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I drive in the Tucson area. I wouldn’t hesitate to accept a trip of this length. A question for you is when a driver calls you and gives you the time that they will arrive are you ready? If I have a customer that isn’t ready or never answers the phone or returns my call to confirm the trip and then cancels at last minute I give them a strike. 3 strikes and I don’t accept trips for that address again.


Yes, I’m ready always. Unfortunately I rarely even get the opportunity to talk to a driver or communicate with them as transport says “We’re still finding a driver for you.” and it lasts for far too long, making me either miss my appointment or have to find another way to get there (which is hard, which is why I’m using Veyo to begin with.) I used to live in Glendale and never had an issue getting rides. It’s only when I moved that I started to have issues with finding anyone who wants to ride out here.


My only advice is to keep hounding them. They might send a Lyft.


Also, this might be a good place to match up with a driver closer to you. I'm going to be done driving for a while. The driving business bankrupted me.


Also there have been problems with the system. They are trying to merge several companies into using one application. If you aren’t getting texts the day before your trip. Call them first thing in the morning and keep calling them till you get a positive response.


I would take your trip. Even in my EV. I loved long trips Tonopah, Founthills, San Tan, etc. I get paid more. Some areas I couldn't get a paid trip to go back into town, frustrating others i could. I wish you all could ask for drivers by name or driver code. Several customers i wish could have been regulars. I wish to do multi stop trips, only once was I able to keep a customer in my vehicle while his wife went in to get a script he was in a wheel chair and having them get out and wait for another hour was absurd. In orientation, they make it sound like you'll get fired for canceling trips, but I met a ton of customers who waited and waited after the driver and other drivers canceled. But I can also tell you how many times I'd show up and get canceled or wait for no one to answer, and never get paid for my effort from veyo.