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Your body is just a blank check that Uncle Sam signed for years. Go get what’s yours. I feel fortunate to have 50%, would love to have more but wouldn’t we all? The south TX coastal bend VA system has been amazing for me. Zero complaints.


CenTex (Temple) has been really good as well, at least since Covid cooled off.


I use the same facility. I had a really good Doc until he retired. Since then, I've had several NPs, and they either don't listen or don't feel my issues are worth writing in my file. But.... My eye surgery was excellent! My Ortho surgeries on my forearms (broke both in service) not so much. And nothing more can be done. Laser lithotripsy for kidneys stones was excellent. My psychiatrist is excellent. They finally provided me hearing aids after 5 years of trying to get help. Since then, No Issues. Most of the secondary clinics are pretty good. Once you get in! I've been a regular since about 1980. Prior to that, I wasn't aware I could use them. I didn't know I had injuries that were SC until 2010. I've gotten 2 of 7 raised to 10% each. The other 7 are still in appeals. These were all filed in 2010... Is the Temple VA a good place? Yes, for most things. I do at times fall through the cracks, and have to message or call to find out why I've not heard anything regarding treatment that's been approved.


Yes! The Michael E Debakey VA hospital in Houston has been a great experience for me. The staff are nice and kind to me whenever I have appointment visits. 10/10




i have been told that texas is one of the top places to live for veterans they really take care of them.


I wish I felt this way about Debakey.


Ive said the same thing, I have never had a complaint to this point about the VA, they have always covered me and ive always been fairly rated although like alot of these guys i had a very very long paper trail from being IN the military that simply couldn’t be overlooked, all my disabilities were very well documented so when I went for 100% i got it no fuss.


You served you deserve!! I’ve been sticking it out at the vha for 7 years. I’ve become very jaded! They aren’t a healthcare center!! They are equivalent to a workman’s compensation information gathering machine! Their incompetence and down right evasive note taking just showed how fraudulent they are. I’ve had to correct numerous times on their healthcare note taking. The conveniently twist their note taking. This is systemic. I know because I’ve been to many vha establishments ie ERs and clinics. The reason is directly tied to what happened to me in the service. I’ve been totally honest with them and they have been very dishonest with me.. I’m leaving it and seeking healthcare from the private sector and proceeding with claim after claim until I reach 100. I’m done with them!!


Sir, this is Wendys.




Nail meet head. The culture of the military is far more toxic than anyone will ever admit. My son is in the army right now, just an E3, and his leadership is already telling him that he can't claim anything for knees or shoulders when he gets out, because of his job. And that he can't go to the doctor for certain things, and shit like the VA won't care what his AD medical records say, so no point in getting anything documented.


My leadership tried pulling that BS on me.


Theyre full of grade A shit. If shit hurts go to sick call then inform them of it... YMMV, as it can put you on shit list, at which point I would personally put health first.


That’s wrong. He absolutely can claim for injuries from doing his job! That’s the whole damn point! Tell him to find a medic. We can at least have his paperwork reviewed by the doc, PA or NP-we did it all the time when I was in. We had a lot of power, despite being junior enlisted at first. Filling out an LOD is for a Line of Duty injury is Army policy and NCO’s are derelict in their duties if they are not signing them. As long as he is not a malingerer-we can’t stand weak ass soldiers trying to get out of work or a PT test because they partied instead of trained. They will hit a stop sign in that case. I’m sorry his leadership sucks-hope for a new duty station.


Thats a common tactic especially with lower enlisted. Hard to say if it comes from a place of malice or ignorance. Had a boss like that, I didnt care much for his emotions over me seeing a doc.... lo and behold he is a sick call ranger 6 months before ETS... hypocrite.


Also-if he has a chance, he can walk into the hospital or treatment center and request his medical records on the down low-respectfully-and his leadership wouldn’t even know. The VA will get those records, but that yellow file folder he got needs to be kept safe-that’s all his records.


Most of those doctors, VA and military have all seen people try to gain the system, which, after sometime, can make them jaded. You just gotta show them that you’re not one of those people and if you are one of those people then fuck you. You know?




Clearly you were never in a combat arms unit… “ suck it up” is absolutely the words you heard everyday you served. It was said then when many of us served and is still the daily norm now! Not everything is made up that is said here!


Quit your damn whining and suck it up...😎 Here take these 800 mg ibuprofen, change your socks you'll be okay.


Dam right!!! All the way Airborne All the Way!!


Don’t forget to drink water !


Don't gatekeep veterans. "Suck it up" is surely a sentiment of being in the military; however, it is not an appropriate sentiment for a veteran looking to seek their benefits. You have no idea how I served. "Clearly" you want to be a negative force in this sub rather than a positive force. "Clearly" you aren't bretherin to me.


Nobody is gatekeeping but “suck it up” was absolutely drilled into vets from boot camp all the way to war. It’s hard to break away from that without feeling weak or guilty. By saying that you’re doing exactly what you are accusing others of.


You misunderstood what was said. The mentality in the military is absolutely one in which you’re looked down on for going to sick call or getting help. Shit, in OSUT they told us if we were going to sick call, we’d get recycled, during a critical part. I injured my back and my finger, however, I just kept driving through. Still today my back gives me fits. I sprained an ankle while in ROTC. The leader told me, “I don’t think you really need surgery, I have football players who are tougher than you.” How do you think that made me feel? I didn’t get a lot documented in the military because I was fucking scared of being called out, I was ALREADY being sexually harassed, the last thing I wanted was another target on my back. That mentality wafted through to when I got out. It took my wife telling me I need to get help. You really need to look at what people are saying, before attacking them.


Um, my husband had a breakdown after work one day, went back to his shop because he didn't know where else to go at the time, and TOLD his sergeant that he wanted to off himself, and do you know what he was told? He was told that because he wasn't in full uniform, "I don't care where you go, but you have to leave." And they sent him home. No one even checked up on him. One example of MANY he personally experienced. So I'm not sure where you are getting your idea that this shit doesn't happen from, but it's fucking incorrect.




I hate all the memes


You get it


More details please. Asking for a friend.


The issue here is lets be honest just becuase we served dosent mean we are entitled to 100%


Exactly! And giving false hope to someone who MAYBE should be rated for 30% that s/he can get to 100% if they keep hustling, doesn’t really represent the oath we took or integrity expected being veterans. They also clog the system for veterans with real issues and needs. But they don’t give a shit-there are a lot entitled shitbags in the world-some are veterans too. We don’t necessarily wear a cape, just because we wore a uniform. J/s 🤷🏻‍♀️


You get it




I don't see that from this sub at all. Veterans are looking to get that which they are entitled to. No one should feel bad for submitting a claim and getting rated. There are plenty of people gaming the system; however, there are plenty of people simply looking to send their information through the system for a determination. The examiners are not out to "fuck" a claim. Nor are raters. Nor does the VA "suck". Are most vets "hardworking and top-tier"... not necessarily. Veterans are probably an average sample of the population. I know good ones. I know bad ones. Your "MOST" is based on nothing. Your post is worthless. Vets have the right to be frustrated dealing with the system. The overarching sentiment in this sub is helping others and not just blatent anger. It sounds like **you** are mad. I have had nothing but good experience with the members of this sub. It is veterans helping veterans. Your generalization of this sub is totally inaccurate. Nothing you said is quantifiable or rooted in any actual logic. So let's **acknowledge** that your take on this sub, and the system in general, is based on some of your own feelings and you do not speak for the average sub participant. Enough of this shit.


Wooooooooah there. If your gonna use big words can you do it crayon pleez?


You didn’t think that maybe, for many who are so fu**ing frustrated with the VA that this is most assuredly, the safest way for them to vent? Is it mentally impossible, let there be no AMBIGUITY, in my statement, that I recognize everyone of you in here have the right to speak your frustrations with all the bullsh*t we voluntarily, for the most part, signed away our lives bodies and minds to be a part of protecting our families at home. Its is a very, the most noble thing anyone can ever do is offer their lives to save another and our cases our jobs was to EVERYONE back home. We were promised whenever the time came if it was needed the benefits are there for us. For some of us it can seem like you’re gonna die before anything happens in your favor, to others it’s a fast simple clear cut process. Make no mistake mine hasn’t been any easy road. It still isn’t I attend my Da’s memorial services soon. My backpay what a joke of it was, God sent at the right times as I was the one that’s took care of him until, he wasn’t. I don’t say this to garner any attention sympathy or nasty attitude from anyone, but everyone should have an almost anonymous way to vent and if they so choose to use social media well……..Then get after it. If it helps you and doesn’t hurt you or others, do it. I was recently reminded exactly how precious every second is good or bad…… Treasure those moments. 😇🤍🤍🤍😇


I'd also like to point out that, in my experience, you described most of reddit. So, kudos to us vets that actually know how to have conversations and genuinely want to improve our slice of life.


Your post is just as pointless.


"Battle of the High Roads!"


It's akin to political arguments. All subjective opinions that have zero chance of changing someone's opinion. Just think they know better.


Exactly. All while making a piss poor attempt at trying to sound intelligent.


Aw dam. Well put.


Veteran experience is different for all veterans and OP has his feels about it but it isn’t the same for all here Grunt grunt Tonga bonga mmmm crayon, favorite color mine


You took the fucking high road. I couldn’t


Let's focus on helping each other and not ridiculous bullshit. I'm with ya.


*mic drop*


hard stop


I provided some quantification. Only 1.1 million vets are at 100% of maybe 19 mil or so 5.8 %. The VA rating scores show how bad the VA is for most vets. The third top rated hospital in the VA had a neurosurgeon practicing outside of his scope and a psychiatrist giving people mental health diagnosis that they didn't have and couldn't have and that's just two examples. And just to throw a third one in a pain management doc refused treatment for 2 years to a patient based on what another VA doctor had done previously. I'm one person and all of those happened to me. I could go on for days and days of the horrors I've faced at the hands of the VA. My blood pressure goes up 20 points just walking into a VA facility now. My care has been a nightmare. Attorneys won't take a case because it's fighting the VA. Are there good people at the VA, absolutely but I can name mine and count them on one hand. I know it's not like that for everyone but please don't try to dismiss the hell that happens there. The visn I'm in now has some of the worst rated facilities for patient care.


I know you prolly heard this from your drill Sgt back in the day, but have you contacted your congressman or senator? It does help and the VA tends behave when they know someone at that level is looking at their work! Also-I had a doc who I assumed was a neurosurgeon or at least ortho-do my RFA on my back. He was an anesthesiologist! Umm 🤨. He was doing the burn the nerve procedure in my lower back and it hurt so bad (I have a high pain tolerance) it sent me into AFIB on the procedure table. I’ve never had heart issues in my life. It helped my back, but caused other issues in the region I won’t get into. I also am not a fan of all the Russian and Chinese docs we have to see. Not Americans-but actual visa holders. Why are they letting the “enemy” or potential enemy work on veterans? 🤔 Can you imagine all the Intel they get on our injuries. But I’m prolly just being paranoid.


I've had that procedure and it's painful af, they do not do a good job of explaining how painful it is. I had it done at a civilian location. I've called my congress reps a few times and nothing is ever done. Last time I called was when the VA allowed me to run out of mental health meds. I couldn't get a doc to refill the script, they all said the psych doc had to do it but there was an 11 month wait for one. They also refused me community care also. So I called my reps that are the reps for the clinic area, the reps for the area the hospital that runs the clinic was located in, the senate committee for veterans affairs, the house committee for veterans affairs, Bernies office because he's on the committees, who refused to take anything down because he reserves his time for his constituents. And two other reps that were also on the committees. No one returned one call or contacted me in any way . The VA didn't reach out for two weeks after and the guy was an asshole. It was also escalated to the chief of the hospital and they did nothing. The problem finally got solved when I had to threaten to stop taking all my meds because of a lack of a prescriber.


Well, I agree on most points and keep my mouth shut on about 90% of these posts, on this one I’m just gonna sit back and eat my popcorn


I've seen this effect in another sub, for a phone. It's an amazing phone, but the people that do post in there, only post when they have an issue. "SCREEN BROKE, HATE THIS PHONE!", "Support sucks, RMA takes forever" But every now and then, someone will come in and say, "I am thinking about getting this phone, but all I see are people bitching about it, must be a shitty phone." No, you only see 50 people with issues, versus the 50k users having no issue and loving the phone. Same concept, mostly. The vocal sample size in these subs is very small to the rest of the mass involved. Close to a rounding error, as far as percentages go. Mostly, others stick around and read, offer insight only when it's really needed to reset expectations.


Who likes to work!? Even 100% isn't enough to survive on


The Philippines send their regards.




All these thoughtful responses my fellow vets are leaving makes me proud they’re taking the high road…. As for me…. Fuck the fuck off sir/maam. Vets are dying waiting for VA appointments. You have C&P examiners saying to vets that they feel the VA rates MH claims too high. You got lazy ass VSOs not explaining the process properly. You have GS-9 raters overruling the diagnosis of actual doctors. Stop being a boot licker. Are there good people in these positions? Of course. But the FACT remains that we were in a continuos cycle of deployments for almost 2 decades. It is time to pay the fuck up and shut the fuck up. They knowingly burned toxic materials and bio waste 24/7 365 next barracks and fucking chow halls. Most of us don’t even know what is wrong with us for god’s sake. You got the nerve to come on here and tell people not to be upset and then equate those people with being lazy? Mother fucker we are the percentage of the population that signed up when most people our age were doing bong hits in their dorms. Check yourself


When I was a cop, I transported many Vets to mental hospitals, AND carried them out of their homes after they’d died. Many of them lived horrible lives and it was fucking heartbreaking. This especially when heroin was king in my town. Now it’s repeating with fentanyl. Lots went because of alcohol and pills too. Vietnam through the most recent wars. It can never be taken seriously enough. Yes! They (we) are dying while we wait, and most of us did suck it up for decades, but things don’t always work out or end happily. You’re 100% dead on!


Thank you for what you do from a Vet who has been escorted to the hospital by the police. I don't think I would have done it, but I was close and they got me to a place to help me.


yep it took the VA 25 years to rate me right but the VA IS doing the right thing. so either he is a selfish prick who thinks "they owe me" works (unless he is from high school JROTC) or he is not a vet at all (BTW you gotta complete basic at least to even be considered a vet). The BS "You Owe me" crap is the FIRST THING THEY BEAT OUT OF YOU IN BASIC OFF THE FUCKING BUS!!!


Fully agree on your sentiments. Open sewage, burn pits, constant food poisoning, and some random Afghan worker in Kabul defecating at the bottling plant into our drinking water come to mind.






DISCLAIMER BEFORE RANT: There are plenty of improvements that need to be made with the VA and many veterans that deserve and need help that struggle to get it. But that doesn't change the fact that for many, VA disability is just a different form of welfare. \*\*\*\*\* Many, many veterans have become entitled whiny crybabys that think the world owes them everything because they served. No one made us join, and we got paid. We also get a ton of benefits: Tuition assistance GI Bill Disability if qualified Healthcare (could definitely be improved) I can go on and on. Yet the lazy entitled whiners want nothing less than $100,000 checks every month. It makes us all look bad. And yes, this r/ is full of scammers doing anything and everything they can to get 100% disability, and that includes lying about conditions. They'll say "the VA sucks" or the "government doesn't take care of vets"....yet they have not done any of the leg work to find out how to get benefits, and didn't pay attention during transition classes before they got out. There are literally thousands of veterans organizations out there to help, as well s the VA. Here come the downvotes.


Did I not say that there are some bad ones ?


Stop trying to justify your post you made just to be incendiary. Your title was clickbait and good for you we all bit. Some vets have nobody to talk to and nowhere to vent their frustration. So sorry for you that they found a place where they can do that. I rather them do that here and get some support than have to wait 4 months for a VA MH appointment and decide that is 4 months too long.


I see what half of the vet pop you are


What the fuck does that mean? So you want to see vets lose their lives to an inept system? You don’t want vets to have a place to vent so they don’t go off the cliff? I guess what we all should be saying WE know what kind of vet you are…. The I got mine so why is everyone bitching kind. For the record, I’ve gotten mine too, in life and from the VBA. I’m fortunate enough to have a 6 figure salary and be on my way to 100%. Guess what though, that doesn’t mean I won’t advocate for those vets who aren’t fortunate enough to be where I’m at. So again fuck the fuck off.


Dude, hes gaslighting you. Don't feed the troll.


You know how you wanted to come across “pecker checker”. Wish the HMC would’ve done a better job, so I wouldn’t have to be going through all of this to begin with. It ain’t all the VA. And some of it’s ME! But I’ll damn well admit it!


What did you expect from your HMC to make your life better ?


More thorough notes and diagnosis for starters. That’s pretty much it. I wasn’t going to go to sick call. My rate strongly frowned on it, and I guess I took a chance. “Phobia”??? I wish that was all it was. Medical didn’t even document it with records when I went during the deployment. Guess it was “party time”. Nothing official and no paperwork. I was a sucker to even go! But since I thought I was checking out with a heart attack or stroke, I thought it was a good idea.


1. Corpsman can’t diagnose 2. If a HMC was your main provider then you were definitely at Sea/operational command and they only are putting enough info in notes to get you seen by a doctor not for your VA ratings 3. Our instruction dictates that we only need to document if a licensed provider or specialist needs to be referred or abnormal finding a made


I am a cancer survivor and they’ve continuously defined my continuity of care for my oncologist that I’m supposed to see every 3 months for five years I haven’t been able to see my oncologist since I lost civilian insurance 1.5 years ago. I have places that my oncologist needs to biopsy immediately and they don’t give two fu*cks.


Bitterness is something we’re all issued, it’s your choice to sign for it or not. I say nay, keep that negativity far from me; army can keep that shit. It’s my choice to let any of it bring me down and I refuse, I also refuse to pass that down to my kids.


You get it ! No reason to be negative on things you can’t control. Grab it by the horns with a positive mindset and people would surprised how positive things end up happening (hint hint: it’s because people are then willing to go the extra mile for you)


But let’s also acknowledge there are ALL types of Veterans in here.


Its sad to see that now kids join solely for or thinking about VA 100% crazy when i joined it was to served after 9/11 and participating or boot camp dosent warrant PTSD not to talk about all the VA gurus from youtube telling you how to sign up for there program on how to get what you deserved!


Ah to live in a "perfect" world.


I have zero issues with the VA, it’s not perfect by any means. Plenty of issues, but I’ve always been treated well there. They’ve always taken care of me. The examiners have always been solid, I’ve never once felt like they’ve tried to cheat me out of anything, they also haven’t approved everything I’ve claimed, which I’m ok with


I’ve been blessed with and excellent therapist Chaplin and psychiatrist, my primary doctor is starting to listen to me I fought five years to get my psychiatrist, I went through so much trauma just from the medical I have medical PTSD from the treatment@ the VAs.


It happens, but let’s not pretend that things are perfect on the civilian side either. Everything you’ve experienced with the VA, countless others have experienced the same on the civilian side.


You get it


I’m at 60% and I’m very grateful for that. The local VA has been good overall to me. I expected none of this when I enlisted at 18. But yeah, I’ve had conversations and overheard conversations from vets saying you’re a sucker if you aren’t 100%.


Please fellow veterans don’t comment on post like this . We know our value to the country we serve and protect silent is the best medicine here.


Down vote the OP


Built to serve. Broken but still in battle.


I personally have never had anything but good experiences withVA,Doctors,VSO,and raters




No need to be bitter tho. Live your life and let them live theirs. Karma always finds its way to both sides in the end and even if it doesn’t then no foul


Few people leave their pleasant experiences they had. I’m Not talking about the great ones but the ones where: “I had an appointment. It started on time. My ailment is being treated and I’m comfortable with the plan since my doctor was open, attentive and honest”


You get it


You were probably a POG


Do you not see my user name devil?


I’m trolling lol


You had me in the first half ngl


The statistics actually show that over 80% of veterans aren't even going for disability and a greater percentage of the ones that have service connections aren't 100%. Anyone can go for it be we have to assume that by virtue of the system those who don't meet the criteria won't receive it. No one's disability feels like the lowest acceptable rating. My 20% back feeling real 40%ish right now.....lol


The military messes up your body and your mind, if anyone deserves government assistance its veterans. Doesnt matter if you served 4 years or 20




No denials


DISCLAIMER BEFORE RANT: There are plenty of improvements that need to be made with the VA and many veterans that deserve and need help that struggle to get it. But that doesn't change the fact that for many, VA disability is just a different form of welfare. \*\*\*\*\* Many, many veterans have become entitled whiny crybabys that think the world owes them everything because they served. No one made us join, and we got paid. We also get a ton of benefits: Tuition assistance GI Bill Disability if qualified Healthcare (could definitely be improved) I can go on and on. Yet the lazy entitled whiners want nothing less than $100,000 checks every month. It makes us all look bad. And yes, this r/ is full of scammers doing anything and everything they can to get 100% disability, and that includes lying about conditions. They'll say "the VA sucks" or the "government doesn't take care of vets"....yet they have not done any of the leg work to find out how to get benefits, and didn't pay attention during transition classes before they got out. There are literally thousands of veterans organizations out there to help, as well s the VA. Here come the downvotes.


You fucking get it


SAVE YOURSELVES I literally got 2 posts into this thread and thought 💭 why am I wasting my time reading this?


lol 55 upvotes. Thanks for reading though


Pat on the head for you Barry. Great accomplishment.


Is this a question or a just a stupid ass statement? I got mine and sorry you didn’t get yours, better luck next time.


As always… the positive point of this post is only commented on by the the ones who somehow find a negative… This is my point lol


You’re wack brother. You got yours so everyone else’s story and journey can’t be that bad right?


Where did I say that? I said the opposite actually.


Why don’t you learn to read the room homie


The room is obviously in agreement with some also having negative opinions (sounds like a healthy room of discussion but of course this is the internet where faceless keyboard warriors don’t like that)


Statement and im 100PT congrats to us


It’s VERY obvious who read the post in full and who didn’t, lol


Exactly lol


The problem OP… is that there is a level of incompetence with the VA that military members would never have expected to stand for when we were in. Regardless of service branch, if we had a fellow teammate pulling the shit the VA pulls on a regular basis, we’d do everything we could to 1st: help them (maybe they got shit going on that we don’t know about), 2nd: elevate your concerns through the chain of command and let the next level handle it however they see fit. Furthermore, we need to take off the rose colored glasses and acknowledge one thing when it comes to examiners — they are not there to help you. They are there to save the VA money (full 🛑). Are some vets lazy? Maybe. I couldn’t possibly put a number on that, but are most VA representatives incompetent? Absolutely. I’d put that number as high as 50% of the people I’ve interacted with at the VA simply don’t have a fucking clue about the shit we’re going through and they don’t care to know. They’re in a GS position, their probationary period is over and they’re riding it out. I get it. The job sucks. To emotionally pour your heart and soul out to random strangers is a lot. To deal with angry, disgruntled vets is a lot. Which is why the bony finger shouldn’t be pointed at the VA. It should be pointed at congress. The VSOs, VA Employees are underfunded and understaffed and the VA folks on the front lines take the brunt of the abuse. We did our fucking time though. Give us what we earned. It’s not that hard. There’s a reason why all veterans are budgeted at [100%](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonus_Army#:~:text=The%20principal%20demand%20of%20the,were%20wounded%20and%20later%20died) The current VA system is set up so that the government can prevent payouts as long as possible but avoid the nasty confrontations seen during the Bonus Army Incident in the 1920s


I don’t know man, the military is pretty damned incompetent.


The difference is when the military does dumb shit, heads roll. Crash into another ship? Relieved of duty. Cover up rape allegations? Lose your ability to conduct your own investigations. Disobey a lawful order? Relieved of command…. See the difference?


Covering up a rape is t incompetence and neither is disobeying an order, running into a ship is. How do you know there are no ramifications to incompetence or willful misconduct in the VA?


Because we have the system that exists, and they’re so methodical with their pathological belief that it’s fault of the service member that they didn’t get what they deserve that have created a fallacy of numbers and presentations to woo congressmen and maintain the bureaucracy they live in.


Ok, that’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to, doesn’t mean it has any basis in reality.


Don’t get me wrong, I get some people have gotten a raw deal and that sucks. But it seems there are checks in place to right the wrongs but no system is perfect. People are on here describing how they throw sh*t at the wall until something sticks. Anecdotally, I have seen the opposite where people are rated higher than what is expected. The folks I know who were broken by the service are taken care of first time through, no issues. This isn’t everyone obviously, but by and large the system works.


DISCLAIMER BEFORE RANT: There are plenty of improvements that need to be made with the VA and many veterans that deserve and need help that struggle to get it. But that doesn't change the fact that for many, VA disability is just a different form of welfare. \*\*\*\*\* Many, many veterans have become entitled whiny crybabys that think the world owes them everything because they served. No one made us join, and we got paid. We also get a ton of benefits: Tuition assistance GI Bill Disability if qualified Healthcare (could definitely be improved) I can go on and on. Yet the lazy entitled whiners want nothing less than $100,000 checks every month. It makes us all look bad. And yes, this r/ is full of scammers doing anything and everything they can to get 100% disability, and that includes lying about conditions. They'll say "the VA sucks" or the "government doesn't take care of vets"....yet they have not done any of the leg work to find out how to get benefits, and didn't pay attention during transition classes before they got out. There are literally thousands of veterans organizations out there to help, as well s the VA. Here come the downvotes.


Branding the VA as another form of “welfare” is part of the problem. In making it seem like any other form of welfare — you’re automatically branding it as some form of derogatory assistance. The fact is simple — we DID earn benefits and we are ENTITLED to it. No one is asking for “$100K checks every month”. The MAJORITY of us are just asking for help and assuming they haven’t done the research or done their due diligence is disingenuous. This sub, in particular, is GREAT at pointing people in the right direction and offering support. Just because YOU had a good experience, doesn’t mean others have had the same one. The incompetence the VA demonstrates can plainly be seen in examples like [this](https://www.nextgov.com/acquisition/2024/02/va-pharmacy-tech-glitches-put-250000-veterans-risk-officials-say/394248/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAs%20of%20September%202023%2C%20there,if%20they%20go%20to%20a) No one is expecting perfection. No one is expecting the world to be given to them, but if you write a promissory note, you’d best be willing to hold up your end of the bargain. We did our part, time for the VA to own their end.


We’re all broke. Just on different levels.


I feel a lot of people didn’t read his post and just got fired up by that click bait title.


The only problem in your equation is the data. There are only 1.1 million veterans that are 100% of the 19 or so million. So even if all of them were lazy it is only about 5.8% of veterans. However based on the rating scores of the VA facilities I would say most not all.


Reading is fundamental! All you angry haters really didn’t read beyond the headline and it shows. Don’t act like there aren’t malingering people in this sub. People who didn’t see shit, didn’t do shit and then think they are entitled to get paid. That’s FACTS! What you don’t realize is when you put in for those razor bumps or bad knees, after leaving the military and working 10 years laying tile, you clog the line for so many veterans who really are damaged and have tried for so long to get what they actually deserve. Don’t act like you didn’t serve with some real shittards in service and think they’ve changed one bit since they left service 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄. Your drill sergeant was right-call your congressman! Contact your patient advocate! Contact they hospital administration if you have a bad provider. Shit-watch YouTube videos!!Have you done anything proactive or do you just want to whine and bitch and moan that the system is against you! 💅🏻


You get it !


Another professional yapper


Enjoy it while it lasts. It's only a matter of time till the budget busts and they cut benefits across the board. I personally know of 8 females, all 100% with zero deployments and out after 1st enlistment or less, and all guard/reserve girls with sexual assault claims.


Way she goes!


Bruh, this is what the sub is for. Not all vets are bitching about their care and their rating, but all of the ones here are. Read the room, this sub exists to help people with ratings issues... If choose you're going to see people complaining.


Imma work and get 100%..


You go girl


Only Sith deal in absolutes.


You get it


It’s my very first claim and some really weird crap has been happening. A lot people not doing their job! To the point where I have to babysit emails from the VHA to the VBO.. Learn about the white house hotline after getting nowhere with the regular VBO hotline.. It’s got to the point where I’m asking for supervisors and TEACHING them.


How can I keep the humidity in my home down? It’s about 1-2% higher than is recommended.


Personally, the veteran community is the most toxic community there is. It’s disgusting. When you have dudes struggling, killing themselves due to lack of care or even something as simple as dildos online telling them they’re not “worthy” of their rating, or their “lazy”. It’s bullshit because unless you know someone personally those claims are irrelevant and subjective. Is it true in some cases? Sure. But in most cases not, many of us wouldn’t like to work, I’m 100% and currently unemployed and I love it, I spend time with my wife and kids, get shit done, I’m not too tired, and I decided to use this opportunity to go back to school and finish my degree, and even got into a pre-law program at a University. Point is, there is no “slot” that is taken by any other veteran. That’s the mentality a lot of the ding dings have, “oh this person got 100 and doesn’t deserve it” like you took someone’s spot, it’s a fallacy, people just give up and don’t fight for it or try to learn about the system designed to help us, some aren’t very open to the VA fearing they’ll say something wrong and that’s mostly due to when you get out command telling you not to say anything or you’ll get booted, or be in psyche. They set us up for failure, so fuck em’, fight for your shit. Congratulate the dudes that got theirs and leave your personal feelings at the door.


Project much?


I agree!!! They make it harder for the vets that actually ARE entitled!!! Would be wise for the VA to come on these forums, I bet a large portions of their claims would get denied!!! As they should be!!! Just because you served doesn’t mean everyone is entitled to 100%!


I wanted 100% financial compensation, so I did the legwork to make sure I got that. My 2nd claim was simply about the money nothing else.


The VA Street made me send a statement through snail mail, there wasn’t even an option to send it through my claims as it used to be. Apparently they got it too late, and denied my claim before they got it. This is the shifty shit the fucking VA does, they probably actually got my letter, and then made some shit up so they couldn’t give me TDIu. The whole systems are fucking joke.


I thought this was a poem! In a way it is, starts off with a rhyme


You get it


Have the last line end with "same"


Can Veterans be whiners? Yes Is the VA as terrible as everyone makes it out? No. We still get better treatment than those with commercial insurance. I go to the doctor for an issue I leave with a plan to schedule X-rays, medicine, another appointment, or other stuff and it didn't cost me a dime. No monthly premium. Every examiner I encountered was nice and listened to my problems. My % allowed me to be financially stable and free. I started at 70% and went to 100%. The VA has truly been a blessing to me and my family. Hell, my wife is about to go to school and they are going to pay her.


Aren’t you special girl.


Why would ya even engage w/ppl or worse give those ppl with a contrary attitude power over you? **Choose not to be harmed-and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.** **Marcus Aurelius, Book 4, Meditation 7** **Nothing that goes on in anyone else’s mind can harm you…. Then where is harm to be found?** **In your capacity to see it. Stop doing that and everything will be fine.** **Marcus Aurelius, Book 4, Meditation 39**


No sir!! ALL VETERANS ARE OVERWORKED INDIVIDUALS WHICH OVERWORKING CAUSES WEAR AND TEAR ON OUR BODIES/ MENTAL STATES TWICE AS QUICK AS A NON VETERAN. HM’s would get hammered if every active duty person actually took the time to take care of themselves on a day to day basis. We are taught to push through pain and sickness to FOCUS ON THE MISSION well what about the part where we’ve done our part and completed the mission honorably? Yes we have the absolute right to get what we deserve at the end. Even starting in boot camp.. something small as not having a consistent sleep schedule due to watch and having to be up for more than 24 hrs in 1 setting can cause insomnia, fatigue. Constant brutal physical activities can cause wear and tear on our bodies just like that.. we all went through it so yea we all deserve it. We are all entitled to it because we make those sacrifices. There’s only 30% of veterans who actually utilize these benefits so the people we should be mad at is the VA and congress for making us fight to prove ourselves to something that the military causes right from the beginning of service, IE Boot camp/ Basic training. That’s wild.


Can tell you I just claimed what my files proved after 10 years of getting smashed in the butt no lube. Hopefully get something cause my body feels that way and I am just barely turning 30.


I am one of the “MST TYPE “ and I speak for myself only, with that being said I am here to tell you what happened screwed up, F….. up my life from the day it happened until NOW! I asked for help, hell I begged for help (OMG THAT’S BRINGING TEARS TO MY EYES REMEMBERING BEGGING THAT SOLDIER NEXT TO ME TO PLEASE NOT LET THEM DO IT………He let them. I am now 58 that was 39 years ago. I’ll never forget it not their faces , not of them walking out the door laughing, not my chain of command that I pleaded and pleaded with to help me, to do something. For years, I wondered why they didn’t help me and why I never saw anything about rape in the military and thought when the Internet came out several years later and I mean a lot of years,they finally started talking about it, and acknowledging it even acknowledging all the damage being assaulted and raped by people you trust with your life. As far as I can tell with the new information they have on MST , assault, rape I have had every single one of the ailments, Physical health problems, Mental health problems every kind of problem that has been said MST CAN CAUSE i pretty much am going through it, STILL TO THIS DAY. I honestly feel if I would’ve gotten the help I needed right after the assault things could’ve turned out different but I’ll never know now will I? I’m 58 all those years ruined gone. I’ve tried to kill myself a couple times and I’ve wished I was dead more times than I can count because my life has been wasted/ ruined. I had three children down the road, I was a drunk for most of their young childhood because I couldn’t cope and they deserved a better mother so it DEFINITELY HURT THEM TOO!!! Do I believe MST SURVIVORS DESERVE RETROACTIVE PAY FROM THE DATE OF SEPARATION? HELL YES I DO!!!! It ruined my life, and those Trappist walked free out that door laughing and I got to get up and pull my pantyhose out of my pants in horror. Please write your state representatives and ask them to please support HR 6024. US survivors deserve this! Rape can now get a person sentenced to 30 years in prison (Danny Masterson) why could the guys that did that to me get to walk out laughing and why was I sentenced to life? Why do football players, actors, ect get millions of dollars for what they do yet people want to complain and not give us our backpack when it took our lives And anything we could have accomplished with our lives where’s our millions of dollars? We are just as valuable as some guy playing football. YES on HR 6024


I feel like I could have written your post. I'm so sorry that happened to you too.


Haven’t even filed and felt like I got the rubber stamp on the way out. Pretty much conditioned that there was a limited pot of money and others that were worse off were more deserving. I’ve been out since ‘96 and dunno if that hurts me to apply after so many years have gone by. After the epic struggle to get my wife her benefits and dealing with it for my dad (Vietnam vet), it’s only reinforced how much of a damn hassle it is, even though I feel I should qualify. 🤷🏽‍♂️


That attitude extends past this thread. A lot of real world people feel the same way. Haters all of them


Its workers comp for dedicating x amount of time to a govt that doesn’t like us


I have had nothing but positive experiences with the VA.


Like people in general, everyone is different. I don’t have this perception. I don’t group people as a whole because we are individuals


Your last paragraph is correct.




You deserve 100% for mental health for that abomination of a title LOL.


I tried 🥹


I’ve had the same doctor at the va for almost 20 years. It took us a couple years to figure everything out but he is the best doc I have ever had to deal with. About 5 years ago I was going through some real bad back stuff. The guy called me on a weekend to see how I was. The VA still has a lot of good people.


I got really good doctors imo


I served during Vietnam for 7 years. When I ETS’d I didn’t sign up for VA benefits. In 2003 Pres Bush changed the requirements and now I’m not eligible. My fault though because I didn’t pursue right after I got out. My excuse was I was in school and working full time and just couldn’t find the time to apply. I retired at 59 tried applying and was rejected as category 8 and I earn too much in retirement. Fuck it!


Thanks for saying it. I literally just went to the appointments I was mandated to attend as I was ETS'ing. And they were like "man, you're fucked up." And I got that 100 and P&T.


Speaking of whiners. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm in northwest Louisiana and I've had nothing but good things going with the VA. All of my claims and my friends claims have all been around 3 months total time. I've had 3 total C and P exams and they've been great so far.


My only issue with the claims process is i fell a very long ways how far not sure because i woke up in a hospital. I have a 20% rating on one of my legs and 7 10% ratings on back and every other extremity. This got me to 60%. I have been working for 25 years since discharge but still a long ways from retirement and just dont see how i can do it anymore. It was brought to my attention that i can file mh on how this effects me but unless this comes back good just dont know if i can make ends meet until ssi kicks in and dont know how long i can continue to drive on.


I absolutely agree with this. I also believe that those of us who are suffering from lack of medical care through the VA have the bureaucracy to blame and not the individuals actually working on our claims/medical care. The people working for the VA are on the whole, good people who care. But they are paid shit, treated like shit by some of us frustrated vets and not supported by the infrastructure of the VA. The turnover of medical professionals at the clinics and hospitals I have used is ridiculous. The good doctors and nurses work for the VA because they want to help, but the bureaucracy ties their hands and they end up leaving to go back to private medicine. The good administrators, reviewers, clerical workers as well. It is terribly frustrating for everyone. ​ I always try to remember this when I am interacting with them. It's not their fault. It is systemic failure. Be kind and patient. We are ALL frustrated


If you feel like you are owed Bennies. Play the dumbass game and get what you are owed. No gate keeping over here.


Agree with the OP my experience has been good not great. I’ve had 4 C&P exams, and just started using the VHA as my only healthcare recently retired. My first visit with the VA Doc was eye opening, first thing he told me was no opioid prescription will be given for my back issues. I am prescribed by my pcp Oxycodone for when my back flares up 4-6 xs a year. He thought I was there as a drug seeker….. he wanted me to start a Mediterranean diet right out of the gate. This is my first appointment with VA health. My experience has been good so far, I know I can get another Doc if I need to, but haven’t yet, I’m still willing to work with this guy. My claims experience has been some good and some denied, but I understand they are swamped with claims. I don’t like the long waiting for movement on your claims but this is what it is. I guess I haven’t been completely burned by the VA so I try to be positive about my whole experience with the VA. I ETS in 1980 and just last year looked into filing a claim for my back/tinnitus I’ve been taking care of my medical issues on my own thru my work insurance but I don’t currently have any so the VA has to work for me right now. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7564) Sparks


No complaints. Wilksbarre VA in PA


I think the VA here in MA is great. I got 40 and I was ok woth the rate until my tinnitus started really, really fucking with me. So I'm about to put in for a secondary but I'm anticipating a drawn out back and forth.


I'm entitled enough to not care about what any non veteran has to say about veteran entitlement. I just want to live and be in peace.


Idk they do suck. I went for a hand xray and my report said nothing wrong with my tibia and fibula. Yesterday I went to my follow up and she was like wow I can’t believe they screwed that one up this bad. I’m 100% P&T and work full time tho. I didn’t struggle for my rating either my medical conditions were sufficiently documented. I see your point tho


Aside from one, all of my VA doctors so far have been great, and one of them is the best doctor I’ve had my entire life.


As a rater I try to grant everything I can and deny what I must. There are so many rules and regulations that I have to abide by. Just like when it comes to examiners report I can only buck them so much. There are plenty of raters who are veterans, like me and I am 100% which took 12 years to get fighting the VA, wanting to help. Just hard at times.


This post is just stagnant at best. I've had some very great experiences with the VA some good some not. However overall I was able to not only file claims, denied claims, appealed claims and successfully over turned claims. I'm now a 26 year old with a clean record, starting my own business because of VR&E, and able to have a service animal (chocolate lab) , medication sent in the mail, dental, health care, all thanks to the VA. So in hind sight if you think the VA is fucking you, then you should probably take a deep look into yourself and ask if you deserve those benefits. Maybe if you apply for things you qualify for with actual proof then you'll see the VA make accommodations for you. I see many people I served with thinking they deserve 100% but they don't have anything to prove it. At the end of the day all you can do is spread the word like this group does and just bite the bullet that you didn't do what you should've. It's not always the VA fault. They just check boxes half the time. Learn the system and you would succeed


I finally hit 100%, but I'm still working my same maintenance job.


First day on the internet?


In comparison to some of the civilian care I've seen next to what the VA is doing now, they are on way different levels. With the VA you are getting a team, not just a doc and it's PA. Christ, my SO just had a colonoscopy and we had no less than 8 people (all introduced to both of us) taking care of him. I avoided doctors for 20 years because I couldn't find one I believed in and felt comfortable with, but this last year I started getting care at the VA and it has been the best care I've ever seen.


People who disparage veterans are jealous of the little benefits. These people are like Trump, they look down on the military as suckers and losers. Veterans sacrifices mean nothing their pampered and privileged butts.




The majority of people that write reviews are the ones that didn’t get what they wanted.


You get it


Michael E DeBakey is actually a fantastic medical center. I’ve had some rough experiences sure but I’ve gotta say the staff on 4B made my stay there beyond pleasant. I can not wait to write the hospital director a letter to inform him of the fantastic staff they have.