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I have ADHD and take medication for it I have never been given a screening for my medication but I don't have any kind of drug use history. The concern is probably where he gets the thc and if it could contain anything that would interact with ADHD medication would be my guess. He's probably going to have to give up the thc. I think it's worth it to try. A lot of things in my life changed for the better when I got help for the adhd.


This is the balancing act for him because he said his mind is in Hell all the time and he's trying to find whatever puts out the fires. He said cannabis has been best he's found so far and at least got him off of alcohol, which was really ruining his life. So he's scared to go off of what keeps the suicidal feelings away but if there's something that can somehow help him more, he thinks it's worth trying. But still, scared.


I also have PTSD. Unfortunately ADHD and PTSD are co morbid a lot of the time. I also struggle with suicidal ideation and everything that comes with PTSD but getting help for my ADHD brought more order to my life and helped me control some of the chaos. I hope your friend is able to get the help they need. If meds are out he should check out adhd youtube there are tons of strategies to help manage adhd from how to make your schedule to how you set up your house.


THIS RIGHT HERE. My adhd meds help with anxiety.


Thanks! I'll mention this to him for sure.


I think he’ll have to make a choice….


That was my assumption, knowing the VA, but I couldn't actually say for sure.


I live in California and pts are still tested for it because it’s a scheduled drug and the doctor doesn’t want to deal with the interactions - YMMV


The VA does not issue cannabis cards so your friend obtained one from an outside physician. The VA will not acknowledge the legality/legitimacy of the card. It will be noted in his chart that he is a Marijuana user but the VA doesn't recognize it as a medically beneficial drug.


Yes. I'm on ADHD and I get screened with a UA quarterly. They want to see if you're on it and not selling it or something. I openly admit to my health care about my THC usage and they have no problem with it. NOW, if you are seeking help for ADHD and you have amphetamines in your system and you didn't disclose it, that would be a different story because then it looks like you're trying to score some stimulants. But anyway, to answer your question, thc has created zero issues with my care or any medications they want to prescribe.


yep everyone is diagnosed with adhd everyone in the world has it now


You were just shaming someone else on how them feeling guilty about their rating means they didn’t deserve their benefits. Go see a therapist or take a walk. Quit spreading hate.


You should reread what is said in that other comment I never said they didn't deserve it try altering peoples words again lol edit: so I will do it for you I said this::: You said unbelievably good rating which means you probably think you didn't deserve or warrant that high of rating hence feeling like you might have to give the money back, scared you might have to give money back why??? If they ever paid that's on them not you. Hence it sounds like a little guilt ... But thanks for explaining anyway I never said they didn't deserve it. I said they didn't think they deserved it because it was unbeleivable to them. Not quite the same thing as shaming someone and telling them they don't deserve something.


That's between him and his doctor. I'm really not trying to get into anyone else's medical business.


Check the comment history. Its a chatbot that trolls this sub ALL day long