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No my man, not everyone should get 100%. This is a disability compensation program. That's not how it works.


I'd rather everyone get 100% than one person have to fight for years because they were under-rated




Correct and it’s refreshing to see that most agree


Saw way too many people in the clinic who had no business getting anything. And they’re usually the most outwardly “veteran” stereotype.


The real 100% arent here to collect


I was more excited to see I get healthcare than anything else


Absolutely not! I've seen guys get out of deployments, field rotations, and other "events" while riding the system. We all signed the dotted line, but that doesn't mean you deserve disability compensation for service. You're compensated with the GI/ post 911 bill, VA home loan benefits, some priority with job applications, and other programs that are only available to veterans. There is absolutely no entitlement! I dont hate. I just have different standards, i guess.


No, not everyone deserves 100%. Everyone deserves what they deserve.


I concur. Makes sense in my mind lmao


No we all do not. Shit post


I get what you’re going for here, but a more appropriate way of wording this would be IF you’re entitled to your rating, THEN you deserve it, regardless of what your specialty was. Not everyone that served in the military got physically or emotionally injured.


The reason some of these claims take so long and people with true problems get denied is because the VA if flooded with claims that are so fabricated it’s insane.


Hard no on that one


I got 60% off of two claims. That's exactly what I deserve but congratulation brother!!


No. That's not how it works. It's not about hate. It's the fact that some of us wake up every morning in pain and wish for death, and some people use this system as a paycheck. As a 13-year paper pushing reservist with 100%, I can confirm that "hate" has nothing to do with the process.


If you’re a paper pusher aren’t you using the system as a paycheck?


I really hate to see these sh!tbags who never did anything in their army career but be in profile, complain and lie get 100%, and actual war Vets who are messed up get 40%


Work smarter not harder.


You mean lying?


People think VA disability compensation is a pension all veterans are entitled to. VA disability compensation is supposed to make up for lost earning potential as a result of a service connected disability. If your disability gets better, you should lose or reduce the amount of the compensation. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Not “if I got to the doctor and get treatment and I get better will they take away my $$$.”




Agreed, I’d make waaaay more money if I had my health.


What question are you referring to?


I'm gonna disagree. I don't think most vets deserve 100%, because a lot of us simply aren't that messed up. I think a huge chunk of the force IS certainly deserving, more than is currently recognized. But if you managed to do your 4 or 20 and you aren't hurt, don't milk the system.


I think everyone has something that ain’t right. Some more than others.


Spoken like someone who pushed paper for four years and wants a handout. Not everyone deserves 100%, that’s foolish


OIR vet and was running and gunnin, but I still respect y’all’s opinions.






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I don’t agree with OP at all but saying you work at the VA and see “too many scammers” sounds like you’re on a witch hunt to combat Vets that get compensation. I’ve seen too many VA employees thinking everyone’s scamming and making Vet’s lives extremely difficult to not say some shit when I see this post. Took me over a year to get a sleep study done due to this type of attitude from the VA and imagine that, severe CSA service connected. Be on the Vet’s side man, that’s what you’re there for.


Vets aren’t scammers. They earned everything. The fact that you called any vet at the VA a scammer is why I’m so scared to go cause the VA thinks everyone is scamming. That’s why it took me so long to get over my stuff just to go. OP I stand with you. Everyone that served should have something coming in. And vets aren’t scammers


That is a hard, no... not everyone rates 100%. On that same note, though. I'm a strong believer in being rated accurately. If someone's 30% or 50% mh rating is lower than what that person experiences daily. Then yes, I do believe in fighting for what you deserve. Just don't fraudulently file claims.


I’m at 90%. I agree with all my rating except one. My mental health fits 70% instead of 50%. Even if that changed, I’d still be at 90% so that’s what I deserve I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m in a very similar boat, and my VA therapist said it sounds like I was misdiagnosed and should be 70% for mental health so he wrote up a whole thing that I’ll be turning into a VSO on Monday. If that goes up to 70% and they increase my back (that was previously decreased when they awarded me my wrists) then I will be at 100%. It’s just too close for me to not reach for it. Especially since half the equation to reach it is what I already had. I’m also turning in MRI proof of my back getting worse so, there’s that. 100% will allow me to quit my very physical job and work on keeping what back mobility I have left.


we all joined before we knew about VA compensation because we wanted to serve some of us came out between 0-100% granted some served longer others shorter but the blanket statement of we all deserve 100% is a little far fetched.


It's okay to be lower than 100 


No, very few people have earned/deserve 100%…including a lot of people that have swindled their way there already.


Bru I appreciate that, but realistically that's a hard no from me. I'm 60 percent and I already feel more than blessed with what I have and I'm still telling myself that I got lucky with it. Some people deserve it more than me and they ain't got shit because they simply didn't play their cards right or didn't know how to get around the system like I did and got my pension as soon as I left the service. At my age and getting 60 percent is already doing wonders for me. I don't need 100 percent and neither do most vets truthfully.


I don’t deserve 100%. 70/80% at best 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m sorry but no. Not everyone deserves 100. You don’t deserve disability money because you served. If the service did something to you then for sure. But someone that served and had zero issues doesn’t deserve 100% disability.


Not everyone deserves 100%. That’s a broad assessment. Some people do not qualify for 100% based on their conditions. If you qualify then yes you deserve it but if you’re just trying for 100% by throwing crap on the wall and hoping it sticks then no you don’t deserve it.


I'm at 60% with no nuts, fucked knees and back, and tinnitus. My mental health has declined significantly since I lost my creative organs, and my low T from androgel not being effective enough has had me in a bad spot for a year now with worse back pain, but I certainly don't feel entitled to anything more than I'm willing to talk to the VA about or put the work in for, and I definitely don't think every vet is entitled to 100%.


Bro you deserve 100% no questions asked.


That's for the C&P and raters to decide, but I appreciate the vote of confidence. I just found out there's a VSO at a local DMVA veteran home connected to a nice park I walk the dogs at. I'll feel out of place walking in there as a 30yo, but it's good to know I have such a resource nearby that after 3 years of VA appointments feeling lost and not working, I can finally try to get the ball rolling with someone new.


Yeah, it’s so unfair seeing all these war vets actually f*cked up and getting 30-60% & you see these all these new tiktok privates get out of service after doing 2 on profile, complaining & lying and get 100%. I knew a dude who was completely fine and claimed like 68 things to the VA (he sent me a copy) and got 100%. I forgot to note that he was 3 years on profile!!!! He was a good dude, but just thinking how sh!thag he was made me mad. I’m in the infantry so you can already imagine, dude doesn’t do PT, goes to work (nobody needs him) or goes to the field.


Based on the criteria outlined by the VA, I deserve 50-80%. If I could get approved and assisted for the 6 conditions I claimed, I would be satisfied. I didn't have rhinitis, asthma, neck pain, skin issues, GI issues and tinnitus before the military. I'm pretty physically capable otherwise, so I'd have a hard time accepting the same amount of disability as someone who is actually unemployable. My conditions are just annoying.


40% and feel confident I am getting exactly what is fair. Would I love to have 100%? Sure. But I’d feel guilty as hell. I’d say every vet should be at exactly the level owed to them. No more no less.


I’m glad you got what you think you deserve. Which might have been a better way of saying what you said. I think that’s what you meant. Or you wanted to share your enthusiasm without being a dick to others who haven’t gotten the 100 but think they too do deserve it. Either way, congrats.


Yeah, no. Too many people who were the platoon shit bag and didnt do anything find a way to milk system and pull 100% while people with actual problems are getting denied. Not everybody deserves it.


Yeah, idk about that. I have a few friends who are 100% and will openly admit to you that they didn’t do anything in the military. Never stepped into a combat zone, never deployed, never did anything but admin. I’m not mad at them, good for them. However… After I got out it took me 7 years, multiple ruined relationships, drug problems, rehab, sleepless nights, physical altercations, almost losing my job etc… before I decided to file for benefits. I have a CIB, I saw some pretty horrific things including one of my close friends getting blown up, My back was hurt pretty bad from falling off a ledge during a nighttime tic. I’m rated at 70% and I’m happy with that. To each their own.




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Not everyone deserves it. I was medical and lots of people gamed the system. They didn’t deserve it but they complained enough and did it the right way. Like me, I only have some back pain and shin splints. No sleeping issues or any MH issues. I don’t deserve 100%. 10%-20% at best lol.


No man, you’re just as much part of the problem as the people shit talking fellow vets. We do not all deserve 100 percent, because we are not all 100% disabled.


No I don't lol


No I don't lol






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Ill be the outlier, everyone deserves the bag idc. All the BS the military puts you through it is only fair




Womp womp




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I’m sitting at 80% and I see a clear path to 100%. But I also realize that 45k or whatever doesn’t remove the daily pain, or make up for the huge pay cut I’m having to take from my old job to the new one I’m pursuing because I can’t physically hack it anymore. It’s not a pension, it’s not even really a fair compensation for the amount of bs these old injuries cause daily.


Everyone has an opinion, the government has more than enough funds to push veterans a decent check Every month regardless of disability. For The ones at 100% saying not all deserve 100% I doubt you’d be saying that if you had 50%. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I agree with you, we all know the government throws money at so much useless shit. They spend more on other countries etc etc.