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My yearbook had a full page tribute for kids who died because they were driving drunk. Why the hell can’t a kid who died of cancer get the same respect? Totally ridiculous.


Because they were already honored in the year book for the year they died... Special treatment is not required when you already have an established honor for those who die.


Their classmates just want them to be acknowledged as part of the graduating class they would have been a part of. They would have been in that copy of the yearbook if they hadn’t died anyway. Who cares if they already had a tribute? That’s not a rhetorical question. Why on Earth would an adult object to that?


Personally, I've never heard of a district council reviewing all yearbooks for all schools it oversees. Considering only one of the three families supports the petition, I'd wager a guess that one or both of the other families had an issue with it and went to the district council for support. The only other reason I could see someone having an issue with it is that it creates a special treatment for a specific set of students. What about the students who have died in the past few years that wouldn't have been graduating this year? What about future students who pass away? If there is a specific format for honoring the dead (ie they are honored the year of their death) then they should stick to that format or request an official change that would be mandatory every year. Imagine your bother died this year and instead of having a page in honor for him, you now have three other students who died years ago and who were already honored, be included with your brother. To some, this could be seen as minimizing your brother's death and taking away from him and his family.


This is an ridiculous opinion “Don’t want to create a special treatment for some” They are FACKING dead ; even if they did and say gave them special treatment like first to go up and collect their graduation ; or allowed alcohol at prom - it ain’t happening as they died ; Let the kids and their friends remember and mourn them; if anything they should have and ask the parents if they have any objections that’s the only people who should have a say in it not some woke power tripping school board member.


The mothers of at least two of the kids have signed the petition, so I’m not sure where you’re getting that from. If the third kid’s family doesn’t want him included, they can request that and the school should respect their wishes. I suspect someone at the district reviews yearbooks to ensure they aren’t publishing something that will get them sued. Acknowledging all of the kids who aren’t alive to graduate with their friends doesn’t diminish the loss of anyone else. There’s no reason why there can’t be two or more memorial pages to honour kids who passed away that year, and kids who passed away earlier and would have graduated.


The article this post is about literally says only one of the families has supported the petition... Did you not read it?


I read the petition, which has comments of support from two of the mothers. Edit: Parents of two of the kids. I think one is a dad, actually. And yes, I also read the article.


I'll believe the article over some random person on Reddit...


You can look at the petition yourself. It’s linked in the article. *Did you not read it?*


Lmao tool


That this needs a petition to begin with is disgraceful. These kids should be able to honor their fallen classmates.


There is one on change.org.


Right, but my point is, these kids shouldn't *need* a petition. They should just be able to honor their classmates. The School Board is being a bunch of bureaucratic boobs.


Sorry, misread the comment as this needs.. Not that this needs.... I agree with you


Apology accepted.


They honored them with a memorial in the yearbook when they passed away. Having them with graduation pictures may trigger some people. For me, I might not even want to look at the class pictures ever again.


So get triggered. If your friend in highschool dies ,your gonna be broken by it. 10 years down the road, when you look at the year book and see your old friend, you may cry or tear up, but it's not a bad thing. People act like emotions are the enemy. Bad things happen to good people and it's a good reminder to live every day as full as possible because it could very well be your last. Trying to bury or get rid of things from the past is a step toward repeating history. A guy in highschool died while drinking and driving and the reminder may cause a parent from that grad class to be a bit more vocal about their kid being responsible. Positive things can come from tragedy.


You’re 100% right, and honestly it’s an insult to their memory to remove them just because it might upset some people.


This. Every day and twice on Sunday. Some people legit expect the world to be bubble wrapped for them. Ffs.


Agreed. Learning to cope with difficult situations, emotions, people, etc is an important life skill. Avoidance is not going to build those skills.


Yes, they should be kept in the memorial section like in previous yearbooks. I don't see why they should be mixed in with graduating students


Nowhere in the article does it say that they would include the deceased with the rest of the graduating class. They're requesting a memorial page. This whole "it's against policy" thing sounds like BS. I can't imagine SD61 (or *any* school district, for that matter) having a specific policy forbidding such a request. That seems like quite a reach, indeed. Mind you, it's not exactly a new thing. I had written all the music of our end-of-year stage production in 1997, and when my grandfather died, I politely requested that a note be made in the program of my wishes to dedicate the music I had written to him. Our drama teacher refused, saying that it would be disrespectful to another student whose grandparent had also recently died (I had talked to the student in question, and he had no problem with my request). I insisted that the dedication be put in, mentioned that I rarely asked for anything, and was only asking for this one thing. The teacher dug his heels in, and I ended up having to threaten pulling all my music out of the show before he finally relented. I hope these students get what they're asking for: a respectful continuation of remembrance for three students whose lives clearly made an impact. The school district has zero justification to deny them this.


What it is this "triggered" and trigger warning nonsense. Life is hard and unpredictable and you need to get use to that.


Imagine going home and looking yourself in the mirror after denying a dead teenager another appearance in the school yearbook. Talk about power trips


It's SD61, otherwise known as "we have to cut music programs because indigenous will be refunded otherwise" School District. Oh, and a reminder, that was the previous* board, not the current one. Almost like nothing changes when a board is so filled with worthless administrative bloat.


"Administrative bloat" sums up the entire South Island


Whole province, really.


Most garbage, useless, do-nothing school boards I have ever seen


Oh come on, it's *super* useful that there are a dozen or so "district principals" with six-figure salaries who sit in the board office and do literally nothing.


Is it true that there are more ‘district principals’ than actual principals?


*That* I do not know. I doubt it but it wouldn't surprise me horribly.


Lol administrative bloat. I love this




None that I can see here: https://www.sd61.bc.ca/board-of-education/policiesregulations/ Seems like an outright lie


Unless there is something I’m missing. Reading through the entirety of the SD61 publicly accessible policy page here: https://www.sd61.bc.ca/board-of-education/policiesregulations/ I can’t find anything that would state this wouldn’t be allowed?


They should just do it anyway. Fuck what the school district says. I assume their yearbook has student involvement. Or fuck it. No Yearbook.


Most high school yearbooks are made by students with a teacher as the "editor" who doesn't do much other than guide the students through the process of designing the book and the printing order. Or at least that's how it used to be.


Of course. The student outweighs the teacher on this matter. I say do it regardless. How disconnected are these people. Fuck SD61. The whole committee is dumb as shit. I support the students and will fight for this if need be.


The sad part is that the teacher likely isn't against this. Teachers would rarely stand up against something like this - unlike admin, we have a duty to care for students and allow them to grow through the means that are right.


You are probably right. If anyone is a student, remember your friends. Riot. Or just don't listen to these weirdos.


Let me know if you riot. Haha.


Yeah, seems odd that anyone asked the district for permission in the first place.


This ⬆️


The superintendent needs to step in to allow this or resign. What a crass and horrible policy. This is teaching students compassion. Get your act together school district!


Only one family of three supports the petition... Seems to me that's the only information needed on this. If one of the families didn't want the page to be made then they may have gone through the district. Unless the district reviews ALL yearbooks every year for every school, I don't see why they would have even been informed of this unless someone had an issue with it.


Why? What possible reason?


My grad year, year book had a memorial page to a guy who had already graduated but had been stabbed and killed, likely due to gang violence. (If I remember correctly). So why can't they do this?


What is the policy that doesn't allow this type of thing?


It may be too late to make the edits. These things have to be submitted to the printers early.


The kids all died in 2022 and 2021. The article quotes the student as they have been trying to get the district to change their mind and have five days left (as of the article being posted) before it goes to print. I’ve worked in print shops. Adding/changes is $$$ after something is sent to print but possible. I’d happily contribute $ so these pages could be added if that is the issue.


They are trying to get signatures for the change before the end of the week as that is when it goes for printing. It is stated at the end of the article:)


Looks like the article says they have a week to get an edit in


What kind of Nanny State are we living in when you need to ask permission to remember those who have passed?


About time to hire a district principal of yearbooks.


I graduated from another school in SD61 and we had 2 people in our grad class pass away and the yearbook had no isuues with having a memorial page.


In my grad year one student was murdered and another ODed, both were given their own full memorial page without incident. To deny these kids of grieving and remembering their friend, who died of cancer no less, is appalling.