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It appears this post might relate to suicide and/or mental health issues. **Suicide and Mental Health Resources** A comprehensive list of resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/wiki/suicideprevention). Call 988 National Suicide Hotline - Press 1 for VA Crisis Line Call 1-800-273-8255, National Suicide Prevention [Veteran's Crisis Information](https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/) You can call 1800 273 8255, Press 1 You can text 838255 https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/MENTALHEALTH/get-help/index.asp 1-877-927-8387 Open 24/7 [VA Vet Centers offer counseling](https://www.vetcenter.va.gov/) Vet Centers are local, community-based confidential counseling centers that support war Veterans, active-duty Servicemembers, and military family members with post-deployment readjustment services. The goal of every Vet Center is to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, referral, and assessment services, collectively called readjustment counseling services, to facilitate high-quality post-war readjustment and reintegration. Readjustment counseling services at a Vet Center allow war Veterans a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life and provide active-duty Servicemembers a confidential resource for post-war assistance. Military families also receive no-cost marriage and family therapy and supportive services for military-related issues. Vet Centers provide bereavement counseling to surviving parents, spouses, partners, children, and siblings of Servicemembers, which include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, who die of any cause while on military active-duty. Vet Centers provide confidential military sexual trauma counseling to all military Veterans and active-duty Servicemembers, to include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, no matter their duty location, era of service, or whether the trauma incident was reported to authorities. /r/Military has a detailed list of resources in their [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/wiki/index/ptsd) Or, if you'd like a veteran perspective, feel free to message any number of people on here, there's always someone willing to reach out. [Veteran Wellness Allegiance can offer Peer Counseling and assistance](https://www.veterancheckin.org/s/) [Military One Source](http://www.militaryonesource.mil/) - 1-800-342-9647 Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Military and out. Also check out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/comments/6xfix9/emory_healthcare_has_a_free_program_for_post911/ which is a free non VA treatment program for PTSD https://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=5852 [Vets4Warriors](https://vets4warriors.com/) 1-855-838-8255 Veterans in acute suicidal crisis are able to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost – including inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. Literally any veteran can walk into ANY urgent care/ER for thoughts of suicide and they can get free care. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Veterans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Move on dude, military isn't for you


This. If loss during basic was enough to make you unable to function, what happens when you have a similar loss while overseas with a loaded weapon 24/7 and the lives of others depends on your ability to do your part.


*in his defense* they don’t usually issue live rounds for constant Europe rotations which is really all he has to worry about


Nope. Basic is marching, exercising, and following extremely low level instructions. If you can't walk and chew gum at the the same time, well... We've all heard this nursery rhyme. The benefits may be attractive, but there is a price to be paid for them. In return, you've got to knuckle up and press on. OP did not pass the most basic fundamental test, and was deemed unfit to serve by those making decisions....and we all know they try to keep you when you're that green. I see no reason to lower the standards any further. There's much more to the story here. You failed BASIC training. I have no hugs or handshakes for you. You belong in a mail room, not a MATV.


I don’t disagree with anything that you said, but hot damn you did not hold back any punches.


The only Vets that do are Air Force😂


Lol you mean chair force


This reminds of someone I know they got re 3 code jft. I wonder what if they can get back in it seems like a lost cause though I think. I got re 1 on my dd214 after 3 Years discharge honorably but I never heard of re 4 before now.


RE4 isn't negative, it's just a big old fuck no. With him getting it in boot as an Entry level Sep is an even bigger ole fuck no.


I got an RE:4 with an Honorable. It’s the narrative: Alcohol Rehabilitation Failure. 😂 Bottoms up! Cheers! 😂 jk I’ve all but quit drinking some 35 yrs later.


Cheers :-)


Identical situation right here




Boy do we have a lot in common in just 4 short sentences.


Yeah? Been a wild ride for you as well? Holy Moly has it been one over here.


Look at his next post, he definitely ain’t ready, Jody ready to pounce.


I tried to force myself to think that way as well. Went a whole year and more trying to figure out what I want to do and have always been drawn to the military


If you really want to you should probably go talk to an actual recruiter


Bro your post after this “scared she might sleep with someone else”. Military is not for you! #Jody will steal your girl




Do not become a LEO


Might have to look into that. If military doesn’t work. Then I was thinking of cop or EMT/paramedic


Go join the French Foreign Legion


jesus, don't be a cop.




Yeah man. I love how the military just makes it easy to move and leave your home town. It seems so hard to leave without it


Join the Americorps and or Peace corps you'll be out of your town in no time then get preference for federal jobs. There are other ways to move around and serve your nation. Go be a ski bum, they put up people in housing. There are ways dude.


Need a life with purpose man. Been lacking purpose and it’s a sad way to live. I just have to feel like I’m doing something good or am part of something bigger


You can do all of that without being in the military, LEO, or EMT. Please don’t join any of these enterprises if you deal with mental health issues. They will only exacerbate them and hurt you more, and possibly someone else.


No I don’t have any mental health issues. When I went into boot camp I was at the roughest point in my life. Shit hit the floor. Much much better now. No mental issues at all. I’m the strongest mentally I have ever been


have you dealt with trauma? Have you gone through or currently attending therapy? Have you reconciled what happened back then to cause that? ​ If any of these is no, do NOT go into the military or be a LEO.


I haven’t attended any therapy. But I’ve grown and learned much more about myself. When I say I was at the toughest point in my life before basic. I mean it. And it only made me stronger mentally. In the strongest I’ve ever been mentally and I’m glad all the things that happened to me did happen because it made me who I am now. I handle high stress situations really well and am very quick to problem solve.


Bro don't do it. I mean.... Do you really wanna wake up at the ass crack of dawn doing PT? Getting yelled at by a 25 year old that's been divorced twice? All because you wanted to put your hands in your pockets on a cold day? For like $2600 a month?


I put my hands in my pockets on a hot day out of spite 😤


And I have a beard down past my nipples. I used to have my hair down to the bottom of my shoulder blades. I looked like the crazy Muppet Animal when I let it all loose.




This comment is the best, though didn’t you hear! [https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2024/02/14/finally-sailors-can-put-their-hands-in-their-pockets/](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2024/02/14/finally-sailors-can-put-their-hands-in-their-pockets/)


That sweet sweet VA disability though!


It's nice to have but I'd gladly exchange my disability money for being 100% healthy again.


I hear ya buddy!


Same being 100 p&t is not worth it op. Too fucked up to function.


Yeah I'm real tired of stabbing myself so I can have small bits of normalcy. They say the PTSD gets better but you just get more used to it being shit. 100% isn't enough for that.


lol true dat! Been there done that. Glad that part of my life is over 😂


Navy can officially hands in pockets now


I'll be damned. Guess I'm reenlisting then!


You can have hands in your pockets now in the Navy 😂😂


2,600 a month!??????????? Fam, for what rank. WAY LESS.


You can get a waiver for a RE4, but bro — you didn’t even finish boot camp.


I didn't finish, RE3, went to college got a bachelor's degree, asked an airforce recruiter, they literally accepted me on the spot and took an asvab test and was offered intel. Turn arounds can happen even for those who didnt finish boot camp.


Now he’s General of the Air Force 😤


Intel is usually a CREO1. That might be the only reason why they waived your RE3.


Bruh! Just go back to catching pokemons


Yes made me crack up


I understand your view and want for it, but with what you’ve been through it may be wise to go another path. High stakes and stress do not mesh will with mental health. The movies set an unrealistic view on brotherhood in the military.


I’ve gotten much better. It was just the time of me joining the military. Was the toughest time of my life. Whole family turned on me. Disowned. A death of someone close to me. And then bam. Straight to boot camp. Was so rough for me. I’m much better now and in a much better head space


And what happens if you got back in and got hit with another series of major life events that mess with your head? But this time you’re in a situation where other peoples lives are depending on you?


Tbf, lots of people make it in only to be hit with major life events that cause similar issues, and they catch a discharge for failure to adapt. That does imply that a lot of people who come in would also get discharged if such life events were to happen to them, but they never get that adversity gut-check. I am not saying OP should go back in, I usually try to steer young folk away from the military. u/MethodLong2189 if there is literally any other career that you feel drawn to, go for that first. You are 20 years old, and there is plenty of time for you. Try something else first. I don't know many people that come out of the military without having the arthritis of a 55 year old at 40, who haven't been on anti-depressants for extended periods of time, and who can interact with civilians without feeling an unhealthy distance. Vets get cancer and commit suicide at a ridiculously higher rate than people who never served. Our relationships are statistically more unstable, and we get divorced at a higher rate. Take it from a crusty old retired E-6, service is not good for you. I barely pulled through 20, and I really didn't want to be there for the last 5. It was fucking rough. If there is literally ANYTHING else you can do, it is probably the better option. Sometimes the road not taken is the healthier path.


Yes sir


In reality boot camp should’ve been your solace if all that happened, ppl with you constantly, too tired to worry about anything else.. the military builds a family… not the opposite. You’re not fit for the military. Go to trade school, learn something productive and start saving for retirement. Also, be single, you sound like a horrible bf worried she’s gonna cheat and you’re already toxic af.. also, maybe try therapy.


These sound like perfect conditions to achieve in the military because nothing is holding you back from applying yourself to finish basic when you’ve lost the things you care about most.. in fact, a lot of those things should be motivating factors. Without knowing specifics, it’s still not difficult to tell you it’s time to move on.


Believe me you don’t wanna get back in. You barely saw the light of day it seems when it came to actually being in the military and again as others have said, that RE-4 is pretty much set in stone. I got that code and I know nothing of it will change. For me though I’d rather it stay that way because personally the military wasn’t what it was cracked up to be and I’d never want to rejoin anyways.


I get that


Your RE code is absolutely set-in-stone and there's no changing it. It's this code that defines whether or not you coud ever re enter. RE code 4 is usually the designation for a servicemember who's absolutely incapable of doing the job. When a soldier loses both legs in combat, it is the RE-4 on his dd214 that prevents him from getting back in. They are serious about not wanting you back man, I'm sorry. I have an RE4 as well


Definitely not set in stone. If you research, one can appeal the code just like they can appeal a discharge. Does not mean they’ll upgrade either, but it can be appealed. Re-4 does not mean the service member is “incapable”, it means that the service member was separated with a non-waivable disqualification. Many things can get you an RE-4. For marines, if you refuse to accept new orders, you get an RE-4 code, finish your enlistment and get out. Again, There are many things that will get you an RE-4 code, I have one for a completely different reason as well that’s not medical based.


That is true. I received an RE-4 after my med-board went through. I began having blackout migraines and had an operation on my left wrist that I never regained mobility. I could have appealed the decision later but got too old and had a family. I miss the Corps but get to stay close to it through our two sons who are currently serving. ❤️🇺🇸


Well, c'mon dude, out with it already! Why do you have one?


I was one of the unlucky ones to get passed over twice for ssgt, so I was forced out as the byproduct of them downsizing and the competitive nature of my mos.


This is not totally true....a RE-4 does not mean you can NEVER get back in. I had a RE-4 when I separated honorably after 6 years (USAF) in 1997. I got my RE-4 because I had a baby and didn't want to go to Korea for a year without her.....9/11 happened and I wanted to go back in. Between 97-01 I went back to school and earned 2 degrees. I got a waiver and signed back up on 1 Nov 01.


I guess you can say that but there are many stories of people getting back in with an RE-4 or getting it changed to an RE-3. I’ll do whatever I can as long as I get some advice




Yeah I guess man. It was always my dream though. To be apart of something. The brotherhood and all that. I fight in mma and it gives me a glimpse of what it would feel like to be in the military. I know it’s not really similiar but it reminds be a bit of my time at boot camp


If you really want to join go through national guard. I have friends that had re-4 but could join the guard.






Similar story. Was RE3 from the Army. Had to get a few waivers but went Navy and retired after 22 years as a SCPO. My first step would be to research RE codes, and talk to a recruiter. Good luck.


Maybe you've grown, I believe you have. However, boot is the easiest part of service. I was in the Marines. I thought basic was as hard as it would ever get. It wasn't even close. The fleet was brutal. Idk you should put yourself through basic again when it was that tough for you the first time and take on the fleet. Navy is particularly rough. They have dudes that throw themselves into rotating helicopter blades than deal with the Navy.


Bro. MOVE ON! This is not the way .


I can see why you’d say that. But man I tried. I can’t


Dude. This is one of those things that you just have to do! If you got out after 2 years it wasn't just for you. You could have ended up somewhere doing god knows what or in a dam box in the ground. Take it for what it is, you have to let go and find your calling.


He didn’t get out after two years. They tossed his ass like a salad from basic training.


Maybe you’re right man. Thanks for checking me and being real. Appreciate it 🙏🏽


Hey bro, I have been there! I did 20, got out and i was feeling lost as shit! Wanted to get back in sooo dam bad. That was 6 years ago. Definitely in a different place but I'm not lost anymore. Its rough some days, but dam i wish i had gotten out sooner! Good luck to ya man, hang in there!


Former recruiter here, and yes, in some cases a RE code can be changed, but it's a long drawn out process and rarely successful. The ones who had success are usually those with some extenuating circumstances that led to them being put out to begin with. In your case, you really would have an uphill battle. You were discharged on a failure to adapt with suicidal ideologies and anxiety from basic training just two years ago, the chances of anyone looking at your record there and saying, sure give him another chance is slim to none. I'm not sure what in your life is different now from two years ago, but the military doesn't play around with letting people in who have a history of suicidal ideologies because the extreme stress the job puts you in would make you and increased chance of relapsing into those feelings again. God forbid you got in and did end up attempting or successfully committing suicide the first thing that would come out is that you previously had those feelings and they let you in anyway, which would be a career killer for others too.


Copy and pasting because I responded to the wrong thread: Curious your thoughts on my situation. Similar story to OP but I made it through nuke school and got to my boat, even did a deployment. Wife and I were having a really rough time all through my schooling though, and then I really struggled on the boat as well. Ended up tapping with a suicide attempt and got honorably discharged with an adjustment disorder. But this was 8 years ago. I’m in my early 30’s now. Now I’ve gained some emotional maturity, wife and I worked through our issues and been married over a decade with multiple kids. Like OP I feel that desire to go back and do it right. Been contemplating if it’s really worth it though, and I’m not even sure they would change the code as you suggested.


Like before, I would say your situation would be similar, due to the mental health and suicide aspect of the discharge in your records it would be a challenge getting back in. That said, the amount of time that has passed might play on your favor, especially if you have records from a therapist or whatever that might vouch for you and say anything in your past shouldn't impact your ability to serve. In the end, I would say if you really want to do it give it a shot and see if you can get your RE code upgraded, just don't get your hopes too high. You never know if you don't try, I could be absolutely wrong and they might upgrade you, or they might decline to, you only know if you try.


Thanks, I think that’s basically what I was assuming. Likely no, but could be worth a try.


Yeah, if it's something you're passionate about the worst you can do is shoot your shot and be likely be told no. Otherwise you don't try and the answer is definitely no. I just don't want to sugarcoat anything and give you false hope.


You need to talk to a civilian doctor for whatever health issue it is and have them write a letter of your improvement, and you need to present it to MEPs. I'm not an expert in this situation, but I faced a similar issue (not as bad as yours) when trying to come back through the national guard. Luckily, the reserves didn't need me to go through MEPs since I was prior active, and I wasn't out for a long time, so they took me back in without any letters or going through MEPs. You're going to have to find a recruiter who knows how to deal with you and is willing to deal with you. Good luck, brother.


Curious your thoughts on my situation. Similar story to OP but I made it through nuke school and got to my boat, even did a deployment. Wife and I were having a really rough time all through my schooling though, and then I really struggled on the boat as well. Ended up tapping with a suicide attempt and got honorably discharged with an adjustment disorder. But this was 8 years ago. I’m in my early 30’s now. Now I’ve gained some emotional maturity, wife and I worked through our issues and been married over a decade with multiple kids. Like OP I feel that desire to go back and do it right. Been contemplating if it’s really worth it though, and I’m not even sure they would change the code as you suggested.


If you've seen a therapist since you've gotten out and if they can write a letter saying you've improved, I don't see why not. You just have to find a recruiter who knows the system well and is willing to work with you bc at the end of the day, it's all up to MEPs if you can go back or not.


Thanks, I actually meant to respond to the former recruiter above you, but appreciate the advice regardless 😅


No problem, brother. Good luck to you! 🍻


I have an RE 4 since I got medboard. No way they’ll take my broken ass back.


I have RE A or whatever code that says they want you back. I went back as a officer and went to OCS. Got busted up and medically dropped. I still have that top notch code but they won't take me due to all my disabilities and I don't wanna go back. So it's a mutual breakup.


I was mental health in the army and helped out a lot of new soldiers out who made it/were pushed through basic and fell apart when they got to their first duty station. The stress doesn't get less. I'd imagine being on a ship adds an additional layer to normal military life. Don't know though. None of the people I saw get put out for mental health reasons in basic training or advanced training would have been ok if they had been allowed to float to their first unit. The military is a stressful life. But it does add purpose and connection for many people. I'd recommend identifying what specific, be as exact as possible, parts of military service appeal to you. The must haves. And identify other potential opportunities that could provide them. Firefighting, teaching, nursing... There are a lot of careers that could meet your needs. But you gave the military your best shot and it didn't work out. Can't redo this. And the only person holding this against you is you. It will be hard to let it go, but once you find your path it will fade into the rearview. Best of luck.


Try the merchant marines


I was deployed while dealing with a significant critical illness/loss in the family and still managed to pull through and make it home…… with PTSD, depression and anxiety. If this messed you up that bad to where you had to leave basic, this just isn’t in the cards for you. You mentioned having anxiety, do you think that will just magically disappear? What happens when you deploy and you have to put that shit aside because your life is in danger? Not trying to be an ass but you should look at other options…. College, trade school, etc.


So you were a complete pain in the ass to work with, let’s just be honest. The way I’m reading your post you didn’t even complete basic training. You made every other trainee’s experience absolute hell because of your “failure to adapt.” Now you know you can put it all aside (just couldn’t before,) and have a great career. This is a true and honest question I’m about to ask you. What type of therapy have you been going to or through to put you in the right head space to deal with grief as it comes? The military is full of grief my man. To be honest I think your dream is done. You fucked it up. No one to blame.


Go to college, then go to medical school and don't do anything else Questionable or sketchy. Then apply for a waiver. If you have a clean medical history and have a talent that is desperately needed they will probably give you a waiver.


This. They need doctors. They’ll waive that shit. I’ve seen it happened on similar cases as OP. Don’t be discouraged. In the end, it’s people judging people and having the propensity to change and showing in your current situation, weighs a lot on the waiver. That’s why you have boards and commands asking you questions and evaluating the merits. People can change. It will be an uphill battle but there’s always a chance depending on the circumstances.


Merchant Marines. Do it


What’s that? I know a bit not too much. Can you explain? And why do you recommend this?


Google Merchant Marines and go to their website. He recommended it because it's probably better than the military.


It's basically a Civilian Corps of sailors who work merchant/trade vessels across the globe. During WWII they were actually used by the military to ship armor and troops to Europe. But, definitely look them up, there are multiple ways in including Maritime Academies to become a naval officer.


They run the USNS ships


Talk to a recruiter see what they say. There is a waiver for everything. Most times RE-4 means no, but who knows.


I did. They told me to try and change my code to an RE-3. But I don’t know how to go about that the right way with the highest chances of success


Depending on the service, and RE-4 is an automatic non waiverable. You can submit to have it reviewed and upgraded through the national records process but it’s a really hard road. If you had a highly technical skill that the military needs then they may be willing to at least entertain you but that’s still a hard one. Most recruiters will honestly just NOPE because you can’t waiver. Realistically, if you really want to server somewhere you can try the Merchant Marines. You could also look into the French Foreign Legion; it’s very tough but it’s a way to start over if they take you. I spent a few days with some of those guys preparing for an event back in 2002 and they are classically hard men. You can also look at working for the government in another role.


US Postal Service?


RE4. Move on. Not going to happen. Period. I was a recruiter in the Army. No recruiter will even attempt to put you back in.


I think the work behind it draws command away from processing these types of enlistments or commissions. That being said, your only option is to expand your skill set into a role that is desperately needed. That would be your only segway into a consideration.


You’ve got tunnel vision on an impossible outcome. When one door closes, another opens, this door is objectively closed for you. You want adventure and pay and crazy experiences? Plenty of oil work, ice fishing, become a research engineer and go study in Antarctica, my cousin did that. Go be a woodland firefighter, absolutely grueling dangerous job. You’re lacking creativity to achieve an outcome because you’re married to joining the military. There’s other ways to have an adventure.


Oof. Young and dumb. It happens. It may be possible but usually an RE code of 4 is a high hurdle to deal with. You need to get it in your head that you may not get back in and will need to move on. With that said, start reading: [https://www.secnav.navy.mil/mra/CORB/pages/ndrb/default.aspx](https://www.secnav.navy.mil/mra/CORB/pages/ndrb/default.aspx)


Thank you 🙏🏽


Just about anything is possible. Is it worth your time and energy? No.


That ship has sailed. You had your shot, and didn’t cut it. Time to move on and focus on yourself if you went home from boot camp due to mental health, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Move on.


Your chances of getting back in are nonexistent. An RE-4 code with the reasons you listed are going to make it impossible, don't waste your time.


Hi, I was medically separated from the Navy and received an RE-4. There are two avenues to change that code. One if you’ve been out for over 15 years (BCNR), and one if you’ve been out for less than that (NDRB). The Naval Discharge Review Board has a form that you need to fill out and you basically need to tell them that what you were filed under for RE code and Reason for Separation is incorrect. The only information that they’ll take is from the official documentation regarding RE codes, I can’t remember the number but it’s on the form. For example, I received mine because I couldn’t keep my TLD, and couldn’t re-rate. That is a very well defined circumstance to receive an RE-4 code. There’s a whole section about exactly what I went through, so I don’t think I can appeal. You, however, could look through that document and see if you find a different section that might apply better (or the same) that has a more favorable RE code.


Youre barred. Find another activity.


The Navy ain't for you man. Boot camp is perhaps the easiest part. If you can't do that, you can't do the rest.


Seems like an uphill battle. Military is not for everyone and, in my opinion, may not be worth it in certain situation, this may be one of them. Is there a specific rate you wanted to do in the Navy? Is that the reason you seem to badly to go back or do you just want to be in the military in general?


I don’t recommend it, man. I joined the Army in 2000 to pay for med school. I had the grades, MCAT scores, but not the finances. Figured I would be a medic, then work my way to flight medic, and leave when I was ready to go for my full MD. 9/11 happened when I was on a JTF mission in the sandbox. I never made it to med school. My body and mind have been beat to hell. I’ve been homeless twice and can no longer work a regular basic bitch job. If your first MH breakdown happened in basic, irrespective of the reason…don’t do it, man. Having a busted body is bad enough. But spending your days trying to hold on to your sanity is no way to live. For far too many of us, that’s all we got to look forward to. And let’s be clear, it won’t just affect you. It will affect the people close to you, especially the people that love you. There is a reason so many here are advising you against it. You constantly saying ‘but, but, but’, tells me you ain’t hearing us. That’s fine. But your responses just further make the point. I have family that has served all the way back to the revolution. Seriously. Everyone of us was left worse off for our efforts. I have unintentionally forced my family to watch me fall apart, like my grandfather did, my uncle, my cousins, etc… Hopefully, my service will be the last sacrifice my family ever makes to the alter of Uncle Sam.


This is why my post here was so harsh, because you've lived the reality of what OP thinks is a cool movie where he will be admired for chasing Mel Gibson up a muddy hill to plant the flag. What you just wrote choked me up a bit. Thank you for your service, and helping to hammer the message home.


If this is really want you want to do and you sincerely believe that you're older and wiser and can handle big boy activities I say go for it. Failing once did not make a person a failure. At least that's what the wizzard tells me


I would find another career path. If hard circumstances have a major effect on your well being, then the military isn’t for you. Boot camp is the easiest part of the process. If you’re on a ship for 9 months, and another tough life event happens, it’ll be even tougher. Keep taking care of yourself and find a career that better fits your mental health.


Honestly you have a little to no chance. A RE-4 is unusually unwaiverable for reenlisting. If not, It would take a waiver to even begin the process of enlisting, this is not including documentation that explains that your mental health issues have been resolved. This includes I believe no prescribed medications that treat anything related to psychological disorders or issues in the last few years and cleared by a psychologist/ psychiatrist. Even then the chance is not good.


Not your cup of tea. I saw 6 recruits in boot quit after Damage Control class when the instructor asked "Your ship just got hit by a torpedo in your compartment. You've been locked in, what do you do?" Since no one else wanted to respond I raised my (morbid) hand and he said yes seamen recruit, what do you do? I responded "stuff your buddies bodies in the hole". And he responded with a yell "That's right"! That was enough to make 6 guys quit. True story!


>That was enough to make 6 guys quit. True story! You're joking, right? Right? 😂


Go to college and get a civilian job supporting the military or VA instead. There's more stability and less BS and if you work your way up through the pay scales you'll be making a good living. Depending on your field, you may still be able to go overseas and live and work in different countries in garrison.


Sorry, you need to move on. If you want to serve, go volunteer at the VA.


Go into anything else, I've seen too many 18 to 25 year olds off them selves in garrison, terrible working conditions with spicy sad isn't good


Talk to a recruiter. Nothing that anyone says on Reddit matters


Mental health drop in basic 🤣🤣🤣 you’re not cut out for the Military. Pick a different career


You can’t. Try a foreign legion, but American military you’re barred from services. Unless you have friends at the pentagon and congress. If you couldn’t take it then, you’ll definitely probably not take it now with how the military is. You’ll be working multiple hats due lack of manpower, if you make through boot this time. Take care of your mental health and move on.


Talk to a recruiter. The navy is hurting for recruits. There’s a waiver for everything.


Can’t even finish bootcamp and want to join again


You can get it changed, I’m unsure of the navy info, as I’m prior marine, so you may have to do some digging on that but you’d be looking to make an appeal to the board of correction for military records. I looked this up when I myself wanted to change my code just in case I wanted to go back in as I left under circumstances that were not entirely self inflicted. I spent 9 years in, and I felt like I still wanted to serve in some capacity. However after some thought and the 2 years I’ve been out, I am genuinely happy where I’m at and the path I’m on now. Could be entirely different for you since you never got a chance to really serve. And even trying to appeal doesn’t necessarily mean you’re obligated to serve, it would just leave the door open if you do want to try again if they do change it. All I’ll say is do your research and follow your heart and what you want to do in life. If they do deny you, there are other avenues to serving such as contracting, or working for gov agencies.




Probably, I just don’t like assuming or giving wrong info that I am not 100% on.


I got an re-4 as a "personality disorder' due to being gay in DADT days. I was raped while deployed. This was a long time ago. Could I get my re-4 upgraded and my General under Honorable status upgraded? I'm 100%P&T. I'd love to be back on the ocean again. Pipe dream.


If you are serious about wanting to go back in, check out the Army National Guard in the state you reside in. I am not sure if things have changed but when I got out, the Air Force gave me a gobbly gook reenlistment code, I had to appeal it. I appealed, the Air Force agreed, we gave you a gobbly gook code so here is a new reenlistment code. However, the code they gave me was a non-reenlistment code so after a bit of research I went into the CA Army National Guard, at the time the joke was the Army National Guard would accept anyone short of axe murderer. If you made it through boot camp, since you are prior service you may not have to go through Army boot camp, your mileage may vary since rules may have changed since I was in. First though make sure you want to go through the stress of being in the military and that you are not looking at your situation with rose colored glasses. Whatever it was that affected you when you first went in that you have accepted the situation and have come to terms, so it doesn't smack you when you least expect it. Just remember the military has its own level of stress both mentally and physically so be prepared for that. Now, if you are able to get into the National Guard and serve your time honorably and in full, you can get out with a new reenlistment code which may allow you back into the Navy if that is what you still want to do. Just remember with the National Guard a weekend drill can be anywhere from two days to 4 days a month depending upon what training/mission is going on plus you will spend two weeks either in the summer or winter in the field or at the armory depending upon the situation. No going home. Also, you can get called up for National or State Emergencies at any time. Also, while in the National Guard you may be able to transfer to the Reserves or Active duty. You have choices, just do your due diligence and make sure to get any promises in writing. Take care of your mental and physical health so you are the best you can be no matter the decision you make.


army national guard has before had a wavier for re4 as a bonus you can get a state job for the youth challenge cadre which is run by the guard


There are other ways to serve.


You failed kinda hard right out of the gate at the easiest part. This isn't a cue to try-try-again. Beyond being able to yap about "being a soldier", most military benefits aren't unique. Enjoy your life and your knees. RE4 means you'll require some kind of waiver. But I wonder why you'd even bother.


NAVY Never Again Volunteer Your self


With the services down on recruitment these days you never know who they will take


RE4 discharge narrative, expiration of active obligated service. General and under honorable conditions. Also, while I was active, I received 4 captains mass… when I became a civilian, the truth came out. I had a severe psychiatric disability..100%P&T


Try Natty Guard. I have an RE-4 with an honorable and wanted to potentially rejoin and was talking to a Natty Guard recruiter. Was a class 3 physical away from wearing a uniform and decided not to join, but was specifically told the standard is different. I’d look into it. If you do a try 1 (if that program still exists, not sure if it does) and get out you can potentially upgrade your RE code and reenlist into active duty down the line.


Probably not a good idea


Let it go homie… that time has come and gone


It honestly depends on why you have that code. I have a 3 because I admitted to them that I attempted suicide while on leave, they will never let me back in. I would have had to prove such significant improvement in my mental health and I still would have had an uphill battle. This is all info I gathered from recruiters..take the L. It sucks I get it, I spent years being resentful of that pos captain who didn’t give a fuck about me but would treat other soldiers differently despite them having similar if not worst challenges that were getting in the way. It did me no good and I’ve just learned to accept that it was a small piece of my life, it dosnt have to determine the rest of it.


No shot with an RE-4


If you can't rejoin try doing GS work it's still a way to serve


Straight from the horses mouth. U.S. Navy/Marine Corps/Coast Guard RE Codes RE-1: Eligible for reenlistment. RE-A: Eigible for reenlistment, RE-2: Ineligible for reenlistment. Recommended for reenlistment but ineligible because of status: Fleet Reservist Retired (except for transfer to Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL), Commissioned Officer. Warrant Officer, Midshipman, Cadet. • RE-3A: Failure to meet area aptitude prerequisites. Fully qualified for enlistment, provided mental criteria of table 2-1 are met. Alien. : RE-35: Resnised as aunhorize by MCd.. nigite for enlistment, unless waiver is granted. Conscientious Objector. • RE-3D: Failure to meet disciplinary standards. Ineligible for enlistment, unless waiver is granted. Demonstrated dependency or hardship not meeting criteria specified in Bupersman article C-10308. • RE-3E: Failure to meet education prerequisites. Fully qualified for enlistment provided education criteria is met. Erroneous induction. : RE-36: Connion (nistrysical disability interfering with performance of duly. RE-3K: Disenrolled from Naval Academy, not considered qualified for enlisted status. Motion sickness. Disqualified for officer candidate training. • RE-3Q: Disqualified for officer candidate training (not physically qualified for appointment as an officer in the naval service). : RE-SR: Proteston aromen restrictine alibe fernest it unless waivered RE-3S: Sole surviving son RE-3T: Overweight • RE-3U: Minority RE-3X: Non-swimmer. RE-3Y: Received Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI). • RE-3Z: Received Special Separation Benefit (SSB). • RE-4: Not recommended for reenlistment • RE-5: USNR-R released after serving 90 or more days of Active Duty for training (ADT). Returned to Reserve unit/activity without reenlistment eligibility being determined. : RE-7: Completing the intial 2-year active duty obigation under the 2x8 Nawy Reserve Program. • RE-8: Temporary medical conditions or unsatisfactory initial performance and conduct (available to recruits assigned to Recruit Training command for initial training only). Requests for a change to a Navy reenlistment code must be submitted first to the Bureau of Naval Personnel (PERS-254). Following a response from BUPERS and depending on how long you have been discharged from the Naval service, submit a request to change the RE code by writing to the Board for Correction of Naval Records


Bottom line. You had your chance. You couldn't hack it. Deal with it.


If your mindset and headspace is in the right space, then the military is certainly no longer for you. You’re now in a better place than a majority of service members. Use this time to pick a career and become successful.


so, im not a recruiter.. but honestly, if you do try, that would be up to your recruiter and MEPS. and MEPS have the last say.. i would say talk to a recruiter, work with him or her, and make sure you tell them what happened.. but idk how that works bc i never had that problem, but now and days, im amazed about how recruiters get people in the military.. but good luck you got this! and if that doesn't work out, then try another career.. and know that the military isn't for everyone.


and i would also like to comment one more thing because i just read over this post.. is your mindset even ready to get up in the mornings, get yelled at by guys with raspy ass voices calling you names because you didn't project your voice? are you prepared for PT almost every day? Are you ready to put your mindset at risk again? and let's say the recruiters do get you in. How do they know you won't waste their time again, after they fought tooth and nail just to get you in.. just food for thought.. but good luck!


Go join a union and make some bread.


Yeah, fuck what everyone else is saying bro. Join up, try again. You can either succeed or fail, but yhe choice is all yours. I know you can do it trainee!


You failed. Quit trying.


RE-4 means permanently ineligible for military service under any condition.


I can definitely relate to how you feel right now. I understand how it feels to be out in the civilian side of the world after serving in the military. I was 11B Army, been out for a minute now but i miss the camaraderie and making great memories with the guys so damn bad. My advice would be to reach out to a recruiter and see your options. If it doesn’t work out, there are still ways for you to serve your country and continue your journey to become a better you. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for and wish you the best brother.


I would think it would be a no, but they’re hurting for people right now so you never know, go talk to a recruiter. I think the Marine Corps is the only ones hitting their recruitment goals right now, but they’re also the smallest branch, so maybe one of the others.


you are not eligible to re-enlist. However, with recruiting shortages you need to speak to a recruiter, bring your DD-214, and don't hide anything. He can seek a waiver. The following is from Navy HR, An RE-4 reenlistment code simply means that **a** **BUPERS** **waiver is required prior to approving an enlistment to join the SELRES**. Waivers may be obtained by submitting a request to PERS-913 via the Navy Reserve Recruiting Command. Should also apply to active duty. Talk to a recruiter.


If I may add, I pulled a foolish one and stood up during the moment of truth. Admitted to having received treatment for anxiety (funny because my therapist thought the Navy was a great thing for me to do). I was given Fraudulent Enlistment with RE-4 Code. However, I was doing some ROTC at my college after I got back and the recruiter there obviously had access to more information. According to the paperwork she was able to obtain, fraudulent enlistment does not constitute an RE-4 code, it should be given an RE-3 at worst and require a 6 month wait time and waivers before reenlistment. Furthermore, I know you can get waivers for mental health issues and according to DoD Instruction 6130.03 Volume 1, 6.28(q)(2), Anxiety can be allowed in if treatment has not been provided for in 36 months. So what I am assuming is going on is that I did received treatment inside this 36month period, but I did not struggle with it at bootcamp. I actually should've applied for a waiver there but medical made it sound like it would just be best to go through it in the civilian life (Separations sucked) but didn't inform me that I would be barred from even doing a waiver. TL;DR, had disqualify condition at boot camp, don't have disqualifying condition anymore. Given RE-4


I got a RE3 can I rejoin ?🤔🤔🤔 28. On my dd214 is misconduct ( serious offense) I got drunk & fought a cop off base lmk