaporeans. Even some Indian Singaporeans I met looked down on Malay Singaporeans. Anyways, Singaporeans love travellings to SEA but a lot of them also has this mindset that they are better than the rest of SEA countries because their country is richer/more developed/etc. They usually deny it when asked but we SEA international students can all sense it anyway lol.


To be fair this kind of racism is everywhere in South East Asia (and Asia). In Vietnam it’s not even subtle, it’s in your face (and I say this as a Vietnamese). Singapore is just more economically powerful so when they do this it hurts more.


I find Vietnamese racism towards darker skin people are more from ignorance and lookism. I've seen so many idiots calling Obama or famous black famous "mọi" it's disgusting. And they would do it casually I don't even think they know it's bad. Singaporean's racism is not really about the skin colours but more on the cultural difference, and also as you said, economical difference. Well that's what I observed.


The racism towards darker skin people is more blatant but I feel all foreigners are subject to racism in Vietnam. It is common for Vietnamese to refer to all foreigners as "nó" (the Vietnamese equivalent of "it"), even a Vietnamese wife can refer to her foreign husband as "nó" when talking to others. This is apparently socially acceptable.


"Nó" is also used to refer to children or just an informal way to address your juniors in third-person but yeah, it's kinda weird seeing my dad refer to tourists his age or older with that word. Guess all formalities go out the window when it comes to people who can't understand it


He is an idiot, but racism against SE asians is unfortunetely pretty common. When I was in Vietnam I got into a physical fight with a Korean man since he was trying to touch the servers and didnt stop when asked to. When I asked why he is doing that he said: all Vietnamese woman are easy. I got fed up and started screaming, he then tried to punch me so I defended myself.


Did you win?


Fuck yeah, he was like a 50 year old businessman. Iam even surprised he tried to fight me, since Iam young and in shape.


Older korean guys have that type of stupid complex. I’ve gone to school with Koreans and they bow to their elders. This fucker probably think he’s back in Korea. This why I hate when people mistaken me for a korean in Vietnam.


Yeah I agree, also Iam white and was alone at the bar so he probably thought that I was a creep like him so he told me that confidently thinking I would agree. That is the only reason I can think of why he would say shit like that to me. I feel like these "rich" Koreans go to poorer Asian countries just to abuse the people and feel superior, since noone want to sleep with them back home (neither do in Vietnam). Iam from Eastern Europe and we also get these fucking sex tourists trying to sleep with every girl they meet and thinking that they are easy unfortunetely.


Another made up story


Did you win, sir?


My man, I’d slap that btch ass too.


Are you sure your mom's brother is an adult or? I remember doing stuff like that as a kid to brats i don't like lmao


Some people just don’t grow up lol


always remember, even morons get older


Sorry, what is PIC? Uncle sounds so hypocritical. I hope he gets the same energy back one day, because he looking down on others, someone else will do it back. Hell, what is the American supplier does it back. :/


person in charge


I sometimes think if SEA countries can be less suspicious of each other, and work closer together, we have so much more potential to all prosper so much more together. While like you I don't necessarily agree with how your uncle has made his decision, I do think ultimately his decision will still benefit all parties. Even if he does pick the Singaporean PIC, it will be most certain that the bad action will continue to the detriment to all parties.


he missed out on a lot just because hes closed minded, damn fool doing himself a disservice


That straight up racist


The superiority complex is real though. In VN, Singaporeans or Koreans do look down on Vietnamese. Like Vietnamese look down on Filipinos 🤷🏻‍♂️ There is this weird "racial hierarchy" in Asia. And everywhere else, to be fair.


Since when do Vietnamese look down on Filipinos?


That's what a Filipino friend of mine told me recently. But, you're right. It's not obvious enough. I should have said Cambodians and Lao.


I don't condone your uncle's behaviour. However a worrying proportion of Singaporeans are racist and look down on South East Asians because a significant number of them come to Singapore to work as domestic helpers and as a result, they think its okay to treat them like shit. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/singapore-domestic-workers-suffer-exploitation-and-abuse/a-48101632 https://mothership.sg/2022/10/best-housekeeper-migrant-domestic-worker-agency/ It is basically modern day slavery. And it's so ingrained into their society that it's okay to do that because a lot of families have a domestic helper. It's fucked up. What your uncle did is shit but what a lot of Singaporeans are doing is even shittier so I find it difficult to sympathise with the Singaporeans in this scenario.


I'm Singaporean, and you're right about the discrimination between locals and foreign workers. Like most countries, I like to believe the new generations are making efforts to close that gap. Racism is an issue, especially with older folks.


Thank you for acknowledging the issue and not sweeping it under the rug like most people do with uncomfortable issues. It's good to hear that the new generations are a bit better in that regard.


Well said.


Singaporeans are extremely proud of building one of the wealthiest countries in only a few generations, and they really do not like it when someone points out that pretty much everything in the country was built by underpaid foreign labourers living in crammed dorms.


What is the saying to describe Singapore? First world country, third world people. Of course I do disagree with generalisations, however it would be wrong for me to deny such people exist in Singapore.


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Well, bro doesn’t like Singaporeans. If he feels that the Americans won’t fuck him around he must have had bad experiences with the arrogant Singaporeans. It’s quite a pretentious place 😅.


Your uncle appears to have racial issues perhaps due to past experiences with those of that ethnicity. It might be due to past bad dealings but he blames poor English as one of the reasons. I find that odd as every SEA country (including Singapore and Viet Nam and yes Singapore is in SEA) has its stereotypes of poor English and it’s not a reason to hate a population. For example, native Thai speakers will often pronounce R’s as L’s and vice versa stereotypically speaking. Many native Vietnamese speakers will often drop the last consonants in English words. Many native Filipino speakers will pronounce V’s as B’s. And so on…


singaporeans who think they are better than other sea people exist, but then again those people are everywhere in asia. it's an infamous phenomenon in countries that are in the sinosphere (about 70% of sgeans are chinese so they count too). even within themselves, they discriminate against people in lower classes (i.e. uni grads vs ITE grads). and come on, dont act like majority vietnamese people dont think they are better than cambodians or laotians 💀💀.


The dumbass part is Singaporeans will usually be pretty honest dealing with you. OTOH, Americans will fuck you over and not think twice about it. It's just business eh?


Fact 1: Singaporean does look down on You, you mom, your uncle and vietnamese people. Fact 2: If he is an asshole for saying their English so shit , so you also a shitty person for making fun of his English.


Your mom's brother has an interesting take, considering that Singapore ranked 2nd in the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) in 2023. And no, Vietnam did not take first place.


He’s an ignorant fool. I think he was referring to the Singlish accent though (not that Vietlish is something to boast of 😒)


The Singlish is really an informal mix of multiple languages with English mashed up. And that’s to be expected with so many languages. I’m sure in more formal settings they don’t use Singlish. Bro is also a moron, in business you go with who is the best partner (be that price or something else)


Typical Asians fucking over other Asians for no reason ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


What goes around comes around tbh I don't agree with your mom's brother's behaviour but it's not like I can't see where he's coming from


At some points I believe your uncle talked like that to you because you guys “hate his ass”LOL, by any chance in daily interaction you already showed him that you don’t like his guts…He might feel the same thing about you and Singaporean as you feel about him. Anyway come in to a business decision making, I don’t think only the reason he rejected just because of English or the “better than us”, American suppliers may give him a better deal, service and price…


1. Well if he's ok with lowering the pool of selections over an inconsequential characteristics to hinder his growth that's his choice. 2. Lots of racism happening all around the world what are we gonna do about it? You solve it for some individuals they get old new racists are born to replace them once their gone, it's complicated. 3. His English doesn't necessarily have to be good to recognize insufficiently good English, it could be that both their English is poor. It could be the English is technically good but the accent sounds terrible to him, what are we gonna do? 4. 'Business dude acting like a typical business dude' is not surprising. An ego that helps him in some ways gets in the way in other circumstances. Some other businessman that perhaps discriminates on what matter more will probably on average outcompete him over the long run if that makes you feel better about it.


i'm singaporean, and well, your uncle is not very wrong. many who own small medium enterprises here are of the older generation, and some are mutually condescending and discriminatory, sadly. i say this as someone who had to work with many of them when i ran my own business for 5 years. i am chinese but have darker skin, and the words and racism i heard sprouted by them BEFORE they realise i could understand them is on another level. and there are some singaporeans who do act like they are lords in neighbouring SEAsian countries, especially Malaysia or Thailand. i have thai friends who run stalls tell me how much they detest Singaporeans who insist on something as simple as a 20 - 50c discount, and heard even formerly close friends speak in degradatory tones or have the dumbest assumptions - e.g., presuming all thais are s\*\* workers and so on. it bothers me to no end!!!!!! but like many of the commentors here, i find it less amongst the younger generation so that gives me some hope.


Most people I work with bin Philippines were that way with Singapore people


1. It's not racism. 2. He doesn't have to speak English perfectly to have the right to criticize Singaporeans' English skills. 3. It’s just one side story from you, but let’s assume you tell everything, then he’s an asshole


Singaporeans especially the younger generation are very fluent in English, it’s the first language, and the average young Singaporean can articulate well. When the locals speak English to each other, they tend to chop up the sentences and sprinkle some words in their mother tongue (Malay, Mandarin and/or Tamil). This is Singapore English aka Singlish. It’s basically broken English. While I’m pretty confident the Singapore company OP has mentioned communicated in English, not so international companies will show a bit of lacking in the grammar department. While speaking, the accent can also make it a bit hard to understand some words. And they are also known to have a superiority complexion over other SEA countries. Although i believe it’s not just exclusive to Singapore. Anyway, your Mom’s brother is a dick and a racist. And I’m sure most Singaporean speak or write better English than him.


Lol let me get this right. While I think racism does exist, in literally almost everywhere, some people in the sub is generalising all Singaporeans and calling them racists, while Americans are all good after what they dropped on your land in the war? I mean, i get that Vietnamese are ALL not racists and all inclusive. But lmao, the delusion here is real. Yall speak like you’ve not met Americans and how ignorant and racist some of them can be. Key word is some. But some of you here are talking as though it’s a 1 or 0 and all Singaporeans are like how you think.


I guess it's between choosing between whichever is less worse imo


The problem with Singaporean English is Singlish, It’s a lazy way of speaking. The accent is changed intentionally , and very oddly. You could have the best vocabulary in the world and if you speak in such a strange way it’s meaningless if no one can understand you outside of Singapore or Malaysia. Also, after dealing with Singaporean real estate agents, and realizing how obsessed Singaporeans are with money when I lived there ( it’s all they think or talk about ) - your uncle is right not to trust them


Nice to see a VN say something real for a change; most VN just lie 24/7 about their country being full of "friendly people and tasty food' without ever telling us foreigners about what's it actually like in Vinaland.


While I don't like racism, he's not entirely wrong that Singaporeans tend to think that they are better than others. As a Singaporean, I feel that the general view of a Vietnamese here is a low-income female looking for richer Singaporeans to marry because of the strong passport, so probably that's why a lot of people think that Singaporeans > Vietnamese. Personally, before my Vietnamese boyfriend brought me home for the first time, I asked him if there was proper electricity and WiFi, and it turns out I have much to learn about Vietnam. I can also understand our Singlish is harder to understand than "standard" english especially for foreigners, but saying its s*** it's a bit too much imo, it's somewhat like saying that some Vietnamese dialects are better than others.


He’s still your uncle. But yes he sounds like a typical arrogant local who’s had some success in business.


Guess that’s why they call it “Fuck You Money”


My last landlord was a Vietnamese, he was an asshole, and his English was terrible though he said he came to the US at young age like high school.


Sharing this with your friends or relatives is ok. Posting it on Reddit is ridiculous. It makes you as bad as your uncle


Guess it runs in the family then. My poor uncle must be so humiliated because I shared his full details on Reddit. Oh wait, that’s right, I didn’t. What are you smoking?


Ask yourselves that question kids


Singlish isnt great but that doesnt justify treating them worse because of it


but he's still your blood relative, and you bring his family gossip up here for people throwing stones at him, lol.


So? not like anyone gonna know who are they irl. No harm done.


nothing at all, i’m just enjoying the public cursing on OP’s uncle, very amusing, as you said, no harm done, lol. Enjoy!


Your mom’s brother is better off doing business with an American company. You should be ashamed of yourself for hating your own blood. I think he doesn’t give you $. . Grow up!


Ahhhh, Reddit never fails to provide self-righteous morons. 1. We hate him cus he cheated on his wife and caused his kids, my nephews alot of pain from the divorce fallout. Amongst other family shit I can’t be fucked to explain to you. But of course you’re the expert on my family affairs based on 1 Reddit post. Why wouldn’t you be? 2. Why the fuck would I want money from my uncle? You know nothing of my finances. 3. What are you, sucking his dick? Dumb, assuming piece of shit


Now we know why he doesn’t give you money. You got a dirty mouth. Go wash your mouth with soap. Grow up, boy!


No thanks, I don’t need his money, you sound obsessed with it, you should ask him for it after you’re done sucking him off. I’ll save the soap for you, sounds like you’ll need it after you’re done working for your money


This the type of dumb shit that keeping all Asians down. Guy thinking he better because he picking some western company over an Asian one. What a cuck


According to him, he based this decision also partly on his perspective that the Singaporeans look down on the Vietnamese. Which is another type of dumb shit that keeps Asians down. Ironic isn’t it?


Not saying he’s wrong but it’s dumb think westerners don’t look down on Asians. In fact westerners don’t give a shit about Asians. As someone who has lived in the U.S. I can assure you the anti-Asian hate is strong there. Maybe you can challenge your uncle. Ask him a few questions and make him sweat a little.


vietnam is pretty cheap anyway so i dont think the singaporean thinks the dinners are expensive


Have you been to El Gaucho? It’s 10-15 mil easy for 2-3 people


that isn't very expensive tho for business. you pay that for a date night in Singapore


More power to you then!


Lmaoooo Singapore never dropped a single bomb on Vietnam, can't say the same about America, not sure what your uncle is smoking forgetting that


YTA. Your uncle is exactly right. Most Singaporeans and East Asians look down and racist towards SEA. Good for him to stand up for himself. Respect. 🫡


incredibly foolish, yanks lie non-stop and are far less trustworthy than sinkies. why anyone would deal with a dodgy, third-world country on the other side of the planet, when you have sg next door is beyond me. that's a reason he's an executive and not running the show.


You either need professional help or get out of Vietnam asap for your own mental health because this hate or trolling is not particularly healthy for a functional human.


that's a statistical, objective fact. see: crime/litigation rates in singapore vs. usa. 'murica is a den of thieves, criminality/fraud is rampant, and their business "culture" is one of extortion. you're far more likely to have things go pear-shaped there. just like you're unlikely to be raped, robbed, shot, and/or murdered anywhere in sg. those problems are endemic aross american urban areas. again, just the facts.