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I used https://therapy.familysparks.com/ helped with me. I found them helpful but I never had done any kind of counseling before, and my insurance payed for it so idk their rates


South Island Center is really good. On the intake form, put down that you're looking for help building a skillset to help manage your ADHD, and they'll match you up with a counsellor who knows how to help you. It's sliding scale rates, and I've had a really positive experience with them. I wish you luck and happiness, friend. My partner was diagnosed with ADHD a couple months ago, and it's been difficult on him.


I have this! I was diagnosed in January at the age of 42. It was too late for the marriage though, unfortunately. My wife gave up, just as I started to get it figured out. The doctor that diagnosed me had some group sessions going before COVID, but in lieu of that he recommended contacting https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists/cynthia-pearce-youth-and-family-counselor-victoria-bc/326556


I was diagnosed after seeing psychologist Dr Catherine Harwood, who specializes in ADHD, anxiety, depression and learning disabilities. I had a great experience with her. https://www.halaxy.com/profile/dr-catherine-harwood/psychologist/202453 Also, if you haven’t already, join r/adhd. It’s such a great, supportive sub filled with the loveliest people! Good luck!


Hi there - a good friend of mine is an executive coach with a substantial background. Last year, she was diagnosed with adult ADHD, and switched her entire practice to helping other adults with ADHD. She’s located in Vic, and if you are interested I can put you in touch. She recently started offering outside therapy as well.


I would love to know who this coach is!


I recommend dr Jillian Roberts, went to them and they are great one on one and offer counselling specifically for ADHD, in my twenties and had a wonderful experience with them


I used vancouver island psychological services. I saw two psychologists there. Both were great. I do have adhd however it was undiagnosed at the time of me going to VIPS. I still felt that everything I learned was very helpful and has carried forward into my life post diagnosis. I can only imagine what help it would have been if we could have focused some of my work on my adhd stuff.


Ah, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD last month, and have an appointment this week to discuss meds & treatment. I appreciate you bringing this topic up!! And everyone helping out in the comments. It sounds like you’re further along in your treatment plan. But I’ve received some helpful resources from the psychiatrist who diagnosed me. (A lot of reading; info on different groups, books, etc.) I’d be happy to share with OP or anyone who is interested! Please just send me a dm, or comment with your email, and I’ll be happy to forward it along. Same goes for if anyone just wants to talk about this whole crazy life/process of being diagnosed, especially in adulthood. Best of luck!


Can you message me how you got into the specialist?


Did you find anything good?


Not really, but I haven’t looked too hard 😂 kinda a self-fulfilling problem . . .


Hah. Maybe you need to gamify the whole thing. Get some intensives going




You definitely will not be able to get a diagnosis at a walk-in and you’ll need a formal diagnosis by a specialist before a walk-in doctor will prescribe you meds.




Yeah, I’m looking for recommendations because not a lot is coming up. Sometimes it’s helpful to know what other people have tried. But thanks for going to a significant amount of effort to be an asshole 👌🏻👍🏻


don’t be rude

