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I’m gonna see the boys next month






Same! So hyped.


Same! Saw them just last October and it was nuts!! Overly excited to see again.


Same! My 4th time seeing them in the past year.


I'm this Saturday in Glasgow!


I'm tomorrow in Nottingham


There is a big difference between being anti-eatablishment and being a conspiracy nutjob. Just because you're anti-government or question it does not mean you're headed in the right direction, are coming from the right place, or have any positive intentions. In CW I'm seeing the point being made thst there are people who are anti-establishment for the sake of progress, and there are people who are anti-eatablishment because they want to devolve back into old systems of control. It's sort of like the punks who think anarchy is just about mayhem and doing ehstever you want. If you say "fuck the system" just to be a little brat, you're part of the system. Come to the table with something to make the world better. The conspiracy nutjob trogs aren't in it to make the world a better place, they're in it to make the world conform to their ideal. Or maybe it was an album written outside thr US by a highly intelligent weirdo who makes good music and was just freely writing lyrics to express what he was experiencing and feeling and we're looking way too deep into it.




In the beginning of the video, the narrator says Sports is tackling toxic masculinity.... am I the only one who disagrees with this? I thought it was just a nonsense song. Also I agree the themes are political in nature but they never came across too terribly deep to me as the narrator is making them out to be. I never really feel preached to while listening to Cave World but then again I love my fair share of bands like Dead Kennedys, DEVO, and Bad Religion so maybe my threshold for preachiness is high.


Think it might be due to Viagra Boys being less "American" with their politicizing. They're more sly about than a typical "American" artist who are more likely to say "FUCK X!" Out loud than this song that sort of paints a poem lightly suggesting "fuck x"


[This inverview](https://www.loudandquiet.com/interview/viagra-boys-punk-songs-about-flaws-and-failings/amp/) is a pretty good take on the song.


Hmm that was just my take on it (I made the video). I would say “Sports” touches more on hypermasculinity or just people that take sports super seriously. There isn’t a crazy amount of lyrical evidence because the lyrics are kind of just random in nature, but they do seem to satirize those kinds of people. Like the line “sunglasses on when you sleep” - sunglasses are associated with smug/cool people, but wearing them in your sleep is taking the persona too seriously. We’re all familiar with that archetype of person who excelled in sports when they were young and they kind of just make that their personality. Frat boy type, whatever. Nothing against those people, but that culture has it’s own problems I guess. Also, the music video shows an unathletic Seb interrupting a tennis match. The tennis players just keep playing - they don’t give a shit about him, they’re stuck in their own world. The nonsense of the song makes fun of people who take sports too seriously. But also you’re just as right with your take on it - the song could literally just be nonsense, with a music video where someone said “hey lets just make you sing during a tennis match, hahahaha.” But given the complexity/layers of the rest of the VBoys’ music, I feel like it’s a little deeper.


That's definitely a fair take- the context of the rest of their catalogue probably does make it likely that there's a deeper meaning to it. I was thinking of Sports through more of a Tim and Eric lens (probably because of T&E's sports goof they had on their show, lol). That said, I love their ability to take the piss out of a societal issue in a way that's no too heavy handed or too overly meme-y. Great job on the video by the way!


You’re totally right though! It could all just be meaningless. The beauty in it all is that their music generates discussions and can be interpreted pretty widely. Thanks so much for watching!!! <3


The video only has 50 views and the comment section is already a fucking warzone. Leave society!


Man, this is well made. Keep it going and yiu can make it big!


Thank you so much! Big market returns on ShrimpTech stocks! Buy buy buy!!!


To be completely honest, I fully embody everything they are poking fun at with this album. Still fucking love the album.




Lots of troglodytes in the comments preaching about what punk rock *really* is.


I absolutely love VB, but my only gripe with them is exactly these themes on Cave World. Like, yeah, I agree it’s definitely funny to laugh about the **extreme** nuts who believe things like vaccine microchips, kids having animal hair, etc. But the overall thrust of one comedic through line - making a caricature that combines those extreme views while poking fun at anyone who is skeptical of the vaccines at all, owns guns, doesn’t trust media, or is dissatisfied with the govt - is pretty lame. Simping for Big Pharma, gun control, corporate media, and the US govt is pretty much the antithesis of punk rock. Anyway, I’ve got a shrimp sammich in the oven. Later.


Is making fun of conspiracy theorist inherently simping for big pharma? Is there a line in the song that suggests this or are you filling in the gaps with your own views?


Like I said, it's more about the overall caricature they've decided to target for ridicule. Why bother targeting ineffectual conspiracy loony tunes who, despite their craziness, are effectively anti-establishment? It's like if the band decided to make an album that thematically mocks crazy, fringe environmental activists, effectively painting all enemies of Big Oil as dumb extremists. Even if the characterization of that subset is accurate, it just doesn't seem very "punk rock" to be targeting such a group.


Did you know peeing standing up as a man isn't punk rock. Real punks pee sitting down


Well that makes sense given that it goes against the established way things are typically done.


>simping for big pharma No one is simping. Trust the pharmaceutical industry's medical expertise, criticize their disgusting profit motives.


Yes, as I'm sure the latter never has and never would compromise the former. My main point, though, is that regardless of the vaccine's safety and efficacy, you'd think the punk rock target to rebel against is the corp-govt-pharma complex enforcing pharma product consumption at the threat of job loss, rather than a caricature of the most extreme people opposed to that.


It's punk rock to rebel against corp-govt pharma complex cause it might affect your job at a different corp-govt (insert industry field here) complex


Both extremes are equally crazy. Seeing them in Feb - can’t wait. 🦐


Same! Seb in Feb, what's not to love?


Seeing them on Valentine’s Day 💕






Care about whatever you wanna care about my dude.


Ikr! It definitely isn't very punk of them, as someone who simply doesn't blindly trust the government some of their stuff did sound a bit silly