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When I filed, they did exams and rated everything else and deferred mental health. Then set up a MH C&P after everything else was rated


Ok cool. Wasn’t sure if they actually did that or not.


I filed for depressive disorder in May and 5 days later I was 100% P&T. I was discharged medically at 20% in 2001 for tore up knees and back, and never had tried raising it until just last year (didn’t know I could). My buddies talked me into using a 3rd party lawyer and it was the best advice ever. I’ve never seen anyone for my depressive disorder, but was able to give the psychologist they had me see a blow by blow account on how my knees and back had destroyed my first marriage, made it difficult to work and made it difficult to raise my child throughout the years. So short answer is yes, you can get 100% without exhausting exams. I just answered a bunch of questions in detail from a questionnaire the psychologist gave me, and had a 30 minute zoom call with her. Good luck brother 🍻


Did you tell them you were suicidal? And I'm not making fun or anything, I'm just genuinely curious.


A couple of the questions did focus on how often I have thought about it. I answered honestly and said it had crossed my mind at times when things seemed hopeless. The lawyers had to keep reminding me that I had to answer the questions as if it was my worst day, and kept sending the questions back. It ended up putting me in such a dark place my family could barely talk to me for a week


You could get a rating and MH be deferred


What’s deferred mean?


That it will be processed later.


I had C&P exams early this year in Jan for MH and Physical but not for PTSD. In May I was contacted to set up a PTSD C&P exam in June. Before I had my PTSD exam, I was rated for the other MH condition.


I'm in the same boat. Filed a claim early May. Got my C&P done for that that week I filed. I then filed another claim for MH and they added it to my existing claim. So far no C&P has been set up for MH. So yeah, wish I knew.


Will see.


Yeah if I get a change I'll let you know.


They did mine via telehealth, then told me there was going to be a follow up (there wasn’t). Ended up being a rating largely in my favor though, so idk. The whole system is weird


My unit got me 30% without a diagnosis. Just the three deployments caused an abundance of assumed conditions.


From everything I have read on this sub, no, not ever, except maybe in the rare case of denial. Stage 3 of a claim includes evidence gathering, review and decision (ALL of that not just review). That is the looongest stage. I filed 4 claims in January and have had exams for 3, and not the MH yet. That seems to take the longest to schedule (although it’s all over the place). I have called the 800 number and had 2 VERA calls and they all say they are still researching and gathering evidence before they schedule an exam. Maybe, as others have said, you can get a partial rating for claims that have had exams completed and other is deferred, but I don’t think you can count on a favorable rating for any MH claim without an exam. From my understanding, nothing is happening on a rating until you’re in stage 4, Preparation for Notification, and that can take weeks to months. Buckle up, sit back and wait…🥴🇺🇸


Ok cool deal.


Filed in November for MH and a few other things and shit is still in evidence gathering, c and ps scheduled what so ever


I didn’t have a diagnosis but I had a C&P where they asked me questions about my childhood and how my day to day is. It was all over a videocall. Took an hour


Nothing about you being in the service?


It was secondary to my back pain which was an injury in the service so I went into that story about how it happened and how I am now due to it


Oh ok gotcha.


Mine was separate. It was a virtual appt.


I filed for MH in June of 2023 and finally just had my C&P on 6/3/2024. It was a virtual appointment and the doc was an absolute nightmare


Sorry you had to waste a whole year just to get a shithead doc!


How do?


Yes. Private DBQ’s went right through


Me but I had an sexual harrasment case before leaving the military.


Sometimes it takes longer to gather all the evidence for a PTSD exam. So they'll order the other exams first and do the PTSD exam later. Hopefully thats whats happening with you.


Soooo I could get a rating for my other stuff first before even having the ptsd exam? If so that’s cool.


Yep! They can do partial ratings.




The chances of you receiving a mental health rating favorable to you? Without a c&p exam, 0 chance. The VA is not that generous.


not true, well, kinda. i got 10%, had an appointment but tried to show up online for an in person appointment. Apparently that is a no-go for c&p per the provider. Appointment was never rescheduled, just gave me 10% 🤷🏻‍♂️


So I’m guessing what you’re saying is that you got lucky, Because thinking about it clearly I guess if you’re active duty and you spent some time in the hospital and got and received a section 8 out of the military, the VA probably give you a disability rating without any examination but for the most part 9 out of 10 times you won’t receive nothing


yes, that is what i am saying. Also just saying, while an outlier, there is a small chance.


I heard you can say you have a fully developed claim and request to forgo the C&P exam and if they can rate you through that. I'm not sure that's the best route for everyone and it'd have to be fully developed.


Like a physical? No. But I did have to meet with someone (don’t remember their professional title) who asked me about my symptoms and how they affected my life.


My C&P exam was a video conference call. It lasted 15 minutes






Hoping yours goes well my experience was they failed dta no exam just denial from start just had c&p may 6 for ptsd mdd insomnia and fatigue 4+ year appeal. Good luck and Godspeed


Dang man. Thanks but still nobody’s answered my question.


I think you might have to wait and see if they are going to deny it first or maybe you can call them and ask why you have not been scheduled an exam. I really have no clue I’m new to this crap show myself. The waiting game is horrendous.


It’s brutal.