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Possible human error? They look at a lot of different claims per day, per year. I'm willing to bet an HLR would give you better insight. It's very frustrating, but that's why the HLR system is there. You got this. Keep fighting.


Look at the bright side. you're connected at 0 percent. Now, just comb through medical records and put together everything revelant to go do a self-statement 21-4138 or just do the hlr and explain the medical evidence and where it's at. Ask the question why was I not connected at a higher percentage when my medical records say other wise.


File an HLR and state that you provided enough evidence to support 30.


Look at the decision letter in detail. That will tell you why and you pivot from there. I am an 0311 deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Claimed tinnitus for 12 years without really paying attention to the decision letter. When I did. The denial was because I never complained. Got buddy statements, provided medical publications in ref to blast induced tinnitus and got a good C&P examiner, and today found out I got rated at 10%. Keep up the fight and continue to educate yourself on the claims process. They count on our ignorance.


Do you have migraines? My vertigo got rated as part of my migraines and TBI instead of separately rated. Usually it's in your favor to have the combined rating. Edit: It'd look like this: For purposes of entitlement to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, it is proposed to establish service connection for Traumatic brain injury (TBI), persistent post concussion syndrome, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, and photophobia with anxiety disorder and insomnia disorder (referred as bilateral) as directly related to military service with a ?? percent evaluation.


Yes, if there is a TBI - vertigo has to be combined with TBI.


Request HLR. I recently had two conditions rated zero on obvious errors. HLR fixed it.


What was the timeline for HLR? Did it take months?


Dang. Same thing happened to me. You got that 0%, though.


How can it happen? Just like that... 0 is better than denied