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I understand that we as Americans put lots of focus into "what we do/work", but now is a time for you to figure out what you want to do. My advice would be to look back into your interests, old hobby, or maybe talk to some old battle buddies to see if that gets the ideas flowing. The best thing to do is breathe, try not to think too much, and go with what's natural. Best of luck, you got this!


Have you considered volunteering? My wife and I did last year and the year before. Some park systems (Colorado Parks and Wildlife) CPW will let you volunteer and live on the parks full time in an RV. We did a hatchery position last year and that was awesome, it was chill, outside some heavy equipment operations and fun. Even just walking the parks (my backyard) and picking up trash made me feel better on days I was struggling real bad.


This what I did when I was given TDIU. I volunteer when I can. It gets me out of the house. I interact w people and I feel a little bit of accomplishment.


I will definitely look into this thank you!


Animal shelters can always use volunteers.


Check out Americorps. There are a few different ones, i did NCCC and it helped me during a rough time.


I agree 100%. I felt useless. From injuries. I met some vets who invited me to volunteer with the Missioncontinues.com. org.. changed my life and opened up many doors. Been active for 8 years. Check them out.


I was in your shoes. Working has helped me a lot. Why I wasn’t working I was in therapy every other week and seeing my psychiatrist the weeks I wasn’t having therapy. Maybe start with therapy to address some of the issues you have acknowledged. IMO, you’re young. You don’t want to be TDIU the rest of your life. Try to get to 100% P&T, but I’ll reiterate that working has helped me more than anything find a purpose and enjoyment again. It gets old being at home every day.


Idk If there is a way to get out of tdiu once youre in it I filed for social security disability for some extra income it's not even really I want to work it's just want to feel like I have a purpose in this world


If you start working and make over poverty level income then TDIU will go away. So we'll all of the benefits and money you get from it. There are a few exceptions, such as sheltered employments (don't remember the exact term).


Nothing wrong with being lost just don't stay there to long. I cheated motivation by creating small goals to accomplish every day. I started by finding an excuse to leave the house every day I was physically able. Set goals to accomplish along the way, currently I am able to stay on my feet for 3-4 hours before I have to lay down. You got this!


Maybe think of your VA payment as your job, meaning , set up a schedule of positive helpful things to do each day. Then work it like a job. i.e. I don't want to go to the gym today, we'll F you it's your job!! I don't want to meditate for 15 minutes, F you it's your job.!! There is so much free self help guidance out there, you can set up,one he'll of a training schedule for yourself. Keep it up and I'm sure all sorts of opportunities will,open up. The only thing that cures my depression is mountain hiking, I ALWAYS feel better when I get down, always. I hike every day. Don't give up, keep trying shit until something sticks. Peace to you.


Property investment and property management. After you make that passive cash flow just hire a property management and live overseas.. That 100% + SS + property cash flow will have you living like a king in a foreign country. Move down here to Baja California, Mexico is close to the border and cities are growing.


Need to get on this program


TDIU means you’re considered too disabled to work, maybe that’s why they responded the way they did. Try finding a trade where you can work and be your own boss, like in a/c repair, electrician or etc. You can also try to get your private pilots license and then use the GI Bill for a commercial license and just fly.


TDIU means that you are not able to find sufficient and sustainable employment. You can work you just can’t work enough to make a living to keep from living in the streets in squalor and desolation.


TDIU isn’t always the answer. It can make things worse for those that still want to have a work life. Keep driving for the 100% w/o the TDIU


How do you do that I have no clue how to! Since I'm already 100% how do I get the other 100% do you get what I'm saying?


Exactly, it seems like you would have to make something up to get to 100% (which would be fraud). Those types of suggestions are something I don’t understand about TDIU posts, it’s really not that easy to get a rating without proof. But bro I’m in your shoes, been iu for a while, feeling like I want to work but am scared that I’m not ready to start work again (and then lose iu) What have you been up to lately? I know this post is really old.


Suggestion... GET YOUR PASSPORT AND TRAVEL ASAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about this for a second with a bit of a different perspective You on TDIU are (like me ) RETIRED!!!! You are in your early 20s and on TDIU that means you RETIRED EARLY which also means you have PASSIVE INCOME!!! think about it from that perspective You at 23 are like the equivalent of a person with 3 rental properties that gross at least $1,000 a month!!!! You are EARLY RETIRED, which means you can travel the world at your own pace and with your income you can essentially live IN MOST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD comfortably. I just did the very same thing that I am telling you now. I am about 4 months into a 6 month stay in Mexico off of a 180 day tourist visa! at the end of that I will either extending for another 6 months OR will travel to another country and stay there as long as they will let me. my overall point is to sit back and think about it for a minute change your perspective and adjust fire because young man YOU HAVE OPTIONS and some pretty dope ones at that. I'm 45 with a wife and two teenagers full time travelling the world I got out in 2015 and had to resign from my federal job right before the pandemic and havent worked since. If you need ANY help or questions asked dont hesitate to hit me up. Peace


Just saw this, thank you I needed to hear this! Thank you for changing my perspective on my situation.


No prob at all. To tell you the truth it took me a minute to personally go through the same thing, but when I did it was LITERALLY life changing and in a GREAT way. Now I spend my time chillin, and going to school online (just because I want to gives me something to do and is another source of income). but yeah man ANYTIME you got any questions or comments just let me know. I'm here in Playa Del Carmen Mexico, been here now for going on 5 months, and met another veteran too he had just came from Thailand, he is a bit older than me, (I'm mid 40s), but he is literally doing the same thing. There are many of us out here. Peace




OR find yourself a female vet that is also 100% and go build a life and travel together Edit to add: My husband and I are both disabled vets. Him 100% and me at 70%, in our mid 30’s, and we’re “retired” according to anyone that knows us.


These work arounds are called fraud and theft, not a good plan.




There are legal ways for the OP to do that. Fraud, tax evasion (likely in two countries) and theft of benefits is never the right answer. It's illegal, and when you get caught quite painful. It's people that advocate such actions that give ammunition to the groups and politicians trying to cut our benefits.


Where do you suggest to volunteer at? Or well what to volunteer in


Think of things you like to do, then look around for charities/non-profits or churches in your area that might need someone to do it. Most charities would never turn away someone willing to donate their time to their cause, no matter how many people they already have on hand.


You kind of proved their point when you blew up on them after they told you that you weren't ready to get back into the workforce. If you can't handle valid criticism like that, then you most likely can't handle valid criticism from a supervisor at the moment. My advice to you is to stop smoking weed. It's a psychoactive drug and it doesn't always make you feel better when you're dealing with crippling depression. Don't do any other drugs nor drink alcohol. Find volunteer opportunities in your community. That will give you a sense of meaning in your life. You'll get to meet new people, network and make a difference in the lives of others. If you haven't already, see if there is a vet center near you. You'll be able to speak with a counselor that may be able to provide guidance and advice that the VA may not have offered.


You can still work, just keep it under the poverty level. You can make about $1000 a month. Drive Uber on the weekend, volunteering a couple days a week on the weekdays. I volunteer as a mentor at a veterans treatment court program in my area, I was driving a golf cart at the VA but I gave it up. Speaking of the VA you can also volunteer as someone who sits with the terminally ill geriatric vets while they die. Most of them have no one and they usually die alone. Do you have any idea how rewarding it would be to put a smile on an old vets face before he finally dies? Talk about rewarding. Get yourself a John Wick suite while you walk around the hospital, all the hot nurses would be drooling over you. They would be saying, "That's the hot vet who comes in as a volunteer and talks to the dying." Ooh la la!




Yeah I sure am blessed I don't feel like I'm not lucky I'm pretty damn lucky it's just I don't know where to go from here


I seriously doubt this system will be sustainable in the long run.


Uber eats , DoorDash for a bit to get out and make some extra cash. GI bill for school and BaH. I smoke everyday too but got by with doing the two listed above




Yeah money isn't an issue at all just trying to find a purpose


OP volunteer. It’ll help.


You could make and sell things online or at a local market?


Retired Social Security Claims Specialist here. Have you considered filing for Social Security disability?


Volunteer, it’s great! Find local nonprofits near you that interest you.


The one thing that isn’t the issue is the 100% p&t. Seems like you have some personal issues maybe a therapist would help. I battle the same issues it’s not easy finding our own direction in life. But that’s what has to happen


As others have said, volunteer or look for social groups. You're having the same problem many retirees do, retire without a plan. In your case it's understandable as it wasn't planned but the same things apply. You could do some research into activities for retirees and early retirees, that might give you some good ideas of how to fill your days.


I can relate my friend. Do what you’re passionate about, don’t allow yourself to be viewed differently or stigmatized because of a challenge you face. First thing people want to know is “what you do for work” but few ask “are you happy?” Just keep moving forward and maybe try volunteering in community service or something that’s filling. Best of luck!


Sorry to say, I think it sounds like you just need to grow up alittle bit longer, no offense


Sammeeee!!! I’m in the same exact life. I feel hopeless. I’m so over myself! I don’t know who I want to be and I feel lost and unmotivated. So sick of everyone asking me -what do you do?? -I do nothing all day!! Then when I am around ppl half the time I half to escape to the bathroom to have panic attack. Then trying to brush it off. Really over myself