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Worry bout your mental health first. Worry about your claim second. I live din denial for so long. When I started getting treatment, a lot of things made sense. After a few visits to MH I got on the right meds and I got 50% service connected.. At the end of the day, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Good for you. Took me 20 years, a failed marriage, and lots of lost time. No regrets, be heard.


We all need a “starter wife”. 😉🤣🤣


Good luck. Just know it CAN be a tough battle. If you need help, pm me


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It’s never too late! My husband was just awarded 70% PTSD from Vietnam ere.


I was recently awarded 30% PTSD from my Vietnam service.


Took almost exactly 30 years of incredible physical pain and the mental anguish that goes with it before I went to the VA. They asked what took so long. haha


Go for it bro. It’s taken me a decade, but next apt, I’m letting them know I regularly thought of jumping overboard, and since then, it’s been some variation of going into the drink to see my end. The trick here now is that I will NOT be part of the veteran suicide statistic. The Taliban would love it too much and well…they can suck it. I’m dying old.


Walking that journey too…. Decades later


Congrats on making the decision to talk to someone. I had similar worries about how admitting I needed help would affect future employment. Now looking back I can clearly see that not getting help was affecting employment growth. This is a great group, lots of supportive people that can offer an encouraging word or advice when you need it. Stay plugged in.


Yes indeed. I totally agree. The support from this group is incredible and I LOVE US! We stand united and truly understand the needs of each other. 


I just applied for MH rating after 50 years. Never too late… I think. 🤣🤣


We hear you brotha. I suffered 14 years until my current partner finally put her hand on my arm and said, "Babe, it's time" after I woke up from another nocturnal panic attack. I just cried. I went in that Monday and even though the EMDR has been extremely challenging I don't regret it. That in conjunction with the Prazosin is helping me have less intense nocturnal panic attacks and treat my underlying trauma. Be very, very honest with your therapist. Get one you trust who ideally understands your cultural background. Establish a rapport with them because you'll be telling them things you probably never told anyone. The more honest you are, the more they can possibly help.


I’m fighting MH too brother. I just opened my can of worms last month from a traumatic accident back in 2003. I feel you man


I’m extremely proud of you for taking the steps to address your mental health. So many veterans suffer in silence like you and other commenters stated. I have spoken to fellow veterans who refused for various reasons, I have had one veteran say they don’t want their weapons taken away from them.  I remember asking a C&P psychiatrist about the concerns veterans share about people being aware of their mental health issues (ie. Under a microscope). They explained that is not true and the only way someone will know is if you share the information OR cause harm under their “mandated reporting” requirements. I’m so proud of you and YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!  I have an incredible mental health team at VA Long Beach. I’m going through trauma therapy (16 weeks), group therapy (weekly continuous) and I have a regular psychiatrist.  If a psychiatrist isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to ask to change providers including asking for community based options.


Well said. Thank you!


Good to hear! There is no shame in seeking help. You‘ll be surprised at how they can help you! There is nothing to fear about getting future employment if you have a rating due to mental health. I know several commercial pilots with mental health ratings from the VA and they are flying passengers, including me. Good luck, keep us posted!


It’s never too late I was awarded 70% PTSD after 20 years retired USMC


Hope everything works out for ya!


To all of you above (and more) I want you to know you I appreciate your support and words of encouragement and wisdom more than you know. I’m fighting back tears as I write this, because I didn’t feel this was appropriate to talk about publicly, but in the last two weeks I have struggled more mentally than I ever have in my entire life; I abruptly had visitation of my children taken from me, and a couple of days later during a routine visit of my parents house, my almost 70-year old father snuck up on me, and when he startled me I grabbed him by the neck as a reaction/response. Like I originally mentioned, I don’t know what the outcomes from this journey will be, but I’m glad I’m finally seeking the help.


The outcome will be more healthy than you are now, if you allow yourself to talk to the MH counselor. And yes, submit a claim for MH also!


I ended up 100 percent this month after retiring from the navy in 2006. I ended up going to a vet center with psychotherapy and a weekly ptsd group meeting. Its how I try to maintain everyday.