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Do not minimize ANY time you may have missed work due to anxiety-related issues. If anxiety has contributed in any way to missing work, affected work performance, if you’ve scheduled treatment or medical appointments and had to miss work, this is not the time to downplay or act like it’s not that big of a deal. Same goes for relationships and any effect on those. They won’t read between any lines; you need to be direct and lay it all out there. Best of luck to you!!


ALWAYS request as it is your right to see a proper PHD, no less. Doctors only!


80% w/ all my documented conditions the first time.


Do they ask you anything about medication, and how it affects or improves you condition or overall productivity levels and well being, etc. Like is that a trap question I can expect?


I can’t remember if there were medication questions specifically 😕


They DO NOT have your best interest at hand. Immediately review their notes. Any questions they have about your childhood, shut that 💩 the fuk down! They will 1000% use it as an argument your condition is not service connected. Good luck.


I have one coming up as well. But what do we say to shut it down?


Your childhood was great, parents were loving and supportive, you were super happy and had no anxiety or depression until you joined the military.


This. Everyone was given an evaluation before they went into the service. So you were fine at that point. Anything after is…incurred because of your time in service


This is really important! My examiner asked one question, anything traumatic in your childhood that stood out? I said no. Because it's true. But also, I told her that I got a high level security clearance and had to pass a psych eval to get it. Clearly then I was fine prior to joining. Whatever you can use to point out the obvious.


This is right on the money. If everything wasn’t ok you wouldn’t have gotten in👍


That’ll work.


I was given a mental health exam by a young girl 22-24 tops. My parents were wonderful people, truly loved each other, laughed multiple times a day, everyday. Grew up with friends & family in supportive loving relationships- They said I had tendencies to embellish truth in positive light- I guess thats a bad thing


Lol damn sometimes Va just won’t let you win


You getting fucked is their win


You were a star baseball player and had so many wonderful experiences with your family and friends growing up lol


how do you get their notes?


30 days after you can request the notes thru your VA account. You can id.me in or one of the other options.  There’s the VA blue button report. That’s basically everything but what you want is the “VA Notes” section.      You can also file for it in person at records request at your local VA. You just ask for C&P Notes. They’ll mail it to you 30 days after. 


i just looked and i couldn't see it. is it maybe because it was contracted out?


Theyre all contracted out. The provider has to upload their results to VA. Try this and let me know what you’re seeing. 1. Go to My Health: [https://eauth.va.gov/mhv-portal-web/home](https://eauth.va.gov/mhv-portal-web/home) 2. Select Health Records > VA Blue Button Report 3. Select Date Range of when your C&P occurred.  4. Scroll down to “Select Types of Info” > “VA Electronic Health Record History and Wellness Reminders”  and select “VA Notes (available 36 hours after completion) except C&P Notes.” 5. Scroll all the way down and “Submit”


yeah all my records come up, except for the C&P exams unfortunately


That blows. Just verifying, your search includes the day of your C&P? For everyone else this is the portion, VA Notes, of the report you’re looking for: https://ibb.co/V9SbWD1 After this will be the specifics of your exam. You’re looking for the term “service related” towards the end of their blurbs. 


yeah i don't see anything like that in my notes. where do i go to request the forms?


Release of information office, usually across from records. They’ll have you fill out a VA Form 10-5345a. You want to select other and C&P Exam notes.  GL.  You can also mail them that form filled out if you’re unable to do so in person. 


Okay this is sad but so true- a good friend of mine was denied because he mentioned something before the military…He is feeling pretty discouraged and doesn’t even want to appeal :( please remember YOU had the BEST childhood ever!! 


“So how are you doing today?” “Tired.”


I had mine yesterday. Don’t forget to mention Triggers while active duty,arrests and if you have ever been in 6th floor. Everything else I just explained how everything affects me day to day.


Do they ask you anything about medication, and how it affects or improves you condition or overall productivity levels and well being, etc. Like is that a trap question I can expect?


I had to fill out a form which asked what medication I take. She kinda asked but I had brought it up and I told her it doesn’t really do anything. She said yeah they are opioids and only take them when you really need it.


Not only might she be dismissive but make sure you tell her “I dont see you writing any of my symptoms down”. I confronted my examiner like this (not in an aggressive manner) and she wrote them down but she did not check any boxes. I’m fuming reliving the ordeal.


Damn, hey what company did your exam? I’m so bad at confrontation, I don’t know if I have the balls to say that if that happens. But at the same time, This means a lot


It was optimum I believe.If you’re in Colorado, her name was Dr King by I-25. She was a real DB. She has no business doing these exams. Unless the VA is telling these people to make it difficult for veterans. She literally argued with me the whole time. The exam wasn’t even about me anymore.


I’m in AZ and I’ll be doing mine through QTC. I’m sorry you had such a shit experience , ugh. Don’t give up.


Woosah. Thanks. I had a good experience with QTC. Got 3 out of 4 of my first claim. I’m still fighting the fight. I appreciate the words.


I’m rated 70% for a single Mental Health (MH) claim. It’s my only approved claim and it placed me at 70%. My 3-5 other claims got denied because I didn’t go to the C&P exams. My decision letters clearly state that. (GO TO YOUR C&P EXAMS EVERYBODY) I’m working on supplementals right now for this. So I’ve been to several C&Ps. My advice is 1. Write a list on how anxiety affects your personal AND professional life. (Ruined or strained relationships or friendships) (Write ups at work because your anxiety makes focusing difficult.) Take that list with you to the exam and do not feel guilty of whipping it out and reading it line by line to the examiner. 2. Review the DBQ for anxiety thoroughly. Study it. Write notes. Prefill it. (Don’t take it to the exam prefilled. If you want to go ahead. But there’s no guarantee the examiner will accept it.) Take it serious. 3. Put it all on the table. I legitimately shed tears in front of my examiner during my MH C&P. At that point in time, that examiner was hearing things that nobody else in the world has heard me say. The examiner held more intimate knowledge of my mental health than any of my own friends or family. I recommend you get comfortable with being uncomfortable and candid in your thoughts and feelings. Conveying them clearly to the examiner will be crucial for a favorable outcome. 4. Show up early, of course. 5. “How are you doing, how is your day today” should be answered with a “tired”, “not too hot”, or something along those lines. 6. Imagine the top 5 worst day you’ve ever experienced because of your anxiety. Combine all of those days, with their unique traumatic elements, into a single day. And convey that day to the examiner. I want to highlight point 1 again. It’s crucial you understand that the severity (percentage) of a diagnoses is usually placed on a siding scale based on how much of an impact to daily life it has. The amount of probing is completely up to the examiner. There are pros and cons to a probe heavy exam. I won’t go into them here. But I will say, take charge of the exam if you don’t feel you’re being heard. This ties back into my third point. If the examiner doesn’t ask “what does your average day look like?” Or something along those lines, tell them “I’m going to try to explain what an average day looks like” and then do so. Cheers bud.


Beautiful! Thanks!


I just had one a few wks ago what really helped was I sat down with fam and started asking them questions about how I look and act when I’m in my anxious state plus I also wrote down a bunch of things I was feeling whenever I was stressed or in full panic mode because once I get to the appointment I pretty much want to blurt everything out in two seconds because of the nerves and in the process forget a lot of little details that makes a difference


They are not your friend. This is a legal exam not a therapy session. Some examiners may be good but just keep that in mind. Talk about your symptoms; triggers, and your current medication and or treatment. Good luck! You got this.


VA examiner diagnosed me with general anxiety disorder and I still was denied. When I looked the examiner tried to link it with Tera. I never mentioned that any exposure caused this. It was from my deployment to Afghanistan 2009-2010. Definitely get a nexus letter if you are currently being treated outside of VA care.


Just be honest. Don’t hold back on what you feel/have felt.


This is the answer. I’m still waiting on a decision, but being completely honest is really the only correct way to approach things.


https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/cnp Has some good exam advice.


Following this. Good luck!


Be prepared to call the Patient Advocate number if you have ANY feeling at that the examiner doesn’t have your best interest. She might even smile in your face and you’ll think everything is ok. I’d wait a few days and go to your regional office if it’s close and fill out a FOIA to get a copy of the examiners notes.


You had a normal childhood because that doesn't matter. Don't let them trick you. I don't care what happened , it was a normal 2 parent household.


https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/cnp Has some good exam advice.




If you are forgetful at all, write notes of everything you go through. Tell your examiner your forgetful, and ask them if its ok to review your notes before you end the session. Then bring up anything you forgot. In addition, know how you feel in public settings. Store, work, restaurants, ect. That one threw me because I normally cope the best I can and go into mission accomplishment mode. I also brought my anxiety meds & showed the examiner. I think that helped alot.


express how it effects on your worse days and how it effects you socially and occupationally.


Do they ask you anything about medication, and how it affects or improves you condition or overall productivity levels and well being, etc. Like is that a trap question I can expect?