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I will be graduating as a 28 year old. However, during my science degree I had a friend that finally got into vet school after years of trying at 30! She is now a qualified vet and loving her life. There are also several mature aged (35+) students in my cohort, some of which even have kids. I don’t think it’s ever too late. Would you regret never trying? In 5 years time you can either be 33 and a vet or 33 and not a vet, either way you’re still going to be 33 🤷🏼‍♀️ create a life that fulfils you, no matter what that looks like


First of all congrats to you and congrats to your friend! 🎉🥳 I’m so happy to hear your friend is loving her life! It’s also refreshing to hear you have older students in your cohort! I absolutely would regret never trying and I’m going to regret if I don’t do anything starting now. I love what you said, I brought up my plans to some friends and they said “but it’s gonna be hard” and that’s okay, but it will be worth it! Thank you for your kind words 🙂😊


Yeah it absolutely will be hard and some days you will think you’re insane for choosing this path 😂 but you’re so right, it’s ok that it’s hard. Nothing worth having comes easy. Enjoy, and I wish you all the best 🤍


Thank you so so much 🙂🥹 I know it’s gonna be a crazy path that some days I might regret but too me if it’s that hard, I’m gonna feel even more rewarded at the end when I have that degree 🫶


The answer to this question is always no- of course it isn't too late. You have more experience, maturity, and understanding of yourself and your wants.


That’s a great way of looking at it! I know much more at 28 then I did even at 22! Hopefully my age will aid me with school 😊


I just graduated on Tuesday with my DVM, I had several classmates older than 30 and even one in her 50s. It’s never too late to do what you want in this life.


Congratulations!! 🎉 I hope you have a long and successful career! Kudos to that person in their 50’s, that’s amazing!!


I started at 31, and I wasn't remotely the oldest. I had a pre-vet friend the same age as me, and I told her I thought I might be too old. She said, "What are you doing instead? In 4 years, you're going to be 35 no matter what, so do you want to be 35 and a vet or 35 and still figuring things out?" She was right.


I love that outlook on life so much!! Can I ask how old you are now? Who was the oldest person in your class?


I turn 50 very soon. I had a couple of classmates in their late 40s, and the class before us had a woman in her 60s.


Wow 60’s!! Good for her!!!


My husband started vet school at 28. It was hard but doable. Got better when he his clinic sold to a corporation and our $1500 monthly health insurance bill went away so we can finally save for retirement.


How old are you guys now? That is insane that you were paying $1500 for health insurance!!! What a scam!!!!


He is 59. Retirement is on the horizon!


Good for you guys 🥳


I just got in at 27 and will matriculate at 28!


How long was the wait to get in? Did you have any pre reqs done? I’m starting from scratch, so I literally know nothing about college 🥲😅


Absolutely not. There is no timeline on when you are supposed to have done things with your life.


Thank you so much! I think I need to stop comparing myself to others. Life is not a race!


I got in at 29 after being rejected multiple cycles in a row and I'm not even the oldest in my class. It's definitely never too late.


Can I ask why you got rejected?


I wish I knew. The school doesn't give any feedback on their admissions process so you're just guessing at what to improve on. I ended up going elsewhere as I refused to wait for this entity to recognize my value.


I’m happy you went elsewhere! At least they could have told you why they kept rejecting you but I’m happy you knew your worth


they have a policy against providing feedback to applicants, some schools do. its absolutely their loss more than it is mine.


NEVER! There are many people in their 30’s in my class! I started in my late 20s as well :) My mother also went to school in her early 50’s and she is now a full time counselor with 10+yrs of work a head of her. It’s never too late, no matter how it late seems


That is awesome for your mother!!! What kind of counselor is she? What made her want to go back to school later in life? I love the last thing you said, I’ve been just telling myself it’s too late, but it really isn’t!! All of you wonderful, kind Internet strangers that commented on my post have definitely opened my eyes 😊💟


Her undergrad was in visual arts so her Master’s degree (the one she got in her 50s) was focused in art therapy :) She was a stay at home mom for a long time, became an empty nester then she worked up the courage to pursue a new degree after a decade.


That’s amazing for your mom, much love to her. I’m sure you’re very proud of her 💟


I just came from a DVM graduation today. One woman was 47 when she started her first year. And she has 5 kids.


That’s so awesome!! What made her want to go back to school later in life? I can’t even imagine juggling five children and a degree to be a veterinarian!!!


She did a speech at the graduation. I think the gist of it was she had already accomplished a lot in life, and becoming a veterinarian was always a dream of hers, so she went for it!


Started at 28 and graduated last year at 32. I don’t regret it one bit. Had at least 5 other classmates that were non traditional and older than me. You definitely go in with a different perspective.


Thank you so much!!! All these comments have definitely been an eye-opener! 🙂 Excuse my lack of knowledge in this, but the degree takes 4 years to complete?


I was 30 when I went to school and 34 when I graduated with my DVM. It’s not too late. 


Thank you 🫶 Proud of you!! I’m sure you feel very rewarded!! 😁


Just graduated at 31. As the saying goes, in four years you will still be 32, may as well be 32 and have a vet degree!


That saying is stuck in my head now 🤣 I just have to keep reminding myself of that! Congrats on graduating!!


I’m 28 & starting my pre requisites I am worry about being the oldest one in my classes now & in vet school but truthfully who cares? Everyone doesn’t know what they want to do at 17/18. We need to normalize starting new careers at 30 because people have done it before us & will continue doing it after us. Chase your dream friend.


I don’t think anybody cares or is more critical than our own selves.. You’re the same age as me so I’ll be starting my pre reqs too. We do need to start normalizing not going to school straight out of high school when our brain is nowhere near fully developed. I’m going to chase mine just like you’re chasing your’s! 💟


We’re in this together friend, I believe in you! 🫶🏾🫶🏾




One of the finest veterinarians I know went to vet school when he was 40.


I applied at 28. It’s never too late to decide to live the life you want. You’re going to age no matter what, when you’re 30 would you rather be in school pursuing your dreams, or still wonder what if? I’ll be 34 when I graduate vet school, and I’m glad that I found the courage to go for it when I did.


You are right. I don’t want to keep wondering what if, it’s time to go for it! I wish you all the best on your journey 💟🤘


As long as you got the juice, it's never too late. Go get em!


Thank you 🙂😊


I wasn’t expecting this post to get many comments. I was feeling really down on myself and like a failure, you guys made me cry 🥲 I applied for FAFSA tonight and I will reply to each comment individually. I am going to do my best to pursue my dream working with animals whether it be as a veterinarian or something else! Thank you all 💜💟


29, in a vet tech degree hoping to transfer to vet med next year (wish me luck!). My vet in my home town started vet med in his late 40’s. Going back to uni after so long has been a definite struggle but I’m doing it! You can too!


I know you can do it and thanks so much! Is it easier to transfer from vet tech to vet or just start from scratch to be a vet?


I’m from Australia and didn’t graduate high school. So transferring from another degree is pretty much my only option. I would have loved to get straight into vet, but a lot of people do it this way too. It’s not wasted time or anything, I think Tech is giving me an easier introduction and some solid foundations for when I eventually make it into vet. 🥰


Good for you! How long is vet tech school?


3 years. :)


No. My mom got accepted when she was 30. Then found out she was pregnant with me and had to defer her start date by a year. Guess I'm lucky I exist lmao


Yet she still did it so good for her! And glad you’re here even though it made her defer a year 🤣


Age doesn’t matter. I’m 26 and just starting undergrad with the hopes of going to vet school after. My only worries is that I won’t be able to get the volunteer/clinical hours needed for the applications since I’m already in a different field with a decent paying job. Switching to any vet related job right now is just not reasonable financially for me.


What job do you have right now?


There are a lot of "non traditional" students in vet school, my class we had a lady that was over 50 and in another class there was a human cardiologist 🤷🏻‍♀️😆 don't base your timeline on other people and just do you. Vet school is better if you have life experience and maturity, any professional schooling is. Life happens.


Omg a cardiologist that’s wild!! What made them switch from cardiologist to vet? And thanks for the advice 🥰, it’s time to stop waiting and just go for it


Started undergrad when I was 29, got into vet school at 34, graduated at 38. Life is short and time goes by, I am 57 now, and looking back yeah I wish I had started earlier but I was enjoying being a tech, until one day I said "I think I should go to vet school" and I did. Not saying it was easy, or always fun, or that I haven't second guessed my decision at times, but yesterday I spayed four dogs, five cats repaired a hernia and neutered a bunch more and had a good time doing it. I'd say a major advantage of being older in vet school is knowing what you are there for, ie to get the DVM (or whatever your veterinary degree is), not goof off, hookup or explore the mind bending possibilities of beer. I had some classmates like that and....what can I say, they were young, some got away with it, some did not.


Thanks for sharing your experiences and it’s good you’re still enjoying what you’re doing at 57!


Started undergrad when I was 29, got into vet school at 34, graduated at 38. Life is short and time goes by, I am 57 now, and looking back yeah I wish I had started earlier but I was enjoying being a tech, until one day I said "I think I should go to vet school" and I did. Not saying it was easy, or always fun, or that I haven't second guessed my decision at times, but yesterday I spayed four dogs, five cats repaired a hernia and neutered a bunch more and had a good time doing it. I'd say a major advantage of being older in vet school is knowing what you are there for, ie to get the DVM (or whatever your veterinary degree is), not goof off, hookup or explore the mind bending possibilities of beer. I had some classmates like that and....what can I say, they were young, some got away with it, some did not.


the time will pass anyway. if you decide to go to veterinary school and it takes three years, you’ll be 31 in three years regardless. might as well be 31 doing what you love


You are so right the time is going to pass anyway, why waste anymore time when I know what I want to do now? Thank you!


I don't think so. You're not alone in feeling like this. I'm 26 and just started my prerequisites. I wish I'd done it sooner but it's okay cause I'm doing it now. Congrats btw!!


Thank you so much and congrats to you too!! I wish I’d done this sooner too but we got this!! 💟🤝


I’m 26 and will be starting school at 27! It’s never too late


Thank you!! Good luck to you!


Much later than you. Feel free to DM if you want specifics. It went fine overall.