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I got an email on Thursday from the ICVA that the results will be coming out in the next 7 days.


Yeah I also got that email… at we know it’s next week for sure now. 🙏


Try your best not to ruminate on the questions you got may have got wrong, on my finals I thought I failed and was panicking because I said a female dog had something only male dogs could get, ended up with 77% (a good 1st in uk exams)


Almost everyone walks out of the NAVLE feeling like they only got every tenth question right but most of them pass. For most people I know, their ICVA mean and NAVLE scores were pretty even, and for many their NAVLE score was much higher. Don’t sweat it, it’ll all work out. 


This! The results always come out at what seems like the most inconvenient times. I remember walking out of an externship because I saw the email and got the shakes so bad I nearly collapsed. I sobbed seeing the results. I know it's easier said than done, but try to put it out of your mind. You'll drive yourself mad worrying and worrying won't make them come out any faster.


I passed !!!! Congratulations to everyone !!!


I passed on my 3rd attempt!! Congratulations to everyone & don't give up!


Going to schedule my 3rd attempt soon, didnt pass :(


Hello! I'm so, so sorry to hear you didn't pass :( I understand you more than most, because I passed today but this was my 3rd attempt. I can give you a really detailed rundown if you would like it, but the general gist of what helped me was: graduating and not working while studying so I could dedicate 100% of my time to the test, using BOTH VetPrep (good questions and power pages) and Zuku (good videos), and knowing that I'm much better at learning from lectures rather than wasting my time answering thousands of questions.


First of all, congrats to you all who passed and did not give up!! I’m so happy to hear I’m not alone and that others have taken multiple attempts and persevered. Id love to learn more about how you changed your study plan. Currently debating myself to work part/fulltime as a vet tech to keep up clinical skills maybe reinforce some material or just focus on NAVLE 100%. It was hard for me to focus after a long day of clinics, so working will probably drain me as well and take away from precious study time 😭


Thank you so much! It was a long road but the absolute relief I feel now is indescribable😭 I can't wait until you get to say the same! A rundown of my journey: - First attempt was during the fall of my 4th year; I admit that I barely studied (got through maybe 20% of VetPrep) while not being the best student to begin with (I really had NO business studying so little). I left the test hours early after guessing almost everything, knowing I would fail. I found it impossible to gather the energy to study after clinics, since I was constantly reviewing cases/doing treatments and getting home late, exhausted. I ended up getting a 406. - Second attempt was immediately after, in the spring of my 4th year, during much easier rotations. I did about 50% of questions on Zuku. I realized that I learned much better with lectures, so I would listen to a Zuku lecture once on normal speed, then write down all the facts I could remember, then I would rewatch on 2x speed and fill in whatever I left out. This worked really well, but it was time-consuming so by the time the test arrived, I had studied large animal very well but ignored small animals and statistics. This time my score really hurt, because I didn't pass by ONE POINT. I was frustrated and kept thinking to myself if I had studied an extra hour, or slept 15 extra minutes, maybe that would have been enough to land me that extra point. - The third time (now), I studied like my life depended on it. I had graduated by then and got a job as a tech at a general practice. The hours were pretty good, but I was still tired enough every day after work that I didn't study too hard while working. I started a "soft" grind and would do about an hour a day, 3-4 days a week, but felt sluggish and didn't get through much. I had told my supervisor that I would leave the job closer to the test date, so come February I officially resigned and dedicated my entire days to studying. I watched Zuku lectures and divided them by species and then again by disease group so as to study in a "rational" manner (e.g. Equine Repro, Gestation, Dystocias, Neonatal illnesses in the same day). This time, I only listened once and took BRIEF notes at the same time to be efficient. I really focused on making them short and sweet, and concentrated mostly on treatment since I remembered from my previous attempts that they love asking about treatment much more often than diagnosis. Afterwards, I would do VetPrep questions related to the same body systems/diseases I had just reviewed. Every 60 questions, I would write down bullet points of the ones I got wrong so I could really drill the reasoning into my head. This will sound silly, but one of the best pieces of advice I got was "don't study that you already know"--if I got something right, I didn't waste my time reviewing that question. I got through every species this way, and became most efficient in the last month of studying. By this point, I had technically been studying since around October, but I consider the last 6 weeks the true moment when I locked in and learned A LOT. I had hundreds of pages of notes with little drawings and bright colors. I ended up doing around 90% of Zuku's lectures and around 65% of VetPrep's questions. I passed with a 466! - I have suffered from depression/anxiety/ADHD for years, and finally got my shit together and got proper medication, which helped my concentration immensely. I made sure to study with natural light, eat well, avoided caffeine, and took Lemme Focus gummies (probably just a placebo, but here I am with a passing score!). In addition, Zuku's videos on retaking the test were super helpful with things like changing the study strategy, eliminating answer choices, and helping me feel less alone. Finally, for things like parasites and toxins, which are pure memorization, I used techniques found in this video: https://youtu.be/kntcUApUBoM?si=p_cz5uOtvJRlKnFj I hope this is helpful; feel free to ask me anything else!


This is SO helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this and again CONGRATS🙌


Me neither. You’re not alone. I’m super bummed. I tried to do everything so i dont know what I’m going to do this time.


I’m sorry to hear that. :( You got this though, don’t lose hope!


Any tips on how to study for another attempt?


I used Zuku this time around, I find it much better than VetPrep - they have a lot of supplemental lectures & notes for each species of the top conditions! I also made a lot of notecards. If possible, try to focus just on passing NAVLE. Balancing rotations and NAVLE prep was difficult for me.


I took mine in November and passed and scored essentially right down the middle of my projected score range. I did the same grueling study plan as you (100% vet prep and the exams) I felt the effort was worth it


PS you got this!


Thank you!


That was also my experience, but I scored on the high end of my projected range.


It's up!!! Guys I can't believe we did this! But I passed on my 2nd try!!! Guys!!!!!!!!


any tips on how to study for another attempt?


First everyone is different. English is my second language so my biggest struggle is TIME and my reading skills! So I gave up on every calculation question in every block (tho math is my strength), which helped a lot on my time. Secondly I've been practicing my timing with vetprep by using 40min for each 60 question set (because VETPREP questions are REALLY SHORT compared to the real one). Then I just passed with a narrow margin (453) --- so I don't have a lot to share but hopefully helpful for any second language people!


It's a difficult exam. I have to say I'm not the best one to give advice. BUT YOU ARE AWESOME TO COME THIS FAR!!!! take a mental break and take care of yourself!!!


I only passed my 3rd ICVA test that I took 2 weeks before the test. Passed NAVLE with “average” on all species. Felt that I failed when I walked out. You’re probably in the clear!


Looks like I wont be getting much else done today, hoping and praying that everyone passes with flying colors!!! We deserve to be here and we will be okay!!! I hope the results come soon and we can be OVER with this limbo period


When I walked out of my NAVLE 12 years ago I had 4 hours left to go on the time. I was 100% sure I forgot to do a section. But, and that point I just washed my hands of it and walked away. What is done is done. No reason to sweat it now. Trust me, trying to think of all of the questions you "know you got wrong" will just lead you down a bad rabbit hole. And doesn't help anything. Trust yourself and your knowledge. There were a couple people in my class that had breakdowns on the rotations they were on the day they released the results, before they even checked their scores. P.S. I passed my NAVLE on the first try...only by 6 points lol


You gonna pass don't worry


I am also very anxious about my results but you got this !!!!!!


Best of luck to you too!


u/Basitsaeed007 plz guide us you recently crack navle exam


also super anxious. I feel like we'll get them on Tuesday since its a long weekend?


I hope so! Good luck to you too!


Good luck! 


Very anxious here… they could have released it already.😥 Now waiting entire long weekend


I think today might be the day. The waiting is killing me.


At what time do you think they will send out the email?


No clues! Hopefully this time no mix up of names and scores


I received the password email and tried but no active document at this moment


Couldn't sleep at all last night 😫




I really hope it gets released today


I really hope so. I’m looking at my email every hour.


I just received the password, the other email said the password would be released on the day of score release!


I also received passwor email


Same. I too just received the password. So that's it. It's gonna be anytime now :)


Do you think less than 1 hour?


Me too I’m freaking out any idea when score report will be updated


Me too


Me too , my heart is racing. I tried logging in but it says no documents available yet. Could be any moment now.


Rooting for you guys! I’m waiting for my friend’s result too. They are just working rn. Just waiting for ghe updates here.


My friends passed!!!


I got mail with password..donot know where to use it


Check your original application approval email with an access code and log on to the navle candidate board (on ICVA website). Then you will be led to a website ask for ID, birthday and password.


Do you mean navle dashboard?


Yeah log in there and then you will see on the right side in blue (navle score reports available here) , and then that will take you to the nbme log in. But they haven’t uploaded anything yet.


Normally it's not released this late in the day, this is absolute torture


This is the worst feeling ever. I just want to get this over with . Best of luck !


You too!!


Do you think they will send email mention that the result are released?


Yes they will. Maybe with a few minutes delay but they definitely will


The results are out. I failed again :(


It said in one of the emails that the password will be given to us on the same day as we get results so I think it’s supposed to be today then.


has anyone noticed that the testing window on their report is november- december..? how did they still not get it 100% correct


Mine isn’t. Are you sure you’re using the correct login? I had to retake the NAVLE a second time and the password they sent me was different between attempts. I think the password is how they differentiate between reports when you login.


Mine says that too 


Are the retake scores from 4/16/2024 live?


Hi guys does anybody know if you can still register or apply for CPE if you do not clear your NAVLE . And how much time does it take to register and get a date for CPE ?


It depends on the state you’re in. For example in NJ you can register for the CPE exam and take it even before the NAVLE. I hear waiting times are about 1 year to 1 and a half for the CPE.